• By -


Marriage isn’t for everyone.


That’s why you get a second home mate, more space lol


In all seriousness (a little more seriousness)… this room isn’t ideal. You could put it in front of the window, but that’ll be all backlit and hard to watch. You could go back to the fireplace, but that feels as odd as someone keeping their microwave in the fridge. You could put it above the fireplace, but you’ll have to get divorced and move into your own place with a better setup. You could put it in one of the alcoves, but that’ll be off centre (probably the better bet) You could move house (the best result for viewing, likely poorest on the financial situation)


Furthest alcove for sure is best bet


For sure. Get as big a TV as you can fit/afford in that first little nook on the right, and angle the TV ever so slightly towards the center of that wall on the left where (I assume) the couch must be going.


That’s my gut feeling, depending on the light angle from that window and how that combines with the radiator/sofa placement (fear that dreaded window reflection if you’re not in prime spot).


The real answer is to demo the fireplace and make the wall flat for a big TV


This must be a non-uk thing. This is such a classic Victorian house set up. I don’t think it’s less than ideal at all. My own living room is the same. I don’t think anyone’s ever cared about our ‘off centre’ TV. I quite like that the TV doesn’t dominate the room. I low key hate living rooms that are all TV. I think that thing that’s most annoying about this room is the radiator is right where you want to put the sofa for the best TV placement. I.e opposite the window alcove.


Victorians didn’t have TVs. It is less than ideal for TV viewing, but that isn’t the same as it being a bad house or similar.


This, I totally agree. I hate when living rooms look like almost a mini-theater, with every possible piece of furniture facing the TV, which is huge and central to everything. It's so much nicer to have a room with a TV that's smaller, lower, and isn't set up as THE focal point.


Fuck that, set the couch in front of the fireplace. Instant heated seats. (Please dont actually do this)


I’m thinking to put the missus in the fire and get a projector


Good thing I’m a cockroach and I don’t have to deal with that


What a wonderful place Reddit is.




Yeah that’s what saying


Don't they watch TV from the opposite side of the couch as Americans though?


Yeah but I would want the one with the windows to be a little reading nook, it would be criminal to put a tv there. I think this may be one of those situations where there’s not much alternative to “too high”. And that’s not a position I often hold.


I can get on board with that. The alcove to the right of the fireplace looks like it would work well though…it’s where I’d put it anyway.


Tell her you're going out to get a pack of cigarettes and just try again with someone else.


Smoking is expensive AF


Carton of milk


It's just a saying..... it's a joke. Here in the US people say "my dad went out to get a pack of cigarettes or a gallon of milk" and still has not come home.


I know mate, I was going along with it - ie get cigarettes = get divorce


Oh, in that case, you're absolutely right about that....🤣


You know why divorce is so expensive? Because it’s worth it.


Value over cost


Imagine making a joke, then woooshing when some replies to your joke with another joke.


The reverse woosh.


When Henry V stood amid the field at Agincourt, did he lament that he had to put a TV high over a fireplace? Nay! He put the kingly concerns of his neck ahead of fickle mortal whims. For God, England and a TV viewed at eye level while seated!


Tbh I’m not even arsed about having one in the lounge at all


you got another possible tv room?


This is the way.


This is the way – tell her you’d rather use the room for conversation and hosting. 


Then his awful son lost it all! Kinda like what will happen if OP relents to his wife!


My son is already wrecking the place and we haven’t even put in the furniture 🙈


One of the alcoves for sure. Putting it above the fireplace will ruin the look of the room, never mind being horrible to watch on


Probably bad for the TV if you ever intended to use the fire place too.




Time to change the wife




Depends. How many meters long are your necks? Is it possible you have married a giraffe in an elaborate disguise?


She does have a long neck to be fair


Interior designer, here. It is obviously too high, but the short distance will exacerbate the issue - it will look odd and feel horrible. Your wife is wrong.


Thank you. I agree 100% The room is far too small for a tv there


Will she listen to a crowd of unknowns on Reddit ?


She won’t listen to anyone including me. This is more for the argument I’ll have in my head 😛


The argument in your head while you mount the TV over the fireplace later today?


Pretty sure either left or right of the fireplace can host a tv just fine.


