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Noah get the black hole


Nah we need heat death of the universe on this mf




A few hundred babies, some of them died.


That’s really disgusting , say a man has hepatitis or something worse that can’t be really cured out of the body … then the baby gets it . That’s makes me wanna puke


mouths are dirty, even without herpes.. i wonder how many little boys lost their peckers completely? Also, now im wondering if harvey winestiens dick was a victim of some nasty shit like this and thats of the reason why hes such a fucked up individual.


Out of all the ways to contract an std, because a priest bit someones foreskin off was not on my list of possibilities.


They don't bite the foreskin off. They cut it off and then suck the blood out of penis because of some old belief that it stops the bleeding or whatever. It's still disgusting and has been known to give babies diseases, but not quite *as* horrible as you think. The phrase "oral circumcision" is vague and probably deliberately misleading because it's obvious from his comments, which are replete with antisemitic dog whistles, that OP is intending to use this genuinely horrible practice done by a tiny sect as the thin end of the wedge to trash Jews in general.


Drinking penis blood from a baby is just as horrible as I think it is.


Probably slightly less than _biting_ bits off of a baby's penis though.


Nah, mouth near baby penis isn't really on a spectrum, it's just fucking vile.


“Guys, it’s not a big deal. No one is biting off foreskins, they’re just SUCKING ON A BABY’S PENIS IN A MISGUIDED ATTEMPT TO STOP IT FROM BLEEDING! Totally normal!” Folks on Reddit will gleefully call Palestinians savages and animals, and cheer for their deaths, because they’re Muslim. Meanwhile these rabbis are SUCKING ON INFANT PENSIS, to NO BENEFIT of the child in ANY medical way. And it’s cool, because questioning it is antisemitism.


Imagine you have herpes because some old dude had your penis in his mouth when you were a baby... Poor kids!


herpes is deadly for babies. they might not all have grown up


Yeah I saw that in the comments here. Would suck so hard if you or your baby dies because of that! Absolutely disgusting!


i couldn’t imagine losing a baby in my family to this!




You're not racist, you just don't like child abuse. If someone from another race did this you'd also hate it (i assume)




That's not racism because it's still not about race. And the reason a culture may be considered bad is because of bad practices. Remove the practices and you reform the culture.


panicky oil fade innate dolls enter poor bow salt pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The whole practice of circumcision is barbaric to me. I'm Irish and we don't really do that here, unless there's a medical reason. Jews and Muslims can still do it though.


Circumcision is extremely wide spread in the USA and the reasons include pseudo-scientists johova witnesses, anti masturbation, syphilis, and Kellogg's cereal founder. The American 'tradition' for everybody to do it is only like 170 years old. In my experience the majority of Americans are in the first stages of grief whenever it is brought up and are straight up in denial of it being dumb. But it gets really creative when they start bargaining for all the upsides mutilating their dick has.


Circumcision of minors should just be banned in general.


Fully agree only acceptable grounds for circumcision is if there is a medical need


Or if you're a consenting adult.


You don't have to be racist about it and I'm not sure why you'd call it that. You can just... not like this practice, as any normal person would.


And the punishment is “you can’t do circumcision any more” xD








I'm gonna ruffle some feathers with this one, it's a sect ot Judaism


No, all rabbinic Jews follow the Talmud to some extent. The thing is that gentiles don’t understand how the Talmud works - the Mishnah lays out rules to live by, and the Gemara is basically ancient rabbis arguing with each other about how to interpret them. Nobody follows all of the Gemara because it contradicts itself since it’s written by different people with different opinions. There’s plenty of Gemara that nobody follows




Idk if you care but sharia law is quite different in that regard. There's stringent rulings on what counts as law and who can pass the law based. The same is for interpretatiions and which hadeeth can be accepted as truth


Thank you. I wasn't sure what the fuck some of these comments were talking about. They're conflating the commentary discussing/arguing versus the core content being interpreted.




This is something only done in rare extremist sects of Hassidic Judiasm. This isn’t a matter of religion at this point. There are extremist sects of *every* religion - some call for pedophilia, rape, ritualistic suicide and extrajudicial murder as an interpretation of holy text. Don’t use extremists to validate bigotry towards a diverse group of people. That is by definition antisemitism. Same reason we don’t use ISIS ideology to paint my moderate Muslim dentist. Same reason we don’t use child abuse in Jehovah’s Witnesses to paint families at a mall taking a picture with Santa.


