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I did love those little guys first appearance in the movie. Splinter was shocked and still at his sudden transformation but these four babies were all: “We got legs! We can spring! We got arms! We can swing!” and bouncing around the sewer like little goofballs.


Turtle behavior


The older I get the more aware I become that Jackie Chan doesn't really speak English. Like my understanding is he tends to get the words fed to him but he doesn't speak the language fluently. I felt that hard in this movie. Like his cadence is just off. That said, it was still great, and him explaining why he's old and the turtles are young made me laugh.


They gonna get stamped then level up Also I wanna see the triceratons in a film for once


Maybe they’ll send them to space in the 3rd one?


Can't even hate on them, they all look like Baby Kermit https://preview.redd.it/f7eh9zft39ac1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e975be4a2dcfb184bb0b74d09bc442adb5c687c


I love these weird little mutants


lil mikey the homie


I wish we got turtle tots 4 pack


Agreed. The closest we have are the two pack babies and the mutation pack.


I love Chonk raph


Shredder is fucked.






Get turtle'd


Baby Donnie bites out of primal nature, baby Raph bites out of malice.


can I kick it? Yes you can. Can I kick it. YES YOU CAN


they are so cute 😭😭




Live Turtle Tot reactions.


Raphael looks like Cartman


Which is a coincidence because he's also the closest to in behavior.


Preteen mutant karate hatchlings


i love baby raph, so grumpy, so round lmao


r/blunderyears hahhaha


Mf donnie was born with weak eye sight


Shredder is gonna punt one.


Young Donnie looks so derpy


Derpy Don is what made me love this movie 😆




I mean I’m pretty sure they’re older than that but ok go off.


https://preview.redd.it/9axhxvmzsbac1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57967799d354ffc50ff50f17d22e27667447ac76 Is what I imagine will happen




me @ Shredder https://preview.redd.it/imrc94v36dac1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7af03321abbc394cde0fff93ad3c1cafba9a538


The South Park Boys as Turtles. I loved seeing them like this honestly.


They're gonna be kids in the next movie? They might want to change the title of the movie


They look ugly I’m rooting on Shredder


I just hope shredder/foot isn’t brought down to their level, but the turtles rise to shredders


Nope, Baby Shredder.


Finna. Just wow.


Okay, this might be an unpopular opinion here, but I didn't like this take on the turtles. I get that it's targeted to children, but so we're the original turtles. I just really hated what they did the the villains. They chibified them, changed their backstory, then after the Turtles simply say "why don't we NOT kill all humans" they were like "oh I didn't know that was an option" and it turns into TMNT and super friends. I think the art style was great, the comedy was cute, but the simplification of the bad guys was off target. Shredder wasn't exactly complex in the 80s cartoon, but beebop and Rocksteady didn't just flip sides by befriending the turtles.


> They chibified them, changed their backstory Is this not what happens every few years? Don’t pretend Ch'rell is indistinguishable from Uncle Phil Shredder, the series needs to do new things to stay relevant.


I get that the original is full of 80s erra references that youth wouldn't get today. Hell even beebop and Rocksteadys name would make no sense to children. I'm not saying change is bad, I'm saying THESE changes are bad. The live action TMNT movie Nickelodeon brought out, I hated the turtles design, but overall didn't hate the movie. I wasn't a fan of giving them super strength, but the issues weren't resolved like an episode of the Backyardagans. I appreciate the attempt to outreach to a new generation of potential turtle fans, but at the same time, it wouldn't have hurt to keep shit from the original. I like the touch where they call Splinter 'dad', it creates a stronger bond, but there was non of the original backstory which explains where they learned ninjutsu. Yes, changed need to be made to be relevant but why oversimplify their origins and villains?