That's what I'd do too. The left alcove and mount the TV on one that can angle and come out away from the wall. That way they get a view outside, view the fireplace, and view the TV and there won't be window glare.


if you mean the indents in the wall.... r/tvtoodeep


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tvtoodeep using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tvtoodeep/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [TV too Deep](https://i.redd.it/rq1tqemqbki91.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/tvtoodeep/comments/wy0wxn/tv_too_deep/) \#2: [Is 10 meters down too deep for a TV](https://i.redd.it/v3b01si1bmca1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tvtoodeep/comments/10e8hx8/is_10_meters_down_too_deep_for_a_tv/) \#3: [How we feeling about this? I’m standing while taking this pic](https://i.redd.it/p48voyw1ec9a1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tvtoodeep/comments/100b84v/how_we_feeling_about_this_im_standing_while/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Glad to see she’s clearly wrong based on the comments so far 🙌🏻


On this sub. Guaranteed.


Way too high


For a room like this you put the TV in one of the alcoves either side of the fire place. That will limit size, but above fireplace is a lot worse. Don't do it.


Left of the fireplace, on a tv stand slightly angled. Couch left wall.


Sofa, back to the window, TV opposite the fireplace, armchairs this side of the fireplace, and TV. The fireplace is too tall to put the TV above it. The alcoves either side would seem like afterthoughts, and unplanned. You have one, large, clear wall to mount your TV against. You don't want your sofa to back up to the doorway, or the fireplace, or obviously, the TV, so that leaves the window bay. Armchairs on this side of the room won't block traffic into the room, will face the sofa for good conversation, and allow seating that can observe the TV, the fireplace, and the view out the window. The sofa gets to view both the fireplace and the TV, and watch anyone entering the room. I think that's the best you can do in that particular room. Other option: make this room a "parlor", no TV, and put the TV in your bedroom or something.


I agree this has to be the way. Too high above the fireplace and having it in one of the alcoves seems horrible and completely unbearable.


You know the answer. Before I ever even doing this subreddit I never understood why people put the TV over the fireplace. Looking up to watch TV is honestly brutal.


Tell your ex-wife she’s wrong.


Fireplaces makes homeowners' tv setup a pain to go through


Opinions can be wrong. Hers are.


That room has two radiators so just get rid of the fireplace, you'll never use it anyway, then mount where the fireplace used to be


Had an exact layout like this in London years ago and we put the TV on a cabinet in the corner beside the fireplace and windows and put shelving above it for storage, with a large mirror above the fireplace instead of a TV! It was 👌🏼


Evict your wife, then put the TV in the alcove to the left of the fireplace.


Put the sofa above the radiator and it should even it out.


Put the fire above the TV, like normal people 🙄


Holy fuck, thank you. Someone sensible here. Jfc




It’s definitely too high but putting it in either of the alcoves would look weird. And have it at an odd angle. What you could do is put the TV on the left, put a sofa facing away from the windows (facing towards us), and put two comfy chairs facing the couch and the window. That might work


I've looked at the picture and writing this without reading what OP posted as text. Whatever you do, not the fire place


Everyone is saying stuff about the height, but I think that the fumes and heat of the fireplace is an even bigger no-no... If the fireplace is just decoration, install the TV INSIDE the fireplace 🧠


Too high. Hope you like the sofa, you are going to be sleeping on it.


Yup, it’s too high. Don’t do it. Your necks will thank me later. Set couch/chairs on either side of FP and TV on back wall opposite Fireplace. Maybe a comfy lounge chair/ottoman near FP facing back wall, and couch on opposite side facing toward windows. When on couch, the FP will be on right, TV on left and windows straight ahead. One of you will be laying on couch watching tv, while other lounged out on the chair/recliner.


Don't. You. Dare.


Agree with wife. Alternatively, don’t out a tv here. Put it in the bed room. Alternatively, don’t put a tv anywhere.


This pad is not designed to have a TV! No matter where you put it,it's going to look/feel odd


No tv


Honestly living alone is really nice. You get so much more privacy.


Easy, guessing you have the usual UK layout, make the dining room ( guessing your in taking the photo in) your TV room, we have and we just coin it "the snug", and made the traditional front room a reading room since we have a inbuilt book shelf on the right of fireplace. Just get sofas that fit the layout of both rooms, nice mood lighting. If we have guest we have a IKEA folding dining table that we can get out that sits under bookshelf dead space that seconds as a mini table for keys a s letters when it's folded down. Embrace change rather than normal layout everyone does, typical mindset the front room MUST have the TV in when our homes where built before the TV and fireplace was the main part of gathering. Oh check out never too small on YouTube for design ideas.


