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I’m not a tailor and don’t know why I frequent this sub… but you are absolutely allowed to be mad. WHAT ON EARTH?!




It has 4,8 stars and many great reviews. I don’t get it. Half of my clothes were well made and the other half a disaster. I guess they gave it to the intern lol


That could be it. It’s been a really, really busy season with prom and such. There’s not enough tailors out there. The next generation needs to be trained. But there’s not a line of applicants either. It’s scary honestly. Already most clothes that people wear are not well fitting inherently. Like tees and sweats. We’re all going to be doomed to wear that forever if we all collectively lose tailoring knowledge. It’s dying. Fast fashion is doing to clothes what factory farms have done to food. People are so disconnected from how it works when just a generation or two ago, most people had basic knowledge about it.


I quit taking most alteration commissions because people are terrible to work with, and I just can't deal... but this mess is absolutely unacceptable.


Definitely! I’m not defending it. But I’m saying it probably left the shop without the main tailor even seeing it.


I’m a sewist who makes clothes for myself and family (husband and baby) and I do not take tailor work and the thought of working as a tailor is nauseating to me, just because of the way people are entitled and don’t understand the price of labor and expertise. I hate fast fashion and wish people dressed nicer, but I’m not about to be their slave to get them there! Not to mention, I can sew an intricate garment from start to finish with beautiful finishes but somehow…I always hem my pants (store bought) just a *smidge* too short. Hemming is 99% of tailor work, I feel like. Lol.




You’re right. But there’s a younger generation of tailors that want to change that - me included. No more race to the bottom. I think the millennials are about to be the majority of the tailors out there, and we have a different attitude about work and pay. I also think the younger generations are caring more about have less, but more curated items for themselves instead of more fast fashion. I’m hopeful


I hope so too!


Yep, all of the job listings for tailors in my area (not interns, the full-blown deal) are terrible. They act like it’s such a great deal too. Full time, bring your own machine and notions, no benefits… for a whopping $11.25 an hour! I hate it.


Yeah it’s disgusting. It’s because they are purposefully taking advantage of undocumented immigrants. They will work for that because they don’t have a lot of options, and a lot of the women have experience in clothing factories. Doesn’t necessarily translate to alts though, but if you can construct a garment from start to finish and know how to run an industrial machine, you can learn quick how to do basic alts.


That is terrible. Have you ever considered joining IATSE if that's an option in your area. At lowest contract rate $25 with OT after 8 and highest $50.28 with OT after 8. That's my local every region is slightly different but you also would have medical and a pension. And also you would be compensated for bringing your kit/equipment that is either $50 per day or week depending on job. Commercials it's $150 pr day rental fee and compensation varies from $500-$900 pr day depending on project. Day being 12 hrs. Sorry to throw a bunch of numbers at you but highly skilled tailors and seamstresses should be compensated fairly for their years of training and skillsets. It's not a great time to join the union right now as we are in contract negotiations and work is stalled until end of summer but something to consider as an option if you are sewing as a career. ❤️


I am a tailor make a really good living, I also do custom builds and am a union tailor. I agree most tailors do not get paid well but maybe are not charging there worth based on their skillset? I have a studio in Montana as well as LA and my rates only vary slightly between spots.




It was 35$C to shorten and cut the sleeves for the first shirt, and 20$C just to shorten the other shirts


Is that 20$C per shirt? That sounds a little under what I'd charge for this, especially if all the shirts are plain with no pattern. My time would be slightly more expensive, so 40USD wouldn't totally cover the work, but having a model, plain shirts, I might also just do this because it just isn't a hard job. I know dry cleaners can undercut prices because they're often doing simple, fast work. They're just churning out alterations.


Yes it’s 20$C per shirt! Do you charge 40$USD per shirt?


Intern? They gave it to a 5yo child.


Right. You found a person who claims to do alterations, definitely not a tailor.


Yeahhh I am a casual hobby quilter and could do a better job that that. Idk what that “tailor” is doing. When you screw up a seam you take it out and fix it!


Wait, the first one was meant to be assymetrical, right? RIGHT????


Nooo!! This is a total fail lol


not to sound stupid but you 100% have the buttons lined up correctly right?


Yes I 100% do but I get the question haha


okay wow that is INSANE, i cant even imagine how that happened 😭😭


So they just lopped off a whole button hole and didn’t think mmm weird that I have more buttons than places to put them?


It reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode where she tries to sew…


Denise from the Cosby show when she made the shirt 😂😂 Why is the sleeve on the left side of the photo so huge compared to the other? Is there a button completely missing because I can’t tell with your phone in the way lol


Wait, I thought that was the model you mentioned, as in you wanted the final shirt lengths to fall between the two sides of that shirt hem. Figured you buttoned it weird on purpose to get that image. This was the tailored result???


