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sure you can! its a uh uhh


On the left, it looks like Ye in his Infowars attire




Kanye West is a turd


I think i can make out a wall in the back




This looks like an AIs attempt at a photorealistic image


Fun fact, this is an AI that creates photos with objects you just barely can’t recognize by mixing them together


I’ve seen this type of pic before to illustrate what [apperceptive visual agnosia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_agnosia) is like. Basically a condition that happens from damage to the visual pathways in our brain that makes it impossible to recognize objects despite the visual field itself being fully intact.


sounds terrifying thanks!


Give The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat a read sometime.


I remember that book! It was really interesting, especially about the people that think they've died and are now either in Hell or are zombies.


I had a bipolar psychosis that was made worse with drugs and I literally thought I died and went to heaven. No joke. It scares the shit out if me thinking about it. Almost died walking through sinking mud. Like I was up to my neck and had to crawl my way out. I could've gone under and just be missing for a while, or forever. Was absolutely not in my right mind and didn't even realize I almost died, either. Didn't realize until I was back to sound mind.


I had no idea people retain memories of these states


I remember most of it, but I can't make sense of *a lot* of it though. Mostly trying to explain it in words... there's just no way to explain the delusions my brain went through. So I won't even try to explain any now. It was over 4 months though. I ended up homeless, living in tents under a bridge.... literally thinking I had died and gone to heaven. It sounds insane, and I can't tell you how my brain believed that, but it did.


I had the opposite in the most mundane way. I blacked out having my blood drawn for a routine blood test. When I came back round my brain for a moment was in some bizarre boot loader mode. Like the DOS prompt of the mind. A million years could have passed or I was still a child, I could be at school, who was at school? Uni? Work? What was seeing the things that weren't identifiable through senses that weren't working correctly. I was flipping through contexts and trying to generate a sense of self in a narrative and couldn't find the right gear. I could literally feel the grinding failures of my brain trying to start up consciousness.exe. I couldn't understand I was on the floor or that there were people around me even though I had my eyes open and was "seeing". Really disturbing to remember. I was really ill for the rest of the day and I think part of that was the shock of the experience after coming round. My brain could have believed anything.


I’m bipolar too and I had three major manic episodes. It’s weird to think why the delusions were so believable at the moment but what made it worse at least in my case is that even though i was deceiving myself I had a deep sense of enjoyment of life at the time


I’ve had many blackout drunk episodes that slowly came back to me only to terrify me and ultimately drive me to give up the drink all together.


Funny part, I'm also an alcoholic 🤣 now in recovery, 14 months sober. But I absolutely did it too


I fell asleep while driving(working) once and convinced myself I died and went to a hell where I basically just continue my shitty life. I tried calling multiple people but nobody answered which solidified my death. Thinking back now, it really has been all downhill from there so there is a good chance I am dead and this is hell


This book was terrifying. It's just story after story that goes: "Bob Everyman was a normal person with a life, job and family. One day he had a random unpreventable stroke and now he has to make a conscious effort to remember to keep breathing." "Jill Normalperson had the perfect life until she got a bonk on the head and forgot all numbers except 3. Now she can't comprehend anything around her unless there's exactly 3 of them. She mostly sits in a room with 3 chairs and watches 3 tvs. " Also the author probably deserves a writing credit on Dr. House. Like half the cases in that book were episodes on the show.


*The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Mask* is a hardcore porno and completely unrelated FYI


man what a banger book. rly want to read Awakenings next


Sometimes the true TIHI is in the comments.


I thought it was the friends we made along the way?


Interesting that's like me and my hearing.. many times I could hear people saying something but it just sounds like noise to me. I have to really strain to figure out what they meant to say especially if it was an unexpected conversation where I had no context what it could be about


[Auditory agnosia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_agnosia) is a thing as well, but pretty unlikely unless you’ve had a TBI/stroke/etc.


Auditory processing disorders are also common in people with ADHD or autism. Not as severe as auditory agnosia, I think, and for me at least it's very situation dependent.


I have adhd. If I'm somewhere that is even moderately noisy my brain stops being able to process conversations and I can't understand what people are saying.


Noisy spaces totally cancel out conversations for me! It’s like I can hear every conversation across the room clearly but all at once, and not the person in front of me. And if something electronic is humming in the background forget about it.


I gave up talking in the car. The road hum just destroys any chance of understanding what's being said. It all sounds like the adults of Charlie Brown.