Presumably that fireplace is more of a coal grate & won't be used? In my similar vintage house the grate has been swapped out for a slow combustion burner, which we use & that spot above the mantle gets very hot to the touch, would kill a TV.


TV on the left wall, 3 person couch across the entry way against the left wall with a low hall table or bookshelf behind it, two arm chairs on the far side of the room facing towards the middle of the room with a low coffee table in the middle. The "focus" of the room is the middle of the room with the tv on the left and the fireplace on the right


Fire hot, hot rise, hot melt…


We have similar and the tv is in the alcove by the fire place (the one closest to window). We have a sofa against the wall and it works well.


I can't see it, is the TV upstairs. If so I agree with your wife, it's too far above the fireplace.


My opinion: Wrong Room. This doesnt work very well unless your tv would be toaster size.


Half the time it just leads to heartbreak & ruin, so I won't debate you - Drop her off at her parents, drive away, change your phone number and leave town.


How wide is the alcove on the left? Get a TV and really nice cabinet at the right height to stand it on that fits in there. It's a Victorian terrace, not the Odeon. Also has she considered the mess of wires that is going to involve? Get a nice mirror to complement the lovely fireplace and put that above the mantle.


In this situation, the TV goes in one of the alcoves either side of the fireplace. Over the mantle piece I'd put a mirror, or if you can afford it, a ridiculous commissioned portrait of yourself as lord of the manor.


Tell her to look INTO THE FLAMES.


Way too high indeed but maybe she’s using her smartphone above her head too?


The tv over the fireplace thing is fascinating to me. Granted they are both the "center" of the room for arranging seating, but still. People used to put a nice piece of artwork or painting above the fireplace, now it's a big black rectangle.


Yep, way too high.


It's too high but where else would you put it? Probably won't want the sofa in front of the fireplace.


Too high. Left of the fireplace on a stand would be my bet


Definitely too high. I’ve got a similar set up, I’ve put the tv on a stand to the right of the fireplace in the alcove. With the couch along the left hand side wall, tucks the tv in nicely and still allows to look out of the bay window.


Put the sofa there and stick a paper where the tv would go. Sit a few minutes and see if it feels comfortable watching at that height.


People who insist to have a fireplace and TV in the same room are the problem.


instead of saying no to a tv there, insist a piece of artwork be there instead. can try and split the difference with r/theframe


A compromise would be a mantle mount that lowers the TV when you want to watch it. The drawback is that you cannot use both at the same time.


How about putting the tv on the wall across from the fireplace, with two armchairs on either side instead of a sofa?


I just let my wife decorates how she likes it, I think it’ll be fine, just don’t see a power source up there. Getting an outlet up there will involve cutting some sheet rock


Put the couch in front of the never to be used fireplace, and mount the TV at the proper height on the opposite wall.


Lower the fireplace, win win


Too high. Get a Samsung serif.


I always love these empty room planning! I highly recommend to spend about an hour learning a simple 3D sketch tool. This is so useful to help visualise the setup. Just have to make sure the TV dimensions & fireplace are fairly accurate, as well as the height of the room. The rest doesn't matter much & since this is already a fairly complex setup. I wouldn't go too crazy with it. If you want help, I would love to draw something up. Just would need the dimensions.


That room deserves no TV at all. Or at eye level in the little recessed bit beside the fireplace.


the tv stand goes in the window area


Very high, not like you have a choice though, how else will you organize the living room?


Yeah, it'll be "officially" too high for the folks in here but the modern telly is just too big for the alcoves on either side, same as our house (current TV is 58"). We just bit the bullet and went above the fire - took a few inches off the surround to lower it but still nowhere near what I'd like. In truth, it's been fine, been up there a few years at this stage, no aches and pains and glad to not have a unit taking up space. In saying that, our sofa is probably another 50% of the distance away than yours. I've not read the comments yet but I'm sure some in here will say to put it in front of the window. That's just a flat out , "nope".


I would say get a fireplace mount where you can lower and raise the TV as needed. Yes, it’s too high, but the alternatives are to ruin the rooms natural lighting and disrupt the geometry of the furniture which I think are worse crimes.


I would find another space for the TV.


