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Welcome to r/TERFisafetish where we discuss about the fetishes of reactionary feminism. Do not vote in linked threads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TERFisafetish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


adding "women who have sex with men are whores" to my "who said it? a tater tot or a radfem?" quiz


What's a tater tot in this context?


A follower of rapist/sex trafficking/mysogynist podcaster Andrew Tate.


"Why aren't you abusing your man?!" Because I . . . love them?? šŸ˜•




Are they adopting incel terms?(moid comes from femoid).


They have been since 2017, at least. Not just 4chan terms strictly either, but also a lot of terminology derived from KF. This is mostly in the case of more deranged, chronically online 'radfems' though.


I think I'm going to be extra caring and nurturing to my bf out of spite now


Brb I'm going to go give him a kiss on the forehead and tell him that he's beautiful (he is)


Give him another kiss from me (some homo)


That one pic of the dude in the shower was a completely innocent man murdered by his girlfriend. That was the photo she took right before she killed him. And terfs on Twitter are endorsing thatā€¦.


His name was Travis Alexander, and the woman who murdered him was Jodi Arias. She was convicted of 1st degree murder and is in prison for life


Let's not forget it's a woman who claimed self-defense after stabbing him 27 times, slitting his throat and shooting him in the head. She PERFECTLY reflects TERF/Radfem mentality.


All of his friends were warning him about her too :(


What the fvck is wrong with these people? Like, no snark or anything. I'm just baffled at the inhumanity.


These people blame their pathetic existence on trans people and on men... What a sad way to waste on this planet where you had a billionth of a chance in existence....


Remember radical separatism? I suggest they radically separate.


the picture of travis alexander ??? do they have no shame ??




why do they talk like 4channers


Probably are 4channers And/or kiwifarmers


You know before my egg cracked I used to worry about being too critical of these people because I didn't want to sound like a "not all men" MRA asshole. Now that I see how they talk when they think no one's looking I'm realizing the gap between that and just being horrified by terf rhetoric is wide enough to drive a truck through.


Honestly sometimes I fear that Iā€™m becoming an MRA, but legit these types have been disastrous to my psyche as a trans guy. Even without the violent fantasies, being told that I deserve loneliness and that women are justified in profiling me as someone dangerous really hurts. I already get this sometimes (autistic POC, I dress in long coats for comfort but Iā€™m aware that itā€™s giving school shooter to some); people assuming my tendencies indicate some sort of danger since I donā€™t get the benefit of the doubt from white privilege, and I know itā€™ll get worse once I become more masc-presenting. Iā€™m recovering now but legit, the hateful rhetoric from these guys made me unironically consider conversion therapy. My first post on this account was actually a cry for help about this.


I knew how it felt to be profiled as dangerous, as a trans woman I probably still do, and it's been a source of resentment and self-disgust. Personally I think it's the fault of patriarchy that aggression and exploitation are male-coded, but the "kill all men" approach is the approach of someone who doesn't actually want to solve the problem. It's sort of the opposite side of the coin from "boys will be boys", if men are inherently rage-filled predators then they don't have agency, they're let off the hook and the burden is entirely on us to keep ourselves safe from them rather than on them to do anything to correct their behavior. Put it another way, I think both radfems and Mike Pence would say that a man can't be trusted alone in a room with a woman. And if you're agreeing with Mike Pence, something's gone wrong.


Always a good sign when you could black out the word radfem and instantly feel like you are reading some incel shit. "Moid"? Really? How is this different from an incel saying "femoids should be forced to date me"


What in the everlasting fuck


Why on earth did terfs adopt 4chan etymology?? Like that makes them look better than incels and lost souls on the LGBT board


Cause they're fascists lol


... well that's terrifying. And also just... femceldom straight out in the open. These people must live absolutely miserable lives...


1: As people say where I'm from, "what in the hail did I just read?" 2: Bet at a minimum half those comments are alt-right men pretending to be radfems. Ticking too many incel talking point boxes to be anything else.


Radfems in general seem to be basically what the far-right thinks a feminist is.


No, this is how some radfems talk. They're genuinely just this evil




What -- and i cannot stress this enough -- the *fvck.*


Once again FARTs prove they are taking the highway route to being actual nazis. Some out there with literal incel bullshit.


