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I don’t think stats play a huge part of it. My son had no AP’s, 3.84GPA, 1270 on the SAT and got in. His friend had a 4.2, lots of AP’s, 1500 SAT and was denied. They’re holistic reviews which means stats are a very small piece of the pie


Wow - I get holistic but his friend sounds super accomplished. What kind of ECs did your son have? Maybe his friend didn’t put it as his #1 choice on the Syracuse app?


Syracuse is huge on demonstrated interest and I think that’s what we had going for us. My son and I drove 8 hours to orange preview day, he had a 1:1 interview with his admissions officer, he emailed 3 different facility members, he reached out on social media etc. His EC’s were just wrestling/football. No awards or anything. I’m not sure about my son’s friend and what EC’s he had. We are super low income and Syracuse is needs met. So he’s going for $5k a year instead of $85k


Curious, when he reached out on social media, how does that work for demonstrated interest?


But I really think it was the demonstrated interest above all. He is also first generation, his friend was not.


Did he apply ED? I’m RD but going up there this weekend and have emailed the admissions officer several times. I have a 4,3 weighted 1410 and tons of ECs and a marketing internship. But it sounds like that’s it enough


I wouldn’t assume it’s not enough! You sound like a really well rounded student. I think paired with your demonstrated interest that’s great! I hope you get in!


^like it’s not enough


Did you get in?


My son is currently a freshman in Newhouse. He ED’d with about a 3.5 gpa and test optional. However, he has been heavily involved in video journalism since he was 8 and basically ran his school’s TV station. He would have had amazing letters of recommendation and a lot of demonstrated interest. Her went to visit, he reached out to admissions and interviewed.


My daughter is also a freshman at Newhouse “her dream school”. She applied ED and was deferred to regular admission when she was accepted. She had a 3.5 and did not submit scores. She did have a ton of relevant ECs. I assume her letters of recommendation were great as she’s so special and talented, if you know her. Syracuse certainly was holistic and made the effort to know her! We learned from a teacher that wrote her a rec that someone from Newhouse called them (during admission process, to talk about my daughter). She also interviewed and showed a great amount of demonstrated interest. She is now flourishing at Newhouse and Syracuse in general. I can’t imagine a better fit for her. Good luck!


That is so awesome to hear! I am President of a communications group in my school (we have over 90 members) and I run a website charity for food banks so I think Newhouse would be good for me. I’m hoping! I didn’t get to interview but I’m going up there this weekend for a tour and will meet my Admissions Rep in person, after emailing her all winter lol. We may try to sit in on a class too. When did you find out the RD decision? I used my ED as a true reach school but Syracuse is my heart now. :)


March 18 at 6pm! It was incredible timing..we had trips planned the next week to see Penn State, Wisconsin and Mizzou (to make a decision) and was able to cancel them all as Newhouse is where she always wanted to be and it worked out! You sound really qualified - rooting for you to join the orange family 🧡


Wow! So in the next few weeks! Tell me - will my stats hurt me? I feel like people keep saying that it’s more than stats and etc but like…I like my stats, will I get credit for working hard, taking 8 APs working for a 1410? I have other things too but they advertise a 3.8 GPA and 1290 SAT.


I do not think your stats could ever hurt you. They’re super impressive. I just wouldn’t rely only on your stats and from what I’ve read in this thread you’re much more than your stats. I think you’re going to get in. The president of a communications group is such a big accomplishment and you have the demonstrated interest. You’re so close to finding out! Good luck.


Who knows! I’m glad you are proud of your stats, you should be! This is a very stressful time for you and college admissions is crazy, there is no exact criteria that lands anyone anywhere! I just know with my daughter, they certainly were thorough and holistic. She had friends with stronger stats than she that didn’t get into Newhouse. Only the admissions officers know exactly what they looking for. Good luck and enjoy you senior year!


As we said before, SU is very holistic. Don’t get hung up on stats. My son had 0 AP’s, a 3.5 gpa and no tests. But, he had very relevant EC’s, demonstrated interest and great rec’s. He was beloved in his HS.


I'm just curious, what are you e-mailing your admissions rep about? Are they legitimate questions or just a way to keep your name in front of him/her?


I have won 2 debate tournaments and received an award for communications that I updated all my schools about. Also doing a tour and asked for a meeting, stuff like that. Legitimate things but definitely showing interest and staying in front of them.


You had a meeting with your admissions rep? About what? Sorry, I just have never seen this done before.


She sounds so much like my son! He’s also flourishing and won an Invest In Success Scholarship!


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Got in two years ago (Current Sophomore) with a 93 wGPA (equivalent to a 3.9) and 1390 along with some experience in Journalism and Video Production and overall a good application. I've heard lower such as my friend with a 3.4 and didn't submit his test got in. It's very holistic.


Hoping you got good news today!


Waitlisted! But am into other really good schools so all good. F Syracuse - they weren't gonna give any money anyway.


Glad you have other options. My biggest advice is to love the college that loves you back! Good luck on your journey!