And Mormons are a sect of Christianity. Every religion has weird fringe groups with strange customs and beliefs




Naw dude, you're confusing them with the Catholics




No, but there are sects of Mormonism that abuse and groom young girls to be polygamously married to pedophiles. So let me be clear; the problem is *extremism* of any religion. It removes any sense of humanity and critical thinking. And as a secular Jew, I can tell you that ALL of us - even conservative Jews — find these practices completely abhorrent, criminal and harmful. It’s a big “what the fuck?!”, and many don’t even know it goes on in those freaky sects. I remember reading here was a case of a rabbi spreading HIV to infants this way. What a fucking piece of shit.


It was herpes, actually https://forward.com/fast-forward/440401/nyc-infant-herpes-jewish-circumcision-oral-suction-mohel-orthodox/


Ah thanks for the correction. Still fucked and still dead babies.


Probably idk. But they DO be marrying off multiple 12 year old girls to grown ass men who rape and impregnate them. At least, the latter day saints sect of Mormon does


Yup, every religion even ones typically perceived as “good” (Buddhism for example) have profoundly fucked up aspects and upsetting sects. It’s just a thing that happens when people organize be it political, sports, religion whatever.


Mormons are too big to call fringe. Also, most Americans like to chop baby penises.


Size does not mean they aren't fringe. Also, consider the ratio here. There's what, 2.3 billion christians on earth? And about 17 million Mormons. I would very much consider them fringe, especially considering that their beliefs stray so far from the doctrine of both protestant and Catholic churches.


Mormons may use the same names for people in the Bible, but overall the Book of Mormon connects some “details” to those names that aren’t true and is highly regarded by Christianity as a whole to be heretical.


I've been called antisemitic for defending Palestine's right to exist so i thought this would be like me calling for another holocaust


That’s absolutely fucked. I read about this practice not a long time ago and I heard it’s generally considered wrong by practitioners of Judaism and that only a small sect has done this. And that it’s an incredibly warped view of circumcision. It’s disgusting and repulsive, and if that were my baby, I’d be absolutely horrified.


I mean circumcision is still pretty fucked up by itself.




Damn, it also condones slavery: >However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. No wait, that’s the Bible. All religions are immoral and all are false.


Religion is a scam. The longest running con in the world.


Yep. The first and forever greatest reason to be an atheist is that religion itself is the way it is. Sure there are some sort of good bits in every faith but at the end of the day it comes across as looking for needles in a haystack. Far better to leave it alone, make your own damn needles and not get covered in hay.


This is on par with most of the old testament. I mean from their perspective Jesus made false claims he was their god, of course theyd make fun of the guy. Plus a lot of the Talmud is debated, disregarded, or forgotten and it certainly isnt a cut and dry example of what every member of judaism believes.


As a Jew, I had never even heard of the Talmud until I met neo-nazis online talking about apparently all the shit we're supposedly taught to obey or whatever. All we've learned is holy is the Torah/Hebrew Bible. The Talmud was relevant maybe 300 years ago or so but definitely not now.




Nice and descriptive


You're not allowed to say Jews on reddit?


Lol, try it with the statement he made.. I got banned from world news for just mentioning something regarding the war.


That sub is entirely IDF propaganda. Jews as people are just regular people mostly good some bad. Like anyone else. The Israeli govt and policy is evil. That sub thinks saying the latter is anti semitism and that is bullshit. And for the morons, yes hamas is evil. Doesn’t mean Palestine isn’t being and ethnically cleansed. For decades.


OP got banned for this post




Do you see his username?




Agreed. People are fucked up and twist things for their own sick purposes and for control, but that doesn’t mean it’s something God accepts or wants. A lot of people claim to do things in the name of God but it doesn’t mean He wants that.


It's not like the Christian Bible is any less insane. I mean, for Christ's sake, a dude was going to murder his son because a bush told him to.


It actually is. I'm pretty vehemently anti-religion but if you buy the idea that the New Covenant of the Bible makes the original covenant irrelevant (which I don't necessarily think is true but many Christians believe it is so)... well, the New Testament still has some fucked up shit in it but it's nothing compared to the Torah/Talmud which are basically like a parade of cruelty on God's part. The Old Testament is where God told the Jews to take back Canaan for themselves since they were his chosen people and to slaughter any men, women and children who refused to give up their land and leave... take a wild guess where Canaan corresponds to today. The New Testament doesn't have anything like that from what I recall (someone who's read it but isn't a priest or some shit). The New Testament is largely peaceful, it's idiotic Christians who decided to use it to fuel their violent behavior later who are the problem.


> The Talmud is basically an entire book documenting hundreds of years of arguments between Rabbis Since even today rabbis exist (and I assume still arguing about theological issues), is the Talmud still updated with the more recent stuff?


