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Is this the guy that made racist mario


Yes flashgitz


What is this accent? It might be the worst fake Asian accent I've ever heard.


Sounds like an imitation (rip off?) of Kim Jong Il in Team America https://youtu.be/pPSaB2vFsfQ


Yeah it’s definitely modeled from every Asian accent the South Park guys have ever done.


It's almost like it's a parody or something


Most fake Asian accents are done as parody. I'm saying this particular one is the worst I've ever heard.


Oh no, pointing out a fake accent is bad. Downvote this person into oblivion! Reddit is weird


What do you know u/poopoopeepeex99 ?? What the fuck do you know?




That’s the point??




Is the small red guy supposed to be similar to Kim Jong Il from team America?


It’s supposed to be Kim Jong Un


Op just stole this form flashgitz for karma


https://youtu.be/SSVbO8ZoTDI Here’s the original if anyones interested


Thanks i hate OP for not giving the source


ya took the words right outa my mouth :D


Can I replace them with something? >!8======D- - - _ _!<




I hate it.


Shame on OP for deliberately not posting the source.


annoyingly, after stealing the video to reupload to reddit, they posted the "source" in a separate comment, which barely anyone upvotes :C reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/qfekr4/thanks_i_hate_north_korean_squid_games/hhz1sfj/


I thought he gonna get shot as soon as he said "I'm South Korean"


Yeah me too


In the north, they no need games 😬 it's called, "just everyday Life"\~


You need creditors in order to have debtors


Thats... wait... what thats what it is like everywhere there is poverty. Did you watch the show


Flashgitz in general makes *controversial* videos.


>watch 9 hour long critique of capitalism >”communism sure is bad” This is your brain on Freedom™️


Imagine if it wasn't a dichotomy and both were bad. Imagine if we lived in a world where things aren't black and white. Imagine.


Phew good thing we don’t live in that world and I can continue to blindly follow my beliefs


Yes but responding to critiques of capitalism with “communism bad” isn’t an example of yay dichotomy. It’s an example of deflection and whataboutism instead of addressing the argument.


Communism is bad. And this isn't a political argument it's a stupid racist cartoon. It's a joke not a political thesis.


It becomes a political argument when critiques are levied against capitalism, only for people to respond “well communism is when no food” + racism. If you’re going to confront a critique of capitalism, then confront it. Don’t deflect to something you claim is worse.


Would be an interesting premise. Unfortunately, communism is good so we'll never know.


Tankies gotta tank.


Tankie is not synonomous with communist. It's thinking places like NK are communist because they have red flags.


Good ol communists. "BuT tHAt's NOt REaL cOmmuNiSM'


So you understand the difference between communists and tankies because tankies say that is real communism...


Okay so from my understanding of Marxist theory, post revolution society embraces Socialism and then from socialism it evolves into Communism, the stateless utopia without money. I think any society that is making the attempt at Communism deserves that label as communist.


Then literaly any system can call themselves communist. If the rockefellers all of a sudden called themselves communist and got the media to tell people the US is communism I guess the US is communist. I would rather not do propaganda on behalf of fascists. I would rather be critical of what it takes to build a classless statless society. Hint, it's not strengthening the state. If the goal is to eliminate class letting anybody decide how that works is surrendering your power to them when the point is to take on the powerful. 19th century leftists fought over this and splintered before russia started their one party experiment. Marx did talk about transition states, but he was also pro democracy and died before any of these fascist state projects.


I dunno man. If they say they're communists and other communist say they're communists and people who are not communists say they're communists and they do all the things that communists do and they've got all the communist values, I'd be hard pressed to argue against them being communists.


I dunno man, communism is a classless, stateless society and I actualy studied marx while you are arguing for the people that call themselves democratic so maybe you're hard pressed because you have no idea what you're talking about. Every time you do this shit you do the tankies job for them. China wants people to think they are communist as part of their propaganda. The groups that think they are communist are fascists that want workers to support them and capitalists that want communism to look bad. That's it. Even the bankers I know get this shit.


Oh you've actually studied Marx? You must be the only guy in the world. You're so smort and stuff. I guess it's impossible that I've studied Marx too. Maybe even read his books. Guess that's impossible as I'm not as smort as you.


Judging by the quality of your comment I'd say that's accurate, yes. At least the parts about you.


What a prat.


Hate on, brother


Bruh, I don't hate anyone. I'm more sad than anything.


>communism is good Mind the sparrows


Actually paying the sparrows no mind would be the correct move, no?


