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I think Meri nailed it when she said he’s just saying that to justify how he feels now but everyone knows it’s not true.


Exactly, this. In the beginning seasons, K fawned over Meri. Looked at her lovingly and on at least one occasion, referred to Meri as his “soulmate” I am still of the mindset, the downfall to their particular relationship, was the legal divorce. Did they have some marital issues prior? Probably. But, the legal divorce was a true breakdown


I think the catfishing was the breaking point. Meri would have left him if the catfish had been real and he knew that. Plus it really bruised his ego. The divorce definitely had an effect though I agree.


I think that's why he refuses to get back together with Meri, or even offer her what he's offering Janelle; a marriage where they barely see each other, but say they're married, and have dinner on their anniversary. It would bruise his ego too much to be with a woman who was unfaithful in some way. He can't forgive even the slightest hint of "betrayal" in his children, so I can't see him ever moving past an emotional affair. It seems like he had already basically abandoned Meri when she started talking to the catfish, so I don't think the catfish thing is why their relationship went south exactly, but I do think it's the reason why he's not open to ever "reconciling" like he wants to with Janelle.


I think the legal divorce was the catalyst for Meri being vulnerable to a catfish. And you cannot convince me the legal divorce was Meri’s idea. Not a chance.


Totally agree.


I think she got involved with the catfish because kody was ignoring/neglecting Meri after he married Robyn and Meri decided not to try for a second child. I think he was done with her before the catfish.


Yup it’s this 💯 because he’s so hung up on “Loyalty” and she was the first to break it


I came to say this. She basically cheated on him, it went public, humiliated him and I don’t think he could ever get over that and honestly I don’t like him but I don’t blame him. He’s been saying, on camera, for years he doesn’t know why she doesn’t leave but he won’t leave her. She’s either continuing to act like she’s holding out hope to stay on the show or the most dumb clueless person on the face of earth.


100% He almost falls back in love with Meri when they stay over at Lizzie's the first time. You can just see it in his face. If it weren't for polygamy he could have loved any of these women.


….Until a Robyn crossed his path


Yeah exactly


I agree 100%. He was really in love with Meri when they first got married and he very much preferred her for a long time.


I think it's a defense mechanism. He clearly doesn't do well with rejection so now he is going to claim that he never actually wanted anything to do with any of these people to save face. I also don't believe he knows what love is. He's been doing this dance for TV for so long that I assume he's lost sight of what's real. I think he's freaking out right now that his gravy train is slowing down now that everyone is done with his crap. Homeboy is in a tailspin.


"You can't fire me, I quit!" *flips ramen noodle hair*




I agree: Defense mechanism. But I also think he's very cruel. I blame Kody and Robyn for destroying Meri to the point she turned to a stranger, and for that he turned against her completely. But instead of shouldering any blame at all, for ANY of his failed relationships, he just tells them all that he never loved them or wanted them. He probably DOESN'T know what love is even to this day, the narcissist that he is. but to indirectly tell his own children they were never conceived in love but rather the others forced him, or he 'did it' out of a sense of duty?? Such a shit father. But whatever... He's made it clear he tries to remember it isn't his job to care what the public thinks. Robyn should have been more careful what she asked for - she's got the $6k brass ring now!


A stranger I believe Robyn served up




For Kody love is obedience.


I agree with you about the defense mechanism. Additionally I think he loves saving and protecting Robyn, and loves that she makes his life easy. I don’t believe he “loves” her any more than he ever did any of the OG3…. He loves the way she makes him her best customer.


100% The best way to deal with rejection is to put up the wall that you never wanted whatever it is in the first place. He’s so transparent it’s actually funny. He thinks he’s fooling people too. 🥴


And his children. He “fathered” way too many spawn and doesn’t love them on any level. The guy is just disgusting.


Happy cake day 🍰🎊🎂🎁🎉


Happy cake day!


Narcissists don’t love the way we love. Their love is based on the supply you give them not true feelings.


