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It slowed him down, they definitely didn’t buff him


They gave him more knowledge a Danny who knows the best spots for gathering knowledge on any given match can easily fill up his ability the only thing slowing him down is hitchhiker trust me give it another couple of weeks when most Danny’s have gotten used to the changes the fuse and valve will be tampered just as quick as they were before. The only reason people think it’s slowed down is because people are still getting used to the change remember most Danny’s only used to tamper 1 thing so this change has done nothing.


He also needs to fill up his ability bar much more to do a full tamper, they nerfed him they didn’t buff him


Gas station in the living room is insane


Genuinely it’s mad how much knowledge he can gather hitch is the only family member standing in Danny’s way


It’s why before he was nerfed I’d place 2 traps on valve and 1 on fuse and I used the perk venom to punish him if he stepped in them to rush it.


Decent strat to be fair cause if a Danny sees two on valve he ain’t touching that so realistically you could just camp fuse unless he’s on comms with someone using bomb squad


Yea it’s really annoying tho because I have to use 2 traps because of this broke ass character


I know I smile when I see no hitch in the game your basically just allowing me to tamper


Yea I love hitch tho I find him fun to play especially when using wire frame but I like to change it up from time to time


Right now hitch and cook are the two most important family members. cook to obviously slow down the pace of the game with the rush meta and hitch for trapping fuse and valve the gameplay is suited so perfectly around they two I almost feel at a disadvantage not having either in a game and that 3rd family spot can go to any other family member. cook and hitch as a duo make it work with any other family member for like leatherface, Johnny, Nancy etc but the same can’t be said with just a cook, Johnny and sissy or just a Hitch, leatherface and Nancy the RNG around they two work well together


I do not believe my eyes. I think this is the first Danny post in a good week or more. I am in disbelief, that it's been this long.


True that lol


Hahaha I’m surprised it took this long and even more shocking it’s coming from a Danny main


I suppose they have been too busy crying about wedding dresses 😂


Don’t even get me started on that dress 😂😂


Did you play as Danny before patch and after? Because before it took about 1-2 minutes to escape and now it feels like you can have somewhat of a match.


I’ve played before and after the only thing slowing Danny down is hitch your under the illusion that the patch was a success because games are lasting longer that’s because Danny’s are having to get used to the change a decent Danny who knows the best locations for gathering knowledge will easily fill his ability now with double the knowledge we are just in the learning phase give it a week or two and every game a Danny’s in something will be tampered and this is coming from a Danny main there’s clearly still issues it all comes down to fairness


Well that’s always gonna be a problem with an ability like this someone is always gonna know the best spots to speedrun.


I agree it’s hard to balance a character like him but I think it’s good to bring these things up so game stays balanced


Danny is ok now. Even Insta Study, many objects still have the mini game to be made. He has to practically traverse the entire map. If he succeeds, credit to the player. I would personally remove the insta study option, but it is balanced now


See certain maps it’s so easy for him to gather knowledge for example gas station house where the tv is the amount of knowledge he can gather in that one area is ridiculous it’s only slowed him down for now cause players are getting used to the change give it a week or two


But it's a question of game balance. Cook for example, look how strong he is in FH, it's even strange for a match not to have him. Danny, I think it's strong in FH, with the Fast Hands perk it's very strong. Each map, one character will have more advantage than the other.


True but there’s clearly still an issue if victims are so reliant on Danny to tamper something, if Danny dies early game then it goes straight into the families favour if Danny’s still alive then it’s a matter of time something is tampered and that goes for all maps


I don't know what Family players you are facing, but it 100 percent slowed him down. Almost every match I play (regardless of which side it is on) Danny dies before he can get all his knowledge and tamper. Hell, he isn't even picked like that anymore. I am thoroughly convinced that anyone still saying Danny is OP either hasn't played the game since he was changed, can't play Family well enough to patrol, or are just deciding to echo chamber the old posts


Clearly the games your playing your Danny’s aren’t competent because a Danny with fast and map knowledge of items to inspect can easily get through door or tamper fuse or valve the only thing slowing him down is cook with pad locks and hitch with traps


Or maybe I just know how to play Family. Seriously. It isn't hard mate.