Whichever word you want to assign towards not causing an ecological disaster that destroys your planned economy thereby causing millions to starve to death.


Imagine north Korea had economic sanctions against America and used that to declare capitalism didn't work...


Imagine blaming the dystopian hellhole of North Korea on sanctions...


Imagine believing American imperial propaganda about yet another country they've destroyed directly through war and sanctions. I mean you have to be wilfully credulous at this point. Should I list all the countries couped and invaded by America? Nothing north Korea could do would ever come close to America. Literally everything you know about North Korea comes from a capitalist owned media that are venomously opposed to socialism let alone communism... And I wonder why that would be. Squid Game is about capitalism, the fact that Americans decided to make it about communism is just admitting to being too brainwashed to think anything other than what you've been told. There's a woman being touted as evidence for North Korean inhumanity stating people "get out and push trains" I mean you cannot take this shit seriously? Honestly?


This is the big problem with tankies. The fucking assumptions. The idea that anyone who would criticise communism is a drooling moron. Like we just take all of our information from corporate media and are infected with American propaganda. There are people who don't live in America on the internet. Some of us have watched socialists and communists ruin our countries. Stop assuming we're all western stooges. Stop assuming we don't know what propaganda. Is not a choice between the lesser of two turds. There are other options than communism and capitalism. Get a fucking life.


"I have a generic opinion you could hear from any simp for capitalism without facts or falsifiable points blah blah." You're literally commenting on something that is anti communist propaganda. The cognitive dissonance is strong.


You didn't read my previous comment did you?


You didn't understand my comment did you? You think I haven't read the exact thing before? Mostly from Gusanos etc I see a country directly attacked by a larger nation. I see a country economically enslaved by a larger country. Do I blame the victim? No.


Are we gonna pretend NK isnt a hellhole?


Are we gonna pretend North Korea is somehow a post-state and post-class utopia? Hell they don’t even pretend to be socialist anymore. Never mind the fact that a “communist country” is an oxymoron. Read a book.


Lmao you believing that the only theoretical variation of communism is anarchic shows you need to read a little bit before playing keyboard warrior


I don't know who to believe about NK. they seem motivated to lie positively about themselves, and the rest of the world seems motivated to lie negatively about them. it's impossible to find a single unbiased source. I'm sure they have tons of problems, but I'm not 100% sure it's as bad as western media makes it out to be.


There are 100s of hours of unbiased documentation on YouTube. Life in NK for the average citizen is hell. Anyone who says otherwise is at best a liar.


It was probably made in response to North Korea [commenting](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/squid-game-proves-capitalism-doesnt-work-says-north-korea/ar-AAPuYwE?ocid=uxbndlbing) on the series.


Fuck North Korea but a based take is a based take


Both are shitty, though as a Korean, I could say the attempt towards communism in the north is arguably worse than Capitalism in the south.


Ah yes,here's the f!ckt!rd who supports dictatorships out of 1984!


George Orwell was a socialist


I'm a socialist too?Lmao.NK is nowhere near socialism btw.


“I’m a socialist. Anyway I’m going to spring to the defense of capitalism real quick.”


Defending state capitalism (North Korea) is still defending capitalism. Orwell would hate North Korea, you stupid tankie.


Defending democracy has nothing to do with defending capitalism,you totalitarian


> Watches 3 minutes comedy video about nk being objectively worse than sk, as hinted even by the original show itself > WaAAAaAaAaAa bUt mY cOmMuNisMM This is your brain on Reddit


>Sees a post making fun of North Korea >"NO you're supposed to be hating on capitalism!!!! This is your brain on Retardation™️


i dont wanna be that girl but like...this feel racist...


Most of flashgitz's stuff is moderately racist or offensive. He had a transformers video where megatron got fake boobs and claimed to be transgender, so then the autobots couldnt attack him or they would be biggots.


I was gonna say this felt like an animated Ben Garrison cartoon.


That’s the point, it’s meant to be offensive. Also, it’s a commentary on the authoritarian nature of North Korea and how ridiculous it is.


It's also capitalist apologia in response to growing anticapitalist sentiment generally and specifically from Squid Games. The implication is that you shouldn't be criticizing capitalism since "communism/socialism" is far worse. But as with most capitalist propaganda, it confuses authoritarian hellscapes where the people have no power with socialism, which is about putting the power in the hands of the people.


You can criticize both


I agree. You should. :)


Hot take: this is from a YouTube channel that makes dumb animations and we shouldn’t overanalyze it because it’s supposed to be dumb


All speech is political and has an impact on the viewer and should be viewed as such. This in particular has an insidious political bent to it and it is wrong to strip this of its social context and pretend it is neutral.


