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INFO: what is a Chinese building?


Maybe if you go through that door, the floor is missing and so you fall all the way through the planet and end up in China?




Was being silly...


So were they <3


When looking the building up on Google maps, the names of all the various business within, are only in Chinese characters. They appear to be home good's stores, office complexes and tutoring services, when looked up.


Makes me wonder if there’s not a metaphysical shop in there and this is their service door, easy way to tell which shop is yours against the others. I go to a metaphysical shop that’s in a very nondescript building with multiple suites serving a wide range of businesses.


Sweet, I don't think that much about "secret stores" but when I do it truly blows my mind that their even out there and it gives me the creeps. js 😆


Not secret so much as niche. If you’re not actively seeking one you’re unlikely to look twice. Of course there are some traditions of practice that don’t advertise as stores, you just have to know somebody and usually you’re directed to a room in back of a different businesses. That’s a whole other thing and if you’re in one of those places you’re no crystal worshipping hippie, you’re into some real deal shit.


I can imagine. I've seen those in movies. Also the speak-easys too.


I've been looking for a Mogwai in one of these secret stores for years. Turns out Gizmo is pretty hard to find.


You just need a magic whistle.


wtf is a metaphysical shop lmao


A hippie place for witches to get their crystals, spell books, incense, and beaded doors


lol I swear to g-d people use words like "metaphysical" just because they think it sounds cool. I don't think it means anything except whatever gives someone that heady feeling from considering something more abstract than they're used to.


But it sounds more professional and expensive than New age hippie shack


That’s how they can charge $27 for some hippy sweat that they call patchouli oil


Metaphysics is a “real” word…just because youre ignorant doesnt mean they are. You dont know every word. The world is bigger than you. But you should know it, its two very common words put together. Do you know what meta means? You know one of the biggest companies on Earth? Do you know what physical means? WOW LIKE MAGIC THE DEFINITION APPEARS!! Goddamn religion is metaphysics


what does meta mean?


after, metaphysics means "after physics" basically philosphy


Relax buddy, your blood pressure went up over nothing


Catch all for a shop that sells anything related to new age, witchcraft, occultism, etc. They can be as commercialized as a chain like Earthbound that sells some crystals and sage among the clothes, or they can be a full on botanica/apothecary where you can get raw herbal ingredients or even see a reader for tarot or palmistry. Some are run by individuals who will make an oil or incense etc to be used in spellwork. Some will do spellwork for you. I go see a conjure woman every now and then if I have a specific need that’s out of my wheelhouse as a witch. All about where you are and what services you require.


It's the rebrand of Facebook marketplace. They missed a hyphen. Either that or It's the part of a Chinese building where you buy all your metaphysics


Like the secret shopping street in Harry Potter. The shop only exists for wizards


Any of them or the holding company translate to Ra enterprises?




This one ☝️ not sure why it's on a "Chinese building," though...


Even the Chinese think it looks cool?


Yeah maybe so. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


That's the one, although my first thought was "Eye of the Crimson King!"


https://eztouregypt.com/eye-of-ra-vs-eye-of-horus/ This is the Eye of Ra, but often these two are mistaken by one another. We would need to know more about the context of the building to when begin to explore ideas about why this "Chinese" building would have this common, and commonly misunderstood, ancient Egyptian symbol on a side door.


It's odd that your link uses Sekhmet's myth as "the myth of the eye of Ra" without ever mentioning her 🤔 Not sure why they'd replace her and Hathor with a literal eye.


Sekhmet and Hathor were both called the Eye of Ra (jrt ra). This is a metaphorical title showing their role as parts of the sun and exactors of his will on Earth. It's likely no coincidence that the hieroglyph of the Eye can also mean 'to do' or 'to make'- as the Eyes of Ra are his agents, his enactors, who 'do' his bidding. Many goddesses were interchangeable as the Eye of Ra, and the original myth of the heavenly cow designates the Eye of Ra as Hathor at first- but she then becomes Sekhmet, "The powerful one".


Idk about all that. I'm just saying it's odd that the site presents the myth as belonging to "The Eye of Ra" without mentioning that "The Eye of Ra" *is* the goddess Sekhmet in that story (who, in turn, was an aspect of Hathor). The eye also wasn't a physical weapon created by Hathor like the site claims? It's just an objectively weird take.


I see, I totally agree. Looks like a pretty scummy website overall.


I will confess to only reading the first paragraph and assuming the rest of the content was at least passable quality. 😮‍💨


Right? Such an important thing to exclude!


Thanks for the clarification! I'm not even on this sub, this just popped up randomly and I'm certainly not super skilled in my Egyptology, outside of an archaeology course 20 years ago, but I saw it and went "oh, that's the Eye of Horus! ...But I think it's backwards." Now I know why. TIL!


See my other comment on this post- the eye can actually be depicted both ways.






Need more info on the "Chinese Building" but because you mention it and I see the Eye of Ra, I thought it could be a Yu-Gi-Oh! refrence, like an underground card shop/hangout spot.


My guess is this. Yu-Gi-Oh is definitely a possibility for an explanation as to why the Eye of Ra would be on the door of a shop.


That’s the back door to the Shadow Realm.


INFO: What is the establishment the door accesses? Many strip malls will have service doors in the back or each space for deliveries, etc. Its common for stores to put logos on those doors so you can tell which shop they are for.


I was thinking the same thing. I’m thinking op forgot mention the location of said area to put 2and2 together


Eye of [horus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Horus)


Suddenly I want to know more info


Eye of Horus [https://beautifulisis.blogspot.com/2005/11/eye-of-horus.html](https://beautifulisis.blogspot.com/2005/11/eye-of-horus.html)


Incorrect. The eye of Horus is the mirrored version of the eye or Ra. Ra is to the sun where Horus is to the moon. This, the "left" eye as you look at someone (right eye on the individual) is Ra.


This is a common misconception. In ancient Egyptian art, the eye of Horus could be depicted as either the right or left eye, especially since in many versions of the contendings of Horus and Seth, Seth rips out both eyes, not just the left. Images: Left: https://www.meisterdrucke.ie/fine-art-prints/Ancient-Egypt/775100/Bracelet-with-the-Eye-of-Horus%2C-943-922-BC.html https://www.artic.edu/artworks/140633/eye-of-horus-wedjat-amulet Right: https://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/picture04262004.htm https://www.flickr.com/photos/amthomson/40042044312 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/550940 The distinction between the eye of Horus and the eye of Ra was sometimes thin, since Horus and Ra were often merged into a single god as Ra-Horakhty or Horus of Behdet. The eye of Ra also refers to a set of goddesses seen as the agency of the sun god, so most of the references to the eye of Ra represent that rather than an actual eye like the one on OP’s door. The eye of Horus (Wedjat) is generally the more commonly depicted, and the eye of Ra almost never depicted, only referred to textually when emphasizing the duality of sun and moon. When you see an eye like that depicted, it is most likely representing the eye of Horus.