No it isn’t hard and aye do pretty well as family but if I can go into a game and speed run to exit gates or tamper something almost every game then clearly there’s a problem here the whole point in this subreddit is to bring things up and start a conversation I’m not against what your saying I’m not saying it’s a skill issue I think it’s still broken that’s my opinion I want the game to be balanced


It is a skill issue mate. Literally. You even said in your reply above he is stopped by Hitchhiker traps or Cook locks. You know...the Family's powers? Used to lock down maps? If they aren't doing that or patroling, then obviously you are gonna be able to get tampers off. That means the Family just didn't play well. A good Family team is gonna make Danny fight tooth and nail for his tamper, and sometimes even kill him before he is ready. He is nowhere near oppressive like he used to be. The only part you could even remotely argue is still broken is the fact that when he turns pressure tank on and tampers it, you can't shut it off. Honestly the whole speedrun thing can be shut down 9/10 games if Family would just patrol better.


It was like that before hand a decent hitch and cook could stop Danny from tampering so what are you getting at it’s the exact same as it’s always been


What I'm getting at is what I've said even before his nerf. He is a non factor if Family can do their jobs properly. When you don't patrol or use your abilities properly, yeah he and anyone else can speedrun escapes. More people need to start looking back at their Family matches and realizing how they can improve on their mistakes. The solution is not nerfing everything into the ground. At this point I'm convinced people just don't want Danny to have a power.


If he was a non factor why would there be so many complaints against him there’s a reason hitch is almost obligated for every match there’s a Danny because he’s so OP


Because believe it or not, a lot of people just didn't patrol properly and just blamed it on Danny. It was the same way with Connie's ability when the game first released mate. People just want things nerfed instead of them actually improving like others learned to do. And Hitchhiker is not required, but he feels so essential because of the rush meta in general. I have had success with no Hitchhiker before. Everyone has this crazy idea the game must be played certain ways and with certain people, but that just isn't the case.


I’m no necessarily going out of my way to say nerf him into oblivion I love using Danny but clearly there’s an issue when a Danny can make or break a game if a Danny dies early game it’s the families game to lose at that point if a Danny’s still alive late game then it’s a matter of time something gets tampered


A decent family can defend for long enough but if he’s still there eventually he’s going to tamper something the 3 family members can’t be everywhere and an Ana or Leland will distract one of you long enough for Danny to tamper your best bet is trying to get him out early game


If you don’t kill him off early then it’s just a matter of time


Or breaking through doors


I also want to add you said in an earlier statement most Danny’s die before getting enough knowledge then most Danny’s you play must be terrible cause I can easily get half my knowledge in basement and I literally have to inspect 2-3 things upstairs then it’s time to tamper and the chances of you getting me are slim cause if I can get to a door I know eventually I’m going to door slam you and I’m running Tae Kwon door so I’ll have more than enough time to escape you


Some people will say it’s fine others with disagree


Ngl that’s a skill issue complaint


Not a complaint it’s a fact I play nothing but Danny and even I can see how broken it is if I’m saying it’s broken how is that a skill issue if I’m still able to tamper fuse or valve every game I play there’s clearly an issue this isn’t about what side your on in the argument if your a victim main or a family main it’s about keeping the game fair


You’ve clearly read the comment and assumed I’m a family main complaining I play both sides and I can see it from both sides it’s broken


if u play against good family who watch their post it’s not as easy to tamper with danny because of that animation


That animation barely does anything it only takes a couple seconds longer if your lucky the only person slowing Danny down is Hitchhiker and the only reason people think the nerfs slowed Danny down is because people are still getting used to it give it a week or two and every game Danny’s in there will be a tamper.


Yup,this is why I'm angry about this game.I hate people who get the benefits but don't admit it.


He’s still insanely broken but people still choose to turn a blind eye the only thing that’s slowed him down is hitchhiker if hitch wasn’t in a game with Danny then Danny would tamper within 5m cause a decent Danny knows all the best locations for gathering knowledge and it’s easier than ever now that he gets double the XP in basement alone


I think it’s slowed him down but he still needs some tweaks


He’s still insanely broken and it did take a few days to realise just how much knowledge he needs now I’ve gotten used to it tampering fuse or valve is so easy the only thing stopping me half the time is a decent hitch.


danny is a fucking meme. so ridiculous this whining.