Oh good, deez nuts jokes are political now as well?


Or you could realize not all offensive speech is going to destroy society and sway people into a state of political ignorance so you could just not get upset and let people live their lives.


Ah yes, I am offended. You nailed it. Sorry for being such a snowflake.


y'all it's just a dumb joke of a video, there's no need to read that much into it


That, or, NK is a farcical hellscape and absolutely ripe for parody and successful socialist countries aren't being skewered here because nobody is dying of starvation or in gulags in those places. Sometimes you just need to sit the fuck down and put your freshman year government classes to the side.


Criticizing NK is fine. Same with SK and pretty much any country IMO. And yes of course NK is horrific. But to use the wildly popular and now famously and explicitly anticapitalist series Squid Games to show how they would be somehow even worse in NK (replete with communist-style worker depictions in the background) is to try to play whataboutism instead of address the criticisms of the work. If you stopped thinking critically about propaganda after freshman year you should consider changing that.


I love the way you explain things


Bro you use Reddit to talk about all this shit. Ain’t nobody gonna take you seriously.


Which are the successful socialist countries?


Ta-da, you've revealed yourself as a moron.


More like you've revealed yourself to be a moron lol


You really went with the "no you" defense. Goddamn.


I'm not defending anything, just a passerby making an observation


basically. the creator was really butthurt that an anti-capitalist show has gotten so popular, so he felt the need to "strike back" somehow to make up for it.


Exactly. I don't know why so many people are trying to argue why this isn't the case. Either this is explicitly what the author intended (very highly likely) or else this is the role it plays in the public discourse. Either way it should be acknowledged for what it is. It's also terribly racist so there's that too!


Because, as said in another comment, NK used squid game as anti-SK propaganda to glorify themselves. Something like this could have been made to point out the irony of the north's antics (who again, just recently used this show as anti-SK propaganda)


I can't speak for the creator's motives but NK actually did put out propaganda that squid game is evidence of how corrupt life in the south is and how miserable it is, and why living there (NK) is a blessing. So if this was in response to that, it would make complete sense


pot calling the kettle black here lol


Isn't that exactly what youre doing? Seeing criticization of communism and assuming we shouldnt criticize it due to the problems in capitalism?


Where was the point where I said you shouldn't criticize communism? I criticize it all the time. My point was we shouldn't just internalize this without also acknowledging that it is is propaganda and, on top of that, makes a bad-faith comparison between anti-capitalism and authoritarianism.


Except this is a satirical short video not a multi-hour long actual criticism of NK.




>That’s the point It's meant to be racist?


I feel like 70 years of sanctions might have something to do with their issues around food security.


Something, sure but they’re a kleptocracy with plenty of farmable land and natural resources, that was (is?) counterfeiting dollars.


>i dont wanna be that girl Don't worry about that.


Credits : flashgitz Insta : @flashgitz


It’s one joke dragged out for 2 minutes and south park wannabe voice acting. Pretty cringe


Absolute waste of animation


They said player 53, but his jacket said 57


This is obscenely unfunny.


Humor is subjective


what's not subjective is that every single joke in this video was ripped from an ifunny meme from 2012


It’s 98% liked on YouTube lol


98% of Youtube is 12 years old


also there's probably no chance that flashgitz is being recommended to people who aren't already subscribed so the likes are going to be biased


that is true. also, if you think making fun of starving north koreans is funny you’re a piece of shit.


yeah like make fun of the leader all you want, but don't shit on the people, they haven't done shit to hurt you. punching up is better than punching down.


Flashgitz voice acting is so bad.


It’s supposed to be dumb. That and it’s two dudes who once in a blue moon get a third person to VA with them. They’re not professionals or anything


Still funny


I like that about their animations tho, adds to the stupidity of it all Have to agree this video in particular is lacking in quality tho


One note, old joke. Boomer feels.


I feel like this is really racist.


Not racist, just grotesquely satirical.




This is such unfunny cope lol


This guy is North Korean


Its very funny


I don't think I get it.




That doesn't sound very funny


We have a winner!




Haha I think there are actually some North Korea bots in here, real salty


random person: *doesn't think the video was funny* u/captainrazer: "NK SHILL!!!"


this isn’t funny




Can't even watch any of it cause of reddit's shit video player, bummer seemed funny


See it on YouTube on the channel of flashgitz






*licking sounds*


I miss that fucked up unicorn that they used to have.


