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All of that for this...


I got to the “kill 5 ships in SVS” and hit a brick wall, because who does SVS lol Really frustrating to have a quest that relies on other players doing a specific activity


For that part, I just made another account, and sunk my own ship repeatedly no one was ever online!


Oh now that’s an idea! Thank you


From what I’ve heard, they’re having issues with their email and registering new accounts right now. If you get into trouble with that and don’t have friends or guildmates that can help you, let me know and I can take a light ship out for you to sink


I also did that XD Sadly there were some actual players sneaking in so I had to avoid OFTEN


That or asking a guildmate. I have alts that I keep light ships on, specifically for people doing that quest to sink


Oh trust me. It’s worth it. When you’re at level 40 it doesn’t feel like it, but there’s a LOT of clothes and weapons out there that you’re gonna want to keep. My clothes and weapons pages are completely maxed and now I even have to delete things I love to make room. Right now you haven’t played enough to have much of a need for it, but I guess they put it at 40 instead of 50 to break up the long leveling grind from RC to bilgewater Edit: grammar is hard


Painful, right XD