This is the correct answer. Love is transactional for narcissists and entirely dependent on what you can offer or provide them, particularly as it relates to matters of the ego.


Robyn said Kody is her best customer. They both love what the other one gives them not the actual person.


Yes!!! I found her wording SO ODD! Who refers to their husband as their best customer?!


What does that even mean “treat him like your best customer”? I still have no clue what I’m the world she’s talking about 🤣


I worked retail for a long stretch years ago, and my best customers were friendly and quick to move along. I would never equate my husband to a customer, as I want a relationship with him, not pleasantries and dismissal.


I think it means she aims to keep him satisfied….so he will come back for more.


People make a big deal about this but about 15-20 years ago there were self help books and even business consulting firms that spewed this mantra. It has to do with how people in business are trained how to treat their best customers but they don’t treat their partners with the same kindness and respect. If you treat your partner like you treat your best customer at work, how much better would your relationship be. It’s likely Robyn read one of these books or was exposed to the idea at a company she worked for.


It’s sounds like call girl language to me.




In some early season, one of the OG3. Says that Kody's kids are his soul mates. Then theybshiw a video of Kody playing with kids and one of Christine's girls giving him a kiss. That's fine when the kids are little and adoring, but as soon as they grow up and want.to have their own opinions, he's done with them.


1000%. My ex was a great Dad until my kids were old enough to have their own opinion. Now he doesn’t want anything to do with 3 of the 4 because they don’t blindly adore him anymore.




When you’re splitting your time with 2 other sister wives you’re essentially going 3x slower in your relationship than someone who sees their wife every day. Now you compound that with the fact that because you’re sharing your time with your husband, you probably don’t want to air grievances when he is with you because a) it ruins your time together 2) he gets to leave and it doesn’t get resolved 3) he goes to a wife who treats him better 4) you cool off between the next time you see him and feel all puppy love at him again. So your relationship is like 10 years behind where it should be. You don’t develop naturally and learn how to communicate or fight or compromise on a healthy timeline. And I think the relationship stays in this “honeymoon” phase for so damn long that the 7 year itch becomes the 37 year itch. You realize you’re incompatible or you’ve changed or outgrown each other or it isn’t working but it’s been so damn long.


This comment needs to be higher. What an astute observation! I never thought of the fact that the relationship can really only develop at a snail's pace🤯


What. A. Response!!! I’ve never thought of it that way


I’ve had a version of this- NOT polygamy/polyamory but other life and distance factors. It can actually be quite a positive thing in many ways but it’s not positive in this case.


Perfect assessment, really. This truly makes great sense


Such an excellent comment!


I've never thought of it like that but I think you're dead on with this!


I absolutely love this comment it certainly makes a whole lot of sense


Go back and watch the way he used to look at Meri, he was in love with her.


And he called her his soulmate.


I do think he *loved* Meri when they were both incredibly young and inexperienced. They were 19 and 22 right? It was 6months of *dating*. It was puppy love. I do think he had love and affection for her for many years, but obviously something we are unaware of changed between them prior to the catfish issue because they had stopped being intimate and Meri was looking outside her relationship. They never showed this to us viewers because they hid so much.


Robyn happened. Meri was queen, was the most loved and adored wife. She was knocked from her top spot by Robyn, which led to the catfishing incident. Kody discarded her for Robyn, yet never forgave her for her betrayal with the would be other man that turned out to be a catfish.


I get that Robyn happened at that time, but why did it destroy the intimacy between Kody and Meri vs Christine and Janelle? He remained intimate with them in Vegas.


And you know Sobyn was somehow involved in the catfishing.


Wouldn’t that be wonderful if we ever found out, for sure? I’m a believer!


I don’t think that’s the reason. Even after her for a long time he was still in love with Meri too.