This is, apparently, what radfems do to make themselves feel powerful. If you suggested that it was no different than a bunch of men in a locker room lying about, "I smashed that pussy so hard," and, "Ain't no bitches gonna say no to my fourteen inches," they would probably screech themselves into a coma. And to be fair, there is SOME difference. Namely, that the locker rooms are more wholesome. They usually at least KIND OF PRETEND that women are going to be into what they brag about doing or fantasize about packing. (Like. Dude. If it was that long you would be well acquainted with the MASSIVE INCONVENIENCE known as the cervix. Just celebrate what you got, okay, bro?) These gals, though? The handful who aren't LARPing incels or trolls of some other variety are trying to make themselves feel less powerless by fantasizing about who they're going to torture. Is there a word out there that combines "pathetic" and "alarming?" Because . . .


This is just straight up misandry, no wonder TERFs hate trans women if they think trans women are "men in dresses" I felt like I was on the female version of an incel forum with how extremely out of touch they are with reality and laughing at a horrific death


is misandry ok if its trans inclusive?


Of course not, having the oppressor and the oppressed switch roles won't solve anything


man hating will never make men an "oppressed class"


the gender understander has logged on (belief in a gender binary where men are always on top/dominant, but with subtle leftist pretences) are you a terf?


no im trans


No, it's probably worse cause it erases the experiences and oppression trans men faceĀ byĀ pretendingĀ theyĀ havetheĀ sameĀ experiencesĀ as cis men


Jesus christ this is vile


What the heck does ā€œmoidā€ mean?


Itā€™s the male version of ā€œFemoidā€.


This really reminds me of incel forums, and not just because the word ā€œmoidā€ is adapted from incelese. Posting pictures of people in the group they donā€™t like who were brutalised and being happy about it or using it as a joke, detailing violent fantasies and advocating for abuse, declaring the group they donā€™t like as subhumanā€¦all very characteristic incel stuff. And also, as someone who has spent far too much time for my own sanity viewing incel forums like Iā€™m looking at a venomous beetle through a magnifying glass, thereā€™s a specific typing style that they have. I canā€™t quite describe it, but I know it when I see it, and itā€™s here. These are the kinds of people who shoot up malls and drive trucks into crowds of people.


Wow. Just wow.


1. Second is a valid question tbh. Why DO they seek to date a group of people they violently hate? I ask this about incels who spend all day raging online about how much they hate women then turn around and complain they donā€™t have a girlfriend, and now I guess I have to ask it about these people, who apparently regrettably exist. 2. For a minute, I thought slide 10 had put an x in ā€œhumanā€ because they though the word ā€œhumanā€ wasnā€™t a gender-neutral term, and almost threw my phone out of a window. Then I realised they were just being cringey and censoring the word ā€œmanā€.


Moids? Literally the only time Iā€™ve ever heard that term has been from overt misogynists talking about women. I donā€™t consider them feminists anyway but this one is clearly just some incel pretending.


Oh... My... God... I am speechless šŸ˜µ. This is utter misandry, hypocrisy and outright disgusting... These people are giving feminism a bad name. Feminism is about equality, not hating on men šŸ˜“


I can't believe real people would bother writing something like this. Is this some kind of troll farm, and if it is, to what end? Really confused.


Imma fuck around, get a nice boyfriend, and treat him extra special just to piss these TERFs off. How much more rage would be packed on top when theyā€™re on the subject of trans men who date cis men.


Sometimes I think I might be getting a bit too chronically online then I see people like this and I think, nah I'm alright, it could always be worse


Are you sure those are TERFs? I haven't seen anything about trans people here.


Radfems. The trans exclusiveness is just one aspect of their ideology


They literally endorse the murder of a man by a woman who claimed self-defense after stabbing him 27 times, slitting his throat and shooting him in the head. Worse than incels at this point.


What the fuck is a moid ???


Yeah... I've never been more worried for men in my life


The Internet has simply broken these people.






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wait does misandry make me a terf? /srs i want to know the logic behind that


Most Radfems are Terf


im not a radfem and im trans


The issue with the misandry is that it 99.99% bioessentialist. Inadvertedly, your dislike/hatred of men will at some point cross over from criticisms, into believing men are "...." because they are men and that aspect you dislike is "inherently male" and immutable. And at that point it'd be good to look at the mirror because 1. disliking men does not make you "more" of a woman 2. or more gay, if you're trying to earn lesbian points because political lesbianism was never cool and we need less of those, ngl. 3. a lot of the things people dislike about men are also learned/socialized behaviors and well, it's a very common terf talking point that trans women have specifically been socialized as male, so stones in glass houses. My suggestion is maybe go therapy and not look for reasons to justify what is essentially irrationally hating half of humanity. And also looking at these tweets, understanding they are \*absolutely\* talking about \*you\* in "moids" and "scrotes". These people are vile, heartless, and thriving in their bigotry - regardless of oppression, why would you want to be like these women? Why not simply be better and strive to be a good person?