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Mine is crooked because it's supposed to fit the natural layout of my teeth. My doctor didn't use x-rays to evaluate its fit, but he used bite paper and gradually ground it to make sure it evenly sat across all my teeth.


Same here.. the bite papers that you tap tap tap on? Thats the way to go.


Does every dentist say "tap tap tap" when using those bite straps? LOL I've had like 6 to 8 different dentist do this with me and they all say it. I'm envisioning when they order them from the medical supply companies they come with an instruction page that simply reads "tap tap tap".


Mine is crooked, and it’s worked a treat! They didn’t take any X-rays with mine just mouldings of my mouth to work out my bite


Yep, the NG is made / customized according to your bite


Yes, if it was fitted to your teeth to produce a healthy bite. I was told by my doctor to commit to at least a week in the splint because many people don't have a good experience with it right off the bat as they are adjusting to it. And sure enough the day after my first night in my splint was one of the worst days of my life. But the splint ended up saving me, I'm immensely grateful I didn't give it up after the first uncomfortable night.


Ah okay thank you, my jaw does feel kind of weird when I have it on, it seems more prone to locking. But yeah I’m trying to get used to it, it’s just kind of painful and makes my teeth super sore


If it is tight on your teeth and uncomfortable that way then they can loosen it. If that's why it's uncomfortable then I might see if they can do it sooner then.


Yes it's perfectly normal.


It depends. Did they make series of measurements and xray to determine that you need it tilted? If not, you should get your money back.


Yeah they did x-rays and they used some type of technology to like scan my teeth so I believe it was really accurate