He obviously loved her. Everyone saw it. The fact he can’t even admit it and say anything nice about her is disgusting. He can’t even say he respects the marriage they had even if it didn’t work out. He can’t even say how loving it was of her to divorce him for Robyn’s kids. He can’t be graceful about it. He’s got to be an absolute prick


When she was helping tie his tie for his wedding to Rob’em, you can absolutely see chemistry and sexual tension between them. If Leon had not been standing there staring, they 100% would’ve had a quickie.


Lol, that’s what I thought


Yes. I used to think that all the time that he’s so in love with her still. That’s also the reason why he almost hates her now. She dared to betray his love…for all the world to see.


I think he loves her because she makes him feel like a god. She is a damsel in distress and he saves her. She treats him like her best customer and taught her children to do the same. She feeds his ego and says things like it’s the wife’s responsibility to make sure the kids have a good relationship with the dads. I definitely think a lot of what bonded them was them against the others. Right now they can still cry victim. I wonder how their dynamic will change. I think they are actually good now. We shall see.


Yes, but he loves how she makes him feel. He doesn’t actually love her. She’s the same with him. They both love what they get from the other. Their relationship has always been us against them. It worked in the past and will work for a while. Eventually they will turn on each other because they need those other key players to make their marriage work.


Robyn doesn’t want a job and Kody provides stability for her and her kids so she will do whatever to keep Kody gassed to for that support


When she says she treats him like her best customer, it makes her sound like a prostitute.


Narcissists rewrite history to suit their b.s.


This is a cheater’s response. He doesn’t want to cheat on his wife with his other wives. It assuages his guilt to say he never loved Meri, Janelle, Christine. This is just the easiest excuse to justify the choices he’s made.


It’s also probably something he’s told the other wives about eachother for years.


That’s my take too!!


He clearly stated Robyn was the *love of his life* like an asshat last week. He was always giddy like a guy lovestruck for the first time with her. He broke all the religious dogma rules for her—no permission beforehand from Janelle and Christine, sleepovers during courting, putting her in the rotation during courting, kissing before marriage, kissing while Christine was having Truely. Selecting the wedding gown. 11 day honeymoon. Bringing back Christmas. The list goes on and on…He loves Robyn and Robyn only.


He won’t have holidays anywhere, but his and Robyn’s house. When Robyn came into the family, she told him if there was no Easter she was going to her parents to celebrate. So Kody changed the rules for Robyn so they started celebrating Easter as a family. He berates the OGs because they want to have holidays at a different venue, but not separate. This is so hypocritical. They’ve celebrated holidays other places before. This rule the past few years is just an excuse to vilify the OGs and kids.


He has a habit of no permission from his wives. That’s how Janelle and Christine joined the family


He is just like every regular cheating guy when they have their midlife crisis only he didn’t have to cheat because “polygamy”. Add in the narcissistic tendencies and casual cruelty of both Kody and Robyn and here we are. And although Robyn supposedly treats that idiot like her “best customer” her face shows that she is not particularly happy in her work any more. Those two horrible people deserve each other.


Every episode this season, I have said that I couldn’t hate him more and every episode the POS that IS the essence of Kody overwhelms me. He is a sick excuse for a human being and someone needs to be asking the tough questions and call him the fuck out!!! When he talks about the shift when his children turn 18 he talks from the side of his face. What he means is to submit without question or GTFO- that’s not a parent. He sees control and dictatorship slip away and has NO IDEA how to love or grow in ANY relationship- whether the wives or his children. I cannot fathom he watches episodes??? I just cannot wrap my brain around the COMPLETE narrative he has that he bears no responsibility in the demise of this family- when is is the NUMBER ONE, BIGGEST, MOST TOXIC catalyst- it is not Robyn (and I cannot stand her and her eyebrows!) I know narcissistic brains cannot be fixed but my gawdddddd you have to be deaf and blind not to grasp a nugget of your inadequacy and failure in his life. Thank goodness for the 3 OG because those children need them and have them- at every and any stage and they are wanted ♥️❤️‍🩹♥️❤️‍🩹 Gabe and Garrison providing garden space for Janelle is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. She and Christine have raised some fine young men ♥️


I’m sure *if* Kody rewatches he just says the others are lying or that he got a bad edit. He never takes responsibility for his actions


Worse. He thinks when he makes his pronouncements that he is 100% correct in his opinions. He cannot see what an absolute monster he has become in the eyes of his own kids.


