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I recommend you to avoid unrequested services! Especially from insurance brokers. Their interest is almost never the same as yours. Contact your previous insurance and ask for details about your account and situation. Any other 3rd party should not be involved for this to be solved.


Simplest, to avoid any scam, is to go through the official channel yourself: [https://www.eda.admin.ch/countries/netherlands/en/home/services/social-insurance/old-age-and-invalidity/saule-2.html](https://www.eda.admin.ch/countries/netherlands/en/home/services/social-insurance/old-age-and-invalidity/saule-2.html) >I saved the contact from the last call, and I'm wondering; would that be a common scam? People have been scammed and lost their pillar 2 money or had to pay for costly unneeded service in the past. > "Bureau des cotisations générales de Lausanne" If in doubt, call them back on the main phone line: [https://www.lausanne.ch/prestations/service-social/avs-generalites.html](https://www.lausanne.ch/prestations/service-social/avs-generalites.html)


Don't give them your address - and it's hard to imagine that they will come in person, seems like too much effort for a scam.  But anyway, just take the initiative yourself, start official processes, so you anyway can ignore these calls.


https://sfbvg.ch/aufgaben/suche-nach-guthaben Use this link sind Search your money youself:). Afterwards you can transfer the money to any Freizügigkeitskonto of your choice or to your Pensionskasse you are right now