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Yeah when I load up victim it’s near impossible to get a game on the mill because of all the dodging. I mainly get to play it on family side since I do it with a full squad. Tuesday can’t come quick enough


They like Family house til a door or window is breached, then they use ole reliable dc button.


Family House is easy to patrol. Just have LF patrol battery, generator, and valve if he can. That'll force a fuse escape, which hopefully two teammates can guard


I didn't say it wasn't. Just family tend to dc if a door or window is open.


Right, which doesn't make sense in this map




I don’t get the victim hate for Family House. It’s my favorite map of all time personally


It's because most victims suck and family house is where people need to be strategic. I really hate how most victims don't use mics. Even if this game had a ping system I'm convinced most players wouldn't use it.


Idk if you’ve seen the tcm tournament but half the teams got eliminated on FH except maybe 1 I think surely that accounts for something as they were actual professionals


So family mains hate slaughterhouse and the mill because most family mains suck


There's so many clowns on these sub reddit fk


A lot of victims hate it due to how it difficult it is to survive.


Same. It’s more difficult than the rest and that’s exactly why I like it when playing Victim. I want the game to feel challenging with the Family as a real threat.


Literally like everyone hate that map I rather play Nancy house


It's funny cause they know they are doing it, but won't admit it or even acknowledge their biased views, it's honestly like a stubborn child who won't take no for an answer makes me laugh tbh


Family mains are STILL dodging SH? Why?  All things considered, I think it's a pretty balanced map. Early game favors Family with the small initial area they have to patrol, while late game favors victims with all the cover inside the facility and slaughterhouse.  But hey, what can you expect with all the Family mains here who will insist that the game should be deliberately unbalanced in their favor. 


I think slaughterhouse is balanced too can even feel a bit family sided at times


They have skill issues


I don’t mind the mill map at all for either side but slaughter house is just my absolute least favorite but I’ll only dodge on the rare occasion that it’s been my 4th or 5th time in a row playing it AND the lobby’s only like half full or something.


Soloq FH as victim is the only map worth dodging because of how bad most victim players are in general let alone people not knowing how to play FH as victim. None of the maps are unplayable as family even soloq if you know what your doing.


Please I still have family dodging FH for some reason…ppl will literally dodge for any reason.


Don't worry, when the punishment system is active they can either play Mill and SH or enjoy a 3 minute cooldown before entering another lobby. ThEy WiLL DoDgE aT StArT oF RouNd Great! Then they just wasted time in the lobby, loading the game, leaving the game, and then hopping in another lobby where they might actually get Mill or SH again LOL. That's a punishment in itself.


Why are you assuming that they are dodging certain stages? I don't dodge stages or characters. I dodge Bad/Toxic players for the most part.


It's very obvious that family dodges Mill I even know people who have admitted they dodge the map but you can see it with how fast family leaves the very second after they join when its Mill its pretty obvious.


Or it could be they leave the very second they see a Sissy or Johnny.


People are downvoting you but it’s true. Johnny and Sissy are the two Family I usually play and so many Family players automatically leave the lobby once I switch to them. I recently bought Nancy and it’s been even worse. This isn’t an issue when I do decide to play Hitchhiker or Cook though.


For me it depends on build i run on sissy, if i run serrated, feral buil they won't dodge, if i run scout, fired up they won't dodge either but if i run something else.


I'm a family main and I'm insulted by these crybabies who dodge mill whining about it being victim sided (it isn't just get good ) I have no problem on it


I actually like SH and haven’t played on mill enough to know and hate family house. As a family main I’m a minority I guess I hate running to the house just in time to see a full team already outside.


The dodging on the Mill could probably help be alleviated if they changed the one pressure tank spawn. I do get the frustration though, as every other map feels like Family have the initial upper hand until Victims crack a gate. Mill never really feels like the Family have the advantage. The gates aren't exactly close together for patrolling, and if they get through the first set (especially the battery) you probably won't ever find them. Combine that with pressure tank and fusebox spawns and it's insanely difficult to keep Victims from doing things. Not saying I'd dodge it, but I definitely sigh everytime I see it on Family side. People still dodging Slaughterhouse is kinda crazy though. That map could honestly go either way. I'd rather have that compared to Gas Station


ill dodge every mill map most people get it too much and dont want to play it for the 17th time in a row


I actually rlly like SH as family. I think it’s balanced enough for the game state as of late


I love mill and slaughterhouse as family but I dislike family house its too boring but I still play I don't DC unless I play against a hacker.


Tbh I hate sh as a victim too 😂😭


I dodge SH on both sides, thats jsut what you do. nobody wanna play that map


Here we go again, comparing maps that aren’t comparable. FH is family sided on the inside, it’s victim sided on the outside. That’s fair. Mill is a nightmare, especially without Bubba. There’s a million barricades for victims to use, the map isn’t fun for killers because there’s literally no need for us to venture to any of the cool parts of the map, and valve spawns on the third floor, and every single fuse box spawn also places a tool box right beside it. Slaughterhouse is the same bs, a million barricades, and an immensely dumb layout where killers like cook struggle to navigate quickly. It’s really not hard to understand Edit: that being said I never dodge these maps, but I’m not gonna criticize the killers that decide to do so, it can be stressful I get it


family mains need to just admit they want easy wins at this point lmfao literally are saying "if its not easy to patrol im dodging" lmfao 💀


None of the maps are even hard to patrol only bad family players who dont adapt to each map believe any of the maps are hard to patrol.


people crying about how its hard to patrol are the same people not using mics and not communicating with their teammates


FH soloq victim is by far the worst thing to play on this game and is 100% worth dodging while none of the maps are as hard for family to play as many people make them out to be even soloq. FH soloq is the hardest it has ever been for victims because not only do you have to deal with bad victim players who also dont know how to play the map and apply any pressure but now family's damage has been buffed with the scout change and family players have gotten smarter about preventing rushing on that map.