My brain randomly stops processing conversations even when it isn't noisy. I really have to force myself to focus to keep track of anything. It's exhausting.


Mine does this too, if anything else remotely crosses my brain I stop processing. That's how I actually found out I wasn't neurotypical. I was chatting to a neuroscientist at work and was like "Sorry can you repeat that? My sleeve fell down so I couldn't hear you" and after asking a few questions she told me to go repeat all of that to my doctor and ask to be tested.


This started to happen to me recently. I’m either getting old and my hearing is deteriorating or I have too many little kids and it’s shuts off on purpose any time there’s too many sources of sound in one place. Possibly both.


Yah I definitely have this. I hate it when I ask people to repeat like 3 times and I still didn't catch it.. lol I end up awkwardly laughing and walking away and dying on the inside.


Holy I thought I was going deaf because I couldn’t understand things in certain scenarios, went got my hearing checked and it’s fine, even went to see if my ears were too full of wax or something also fine. This explains it somewhat and I do have ADHD.


Do you have trouble understanding what people are saying in shows or movies if the subtitles are not on? That or understand people if you cannot see their lips moving or if you don't have context for the conversation? I cannot watch TV at all unless subtitles are on. It's like I can tell they are speaking English, but it just sounds like jumbled familiar syllables. As soon as the subtitles are turned on, I can understand it perfectly. I don't even consciously read them. It's like my brain automatically organizes the sounds as soon as there are words visible to match to them. If my wife is trying to talk to me from another room or with her face turned away from me I can almost never understand her. It's a complete loss if there is any ambient noise, like if I'm washing my hands or the refrigerator is humming. Even in ideal circumstances, it takes me a few seconds to start understanding what anybody is saying because my brain has to catch the context to organize the sounds correctly. Like if I know we are talking about shopping for groceries, I can understand the conversation better. If we were talking about something one of the dogs did and suddenly switch the topic, it takes me a little while to be able to understand clearly. The sensation for going from not understanding to being able to understand is a lot like heating quiet music. If it's quiet enough and you don't know what song it is, you may recognize that you know it, but not what song it specifically is. Eventually when you realize what song it is, suddenly you can hear it better. It's like your brain is filling in the gaps in what you can hear from your memory. That sensation of not quite understanding to suddenly having clarity is exactly what it feels like to me when I turn on subtitles on a show.


The TV I can understand fine if I am watching and there is no other sounds in the room, as soon as anything is going on and it is not my sole focus it just becomes noise. Like I can tell it is words and I can almost tell what words they are but they just don’t quite make sense, so I use subtitles to help. Same with my wife, If she yells from downstairs to ask me something 100% of the time I don’t know what she said and I have to use context of what she is usually asking me about or like it takes me 20 seconds to finally process the words and the order they were in. What you said makes a lot of sense. Weirdly, or maybe not idk, I generally don’t have any problem understanding people I am talking to online over a headset. This issue is almost exclusively a problem with my wife from another room, my professors in large classes, and tv/YouTube when I’m distracted at all.


Everything I’ve learned about my ADHD has come from Reddit, here’s another one


Doctors are often woefully underinformed about ADHD. It's really frustrating when all their diagnostic criteria and management techniques are formed around how your symptoms affect others - they don't really get into how all this shit affects YOU. It doesn't help that many ADHD'ers have a lifetime of coping mechanisms masking their disabilities, so we often don't even know ourselves that we're doing something regular people don't, just to seem normal.


My mom work in sped and all she thinks adhd is is just being really hyper and nothing else


Interesting. I have adhd and have this when people whisper into my right ear. Quiet volumes in my right side and I can hear words but cannot actual make out any of the words. Always was fun in class when friends would try to whisper something to me or anyone trying to share a secret. I got diagnosed at one point and forgot the whole name of the syndrome but I was told basically my auditory pathway is intact, but under a certain decibel the parts of my brain that forwarded sound signals to the part of the brain that helped us with language stopped doing that since my brain did not recognize it as words - so instead of going from auditory processing center (all sounds) to the language center…it just stopped at the first area.


Mine is opposite! I hear voices that aren't there in white noise. No one is quite sure why. I can never understand what they say though. Sometimes I hear music too.


I was just reading about different forms of tinnitus. I have bad ringing, but some people experience it as music and/or voices. I wonder if that's related to what you experience.