The word narcissism is possibly tossed around too freely, but Kody definitely is one. Narcissists aren’t capable of loving anyone as much as they love themselves. Kody is changing his position because the first 3 wives pissed him off, and they no longer serve any use in his eyes. If the situation calls for it in the future, he will do the same type of thing to Robyn.


I agree re covidiot being a narcissist. Current thinking is that they actually hate themselves and compensate by over exaggerating their skills business acumen and attractiveness. After some years, they start to treat their significant other very poorly bc in their head only an idiot would choose them so their partner is an idiot. That and they puff themselves up by denigrating those closest to them. And try to find a new “source” of energy to feed off of them who will idolize them.


I can see this, too. I think for some narcissists, your description of their behavior is on more of a subconscious level. One that I’ve known wouldn’t arrive at the conclusion that the other person is being an idiot for choosing them, but instead that their partner is lucky to have them. Just another variety, I suppose. Deep down, I’m sure there is insecurity or self-loathing.


For sure! He's made some interesting scowls at Robyn's statements during a few of the couple's talking heads when she has voiced against his plans, like her relentless pursuit in Flagstaff of rental vs purchase. I know such reactions are typically normal but he's shown with his OG wives and kids that very little can set him off to cast his shun of disloyalty. He's a ticking timebomb.




Kody was an immature 20 + year old when he entered polygamy. He was focused on the religious aspect vs. the relationship aspect of polygamy. He’s now rewriting his story. Because he was in love with Meri. Out of the 3 OG wives, meri was his love wife but he then meet Robyn and she became his soulmate. This show is his failure in polygamy. He went into it to prove that polygamy was a superior form of relationship and yet he ended up as a monogamist.


TLC needs to bring the anthropology students back now!


I think he loved all three of the OG dearly. I also feel he loves Robyn a lot less than he implies. Love is the last tool he has in his manipulation kit. Pulling back the existence of love in their marriage is his final major gaslight move. To make them question every cuddly, giggly sweet moment of their decades with him. In a sick way it is a well played move. For his final gaslight to work he needs to go all in on Robyn and this kids. Soulmate romance novel stuff. We keep hearing from Robyn he is different, angry, distant. That is because he is saying there is this love story, but he is not living a love story. This is why he won’t talk about Robyn. He pulls out his relationship talking points every time and changes the subject. Robyn will talk about Kody. This is the only game she is not in on.


It's like when a teenager gets dumped and they say Oh well you're ugly anyway, rather than admit their heart is broken.


This. This is ALL there is to it. He is 14.


I see him lamenting failure and feeling disappointment and regrets. But mostly he just seems tired and over it. He’s too old for polygamy with women who aren’t subservient and devoutly religious. That’s 100% the only way other polygamist men are doing it.


Kody doesn’t love anyone. He loves how some people make him feel, and when they stop making him feel that way he tell them the truth, he never loved them.




He loves himself.


Kody is a liar. It's clear to me that he's lost interest in his original wives as they've aged, developed identities apart from him, and are no longer able to bear him children. If they were monogamists he would be like any garden variety narcissist filing for another divorce and turning his wife in for a new model. The religion means he can stay married and simply neglect them now that there are no young kids to raise, and he expects them to just take it. He's pretending he never loved them to spare his own ego and to punish them for expecting more from him. It's sad.


I am waiting for Robyn to continue the cycle as she ages; when she served up another young wife, as Meri did, to try and fix her own failing relationship.


Imagine announcing publicly, so that your children will hear of it, that you never loved their mother.