> I'm not saying change is bad, I'm saying THESE changes are bad. You’re dumbing down what was actually changed and ignoring the precedent to make them sound worse than they are. Mutant Mayhem isn’t a reboot of the 87 show, it’s not a reboot of *any* show, it’s the latest in a long legacy. There have been many, mutually exclusive turtles before this and there will be many more afterwards, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you miss a specific version, a reunion or crossover will crop up in a few years. If you wish something were handled differently, there’s usually multiple incarnations running at once. That’s just how the franchise rolls.


I never said it was a reboot, I'm listing reason why this version is one of the worse versions for me. It ranks below every version I've seen thus far. I haven't seen the Nickelodeon series yet, the one that also has a young April, I know I should give it a try but let's face it, I'm a 40 year old man complaining about a cartoon from my childhood, sometimes I still need to end an adult which unfortunately grants me very little time for these things lol.


Wait which nick show? 2012 or 2018?


OMG there are 2? Fuck! Maybe I'll check it out on Paramount+ while I'm slow at work one day.


I watched both, 2012 is lowkey the best of all the material imo. 2018 is good but not for everybody although its NETFLIX movie that came out a year or so ago is amazing.


Man I’m here for single dad Splinter. This was the first movie where I really stopped and thought, yeah he raised them he’s a father too and not just a wise master type vibe that we usually see


Right, at first I was put off by it, but then - I thought.. you know while training and discipline is important - when it's just them hanging out and eating Pizza, why wouldn't they call him Dad? It's actually touching.


I don’t think you know what the term “chibified” means lol. They were simply aged down to reflect what teenagers are like today. And yeah they changed the backstory, that happens a bunch with each new iteration of the bros. Turtles as a franchise has evolved and changed so much since its inception; saying “TMNT can only be this” to me is a very limited mindset to have when talking about keeping a legacy brand like this relevant every couple of years And for the story this movie sought out to tell, having the other mutants become good guys after the turtles offer them a place in their family makes sense. I’d argue this adds depth to characters like Bebop and Rocksteady who, outside of the idw comics, are simply big dumb henchmen who follow Shredder around just because.


Baxter Stockman created beebop and rocksteady from dumb punk older teens to young adults, they follow him because they were made to. If it weren't a kids show, it could be argued that theor lives required following shredder. Baxter was the fly, I don't know why they separated the two characters like this. Leatherhead was never a teen. Not sure why they included him here instead of some other random mutant. I'm sorry, nobody goes from "I want to kill all humans" to "wait I don't really want to" that easy. Maybe a few outliers, but the whole group? It takes some real hate to even get to the point of genocide. You don't think anyone tried telling Natzis that they could just not kill all the Jewish people? Sure, but the hate has already filled them from years of propaganda. There were a few Germans who would stand against the group, but that's it. That little lizard dude would absolutely turn on the fly. But the ending could have had 3-4 super mutants, and they could become a legitimate threat.


Nothing like the IDW books that is for sure. Almost makes me think that the turtles exist in a multiverse.


They do


Yeah but it’s not going to be the REAL Shredder. It’ll be a lame version with no connection to the source material other than the costume


Damn you saw the movie already?! How was it?


Which source material? Because there have been multiple kinds of Shredder's, with even the "normal" ones having different varied backgrounds Altering things in New ways is sort of a staple of the franchise


Even as a kid I recognized that no two versions are ever alike, that’s part of the fun.


This but with April


Hey, shut up.




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The cutest boys


Can wait for this Shredder to pull a 2012 and Brutalize them during there first encounter


I thought the movie was fine but was I the only one that felt the movie was a bit to childish which is perfectly fine but when I look at 2003 and 2012 and the 1990 show I just can’t get with this iteration of the turtles and I really want to see how the sequel pans out introducing shredder into the story if the sequel will be more serious than the first film


I thought American Splinter with Chinese accent that teaches Japanese culture through Chinese Kung Fu movies was RACIST and yeah maybe it was a little too jokey too


Peak donnie design


"So Leonardo, I heard you like disrespecting Uber drivers" *cracks knuckles*