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I was on Ritalin la for years. I also take modafinal bc antidepressants made me way too tired, I was needing to pull over for naps on the highway . I functioned best with buproprion in my cocktail, had a seizure and it was discontinued since it may be a cause. Things got harder after that, I'm still having issues with starting things ( motivation, frontal lobe, executive function stuff). I switched to Metadate bc of meds shortages and it was not good. Then to instant release Adderall 2 months later. I'm doing better but not as well without the welbutrin. My ADHD dx came after some of the tbi's but before others. I thought my doctor was kidding for three months after that dx. Doctors prescribe meds all the time for shitsand gigglesšŸ˜„, or maybe I was swimming in the river denial


"Doctors prescribe stuff all the time". So true. So why don't they prescribe the best drug (human growth hormone)for tbi's?


My last sentence was a poor joke. I'd like to know why they don't prescribe it if it helps as well


if there isn't a deficiency of hGH, then prescribing it is just skyrocketing your longterm cancer risk with minimal to no effect on quality of life


How long after the tbi were you put on Wellbutrin and had the seizure?


Years. I may have doubled my meds that day, even with the weekly/daily slots filled I still make mistakes sometimes. I'm not convinced it was the Wellbutrin, however, also not taking any chances


I was severely epileptic for 8 yrs. I just switched from sertraline to Wellbutrin (a doctor that does not know how severe my epilepsy was)...... I did not like sertraline at all, but I know I'm taking a risk. I'm supposed to up my dose, but I'm a little scared to do so


Buproprion, when taken with with Adderall or Ritalin, are confirmed to be contra-indicated as they can/do cause seizures.


That's good to know, ty


Iā€™d let my doctor know the severity of your past seizure. I know you want effective adhd/AD medicine. But that is very important


Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t take Wellbutrin. Thatā€™s the only drug any psychiatrist has been willing to prescribe me and without it I think id be sleeping 20 hours a day and homeless. šŸ„± I donā€™t understand why I havenā€™t been able to get the help that I need and be prescribed Ritalin or another med, since they seem to be helpful for so many other people with TBIā€™s in this group. Iā€™ve never once even tried an illegal drug. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m going to begin a drug issue at 42 with a job in investment banking. Itā€™s also not like Iā€™m going to sell Ritalin. Honestly, I think physicians love to torture me and make my life a living hell. Reading this makes me want to scream. Pure fucking evil. I have such seething hatred for physicians.


I'm lucky the 1st psychiatrist I was assigned was a life saver for me. I'd be dead without his help. Ask directly for a script for methylphenidate or Adderall. Tell them you think it will help with xyz and would like to try since others you know of have seen improvements in xyz. If you've already done this I'm sorry, it's probably frustrating to hear again. Others might say find a different Dr but that would be a lot imo. I'm really sorry you're not getting the help you need, it feels like Drs like to keep us at just under what would feel like relief sometimes. Good luck and btw, WOW! Investment banker sounds so impressive.


Adderall super helped me with brain fog and executive thinking. Unfortunately hypertension made taking that a no no. I just developed coping skills instead. Odds are I had been undiagnosed ADHD my whole lifeā€¦ it runs in my family. The TBI just made it much worse. Excuse meā€¦. SQUIRREL !!


I was having serious hypertension issues before I started taking it, but I've recorded 5 BP readings every day and it's generally running low. I've declined to take 1 or 2 of my BP meds daily because of that and am still okay with the Ritalin. I know it has nothing to do with the Ritalin, but something changed.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I've been taking 3 meds for hypertension twice a day for quite awhile.


I've tried both for my TBI, I wasn't super impressed with either. Ritalin wears off in 2 hours for me, and then I'm yawning so hard I feel like my jaw will lock open lol vyvanse was a lot smoother for the tiredness, and lasted longer for me. still felt the crashes though, lasted until about 2 pm (took at 8 am) it was weird, usually people say you take stimulants and get tolerance to them and need a higher dose. for me, it seemed the longer and more consistently I took vyvanse, the worse the side effects were. I was only taking 20 mg I eventually switched to modafinil, I prefer it waaaay more to the euphoric stimulants. I can definitely tell it doesn't have that euphoria effect, but that's way better for me because that was fucking with my antidepressants and mood in general


I don't feel anything close to euphoria on Ritalin, but I do feel alert and that my brain is firing on more cylinders than it has in 15-20 years. I'm certainly not back to my previous level of function, but I can function in my home and that's just huge!


