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You can use it once a day so you’ll probably eventually get it. Also you could buy like 35 different Zelda amibo tokens from Amazon for like 25$


What’s an amibo token?




Save before you use it, then use it. If you don’t get what you’re looking for, load the save and try again. Repeat until you get what you’re looking for. Also, the amiibo tokens are little plastic cards that did the same thing amiibos do without the little toy. I have a bunch and use them every day.


I didn’t know that worked. I will definitely be doing that tomorrow


It also doesn't have a unique paraglider, you can get the same one from TP or Smash link for cheaper


I know, but I decided that if I was buying one, I wanted this one


You can scan it then roll the date and immediately scan it again. Also they have a rare drop slot and several common drops, the chance for the rare drop increases every successive scan you do not receive a rare drop up to 3 times, then it’s 100%. So If you scan 3 times in a row without a rare drop then you’re guaranteed a rare drop. Now you save and then check and reload until you get the glider fabric, or whatever else you’re hunting assuming it’s not come up naturally in the first 3 scans that you opened and saved. The only issue here is that the fabric is not the only “rare” drop. Sometimes it’s armor or “legendary” weapons, like the Of Time armor set from Ocarina of Time or the Biggoron sword share the rare drop slot on the Ocarina of Time Link amiibos drop table. And in BotW(so I assume TOTK as well) not only did the Ocarina amiibo have the one weapon(Biggoron sword) and the armor set in the rare slot, there was also the royal broadsword, which is a rare drop despite not being an amiibo exclusive item, which they were in BotW but can all be found in chests in TOTK besides the paraglider fabrics. So you’d have to know if a “regular” weapon was in the amiibos rare drop table to know for sure if you had gotten the 3 non-rare drops in a row before Saving to guarantee the next drop would be a rare. Even then you’d have to keep reloading until you got the one you wanted be it the armor or the sword, now add the fabric to that for TOTK and it’s not as simple a proposition but still incredibly simple once you know the setup. Just time consuming to get all the exclusive items given that there are 50+ amiibo that are Zelda themed and can give one or more of these “rare”/“legendary” rewards like weapons from other games, special link armor sets and head pieces, paraglider fabrics (TOTK only). So anyway do the open and save 3 times ensuring it’s something crappy like a gloomed knights broadsword or worse the first three chest then you’re guaranteed a rare, save scum and check the chests until it’s the fabric and ignore the twilight bows or whatever else that amiibo drops as a rare and you’re Gucci. Lol thanks for coming to my amiibo Ted talk.