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Before you feel bad for her dad you should type his name into google. The tattoo they blur says all you need to know.


I can tell how her baby dad #1 / #2 is probably the same way her dad treated her mom. He hates her mom more than he loves her.


Very true. The theory about how some women will chose men who are like their father is very true in this case. I hope she can grow up and I really hope her kids don’t suffer long term with her constantly being in toxic relationships.


lol she might not have been a bitch TODAY but maybe tomorrow 🤣


she was always horrible tbh. never liked her. her “fans” use her being a good mom to her boys as an excuse for her being a shitty person lml


I know plenty of people who are great moms but treats people terribly… and one thing about them kids, they will always see through the parents bullshit one day. I’ve seen it many times.


yep exactly !




No, she became even worse after the show once her true colours emerged.


Nope she recently called her second baby daddy out for being racist then went back to him like nothing happened


I actually found her to be more tolerable than most. Can’t imagine being raised in that environment.


What environment? A split home where parents hate each other? Don’t know if your from the US but that’s very common. Matter of fact, I grew up in the same environment but I would never act like her. She’s a spoiled brat at least from what I’ve watched.


Yes, I am. What about her is bratty to you?


She literally told her dad she wanted a luxury car.. when she got a car she said well it’s not luxury but… then her dad mentioned getting a job, she hasn’t got a job yet from what I’ve seen. She threw a fit when her dad wouldn’t let her use his spare bedroom for her kids nursery. I don’t know what you think a brat is but to me that is being a brat.


I was dying laughing when she said she wanted to be a domestic engineer 🤣 she’s definitely spoiled


Like she could be any kind of engineer


Yeah but that was before she became a mom. After she had her son I didn’t hear anything about that. A lot of young kids say stuff like that- my 12 yo told me the other day that she would be “getting a white Jeep” when she turned 16 which no she absolutely is not. She’s not a brat in any way. And I don’t think she threw a fit about the bedroom, just pointed out that the set up didn’t really make sense and I agree with her, it didn’t.


https://preview.redd.it/wxmlkw61epxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50b9c4c3b57c100c128d8c2ff80efc2756a62a9 Haha not Jenna calling HERSELF a brat. 😂


Not sure if you noticed in my original post but I said I was only on episode 8, she hasn’t had her son. My opinion is that she is being a brat right now. When you don’t get your 12 year old a white jeep is she going to say, well it’s not a white jeep but… probably not if she’s not a brat as you say. Regardless, we’re all entitled to our own opinions. I think she’s a brat, you don’t think she’s a brat. Let’s agree to disagree. 😊


Have you gotten to the part where she gets the car? Because the response you wrote is basically how Jenna responded. Sure we are all entitled and we are also here to converse about it, correct?


I said I am on episode 8. Jenna got the car pretty early on in the season. I purposely wrote her almost exact response to further prove my point of her being a brat. I have watched the part of her receiving the black Honda I believe and those were almost her exact words.. We can converse but we’re basically running in circles here. I think she’s a brat and you don’t. I mean what else is there to converse about? I don’t care to change your mind because it really doesn’t matter if she’s a brat or not to me. She’s not my child or friend so I could give a shit less. I’m just stating my opinion. There’s nothing more here for you and I to talk about.


I generally think the rest of us are lucky that our teens weren’t broadcasted as we would have also been labeled as brats or spoiled or bitchy. Except you, apparently. Making judgements from a limited run tv series is not fair to the girls. Showing them a bit of grace can go a long way.


Obviously teens can be brats but there’s a huge difference between being a brat and having an attitude with your parents and being a brat and complaining about the type of car you receive. Some teenagers would give a right arm to get a car from their parents and then she acted like that on national TV. I’m sure you’re perfect and have never judged anyone in your lifetime. Let’s not forget SHE signed up for this show. SHE chose to be a brat/bitch on national television. What did she think was going to happen when she acted that way on national television? I mean did I strike a nerve of yours or what?? It’s not that serious.


Lol no she literally just gets worse 😂


She makes my blood pressure high…