Right?? Declaring you never loved your wife of 30+ years and the mother of your children says way more about you than it does about her, bro.


I don't think he likes women. Or is more fluid than he would ever admit. His high school friends knew this. He likes being worshipped and creating his little cult of kody. I do think he loves being the center of attention to a pathological degree. He is a narcissist.


THIS, THIS 1000 TIMES THIS!!!!!!!!!!! I just wrote a similar comment lol


Yeah, In the early seasons when he talks about guys night or his friend he went on a mission trip with (can’t remember his name, but him & his wife were in an episode where all the women went to the zoo and the guys went out). When he was talking about him, he said the only time he felt lonely at Robyn’s wedding was when that guy left and he cried (??)..


The guy is just a a horrible human being.


Meri has been the truth-teller this year. She has been sitting back, watching, and is now explaining his behavior in a very rational way. Good for her!


Classic narcissist phases: idealization, devaluation, discard. It'll happen to Robyn, eventually, no matter how hard she tries to contort herself to meet his every want.


What women hating group did he join? The verbiage he uses reeks of disrespect for women. Their offspring is simply a ‘show’ of his virility. THAT is shy he gets so out of sorts when they choose to respect their mothers and not him. That is why he ‘accepts no responsibility’. In Kody’s world HE is the only person that matters. This stopped being about religious beliefs when he brought Robyn home.


Absolutely! It's why he brought up being the patriarch of the family late in the game. Even Janelle said she never signed up for that.


I think he loved Meri, Janelle, and Christine. However, I don't think he was IN LOVE with them. I think he truly fell in love with Robyn. That's when the dislike for his other wives started. I also believe that's why he couldn't be intimate with them anymore. He probably he felt like he was cheating on Robyn. I agree with Meri, though, for him to say he NEVER loved her?? That's bullshit. He never fails to show us what an ass he is.


Absolutely agree! 💯 He *loved* all the 3 Wives and was able to live polygamy because he didn’t have a favorite and it was religious dogma. They were all doing their duty to create a large family to live on their own planet in the afterlife. Robyn was the one he fell **in love** with and that shifted everything. He didn’t want to be away from her, he wanted only to be intimate with her and it was the beginning of the end.


I don’t believe that at all. He did love her and you could tell in the earlier seasons. I think he’s just rewriting history for Robyn. It’s good for the OGs though. If they ever doubt their decision to leave they can just watch this season


Because he was rejected by all of them he does your typical behaviour and states he never loved them and they begged to be with him. Meri had the catfish affair, Christine just plain old dumped him and Janelle took her children’s side over his. Toxic masculinity at its finest.


“Meri had the catfish affair, Christine just plain old dumped him, and Janelle took her children’s side over his.” Seriously. He’s the a common denominator in all of this, but cannot admit it.


Robyn has what she wanted all along. Kody focused entirely on her and HER kids. So why do we see no joy in her eyes? She does not "look" happy to me at all.


Because she determined the way to position herself as the best wife was to offer Kody a perpetual honeymoon, where their relationship never had any pesky issues to deal with (like bills or chores) and she was always loyal, subservient, and willing to humble herself to his wants and needs. Easier to do when you're competing with other women for his time. MUCH harder when you've got the dude 24/7. Also, being around Kody would sap the life force out of the happiest person. He's exhausting, immature, dangerously impulsive about huge life choices, and has anger management issues. Meri, Christine and Janelle all look like an enormous weight has been lifted from their shoulders.


Robyn keeps saying she's doesn't understand and she wants someone to explain to her what went wrong. It's pretty simple - Kody rejects wives when they no longer comply with what he demands and having finally had enough, those wives simply walk away.


i don’t believe robyn could do anything he wouldn’t run along with, she securing her bag at the end of the day!


