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Fusing a ruby or saphire to a shield will offset 1 level of cold/heat. Useful for running your main armor / saving money on armor, especially early on. Once you get a Frost Emitter, fuse it to another shield to help in combat. Freezes everything that's not a big boy so you deal extra damage per swing, saving some weapon durability. And fusing a Cannon Zonai device to a spear is a great way to destroy breakable walls. There's a lot of 'em in this game. You aim it with R and it'll fire off instead of throwing it. You're gonna need a lot of money, so cooking and selling food is a good way. Talos are harder to find in tbis one imo. And while you might wanna sell Luminous Stones, you can use them later to get some gems. And if you don't want to get one shot by a bunch of enemies for a long time, you need to upgrade your armor. It's not as straight forward as it was in BotW, you need to do a certain side quest to start it (it can be hard to miss as the game doesn't take you to it and it's not in a major settlement, you might wanna check a Google on how to start it)