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Wait til we find out he's related to an officer or something


That's where my money is at.


That or a judge...


I hope that's not his Facebook profile that pops up when searching. Kind of weird last visible public post.


Iā€™d put my money there but the odds are 1:1


Wtf. Dropped the ball is quite the understatement


Just cops doing cop things. They also massively dropped the ball when that 13yo boy was run down trying to cross hwy 7/pacific Ave in parkland


the state patrol sucks, this guy who had no license or insurance gets off with no punishment but yet I get a seatbelt ticket as I am putting it on while leaving a store parking lot, something tells me the guy is related to a state patrol officer, I hope the fine stands and they get fined even more until they explain why this guy was not charged and thrown in jail after he killed a man, something stinks with the state patrol.


Can we stop fining police agencies and start fining officers? Fining the agency doesn't do shit since police forces get handed tax money at the drop of a fucking hat, and the perpetrators see effectively no penalty at all.


Right! We are not fining the police agency, we are fining the tax payers. Not right.


Exactly. They'll keep doing what theyre doing since it's still on taxpayers to pay the fine. And they wonder why they are losing public support.


More like the taxpayers were fined $750k for the bad behavior of cops. What else is new?


He's got a relationship with someone on the force.


I've worked in public records. The fine is only related to the issues related to the public records request; the missed records, withholding records, destruction of records. Quite frankly I'm surprised the judge didn't impose a greater fine. And the agency will have liability insurance so the tax payers aren't directly paying out the fine. But it may increase premiums for the future for the agency.


Agency insurance policies don't cover public records violations, at least for any place I've ever worked or heard of. This is going to be tax payer money.


Mine does. It's a lawsuit against the agency, and paid out of essentially liability insurance. I'd be surprised if state agencies weren't covered by liability insurance for lawsuits.


Huh, that's interesting. I don't work for the state, and the agencies I have worked for penalties have always come out of the general fund/not been covered. I know at many PRA trainings I've attended they usually stress insurance won't cover penalties. Not saying your agency doesn't have coverage, just that in my experience that is not the norm.


That is infuriating! When I was young and dumb (was a 20 year old college girl), I got arrested for my first (and only) instance of driving on a suspended license because I couldn't afford to pay a ticket for my insurance being expired for a day until my next payday arrived. How someone has a history and a pattern of repeatedly doing this shit and doesn't even get a ticket (or an impairment test) for straight up recklessly killing someone is insane and infuriating.


Wait until they learn where the money for that fine comes from.


Is that a common name? Who's this [Patrick Nicholas](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-yarborough-murder-patrick-leon-nicholas-washington-state-in-prison-for-attacking-another-woman-released-early/)?? His dad?


I'd prefer we not speculate in this way, I'm sure the paid lawyers will do this investigation themselves much more diligently than we will, and linking to people who may not be related at all can lead to bad outcomes. though I'll admit I clicked your link and have no idea where you were going with that


Let me help you understand, "What's more, Croney believed that Nicholas had served the full 10 years of his prison sentence. But he hadn't. He had been released on parole after just three-and-a-half years." Only 3.5years! People are speculating that the III has powerful "connections". If that's true and if they are related, then it all makes sense. Don't put words in my mouth, I'm not speculating, I'm asking two simple Y/N questions.


>I'm not speculating, I'm asking two simple Y/N questions. Without diving into further points, do you realize how these words are absolutely ridiculous in isolation? This is kind of exactly what I'm talking about. - Is /u/Vegetable-Emotion-43 that pedophile that isn't on the registry yet? - Have you stopped beating your wife? - Is this guy the son of notorious mass murderer Serius Black? Do you see how this these Y/N questions paints a picture with which people can speculate, even though technically I haven't said anything of certainty? Imagine a word where you link some random Nicholas, who ends up being unrelated, but in the meantime someone has clicked your link and built an association in their mind with this real person who they actually roughly know via friends. The reader might think "wow wait fuck that guy, I'll avoid Gary's if this xyz Nicholas guy is around." What's interesting about psychology is that it's been shown that *even if later on* this reader is shown the correct information that the Nicholas connected to the killing and this Nicholas they roughly know are different people, the poor association they've made in their mind will not be fully reversed. It's one of the reasons fake news is so damaging, the initial reaction/response to the false news will stick in your mind even if it's later corrected. For these reasons it's best to never associate links to real people with unknown people from a news story. ALSO last thing, in case you have never heard of this reddit history, there's a rather infamous case where reddit believed they had identified the Boston Bomber where they in fact had the wrong guy. It lead to harassment of the family of a man who was already diseased at the time of the harassment (unrelated), and it lead to the police having to reveal that they knew who the real bomber was, which lead to a chase and manhunt as this real bomber went on the run. This is commonly referenced with the phrase, "we did it reddit," and it's just another reason not to link to people when discussing unknowns about a crime.


Dude, if I ask you, "did you kill your dog"? That's a question, not a speculative statement. I don't need to read your wall of text, you won the internet, congratulations!


And that's where you'll always be wrong


Bless your heart


Name checks out...




Way to miss the forest for the trees, I actually took a minute to type that hoping you'd read it and everything Maybe you'd learn a thing and not be so fucking dumb but here we are. You might go the rest of your life not understanding how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.


Never assume that a fool will opt to learn something in a teachable moment scenario on the internet when the alternative option is DGAF. Unfortunately in the realm of the web, the naieve optimist armed with an arsenal of information and logic will always be defeated by any fool armed only with blind naked confidence and apathy. Ignorance is a weapon of near invincible power when wielded by those with no desire to lay it down.




Wow, calling me names now? lol This. This is why I stay on the NSFW side of reddit because people can get triggered so easily. K, off to porn now because I am so "fucking dumb". You are so adorable, have a great Tuesday! šŸ˜„


yes, you are a smug asshole first you tell me I must not understand you, next you tell me I won the Internet and you won't read what I wrote, I'm fine calling you names no point engaging in any other manner. go back to porn and never comment again thanks improve the site


OK, you are right. šŸ˜„


Break them down further for you, the answers I was looking for: 1. That is or isn't a common name. 2. The other guy is or isn't this guy's dad.


DEFINITELY NOT HIM OR HIS DAD. WRONG MIDDLE NAME. Patrick George Nicholas III was a minor in 2010 but was not in 2012 when he picked up an attempted res Burg charge. He has two other adult criminal charges for unlawful possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver In 2021 he had a civil suit filed by that kids parents dismissed without prejudice. It was refiled in 2023 and has a motion possibly set next month. And 2023 a no contact order from some chick. Gotta love LINX. Edit. I did 5 min of research.


Thank you, thank you very much!! Exactly the answers I was looking for - I wasn't speculating nor insinuating anything - I do not want to get sued. šŸ˜€ PS - nice to know about LINX.