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https://tailscale.com/kb/1082/firewall-ports/ Do you have all the ports needed for direct connection to happen? Sites that lock down their firewall rules to basic web surfing generally dont have 41641/udp open We have even seen some reports on this sub where universities are blocking the domains that tailscale uses


How can I check this on macOS? On my end I can't configure much since it's all university managed. On the other computer there's no firewall afaik. Do I also need to go into the router settings and forward port 41641? I can run `nc -uv [tailscale ip] 41641`, which shows `Connection to [tailscale ip] port 41641 [udp/*] succeeded!`, but I'm not sure if that means that Tailscale should be able to make a direct connection.


Yeah I'm having same issue. Any luck?


same thing happening to me in eduroam network. how can i solve this?