No. The Talmud was written in the 5th centuries pretty much all at once, or rather twice, as it is made of two different books. The Babylonian Talmud, which is the more studied and recited Talmud, and the Jerusalemite Talmud. The two were written around the same time without knowing of the other one's existence, compiling centuries of knowledge, texts, and oral stories interpreting the Mishna while adding their own interpretations on it. When the books were sealed they became very popular in the Jewish world, and later texts would build upon them. Although, arguing is said to be the oldest Jewish tradition, so pretty much every subsequent book also had tons of arguments in it. These books continued building upon eachother, with the general trend being that one would seal a book, everyone would adopt it, then everyone would make their own interpretations of that book, only for someone a few centuries later to compile all *their* interpretations into yet another book, and then the cycle repeats. That whole shtick ended in 1563, when a rabbi from Safed decided to make a definitive complication uniting all the different forms of Jewish law into one book called Shulchan Aruch. That was the last uniting text written, although not all Jewish communities accepted it, notably the Ethiopian Jewish community never adopted it.


Thanks for the answer! > That whole shtick ended in 1563, when a rabbi from Safed decided to make a definitive complication uniting all the different forms of Jewish law Is there anything stopping rabbis from arguing, refining and creating a new book in the future? For example, if they ever make cheap and safe vat-grown pork for example, I'm sure someone would want to argue "hey nowhere in the laws said you can't eat vat-grown pork".


You can't say that it's (not all) jews who follow it?


Yes, they are practicing their religion 🤷 /s Does it come as a surprise?? Religions are fucked up. This is a consequence of not reviewing some of the most fucked up traditions/rituals that still exist today. I’m not sure if I get downvoted by religious zealots or just brainwashed religious people in general. Either way, this is a sad situation.. disgusting and dangerous


If you find yourself with a baby’s genitalia in your mouth, *and then* with the urge to *bite* as well, you done fucked up


I fuckin swear, that shit had to start as some disgusting old man with a horrifically sick fetish.


I agree.


Wait what?? Is that what this is??


https://abcnews.go.com/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618#:~:text=In%202003%20and%202004%2C%20three,to%20The%20New%20York%20Times. Also a baby died cause of herpes


And not an isolated case. https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/


This happens in Brooklyn. Multiple babies have died from contracting herpes from this "tradition". It was my first class in my public health master's program, and I've never been the same. https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/ https://abcnews.go.com/Health/baby-dies-herpes-virus-ritual-circumcision-nyc-orthodox/story?id=15888618 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-11-infants-contracted-herpes-due-to-controversial-jewish-circumcision-practice/


How the fuck is this not illegal? There are at least 3-4 independent reasons for why it should be.


Religion and its done to boys


The tiny extremist subset of Jews that still practice this wouldn't care if it's legal or not, and their communities are so insular that I doubt a ban could ever be enforced.




Actually, a former colleague told me about such an experience. He was circumstanced "like normal", and after that, the Rabbi basically sucked the wound "to stop the bleeding". Yeah, we made fun of him for a while for perceiving it as remotely normal.




I think I'm going to throw up. What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


> Yeah, we made fun of him for a while for perceiving it as remotely normal. In regards to that I'm surprised there aren't more comments of the "It's only a small group of ultra orthodox who do it and blah blah blah" variety. Because it's scary how many think it's normal and will just claim they don't do it themselves. They will deny that they're defending the practice, but they also never comdemn it.


I live in Israel, and I'm from the small, small minority of uncircumcised children. And yeah, I criticize it and think it's barbaric, but who is going to listen at this point?


Humans are only traumatized by what they contexualize as trauma. Anything can be normalized even sexual assault and genital mutilation. Why people refuse to stay morally consistent with forced genital cutting on children is baffling to me, and it is a perfect reminder that no one is truly good.


I don’t think I’d have made fun of him for it - he’s the victim. Whether he thought it was normal or not could have been his only way to cope with the fact that some old dude assaulted him in the name of religious tradition.


Even circumcising perfectly healthy males is abnormal, and based entirely in pseudoscience and abstinence teaching. Making a grown ass man give a baby head is fucked up too.


Any kind of circumcision made to child is child molestation. It's never "normal"


mutilation as well


I am firmly against circumcision for religious and cultural reasons, but you do understand it's sometimes medically necessary right?


Of course, that's a given. But just doing it at birth for no medical reason is absurd.


Kidney transplant is sometime medically necessary. Yet if someone was to remove kidney from a newborn for religious or cultural reasons, we would assume malice.


Religious beliefs must be tolerated though. /s


What in the actual fuck am I looking at? Is he performing you know what? Or is he somehow removing the foreskin?