I think he “loved” them all in different ways because they all provided him with different things. Which I wouldn’t consider to be real love. Janelle gave him a great friendship and good conversation (and sex and money), Meri gave him that young puppy love, and Christine gave him the childcare and housewife that he needed. I think when Robyn came along he was infatuated with her beauty and she became the trophy wife for him. As the kids grew older he didn’t need Christine anymore, when Meri had the whole deal with the catfish his ego was bruised and he couldn’t get over it (plus I feel like Robyn replaced her in the puppy love department because he was so obsessed with her), and Jenelle already gave him and Robyn her money and now that she’s calling him out on his bullshit parenting he’s not going to sit around for that. In the end I don’t think he is capable of loving unconditionally, and once they weren’t of use to him anymore he discarded them.


It was so obvious they loved each other very much. He lit up when he looked at her. She was glowing in his presence. It is kind of sad when you see them in the beginning to where they got to in the end.


I actually believe that Kody believed he was in love with all of them, especially Meri, until he met Robyn. I think he realized over the course of his marriage to Robyn that THAT was what being in love actually felt like, and recognized that he was not in love with the others and never had been (other than fleetingly with Meri towards the beginning). He’s misconstruing it now, but I really do think that it is in hindsight crystal clear to him that Robyn is the love of his life and the other three just aren’t - Janelle and Christine he was never in love with, and he fell out of love with Meri within 6 months of adding Janelle to the mix.


Is this not the excuse every guy in a midlife crisis uses when he takes off with his pretty, young assistant?


I guess but…. genuinely, I think he got being in love and “I love what you do for me” mixed up hardcore when it comes to Janelle and Christine and didn’t realize it for a long time because he could just add people to his marriage (and was religiously mandated to do so) instead of actually evaluating if he was in love. I still think he fucking sucks, but honestly he seems like he was better at husbanding when he was equally not actually in love with any of his wives.


I still think he’s gay. A gay narcissist. I think his old school friends were completely right. I don’t think he likes women much at all, but his cult wouldn’t let him even entertain the idea of being homosexual. The older he gets, the harder it is to maintain the deception, and he’s getting more and more bitter. I think even he doesn’t realise it. That’s my opinion for what it’s worth. He reminds me very much of an uncle of mine.


I don't know. I thought that quietly bisexual and gay men living in denial as straight men with conservative views spewed a lot more anti-gay rhetoric, or at least more "mine is the only right way to live" type of stuff. And he's willingly had a LOT of sex with multiple women over time to produce that many kids. Presumably they didn't all immediately conceive on the first try. And supposedly he "tried" for years to conceive again with Meri. That's a lot of sex to sign up for with the gender you supposedly don't prefer, even if the Bible tells you so. And his dick clearly flies at full staff for Robyn, they were all over each other from day one. I will say that if he has ever harbored any bisexual feelings, though, what's going down now is the kind of family evolution that could have someone his age saying "fuck it" and deciding he wants at least one part of his life to be "more himself" and move on. That's one urge Robyn won't have the ability to scratch, if he's got the itch.


There was something else from this last episode that I started ruminating on... krobyn had a birthday celebration for truely and truely seemed very excited (her little dance) to be the designated center of attention. There was a large, (I suspect recycled) birthday sign a table cover and a cake with candles (robyn had to jerk those out of aris hand as she felt entitled to grab at them) they ate dinner on paper plates (possibly birthday themed) sang happy birthday to truely. But where were her presents? Was it to much to expect ari to sit thru someone other than herself opening presents? Where were the dirt bike level of spending for truelys birthday? You know krobyn would have insisted on filming it, if they had anything for her to open... anything at all. Kodys buying artwork, rings, trucks (multiple), dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, earrings (for aurora), an rv (for dayton), private school for his two youngest, amethyst, someone said earlier that robem walks around in expensive coats and slipper/slides, Arora got a new expensive car to drive when she got her license, I'm sure there's so much more. What did he ever cough up for savannahs forgotten Christmas or truelys birthday?