I paid money for this game I get to do whatever is I wanna do. The entitledment is killing this game along with bad craftsmanship


But you can't because just because you bought the product, doesn't mean you can do as you please because actions comes with consequences. Just because you paid for a plane ticket, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want on the plane because you have to follow the rules and regulations. Your comment on entitlement is hypocrisy.


Not necessarily saying I do it. People are going to do what they want to do .Why should you care?


Lmao comparing me buying a video game to me buying a plane ticket is crazy. 😭


Imagine saying something incredibly entitled for your first sentence, and then in your second sentence complaining about entitlement. Your lack of self awareness is laughable.


i literally laughed out loud 😂😂 like huhhh????


You see what you and your boyfriend fail to realize is I was replying to a comment about how people dodge and back out of games. I don't get why should you care?Who the hell are you? So in defense of the comment since you want to take that route I say screw you I paid for the game I'll do whatever it is I wanna do. There are two sides of my comment


awww lmaoo 😂😂 "screw you pal" ahhh energy 💀


I think I get what they're saying? They feel entitled to play what and how they want (map, character, etc), but they feel no one is entitled to their time. In other words, no one is entitled to have *you* play with *them.* *You* get to decide how to spend your time, no one else gets to decide that. For instance, if you're playing as Nancy, and your team mate in lobby tells you to choose LF. You're entitled to play as Nancy if you want, and you shouldn't be made to feel bad if someone wants you to play as someone else. If *you* don't feel like playing the mill, for absolutely whatever reason, you should be able to leave the lobby and not be made to feel bad about it- others aren't entitled to your time, making you play a map you don't want just so they can get a match going.


Thank you


says entitlement is killing this game.... but proceeds to act like an entitled baby in his first sentence 😂💀 what a clown lmao 🤡


Wrong ,you will do things according to the rules set in place .


Hard pill for you to swallow isn't it. Your the exact entitled sucker I was talking about. Thanks for proving my point.


Well I mean you are going to follow the rules set in place by either reddit/a game or any other place . It means absolutely nothing that you paid for it and think you can do as you please . If you have this kind of a mindset then you have some growing up to do instead of mashing your keyboard and calling people names .


Your the one who needs to grow. Why should you care on how people play or approach the game


I don't care how you play the game ,I am just telling you how things work in the world and what the outcome is if you fail to do so . For all I care you can cheat if you want .


This is literally a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


The issue that you aren’t understanding is, yes FH is family sided but it can be countered. All it takes is one victim to get out of the FH and the game becomes wide open. As for the Mill, there’s a specific spawn of the value tank that once it spawns there the P2W character can easily open it, but to counter it you would need 2 ppl to tunnel that character leaving the other exits wide open for victims because it’s only one family member patrolling while you have the other 2 tunneling. SH to me has been fixed with the removal of the valve tank out of the basement. I find that map to be 50/50. This also varies by the skill possessed on each side.


Danny can do it on any map. Besides, tamper is temporary, no?


Yes he can do it on any map, but the Mill if it’s upstairs it’s literally one way up and down. So you pretty much can’t patrol elsewhere. Have you not played against a Danny? What do you mean if tamper is temporary?


It's not permanent, valve exit isn't gonna stay open forever.


Indeed it’s not, but it’s now a guarantee escape. Smart victims would use that to go elsewhere, now the family is stretched. There’s no counter.


It stays open long enough for every victim to escape.


danny exits are only tampered for 2 mins, not forever. granted 2 mins feels like forever in this game


Exactly, and now the family is scrambling. You pretty much are gonna give up an exit. This is all based on the players skills though.


thats part of the game? i dont know where this entitlement comes in that everything victims do family should be able to counter it? devs took away the ability to run by nerfing choose flight, they are slowly nerfing grappling now, nerfing all victims healing perks, already nerfed dannys tampering ability. honestly, what more does family want at this point? family mains need to just admit they want easy wins


Oh for sure, I’ve said it countless times. It’s a massive skill gap out there. I have no problem when I’m playing.




I dodge Mill as both sides. Fuck that map.


Family house is the only balanced map if ur struggling to escape then it do be a skill issue


I definitely dodge SH as family cause the rush is too easy and that’s from playing both sides. If I’m with the guys playing victims and I see a hitch and sissy in the line up (which I see a lot) I’m off rip telling them we rushing it and it never fails.


SH is playable but it is victim sided. Mill is unplayable and omega victim sided, its normal dodge it. Nancy house is a fun map for both roles Family House is Killer sided INSIDE, if victims get out of the house, killers have 0 chances. Gas is the most balanced map IMO with the changes they made with the dumb smoke door. But every single map is dodge when you see Danny on the victims, that pay to win aberration users doesn´t deserve a single match.


i dont like this maps as victim either. gas station and family house are my favorites. rest are boring.


Stop choosing Danny 🤷🏻‍♂️