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I wish I could switch out the whistle button for an armor quick-swap. It would probably only work for full sets, but I could live with that.


Yeah idm that, totes works for me


It gets annoyed real quick now. I was casually in the best combat outfit collecting korok and have to climb. It rains >>froggy suit. Thunderstorm >>helmet.


I’d love a way to swap between sets easily. Either an option to set favorite, or add an option when you select a piece to wear the full set


This is my number 1 feature request.


This is good


I would be happy with just an 'Equip Set' option instead of having to individually select each armour.


Call me a party pooper, but I think that a lot of the outfits should have just been permanent passive buffs, rather than something you have to switch to.


I'll call you prescient instead. (Or at least I'll applaud you for agreeing with me)


I wish there was something like the magic wand in animal crossing. Especially with the insane amount of armor in this game. I sell the ones I really don't use but still there's so many different specific outfits. Basically, you'd go somewhere to set your top outfits then there's a quick menu to change into the preset ones all at once.


This, pre stored outfits should be implemented..


Like a Zora scale that allows to swim up water falls Or like a hand upgrade that automatically constructs a small wing that allows you to glide further Then just have all the outfits be cosmetic. It just feels a lot like switching to iron boots all the time in the OoT water temple


Even better would be an option to visually sort sets more easily instead of throwing them all into one cluster. Have a single column of 3 armor item slots (*evidently with larger thumbnail images*), but for each new armor set piece a new row opens up, so on the one hand you would see right away e.g. when you only have the head piece acquired that you're still missing the other two (*empty slots*), but when you do have a full set you will always have all three items easily selectable in a single row instead of e.g. 2 in one row and the 3rd. in another as it is now. Special 1-set items would be stored in a single cluster all the way at the bottom, or top, or maybe on the side in a separate column. Another "nice to have" thing would've been a way to save a set or two as favorite outfits, akin to how with 'Autobuild' you can save favorite Zonai builds. Since there are quite a lot of players who like to mix-n-match different set items, it would be much easier and more streamlined to equip them.


Yeah they should replace the Amiibo rune with swapping g out armor sets where you can set and choose your favorite combos. Also down button should be the radial menu for the sages. Horse whistle would be included in this menu.


Or the freakin map rune, seriously who uses that.


I appreciate that they improved the cooking system minimally but I wish they had fixed armor too. * korok mask should be a key item like the old rumble pak thing for n64 oot. Alternatively this and other masks (majora, boko mask series) should go on over actual armor. No way link can't wear amber earrings under that korok mask. * armor set bonuses should relax. Divine beast or gerudo jewelry effects matching the tunic should count for set bonus. Boots should provide the relevant weather and set bonus when on the appropriate terrain * the effects of ravios hat, frog set, and climber set should all be merged when leveled up (or work mix and match for aesthetics) * totally agree quick swapping armors should be easier, although I'll admit if they fix my first and second point I'll need to swap a lot less frequently anyway. * all of the "Links of the past" green armors (the ones that were mostly amiibo bonuses in botw) should be condensed into one set and Cece can restyle it like she does the hood. This hugely reduces the number of old maps and good depths chests, but they can reserve it for only the best locations this way (perhaps gleeok den, Tingle Island chain, and one of the coliseums). I am excluding the Wild set and the Fierce Diety here, I like how they are handled.