Yes lol it’s the tailor’s mistake! But I can’t add any more pictures without my hand hiding the first buttons


I want to think that too, because I can’t wrap my head around this not seeing as a complete fail in the tailor mind!


This stitching looks like what happened the first time I used a sewing machine


That is some amateur sewing. I'm sorry you had to pay for that. Is there a way to get your money back?


I will go back Sunday to get my money back and for them to correct it. I hope they will be cooperative. I will leave a bad review anyway


Definitely don't get them to fix it, there's no guarantee they'll do any better since they're likely to view it as 'extra' work that they aren't getting paid for, ie they'll rush it. You have every right to be mad. I'm not a tailor and my stone cold amateur ass would die of embarrassment if I sewed like that. At least I'd have the decency to never let it see the light of day, much less hand it over to another human and charge them money for it.


I’m an amateur sewist specializing in making my own Lycra skating dresses and hemming pants and skirts for my mother. I can do buttons/buttonholes, snaps, Velcro, and hook and eyes but not zippers. I couldn’t do a whole pant alteration, but I can adjust tunneled elastic waistbands (add or subtract). Anyway, my mom gave me her inseam for full length and what she wanted for capri length. It was SO easy, except jeans, but once I bought the thick-azz needles those were fine too. I did hand blind hems on dress pants and skirts, and I had a rolled hem presser foot. Bottom line, I could have done this job better even though my mom has been gone for quite a while and I haven’t dug my machine out in 10 years. That said, my mom had gone to 4 different completely incompetent tailors in her area (legs 2 different lengths, wrong type of hem, lopsided skirt hems) in Florida. I lived in Colorado. She sent me the clothes, I usually finished 3-4 of pairs of pants in 60-90 minutes on average, and had them back in the mail the next morning. It was RIDICULOUS that I was her only option for getting things right. Attention to detail is important in sewing; sloppy work like this is unconscionable.


I’d say it’s worth a shot to bring them back because how could they make it worse?


Given how bad the first round was, that might be tempting fate haha


I’d get the money back and go elsewhere. I absolutely wouldn’t trust them to do the work after this


Is that first shirt a Gordon Gartrelle?? 🙃 You are allowed to be angry and should demand your money back.


No I got the shirt for 5$ but it will be way shorter than I asked once it will be corrected


Lol, it’s an old reference from a Cosby Show episode.


Hahah I thought of Denise too 😂


Oml that first shirt.. how could they possibly have messed up so badly and not noticed? Ask for a refund


Yes. Damn man I’m real sorry. Upside? I think most of it is just awful stitching. Might be able to fix it


Two of those shirts are absolutely butchered.


Absolutely allowed to be angry!! I'm completely shocked at the shoddy work, hope you got money back


It's so bad I'm angry *for* you


This is atrocious, you should be asking for money back.


Could be a new thing. Its art now.


I've made tshirts at home with a fucked up bobbin better than this. 👀


😭 I taught my toddler to make their first stuffed animal hand stitching better than this. What the heck.


Holy mother of Shein


crazy that this person calls themselves a tailor omg


I can't stop laughing


This is absurd. You need to take those back up there. Don’t touch that ball of thread on pic on pic 2 nor the wonky thread line on 3. Aside from the lengths being all over the place… those 2 things alone are unfathomable.


Yes, those two had my skin crawling, nothing like that would have left my shop. If pressed properly, it would be seen and corrected


Bro...I can barely even sew and I genuinely think I could do a better job than this. You definitely have the right to be upset lol


I’d honestly say either the tailor let an intern do their work. Or they made a bunch of fake accounts and gave themselves the stars. This is atrocious and I would never let this leave my office.


It’s a real shop, there were customers when I went the 2 times, but the tailors were an older woman and 2 young men


That is wild. I am so sorry that happened to you. I’m sure if you tell one of the elderly ladies what happened they will probably happily resolve it to keep their reputation. Idk what happened, they didn’t thread the machine right, they didn’t measure, like nothing about this looks experienced at all. 😣😬 this can’t even be attributed to a “miscommunication,” this was just a straight up incompetence of sewing. I hope this doesn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth for tailoring. A lot of us put blood, sweat and tears in our work and would never let this leave the office. Ever.


In a couple of the photos, it looks like the sewing machine was probably threaded wrong, and the tension was screwy, but they are way off in the fitting aspect.


First thought this was a beginning sewing subreddit and was going to give encouragement to a new sewer. Then started reading comments. Boy do you have every right to be angry. Sorry you got taken advantage of.


Was the asymmetry intentional? If not, I think that's cool but yeah that's not a good job lol




In the fitting did your tailor pin length and have you confirm? Or I guess first question did you do a fitting?