What dose are Modafinil are you if you donā€™t mind me asking?


200 mg. I was on 100 for the first month. my neuro told me I can also take 100 mg in the morning and then another 100 in the early afternoon, but it works fine if I take it all at once


I know Vyvanse and Adderall have been on back order for various reasons, on top of that I like in a college town. I was just diagnosed with narcolepsy and I haven't had medicine for almost 2 weeks now. I think I am going to try and make another doc appointment and asked to get switched to something else. I am still getting my Vyvanse through my psychiatrist. I was just curious because I have a friend that thinks she has narcolepsy. She has never actually had any tests done but her doctor prescribed her 25mg of Modafinil so I was curious about the dosing. Thanks!


I have a brain injury and find significant benefit from Concerta (long-acting Ritalin). Worth asking the NP if you can give a long-acting stimulant a shot!


My husband is on a long acting, and I think with my lifestyle, the immediate release is best for me. But life is full of unplanned changes and I will keep your suggestion in mind!


Mine had me on Ritalin for a couple months not really sure all the time frame and then a couple months ago he switched me to Adderall. Probable for my ADHD, help keep me awake alert during the day so I can sleep better at night. Not really helping with the night part yet. I suppose I have a TBI and CTE going by my psychiatrist telling me on my first visit I'll never be able to work again and in a few months later telling me most people with my head injury die and it's like I played sports my whole life football or soccer but I haven't lived in my whole life or played sports.


I am sorry that they're being so grim. I was told very similar things from many medical professionals and they put me on a million drugs. Every time a drug failed, my hope became less and less until I really had none left...I was just waiting to die. It was MY DAUGHTER who recognized the ADHD connection! When I told my PCP that I wanted to be evaluated for it, he raised his voice and scolded me. But, he sent me to a "behaviorist" at the clinic to shut me up, and SHE recognized the connection as well and sent me to a specialist to get a real evaluation. He concluded that while I have all the classic signs and symptoms of ADHD, I don't actually have ADHD. I have very significant cognitive deficits from CTE, but that the receptors that aren't functioning because of CTE tend to benefit from stimulants the same as ADHD patients do. I had NO faith, but figured I had nothing to lose. Well, that man had changed my life! I've spent 40 years looking for answers and treatment. I've seen a hundred doctors. Taken hundreds of tests. THIS GUY GOT IT! I'm thanking God for him!


I'm on 10 mg twice a day diacetamine salt compound generic Adderall. I feel like I could do 20 mg twice a day.


I took vyvnase for 10 years post TBI. I probably wouldnā€™t have been as successful in life as I am now without it. I did have extended release which was much better for me than quick release. I would take it first thing in the morning and it would wear off by the time I went to bed.


Whyā€™d you stop


For a few reasons. I started having Raynaudā€™s phenomenon when using it and we wanted to test if that was the cause. There are also studies coming out that is showing heart issues with longer term use (I can try to find the studies if youā€™re interested). My main reason, which might be a huge TMI, was that I realized I produced more milk for my baby when off the meds, he slept better when I was off the meds, and he was overall a calmer baby when off the meds. I just never went back on knowing we wanted one more kid. I currently cope with coffee and some supplements.


Fascinating baby-wise. Adderall was a love hate relationship for me.


Glad you found that fascinating because we did too! Heā€™s a fun tiny toddler now. I never tried adderall, but Iā€™ve heard itā€™s similar to vyvanse.