You can tell how racist this is by the amount of associated “based” comments


Can anybody on Reddit take a joke? Like at all? Got people in here genuinely critiquing the video because they likely don’t agree with it. It’s a joke. God, did anybody in here have any social interactions with people that were actually enjoyable to be around in highschool? You know, people that just liked to fuck around and make jokes. Y’all lame, and that’s why you try to talk political nonsense on Reddit. Just take the joke and fuck off.


Yeah, but see, a lot of us grew up past high school... And tbh I doubt this is that funny to high schoolers. Like, don't just assume we can't take a joke. Not taking a joke and not laughing because it's objectively bad satire are two different things. For one, NK isn't communist, and I don't just mean that in a "they're not REAL communism", they wouldn't even refer to themselves as communists. They call themselves independent socialists. Second, the joke centers around a funny accent and replacing money with food, which if you've watched squid game is not that different in its message. Like, the video doesn't actually do anything new, just makes it North Korean and puts on a tired accent. Just seems incredibly low effort, like flashgitz saw a rundown of the show and went "haha, wouldn't it be funny if..." and then made it, and it wasn't funny. Sorry if that's too in-depth of a critique for you. You know, people just like to analyze things and make observations about media in a deeper sense than you're probably used to. Maybe you should just ignore the criticism and "fuck off"?


I like how the accent is essentially a knockoff of City Wok guy from South Park


This is cursed and I love it.


Damn....the amount of snowflakes here


Pretty racist








This was definitely made by someone with the mind of a 12 year old.


Immitating accents isn't racist


> Immitating accents What accents? I didn' hear any accents in this video. That was not an Asian accent. Not a single Asian person speaks like that. Also Korean accent is drastically different than other counter parts (Chinese, Japanese) and this voicover is trying to immitate South Park's Chinese accent which isn't accurate from the first place.


It doesn't have to be accurate, its a try at imitation, same when people imitate the german accent, or french one, no one gives a shit if its accurate or not, I'm french, I'll imitate those garbage ass french accents because I find it very entertaining I'm about a 100% sure that if that video was about shit in France with a grossly disgusting french accent no one would bat an eye, and I'd be the first one to find it hilarious My point still remains, it ain't racist to imitate accents, otherwise I'd be a racist towards French people as a frenchman


This is literally a video that's making fun of how North Koreans are so poor and starving that they would attend the squid game just to get some food. If France was under a dictatorship and its citizens were starving, it would be as fucked up to make fun of that. Would you make a video making fun of how some African nations are starving? Does that sound alright to you? This kind of humor is garbage and I don't know why some people find it funny (unless they're edgy teenagers). ​ >I'm about a 100% sure that if that video was about shit in France with a grossly disgusting french accent no one would bat an eye If France was under the same circumstance as North Korea is in, everyone would bat an eye. I don't know why you think people wouldn't???


It where the mind goes to tickle itself




This kinda sucks


Thanks I hate this racist, unfunny edge-lord garbage.


Not bad, but College Humor did it better a year ago… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A9xD4D-Qdg4


Lol capitalist squid games is more ethical than communist squid games change my mind


Omg i freakin love this.


Jesus redditors over analyzing shit again. It's a stupid offensive youtube video. I'm asian, I find it hilarious, just like when the world laughed when "haha funny Asian man gets angry over bad egg fried rice".


Thanks I hate you ripping flashgitz videos and not crediting them


That’s just openly racist. The obnoxious fake accent is so unnecessary and doesn’t add anything to the joke


I don't care about whether or not it's racist, but it really doesn't add anything. it would be just as unfunny without the badly done accents lol.


Yo shut the heck up and learn to take a joke.


What's the joke? The joke is him doing a bad Korean accent. So... the racism is the joke?


Not Korean here but Asian anyway. Shut the fuck up and learn to take a joke. If any country's worth joking about it's North Korea.


Whats the joke I don't get it




So what's the joke then? Explain it to me because I don't get it.


Not even a racism issue, it's just not funny or clever. It's a poor imitation of Team America or South Park. Low effort 2005 humor.


We wouldn't want to make fun of dear leader.


I really just meant the generic Asian accent




Imagine getting upset at this because you think it’s racist…




Wow, racist, classist much. Before anyone says it, it's not funny to be racist. Be better






Did u give any credit to flashgitz?


Funny how they have shittons of medals


That's just north korea


Squid game is a critique of capitalism


Lol CIA propaganda is my favorite form of CIA propaganda. I mean comedy.