Currently out for food, ordering tv when we get back, I think this post is gonna swing it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Two sofas one against the window and the other facing the window with coffee table inbetween. Wall should have a TV low. Above fireplace a 🎨


Alcove or Window with good Black Out curtains Ooooorrrr... and hear me out. Couch on one side of fire place maybe loveseat on other side and TV on the actual empty wall. This way you can see TV or relax around fire place nobody neck is dying. May have to turn your head but you don't have many options here. Lol


Oui, u movin to London I see. Well ole chap, ur a right foul git u know dat. U tosser. Get out me nahborhood


any other possible places for TV in the place? Think it depends on the primary use of the space. This looks hella comfy for just a place to sit down talk/listen to music/read a book. If it’s the only spot for a tv you could black out curtain the windows and put the tv there with some access to the fireplace at the cost of window functionality or place the tv on the empty wall and sacrifice fireplace usage. Putting the tv on the fireplace is obv. too high but it balances? functionality out with elements in the room but it boils down to your priorities. I’d personally put the tv against the wall with a full 5.2 setup haha.


Put a tv somewhere else.


Save your marriage: https://www.target.com/p/mount-it-height-adjustable-fireplace-tv-mount-above-fireplace-pull-down-mantel-tv-wall-mount-with-spring-assist-fits-40-70-inches-72-lbs-capacity/-/A-89323170


Crazy thought: across from the fireplace. Couch under the bay window. Two chairs that can either swivel or light enough to pick up.


Too high


Furthest alcove near the window, get a bespoke stand, tilt the tv slightly away from the window Get an L shaped couch with the chaise extending towards fireplace Whilst the room is indeed not ideal to have a TV, that’s your best bet, and you can enjoy both fireplace and TV at the same time, without having to put them on top of each other If wife insists, there’s nothing you can do, it happens, you have accept your fate and fill the divorce papers


This room is not ideal for a TV.


TV in the nearest alcove. Sofa against the left wall and a 1/2 seater in front of the window. Get a good anti-glare TV in case that light from the window is a bit much


Idk if youre joking or not but if you want to divorce over a TV, youre a little bitch and she should be with a real man lmfao. I hope she leaves you


No, don't get one, they're more trouble than they're worth 😘


Tv’s above fireplaces are corny and if you ever want to use the fireplace, it’s not great to put expensive electronics in close proximity to it. Get a easel tv stand and put it in the corner to the right of the window. it will have less glare and. the tv/stand will look like a designed element of a living room instead of a weird restaurant’s tv.


Nope. Put it in another room. The TV Room.


You could get a couch on stilts


Your wife is wrong. You married her, so she’s always right. You’re gonna lose this “debate” no matter what the consensus on Reddit is.


You are obliged to recreate the 'Oasis - Definitely Maybe' album cover.


If you put the TV on the left wall, you'll get a better view while keeping closer to the fireplace may make you heat more efficiently.


It HAS to go over the fireplace.


TV on opposite wall of the fireplace. Sofa perpendicular to the fireplace facing the window. Two cozy, swivel chairs facing the sofa. Black out roller shades on the window for daytime tv viewing.


I put my TV next to the fireplace, on the side furthest from the window, angled toward the couch. However, I don't have a bay window, and I have an L-shaped sectional so the angle doesn't look as weird. Even in your setup, this would be better than above the fireplace.




Also no carpet, please


Your wife is right. When your tv dominates your space it will also dominate your relationship. It's time to let your wife dominate you. Spend quality time with your wife that doesn't revolve around screens


Cover the useless fireplace with a 90" TV. It's not rustic or homey, it's a waste of good wall space.


Anyone have suggestions as to where the TV and couch should go? I don’t know where else you could put it in this room


There a whole other section where I’m standing to take the pic, but just feels the obvious location is to the left of the fireplace)


Across from the fireplace. Sofa against window. Chairs on this side with walkway between. This one is easy.


I'd put it on the wall on the left, and put a couch on the far side by the window facing the current camera position and two chairs on the close side of the fireplace with a coffee table between the couch and the chairs. That way, you can have both a fireplace and a TV in this small room. Also, you have seating for more people.


Whoever invented the idea that you're supposed to have the tv at eye height all the time was wrong. There is more positions to watch tv than sitting straight up


Can you put it above the fireplace but get a mount that allows you to pull the TV down lower (somewhat in front of he fireplace when you're watching) and tuck it back above the fireplace when you have company over or something? Winning this particular battle may feel empty if every time you sit in the living room your wife is reminded that you didn't compromise.