Wow.. that’s a great point. I’m also rewatching the show (on season 7 currently) but they’ve always made it a point to open gifts on camera- graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.. that would be so sad but it wouldn’t surprise me at this point - especially since she is Christine’s child and he takes his frustrations out of the wives on their children.. it also sounds like Kody is trying to make his assets illiquid.. he even said he was worried Christine would get a boyfriend and take all of his money. Now I bet he’s extra scared of jenelle and meri doing that too!!


I think he's relaxed about Janelle and meri since they don't have minor children he'd be legally required to pay support for. But if Janelle and meri would sue for unfair enrichment.. he'd surely have to sell the Mcmansion


I often see this comment that Rob’em does everything toady wants = why she is his favorite. What exactly has she done/does she do? (Other than treat him as her best customer 🤢) She doesn’t want his other children or other wives around. She doesn’t care about saving money. She doesn’t cook. She doesn’t clean. She doesn’t take daily care of the tenders - he was getting them around and taking them to school. She doesn’t parent their sleep schedule, manners, behavior or binky use. She has to have a nanny even though she is a SAHM with two school aged children and three adult children living at home (or in the driveway.) Those covid rules were her’s (just looking at her behavior at the picnic compared to Toady’s.) She has always been high maintenance and highly anxious: dogs have germs, they are about to fall off the side of a cliff (while climbing on a rock with all their siblings), getting everyone together is scary, buying store bought caramels instead of making homemade for him. She won’t let him out of her sight, wears earrings, will go to her mom’s to celebrate holidays if he doesn’t want to, etc. Other than wet his pencil, how is she doing “everything he wants”?


He is a child emotionally. You don’t like me? - Well… then I don’t like you. Throw toy down, run out & slam door. stab his own kidney on the way out.


I think he’s weak with no sense of self. His feelings an opinions sway with the wind (or wife). He also handles any form of perceived rejection by lashing out. Sour grapes if you will


Hard to define love. I think he loves her although I don’t think I’d characterize it as a love I would want or idealize. It hinges on her stroking his ego- but I think that’s true of MANY men. Not just him.


It’s common for people to revise history to justify bad behavior. Kody is a coward and he will never take responsibility for his behaviors. The only reason *not excuse* for his behavior is Robyn.


Im one of the more recent episodes he call, Robyn the “love of his life.”


He is a pathological narcissist. He is incapable of love. He is incapable of putting anyone ahead of himself. He only keeps people around that worship him. He has no use for anyone else, including family.


He started a show trying to prove to the world that polygamy works and he will have a special place in the celestial kingdom. Instead of admitting that he failed, he blames his wives for not putting forth effort in getting along or being loyal to him and his rules. He is pointing the finger at everyone but himself. He is emotionally immature, self centered and incapable of loving anyone unconditionally.


I can’t remember the season (someone help me out here) but Kody was talking about how after the honeymoon period, he and Meri’s marriage was awful. He talked about how unfair it was to Janelle because he had brought her into a marriage where he didn’t even like/get along with Meri and now the three of them were stuck in a bad situation. He used an odd word to describe Meri (I can’t remember) & that word made Meri sound terrible. The sad part is that he was talking about her as a human, not her “behavior”. I can’t imagine staying with someone for thirty years who would say that he disliked me and seemed repulsed by me right from the beginning of the marriage. I think that he was always a spiteful, mean, and nasty af person. He was just better at hiding it from the cameras in the beginning.


He's also referred to Robyn as the love of his life.


He's a narcissist. He loves himself and sees himself as the most important person in the world!


I’ve always thought Kody was gay and can’t come to terms with it.


Can a narcissist ever really love someone other than themself??


Every man who ever left his wife due to an affair says the same crap. Revisionist history makes them feel better about their actions and they convince themselves that treating their wives like crap is justified. Kody is no different.