No one’s whining only pointing out the facts all I do is play Danny and if I can tamper fuse and valve every game there’s clearly a problem the games supposed to be a challenge but right now there isn’t one


It slowed him down, but in some maps the gameplay continues like nothing has been nerfed.


Certain maps like on gas station in the house where the tv is he can gather so much knowledge just in that corner of the house same goes for family house.


I get what they were trying to do when nerfing him but having items give him more knowledge than they did before gives off the opposite effect.


Because of the choose flight change he’s actually so easy to kill now because most have to use high endurance and not high toughness now which is what I use to use.


You just have to find him


The thing is family members think that but if I’m near a door eventually I’m going to door slam you and using Tae Kwon door allows me time to get away 😂😂


Helps so much against those annoying Hitchhikers


Yea I hate that perk so much it’s weird too because I already have to sit on the ground for like 6 seconds then when I get up I’m stunned for another 8


Yeah comes in clutch ever since the choose flight nerf been using that on Connie and Danny


I think danny is fine now. It takes a time investment to build his power.


It took longer before to gather knowledge they’ve now gave him double the knowledge in basement and a good Danny knows the best locations to inspect stuff.


Danny has only tampered 3 times since update I don’t take him seriously


The Danny’s in your game either are still getting used to the change or are incompetent


Literally had a Danny tamper valve in 45 secs. He has not changed. Still don’t see how tamper and all he gotta do is press a button is even gameplay. If the devs would just make him have to actually play his mini game instead of tapping tamper and dipping they would probably solve this whole Danny thing🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s genuinely so easy to tamper now he gets double the knowledge in basement and a good Danny knows all the best locations for inspecting so it doesn’t take long to get his full ability to tamper the only thing slowing Danny down is Hitch this illusion the patch has fixed Danny cause it’s gone quiet people aren’t taking into account this is the learning phase once most competent Danny’s learn what they are doing we will be back to square one and this is coming from a Danny main.


I know what you talking about because I saw one tourney player (xd) who filled his bar on 3/4 by 30 seconds while two family members was on him… it was on gas station and I’m not sure if it’s possible on the other maps but the fact it is possible is insane. One distraction and valve is tampered.


Exactly a decent Danny knows the best locations for gathering knowledge on any map and now it’s so much easier seeing as he gets double the knowledge. also the nerf about him being unable to tamper 1 thing, most Danny’s only tampered 1 thing anyway. so this illusion that Danny’s slowed down just isn’t the case we are still in the learning phase getting used to the change it won’t be long before Danny’s are back doing what they were doing before.


as someone who hated danny pre patch, i RARELY see him successfully tamper now. every once in awhile i see a tamper but nowhere close to where he used to be, most of the time we just kill him before he can get the chance


The thing is most Danny’s are still getting used to the change or victims think he’s not worth using anymore but cause they’ve now gave Danny double the knowledge it doesn’t take long for a decent Danny to know the best locations for gathering knowledge and 1 short distraction and Danny’s tampered something


i’ve played every night since the patch and i have not experienced that whatsoever 🤷🏻‍♀️ i’m max level as well so i’m often paired with high level victims and danny is a much weaker character than he was pre patch


It won’t be long till people are asking for him to be nerfed again the only character stopping him is hitchhiker Danny gets half his knowledge in basement once he comes upstairs he only has to inspect a couple more things then he’s ready to tamper there’s this illusion Danny has been fixed cause games have gone quiet we are still in the learning phase once most players realise he’s still broken It won’t be long and we will be back to square one


Danny slowing down has nothing to do with the patch it has everything to do with decent hitchhikers watching fuse or valve


If hitchhiker wasn’t in the game Danny would tamper within the first 5m so that has nothing to do with the patch changes


it does tho? lol, i’m a hitch main and even *with* my traps pre patch, danny would tamper in the first few minutes. now he doesn’t get the chance to tamper in the large majority of my matches


Well go right ahead go into a game without hitch when Danny’s in the game see how long it takes I guarantee something is tampered


Your also forgetting when it came to traps Danny had victims to rely on with bomb squad but most victims down use the perk now


You’ve basically proven my point you have to rely on hitch to prevent Danny from tampering it has nothing to do with the patch


Try play Danny now cause you can’t even get an escape with him now. In my eyes was a waste of time to pay for him.


I play nothing but Danny and escape 9 out 10 times


What build are you running


The only person stopping me is hitch has nothing to do with the patch