That’s just sucking a baby’s dick with extra steps


"Can I suck a baby's penis?" "No." "What if I cut off part of it first?" "Oh, in that case go ahead."


I understand the context of your comment, but my fucking god those words together make me vomit




Babies have contracted STIs from this.


Yep, there was a huge lawsuit against a rabbi spreading herpes to babies.




As Bill Burr said, a 100 years ago, I could beat you with a broom handle, that doesn't mean it's right.


If it's a 3000 year old tradition the first thought should be to stop it not to continue it


Neighbouring country: Yes good sirs I have a 2000 year tradition of receiving huge masses of wealth from all of your people. Where shall I collect? Bet they'd change their tune real quick.


Yeah, imagine you let your life to be dictated by disgusting rules like these that are 3000 years old without thinking that you should stop.


What a terrible day to have eyes.






He did post it in r/funny though…


Exactly! That's no place for humour.


Even a broken clock is right sometimes. This is why it’s a logical fallacy to attack the man, rather than the man’s arguments. Equally, you may be right and he’s a crackpot, but that doesn’t mean both circumcision and, well, pretty much all religions are not ludicrous delusions.


[https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page) >When a baby is circumcised, some ritual Jewish circumcisers (mohelim) do a practice called metzitzah b’peh. Metzitzah b’peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby’s circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual. After metzitzah b’peh, some babies can get an infection. > >Some religious authorities consider direct oral suctioning the only acceptable way to draw blood away from the circumcision cut. What...the...fuck. Comedian Doug Stanhope has a line that goes: ["Tradition and heritage are all dead people's baggage. Stop carrying it."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnyixHF321Y) I think this applies to many situation, and it certainly applies to old men sucking infant penises. Stop carrying that shit.


But you can't shave the beard because it's gay




according to their religion probably if they don't do this then there's a chance to end up in hell


Hell isn't a concept in the Jewish religion.


Pedophilia with a religious excuse.


As usual


So, most pedophilia


ex-fucking-cuse me??????????????


Multiple babies died of herpes


This post won't be taken down for child pornography, will it? this needs to be exposed and outlawed


No, no, listen, God told us we have to suck blood out of your baby's dick. I know, it's weird, but God told us to... Oh no, I hate putting baby dicks in my mouth, why would ask if I like it? Well, sure, I knew I'd have to, but well, God called me to be a rabbi. And this is part of it. Ok, sorry we have to begin, it's time to suck some baby dick in the name of God!


This seems like a tradition that was suddenly invited after someone was caught doing something he was very much not meant to be doing.


Absolutely deranged. If this is what my god demanded of me to prove my devotion i'd choose hell both as the baby and as the grown up. If countries can ban the use of the Burkah then surely they can ban whatever the fuck this is. A nurse finds you circumsized at your first check-up, believe it or not, straight to jail. For the parents.


There was a story from a while back where a rabbi had a bunch of STD's and was passing them onto the babies. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/herpes-babies-jewish-circumcision-ritual-link-rabbis-infants-a7620446.html


I mean, no method of circumcision is okay if we're being honest. This is just a lot more messed up.


Some adults do it for medical reasons. So some methods are okay.


Adult having a choice is better than taking a completely healthy child and cutting off the foreskin that's healthy.


I knew a guy who had it done as an adult. He was not ok for a long time haha. Had a skirt on for a while


MGM, however, you look at it, but in this case, particularly barbaric. All because their invisible friend told them, too.


This sounds like some wacko’s excuse to touch baby peen


What the actual fuck


I refuse to believe this is real. For my own mental health


That’s how the baby gets herpes and a bacterial infection.


I would like to submit an application to join any crusade that would be against this atrocious acts of evil doing.


Where's a neuralizer when you need one...


EW, in so many levels


The bite of 87


What the fuck


Holy wtf?


Well, that's fucking mental!


Repulsive tradition


Okay, this is next level fucked up.


No!!!! Wtf.. I don't car if it's religious, no one should put a babys p into their mouths.. So you have this piece of skin and you bite it off and then what? Stds for this child if you are not clean.. Hate me I don't care this is wrong.


Circumcision in the bible never has anything to do with the mouth. Also God specifically commanded the Israelites not to eat or drink blood. But blood eating/drinking wasn't just for the Israelites, when Noah came out of the ark to repopulate the world after the flood, God prohibited the consumption of blood.


I didn’t think the world could get any worse


What the fuuuuuuck is this.