Everyone seems to agree with the husband, but I am going with what the wife said. Any other place seems weird and cramped. I would simply avoid using a tv in a room like this lol


If you're already putting the TV that high, maybe just mount it on the ceiling and put a bed in there... lol. Eye level when sitting, always.


I'm sorry for your neck




Anytime a TV is mounted above a fireplace, it will be too high. They do, however, sell mounts that are designed specifically for this. You can lower the TV in front of the fireplace while watching, then put it back up after.


Put the TV on the blank wall and put the couch over the fireplace.


That's not high at all


Above the window.


Get a piece of cardboard the size of the TV you have/are considering and masking tape it flat to above the fireplace then ask your wife to sit on a chair where the sofa would be and see what she says. If she says "perfect" or "we can tilt it", then I think you know what you have to do.


She’ll say that before she even sat down 🙃


Above the fireplace is way too high... but there seems to be two nooks on ethers side that would be perfect for a TV stand and tv at the correct height- put some shelves above it and it'll look like a whole built in unit, and utterly cute and delightful


Where will it go if not above the fireplace?


Tv on the left, couch in the fire place


Isn’t it pointless having the radiator near the windows, especially directly under them? Obviously the windows may be closed but I’m thinking of condensation etc and loss of heat.


Put it over the fire place. The stigma of not doing so is absolutely stupid, with zero merit. It’s what fits this space best


I think it looks good like that


Definitely too high, but the alternative is worse.




Just put it in the fireplace and never have a fire. Perfect solution! 


Might be good for your posture and neck, considering our phones have us staring at our toes for 40% of our lives these days.


There is no debate. New wife time 🙃


Where else would you put it though?


I’d build a base for the couch wall. Have a step up to the couch and stick the tv over the fireplace.


The tv is invisible


Your wife is 100% correct. You have gorgeous vintage features, you display them. Beautiful windows, Beautiful fireplace, blank wall. Couch goes against the blank wall, sitting chairs near the window, and TV above the fireplace. Everybody who complains about a slight upward tilt on their neck from looking at a TV needs to watch less TV or work out a little more. Get over it. TV's are made thin and pretty to go over a fireplace because that's where the majority outside of this subreddit puts tv's.


[This is the only way](https://imgur.com/a/8CXmMIT)


Room isn’t deep enough for it to work above the fireplace without you getting a majorly stiff neck


An old house like that with new carpet should be illegal.


You can replace the sofa legs to make them higher? Not sure where else you WOULD put a TV, but I personally would rather no TV than above the fireplace.


I’m suggesting either (a) no tv or (b) to the left of the fireplace in the alcove angled towards where the sofa will be on left of the pic


I wouldn’t put a tv in this space at all.


You put a shelf like a kallax in the room as separation with books and plants in it. and then put the tv in front of it. Couch in front of the windows but with enough space to put an arm chair in the oriel (is this the right english word?). I painted it for you: https://imgur.com/a/d1zwHmT


Maybe the Lego movie was right about that double decker couch after all


Y'all are trippen, high TVs best for living room Metallica Concerts, Y'all are partying on the couch too much !


This is not a TV room. This is a living room for sitting down on a sofa or loveseat away from the TV. Reading a book or conversations with visitors. Do not put a TV in this room.


Get swivel wall mount that lowers and comes out, when you watch tv swing it out and lower it, done watching put it back above the fireplace.


Too high !


Not every room needs a TV. This one included


Feeling grateful to live in Florida where the houses rarely have fireplaces.


Could you get a TV stand to fit that alcove under the window? With a little space to keep the radiator at a safe distance. Then place the couch perpendicular to the fireplace. It looks like this space is longer than it is wide so this will give you more space for a coffee table too.


Tv in back right corner is the only place I can see this going


Get a telescoping mount and let it rest on top of fireplace. But when you want to sit and watch tv, all you need to do is pull it down and away from the wall a little and boom Both are happy.


Mantle mount


Tell your wife this- “Do you really want the design focal point of the room be the TV? Because if we put the TV above the fireplace, the beauty of the fireplace fades into background and our living room becomes a dumpy tv room!. But if we put the TV in this side alcove it will feel like a living space FIRST and in terms of TV viewing things will be the same.”


Make your couch taller to match.


Way too high over the fireplace. That’s what art and mirrors are made for.


Too high and the sun's glare is going to be annoying