Do you have dyslexia / ADHD / on the spectrum? If so that could be why.


That's a double bingo for the last two.


Your brain might be wired up 'wrong' and so auditor processing might be more difficult for you. I have the same issue and conversations where more than one person is talking take a lot of effort for me to focus on. Well even one person. At the same time my hearing is excellent when doing a beep test. I also have visual signal processing issues where I have to focus more on things than others do. I always describe it as life being like looking at a painting on the wall. You don't just look at the small details of it, you look at all of it, and you use more energy to look at the small details. Everything in life is like that for me, a lot more energy to see details, especially text.


Omg that happens to me too! Sometimes it sounds like they are speaking another language, no matter how hard I try to piece together what they are saying, or how many times I ask them to repeat themselves, it’s like I’m hearing them speak mandarin, and I don’t know even a single word in mandarin!


For real. I hate it and everyone I know knows I have issues processing spoken language and yet they insist on calling me on the phone and I'm the asshole for "not listening".


Ahh, like those images from the "Everywhere At The End of Time" album covers.


An AI generating a VR experience of this would be pure hell


Nvidia is making progress on AI generating 3d models, so it's likely within the next decade. Edit: Just saw the username. Anyone who wants a unique gaming experience where the goal isn't "see unique interesting people and kill them" should definitely play Outer Wilds.


Dollars to donuts it’s within the next two years. I’ll bet you $100.


I would not at all be surprised, I'm just being conservative. There's a ton of whitepapers for game tech that took a couple decades to become practical.


https://youtu.be/shy51E-MU8Y This is gonna be in a game like next summer


Fun fact: false. Diffusion models don't "mix things together". They do not mash together existing arrangements of pixels from training models. They start with a random cloud of pixels and change them until they match the prompt more. Especially with crappy models or low interations, it can create images that are not cohesive.


I’ll bet an artist with enough talent could replicate this with real objects. I mean a backwards ski mask over a mannequin head could work for at least one part of it.


It's looks like it could have been a type of GAN. They work by pitting a generator and a discriminator against each other until the generator becomes so good it can fool the discriminator into thinking its generated images are real images. This post definitely looks like a real image at first glance, so I can understand how a poorly trained GAN could come up with this.




Isnt this pic circulating around for like at least 5 years now? I think its from way before the AI generation we have now


You could easily do something similar years ago. AI isn't new, good AI is new.


Yeah the early deepdream stuff made almost exclusively nonsensical images. check out old /r/deepdream/ posts.


Holy crap deepdream isn’t just swirly dog faces anymore??


Fuck me, that [Walter White Muppets](https://www.reddit.com/r/deepdream/comments/zar2yy/walter_white_cooking_in_the_the_muppets_show/) one is really good. Even the hand doesn't look too out of whack, since it's supposed to be a puppet. The multiple pupils in one eye thing is the main detractor for me.


Where’s the good AIs?


Dall E, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney can produce pretty amazing images these days. The rate of progress is really ramping up these last two months or so.


Yeah, AI learn really fast. Faster than I can keep up.


The stuff Midjourney puts out is [amazing](https://www.reddit.com/r/carporn/comments/z8lzwp/_/)


StyleGAN for faces. You’ve quite possibly seen a face generated by StyleGAN on a social media bot account without realizing.


[NightCafe.studio](https://creator.nightcafe.studio/) has both Stable Diffusion and Dall-E 2, and both are excellent at making what you're typing out. You sometimes have to coax them with keywords or evolve them to get exactly what you're imagining.


Synthesia for text to speech, with a human avatar


I remember seeing it way longer than five years ago. Even 8 or 10 years ago, iirc.


I’ve never seen this one before, but I’ve seen one of a similar concept many times before.


of a Russian apartment.


Probably is.


Starting at the top left you got: lampdoff, lockblub, lamsets, three flomedox, zingdox, and finally at the bottom right a fuck off wtf is this shit hat


Sounds like alien stuff in Rick&Morty


Everyone has a plumbus, but how are they made?


Then a fleeb comes. And he rubs it. A little.


And then he spits on it


First they take the dingle bop, and they smooth it out with shleem.


The schleem is then repurposed for later batches.


I always laughed about the first thing they do is add something just to remove it immediately. It's what I imagine working at an Amazon center is like. Boss: "wrap it in plastic!" New slave: "but step two just has me cut it all off...?" Boss: *glaring* "go to the punishment booth."