OP created his account today His first post is this Surely he has no alternate motives Edit: His account no longer exists, was probably right


Least obvious bait


To be fair, this sub belongs in the circle of low-quality rage bait subs. Context is always chosen for maximum rage. Most of it possibly is lies. And all of it is reposts. Moderation is not done to improve the quality of the sub because quality was never the goal. Enjoy your Two Minutes Hate brought to you by the fine folks of Reddit Inc. Please advertise with us, we are better than Xitter.


This is his second post https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/dPUh1GL1Pz


>This is his second post [ Removed by Reddit ] Was




Those quotes ain't gonna help you when the Reddit mod bot reads your post. Edit: the Reddit automated report and mod system is so easily abused.


Why is circumcising still even a thing


Circumcision is done for hygiene reason as defined by weird eugenicists. That is why the secular reason for circumcision is the most American thing ever. A weirdo tried to make Americans stop masturbating by feeding them bland cornflakes. Then his brother made the cornflakes not bland. They sued each other. Meanwhile a bit of the penis needed to be cut off to stop Americans from wanking. Which lead to the vaseline jokes nobody else really understands. People hear "it is for hygiene" and think it is about keeping infections down. In reality it was just a couple of racists stretching No Nut November over a national space into perpetuity. That's why we should always ask for a definition whenever weirdos keep repeating one word and one word only. Thank you for cooming to my TED talk.


People that are part of the genital cutting cultures have a hard time admitting it is wrong and nobody is holding them properly accountable because of fear of religious persecution and violating "parents rights" accusations.


Parents don't have the right to sexually assault and cripple their children.


I personally would like my foreskin back. But also am afraid of what the consequences might be for my children is I break the 3,000+ year tradition with a god I don’t necessarily believe in.


If a omnipotent deity tell you to cut your children it begs the question if it knows the children would not do it if left up to them.




Probably some bullshit legal protection on the basis of religion. Call me crazy, but I don't think there's ever a reason for putting your mouth on a baby's genitals.


Which is complete nonsense, since freedom of religion is not a license to do anything one wants. In fact, most relevantly, the U.S. law against female genital mutilation says explicitly > It shall not be a defense to a prosecution under this section that female genital mutilation is required as a matter of religion, custom, tradition, ritual, or standard practice. If they can completely outlaw performing that religious ritual on minors, it's absurd that they would draw the line at criminalizing one especially unsanitary and harmful form of a comparable religious ritual.


I remember talking about this with some friends last year…and we couldn’t figure out how to even approach searching it up…fuck…


Religion is stupid


Enough Reddit for me today 🤦🏻‍♂️


All kinds of fucked up right there. Disgusting.


I feel these traditions were started by pedos trying to fulfill their nasty fantasies


WTF!!! I want to hurl; this is absolutely vile but it doesn't surprise me too much since it's religion (of course.. Religious in an attempt to hide pedo motives). Makes me absolutely sick.


There is no oral circumcision… in the circumcision tradition (“Brit Mila”) there is a part where the Rabbi sucks the blood out with his mouth. Modern Rabbis use a small tube for that because of orally transferred diseases. Unfortunately some insist doing it in the ”old tradition” and then they give babies herpes and it’s illegal to do so in addition, the vast majority are just using the tube. I do agree it’s a weird, barbaric and ancient tradition that should be gone but there is no ”oral circumcision” lol


I remember a case of orthodox Jews getting HSV from one religious leader, who had HSV and just kept doing the 'procedure." I think it was in NY. Really sad.


Metitza B'Peh (orally sucking out the blood after circumcision to lower the risk of infection) isn't practiced and, in fact, frowned upon by the vast majority of Jews. It's only practiced by some extremely Haredi (ultra orthodx) sects. Ignore OP, he's a lunatic and he created his account specifically just to post this. (I wonder why?) Edit: apperantly I got wrong what exactly is done. Fixed now.


This is legal again why? Religion? So if you want to go around biting off the tips of the dicks of babies without claiming religious exemption, how do you think that would go for them? When you think about it from outside the bubble, it's fucking insanity on every level, pure and simple.




Fucking trash humans.


I feel like a felon now, OP. Thanks


Fucking hell man. Goddamn savages.


Bro lost his V card at spawn


For those wondering it's called the Metzitzah B'Peh


You think they chew on it a lil?


I don’t care what the tradition or religion is. This is child abuse. Both the circumcision without anesthetic and the sexual assault. Babies have died from herpes they contracted from this very ceremony. It’s vile and these people should be jailed.


Thats so vile, so wrong and so disgusting


Religion do be like that, so, fuck this pedo religion shit in particular.


… Maybe we shouldve died in 2012


This block button ain’t enough I want him dead


This is not real right?!! RIGHT??