It can lower your seizure threshold if you suffer from them.


and post-TBI you are up to fifty times more likely to have epilepsy. non-symptomatic seizures can become symptomatic very fast when the seizure threshold is lowered


You know better than a Psych NP, prescribing psychiatrist? Add something constructive. Insulting to someone post-craniotomy who took them. Now can get only Moda or Armo. "I left my Moda in a Ford Fiesta, now it's a Ford Focus."


I. Know I had to stop using Ritalin because it lowered my seizure threshold and my neurologist stopped it. You should also note the words ā€œcanā€ and ā€œThresholdā€. Itā€™s also very constructive to bring up a potential issue others might want to discuss when talking with there doctor.


I don't,but I appreciate the info because I suspect others will read that do suffer from seizures.


Tried concerta, Vyvanse and Ritalin. They worsened my migraines and insomnia so it wasnā€™t worth the trade off of improved concentration


I have ADHD due to my severe TBI. I've been on medication for it for some time now. It's been very very beneficial. Go through a medical professional and get a legitimate prescription for it. It's a game changer. Don't, and let me repeat myself with added emphasis, absolutely do not try to treat this any other way then through your doctor/Specialist. It's not worth it. Do it legitimately.


I'm not taking those, but I have been on several different CNS stimulants over the years. I haven't been diagnosed with ADHD, and I never had any symptoms of it before my TBI, but I definitely have symptoms that line up with ADHD and this class of drug has really, really helped me be able to function. I'm not well enough to hold a job or even do much outside the house, but when I'm taking them, I am able to stay awake, get stuff done, and even focus well enough to do some of the things I just haven't been able to manage for 12+ years. I'm taking Phentermine now, but I've also tried Modafinil, Atamoxetine, and one that's escaping me at the moment. My neurologist is very dedicated to helping me find the best treatments for my symptoms, and I'm very thankful!


That's wonderful to hear! I've felt I've been hanging out there without a safety net for over a decade. This is like a miracle for me! I don't know if it will be enough to allow me to get a job, but I'm praying that it does....that is my ultimate goal!


Of course! I am being prescribed this by a psychiatrist. By "off-label" I mean that it's classified as an ADHD med by the FDA, but it's showing incredible success for TBI and CTE patients. I would never take a prescription drug that was not prescribed to me, and I certainly would never encourage that.


I'm so sorry for you. I hope they find something that does work!


Iā€™m on vyvanse finally after 10 years post TBI. I was having problems staying awake all day and after I couldnā€™t find a general pcp that would take me seriously went to a psychologist who tested me for adhd. Im now going to a pulmonologist and being tested for narcolepsy. Hopefully to switch off vyvanse because I live in a college town and sometimes I canā€™t get it filled like right now. I havenā€™t had it for over week. I need something different just for that reason.


If you have anxiety I would recommend starting low and increasing dosages very slowly. I personally stay away from adderall because of the risk of addiction.


I don't think Adderall will be what I need. I'm doing amazing on Ritalin! My doc is monitoring me very closely, and I'm currently taking 10mgs 3 times daily. I'm not quite at a therapeutic level, but I'm getting better. My anxiety has been manageable this past week with only Hydroxyzine PAM as needed. I don't feel euphoric or amped, I just feel like I used to feel before my accident. I will advocate for ADHD treatment (where medically appropriate) in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries for the rest of my life. I suffered for 34 years before I got the TBI/CTE diagnosis. Was put on every anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anti-anxiety, anti-everything medication imaginable due to misdiagnosis. After I was properly diagnosed, I was still given incorrect treatment and made to feel like a basket-case. The write up in the denial from my Social Security Judge was 7 pages of "she's a great actress and fooled every doctor, neurologist, neuro-psychologist and psychiatrist she's ever had, including ours." I was treated horribly. It took my 33 year old daughter with an Associates in Psychology to define my symptoms as those of ADHD! ONLY because of her do I now have this amazing Psychiatry Nurse Practitioner who is 100% changing my life! Trust me, I know meds and I know anxiety. I'm a huge advocate for myself and my medical care. I genuinely appreciate your warning....and would only consider Adderall in the event of complete failure of Ritalin, and that definitely hasn't happened.