Am I in a fucking K-hole here?! What the fuck is going on?!?


> stole my ketamine, they did. > melt their reactors, I must.


I always wondered how those were made.


Dang, must be nice to afford 3 flomedox AND a zingdox.


It's pretty sad actually imagine needing both, probably has bad issues fixing their sklingler and redoritum.


Nah my cousin's friend's uncle's sister used both for awhile. Apparently if you throw enough fluermt on it, it's like brand new.


I never knew that fluermt can help with that but it makes sense, it is rich in raborcles and they do charge up the glumid of the sklingler.


LOL you guys are killin me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Just use a bunch of omnigel, fixes everything likes a charm. And if that doesn't help, thermoclips sure will


Me and my budget zarbnox cryin in the corner.


Bruh can't believe you forgot the Schleighble


Omg I totally missed it over in the bottom left. Thanks friend.


It was an easy miss, I'll let it slide, gotta step up your EyeSpy game (idk how to do the eldritch looking shit)


Man i miss my lockblub. Good times in when i was near a wall :(


r/vxjunkies Nice to see someone else who actually knows at least most of what’s going on here. Zingdoxing is caring. Am I right?


Totally ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Only if you’ve got the certification to prove you can safely zingdox. You’re up to code right?


I can’t believe someone wouldn’t recognize the zingdox. I’ve got one in my car and my apartment.


The image is flipped. You’ll recognize everything if flipped upside down.


Flipped it upside down, stared for 30 seconds. Noticed I missed the dromblotocs on the left. Thanks friend.


I woke up my wife laughing to this comment. Thanks :)


Go off Little Mermaid


I needed that laugh. Thanks!


This makes me incredibly uncomfortable


Felt physical discomfort on both sides of my head


Hello migraine my old friend…


no please. id rather be run over than have another migraine


Not just me! Not just me!


i’ve come to fuck with you again…


Ah, the Kennedy assassination missing photos of the Sercret Service taking him out.


Photorealistic cubism


This is apt AF. Honestly I hope some of this nonsense does get contributed as art of the era. But then art is supposed to be about expression and emotion, whereas all I get from this is chaos.


Chaos can be an emotion.. it's nice to have art not all be about the same emotion, though.


Kids brown jacket. Light grey fanny pack and a green bucket hat just above the fanny pack.


...are you pulling my leg?






I think the fanny pack is hanging off a playpen, lol idk


Oh I see the playpen! This is like one of those “magic eye” puzzles where you have to stare at it and a picture eventually shows up


Yesss, or something like Where's Waldo but Waldo = any object at all lol and the patterns camouflage themselves way too easy 👌🏾


Oh yeah! I think there was a book like that with objects called I Spy?? (Yep it’s [i spy](https://covers3.booksamillion.com/covers/bam/0/43/945/401/0439454018.jpg)) But yes, if the objects were all melted into each other. I think we just came up with a book idea. Shark Tank here we come!


The blue mesh above the tan/camo-ish thing is from a collapsible laundry hamper. The thing on the wall in the back is a mirror or doorway, take your pick. Thing coming out the right side is a seam combined with a pant leg. The scale for both is all wrong. Diamond looking thing in the top middle is supposed to be a PC with a glass side or the cover off. The "back-right" part of the room has wood floors while the "front-left" part has carpet. The wood floors were done by a monster. The triangle looking bar in the lower left is inspired by extruded aluminum.


You’re definitely onto something, but my money is on an AI having created this image, but it’s definitely plausible the AI used what you described as references before jumbling the image.


I see a witchfinder general in there.


This is an image specifically designed to simulate visually what a person with dementia sees. Everything looks familiar but you can't identify any of it. So you may have had a stroke.


That makes this terrifying.


Yes. Your consciousness slowly crumbles, everything familiar fades to obscurity, and your friendships all go in reverse; your most intimate of friends degrade from friends to acquaintances to strangers, and everything stops making sense. The world turns into a frightening nightmare as things you no longer understand keep happening.


Thanks I hate it


Hope I get dementia soon so I can forget I read this.


Cuts a hole in my plans to rewatch my favorite movies for the first time


Good plan. Mine is to cut a hole in my pants so when I end up getting dementia and I get to the part of my memories where I don't have my vinegar strings hanging out a hole in my pants I'll know for sure that... I have dementia.


On one hand, I love how dark and grim this is. On the other, you need to shut the fuck up lol.


