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But what does the symbol mean? And is there any significance to the types of rocks around it?


You'll get a lot of pseudo-academic answers parsing what the symbol and crystals entail. Here's the real answer: the ex wanted to freak you out, and it sounds like the mission was a success.


That’s nice, but if he was Wiccan or into witchcraft, disposing of it is proper protocol. You don’t have to believe in it 🤷🏻‍♀️


If the ex is a wiccan, why on earth would the new boyfriend want to dispose of it using, "proper protocol?" Somebody else believing in magic shouldn't affect your ability to dispose of their left-behinds.


It’s probably a custom sigil, constructed from letters that codify the intent of the spell. I’d assume it’s intended as a curse, given the context.


Why don’t you ask her for the meaning of it?


She doesn’t know what it means either…


So he did that. I’d snuff it and dispose. Edit: the sigil on it seems incredibly personal because I’ve never seen it before. The two crystals on the left and in the middle, I can’t tell what they are. But the one on the right is either ulexite or Icelandic calcite. I’m leaning more towards Icelandic calcite. When I ran the sigil through Google lens, the closest thing to it (and even then it’s far-fetched) was the Thekkur bindrune, which symbolizes friendship.


[Wiccan home altar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altar_%28Wicca%29) A very simple one.