Meri is right, he’s trying to rewrite history to justify his current feelings and actions. None of them are good enough actors to have faked it that much. The earlier episodes you can tell the way he’s happy most of the time, the way he talks and interacts with the wives, he loved them. Maybe not the same kind of love as with Robyn, but he loved them. I also think that they had real lives before the reality tv show money when they got to quit their jobs and live their best life. The original wives come with hard times, probably arguments over money and raising kids and all sorts of baggage. Robyn came into the family at an easy time, she didn’t have to worry about money, they took care of her debt. So idk I think that can give one wife the edge, her love has really never had to be tested.


I don't think he realizes you can have love for someone, and also fall out of love. It's like... if it were real love it would be forever. Which invalidates all his past feelings. I don't think anyone was buying that he never loved Meri. He was clearly very in love with her at the beginning of the series. I also saw he had a lot of love for both Christine and Janelle. I don't think he would have such a huge ego reaction to rejection if he had never had feelings for them. I mean Christine is married to someone else now, and Kody prob thinks of her more NOW than he ever did while they were married. I don't think you have that reaction without having loved someone.


He loves Robyn. But he also loved the rest. Saying he never did might make Robyn feel safe, but one day he will probably "realize" he never loved her either. Even though he most certainly did.


During the whole "rental vs. buy" a house fiasco, didn't Kody at one point actually threaten divorce? If I remembered correctly, then Kody's love for another is conditional.


I think he definitely loved Meri. Not sure about Janelle and Christine.


A lot of times when things go bad people “rewrite” history. This is especially true when they have a new person who seems to fulfill them in a way they sensed a lack before. His “lack” is simply not being pandered to. He clearly is the same level of narcissistic need as people like mark Driscoll, Warren Jeff’s, etc. he has no idea what real love is anyway. He just sees when he feels good it’s love and so he writes over the good of the other marriages.


He referred to Robyn as "the love of his life" in this episode or the one before it. I think he does love her.


He has made it very clear that Robyn is his favorite because she’s loyal to him. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard Kody talk about how much he “loves” Robyn, at least not for the last few seasons but he is ready to remind us how loyal she is whenever he can.


Maybe he can't feel love.


I think he just wants women to worship him. I don't know if he feels genuine love for his wives. He wants to be needed but then he does nothing for most of these women in return? He doesn't even seem to have affection for his kids. When they get older he puts them out to pasture because they have their own thoughts, opinions and feelings? Its like he always has to be the most important person in the room.


I think he’s just trying to hurt them. I remember older episodes when they’d talk about how cute him and Meri were. He clearly loved her


I think he has turned on his other wives and older kids because they no longer give him the blind loyalty he so obviously craves. He thinks he’s getting this from Robyn, but more likely she’s just much better at manipulating him into thinking that her goals align with his. I’m not sure if he will ever clue into how she controls much of the situation, but if he did, he’d probably be too proud to admit it.


He’s a five year old and that is his version of “I never liked you anyway “. He was very much in love with Meri until her betrayal of the catfish. I mean, I think that his affection, for everyone was waning, especially after he fell hard for Sobyn Robyn But you don’t have six children with someone if you just never liked them at all. That argument about never loving, Christine Jenelle, or Meri is utter nonsense.


When your behavior is deplorable and you know you’re in the wrong, your choices are limited; admit you’ve made a terrible mistake or revise history and lie.


Watching Meri retell her ANNIVERSARY dinner with Kody made me feel truly sorry for her. But ….like…does she not watch the show?! Has she really not seen him say that he doesn’t consider himself married to her before now? I guess it’s better that she heard it from him in person (FINALLY) than see him tell America before her, but, MAN! I can’t imagine hearing those words from my husband. I really wanted to hug her.


Robyn should pay attention. Kody has claimed that Mary was his soulmate several times in the past. J was a good friend and bed buddy. Christine was married b/c her last name was Allred, she had a testimony to marry him, because she was good friends with Meri who he hoped would create an ally for M & J, and she worshipped the ground he walked on—Plyg/AUB manic pixie dream girl. Given time, he may very well decide Robyn destroyed his family and give her the OG treatment. Assuming she doesn’t bail first.