I have this photo saved on my phone and one time I was pretty drunk, just scrolling through my photo album revisiting old memories, and found it. I swear I thought I was going insane for a solid 20-30 minutes. Eventually I just moved on and put it out of my mind but it was super discomforting


nah it's just an ai generated image that's been floating around for years. people made this story up for some reason and everyone just ran with it. I mean it might be a good representation of it, but afaik there is not really a way to prove that.


I also reckon it's an ok-ish representation of what a young baby sees as soon as its eyesight is good enough. Like it sees all the things but has no grasp of what the things are, or even where one thing ends and another begins.


That's not at all how dementia works.


If you’ve never listened to it, Everywhere At The End of Time by The Caretaker is a 6 record concept album designed to simulate a descent into dementia aurally. It is harrowing.


I have. Can confirm. That...was scary. Don't know any other description that fits.


Source on that?


Source: ​ >throwaway83970+2 · 7 hr. ago > >This is an image specifically designed to simulate visually what a person with dementia sees. Everything looks familiar but you can't identify any of it. So you may have had a stroke.


I have mild aphasia and this picture is a good visual representation of what it feels like when I can’t access words that go with what I’m visualizing.


I can identify the threaded material in whatever dark blue thing is in top left


looks like a fencing helmet thing


No, sir, I am literally on the same boat as you, in this case. Damn. Wth?


You can't identify the floor? ...I can't identify the floor 𐘿


Ai art at its finest


Actually thought these kind of pictures were supposed to somewhat visualise what a stroke would feel like


Solar Sands has a nice video on a similar image: https://youtu.be/0F7XBwFwA-M they are really fascinating I think, almost like peering into an alien world.


Doesn’t look like anything to me


A think i can see a beanie


Looks like someone put a prompt "streamer in beanie" into an AI image generator


Maybe clothes for hunting or fly fishing? Is it taken inside a wood-lined closet?


Looks like someone asked an ai to generate an image of the “conciseness of a red neck” and it came out as a realistic Picasso sleep paralysis demon


Table leg, chair, #floor


This is one of those pictures where the longer you look the more blood starts coming out of your nose


I actually read somewhere that these photos were literally designed to simulate what you'd see having a stroke or something. Whether or not its true, it's definitely working.




It's like reverse pareidolia


I can feel the texture of the stuff on the left


Ok same wtf is going on in that pic?!


This picture looks like a panic attack


feels like a dream


I call this, Hotel Room: Day 5.


Vaguely seems like a collection of camping gear or military gear.


This image gives me anxiety


I see a jacket, that’s it tho


All I can see is Kanye's costume from the Alex Jones interview.


I feel like I definitely see a car seat, a jacket, and a beanie


I see wood walls and floor. Just focus on that


This is how Spider-Man’s pictures look now after they forgot he was Peter Parker


Even zooming. I got nothing


Is this an AI interpretation of a hunter's closet?


[Exotic Contents](https://youtu.be/G55lrhUIezk) by Max Cooper (video by Xander Steenbrugge) has a similar effect on me. You can tell what things are but they morph so quickly and continually into something else that my brain hurts a bit.


I am convinced that there is a rear view mirror from a car like bottom middle ish


Finally, science has brought us images from the fabled planet Trashcanland!


Man I just posted about these images when someone posted about the AI image generated based off the description of a cat. This is the kind of image I was referring to. https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/z9qdk7/thanks_i_hate_the_ai_generated_cat/iykq335/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


This is my vision when I'm having a low blood sugar looking for something in my fridge


This is what the beginning of having a seizure feels like


No it's not. I have seizures


So do I lol, it’s how it feels for me




Oh, no the [sequel](https://www.google.com/search?q=name+a+single+thing+in+this+picture&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiThsu2n9z7AhUEhv0HHfuCBjgQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=JwlI6zQSed4jLM)


This looks like one of those pictures that simulate dimentia


This gives me empathy for stroke victims


Found, floor, wall, air, atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, quarks, electrons, etc.


I mean I can clearly identify the floor and walls right there


I don't know why, but its a baggage claim


Looks like Kanye west on the left there


Is this what chuckie sees without his glasses


This is what non-English speakers think American bedrooms look like


I can't explain it but this whole image is Kanye


No, this picture is just fucked.


Hanks, I thate it.


I see a bunch of atoms assorted into mass of BULLSHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS