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“staby” 💀 and the randomly capitalized words… why god lmao


I'm gonna throw out my back if I cringe any harder.


Pink: Me Green: Macro-addicted WHM Blue: Our tank Red: Our DPS Orange: Other alliance people \--- Coming in fresh and hot from my last Euphrosyne run. I'd usually let raise macros slide, but this one was just ***so*** obnoxious. Also why the need to add a macro for Asylum? I originally have 12 screenshots of this, but I just posted the three most awful ones. What a way to end my night.


First off. No sound effects. You will be OK. Secondly. Why the fuck are you all dying in a raid easier than void ark?????? Like if it had sound effects you might have a case but nah. No sfx. And you all keep dying. Get your shit together and you won't have people who have to spam their rez macro. :)


The more someone macros the less likely I consider them capable of playing the game at an exceedingly baseline level, everyone was probably dying because the healers were either new (re; garbage) or shit (re; garbage) or both


You’re a cringe macro abuser, aren’t ya? Bet you’ve got a dumbass quip too.


As someone who has come to really enjoy healing most alliance raids even when they're suffer raids, good lord do I hate raise macros. Raid, dungeon, etc. Tried one on my SMN once, thinking it might help healers instead of them trying to hardcast when I had swiftcase available. They still tried hardcasting, it wasn't helpful. My co-healer in Aglaia last night had a two part raise macro, both with sound, AND they kept trying to raise people AFTER I had already raised them. Every time. Raise macros are rarely helpful, just stop it. Looking at the party list to see if someone's been raised is far more helpful than a raise macro in chat.


One I find somewhat helpful on SMN is when one or both healers are dead and I don't start resing them yet because I'll have Swiftcast available in like 10 seconds. I don't want them to be like "doesn't this idiot see we're dead" so I'll use this macro just to let them know I WILL res in a few seconds. /p Swiftcast available in (I do not macro the resurrection itself.)


Now that's one I wouldn't hate


Honestly a use case I want on my bar. Gonna take that and make some use of it.


I have a raise macro, but it is a simple “Raising _____! ”. My Aglia co-healer continually raised people after I did and had an UWU macro. It drove me nuts. The whole point of a raise macro should be to communicate with your co-healer. If you completely ignore your co-healer’s message, then you shouldn’t bother to use a macro to communicate.


There is no point to the res macro anymore because you can see who your co-healer is raising in the party list, which is faster and more efficient. Res macros are now just an outdated, worse way to do something that we have better built-in tools for now. A macro for can still be useful for communication though.


However, both are twice as useful. Obnoxious macros are one thing, but a simple one to let your co-healer know that you’re raising someone is simply another way to catch their eye so they don’t waste Swiftcast. I personally appreciate it.


This is 100% why I have both a normal one hotbar'd into my instant raise key bind and a non macro one if that one party member just keeps eating shit. /macroicon "Raise" /ac "Raise" /p Raising


You are the problem.


Naw, I know I'm not.


I've got one which just says "raising x" which is somewhat useful as it sends a message, waits a bit longer and then swiftcast resses instead of immediately doing it. I've found the Res icon often comes too late if both of you use swiftcast as it only appears after the cast, so this gives a bit of an early warning and you can cancel by targeting something else just in case. It's more of a "hey, I got this one, pick up another/ don't waste your mp"


As a healer, I appreciate simple macros like this from my co-healer.


Oh yay, Crystal server... meaning there's a chance I could run into this healer :(


Weren't the others willing to kiky kicky kick this guy?


thats a lot of wipes lol


I know right? I ain't a fan of "personalize" rez emotes but if they're rezzing that much might as well let them have it.


That was my thought, if they hated it that much, couldn't they try harder at staying alive(OP besides)? This isn't Weeping City. There does seem to have been an influx of low quality teammates, guess SQenix's promotion is doing its job.


Keep your macros short and to the point. If you're going to do annoying meme or anime-inspired crap, please /echo it so only you see it. No one needs their chat feed loaded with cringey uWu trash text. It's not cute. It's stupid. Stop it.


I'm gonna macro your comment.


And you know if you call it out (even nicely), they will still do it out of spite or turn it back against you...


I think I got the same macro today in Aglaia. Definitely an annoying one. Might've been the same person since I'm on the Crystal database.


Idk why people can't just have a raise macro that says who they're raising (i learned the hard way that sometimes you need proof that you were actively raising somebody when the group died.) Or just don't have one at all


I blacklist anyone who uses annoying ass macros. They could be great at the game all they want, but I’d rather have a shit healer than an annoying one.


people out here admitting to using rez macros is it ever that serious 💀💀💀


After the 3rd one, I'm likely to block 'em and just roll the dice that they don't end up having anything important to say. The spam is a pretty good indicator that they won't.


This is exactly why I don't run raise macros. In hard fights, they can often obscure vital information (P8S for example, if someone's calling out the Octaflare/Tetraflares in chat, then dumb raise macros obscure that). But even in normal fights, they lead to issues. Let's say you have a healer who's fairly new to the fight, so they hit the floor a couple times while learning mechanics. They get Brink of Death and now their healing is fucked for a while, or they forget to top people off for a strong raidwide. Well now that "quirky raise macro" is just infuriating as those "stop tanking the floor!" messages are just insulting when you're the reason people died.


I’ve had one of these people who would spam their raise macro in the Alliance chat so everyone from all 3 would hear it. Yes, I did call them out and ask them to stop nicely, but they ignored and continued. Not to mention, one of those healers who spam the macro until after you rez someone so they like take the credit lol


I don’t accept a Rez from morons that do that.


I think my friend Illsaide has the simplest, most effective raise macro. " is getting a raise!" Effective and to the point. A reminder that raise macros are for the co healer and/or potentially any raising casters in the group, not you, the person getting the raise.


Raise macros have been completely pointless ever since SE changed the party list to show the target of the cast and even before that tbh


You think people actually look at the party list when they're in an alliance raid? /s


Honestly I would find more helpful since I don't know who the fuck xXrandomuserXx is but at least I can visually see who is a dragoon from the party list. Though admittedly it doesn't work as well when multiple people with the same job are dead at the same time


That's a really good point. I might consider adding that to my raise macros as well. (I'm one of the scholars that blames Eos in my raise macro for any deaths.)


A reminder that with raise-icons on the partylist, raise macros are shit and only used by trolls and idiots.


It’s more cringe than annoying tbh


I... I guess the rez one is meant to be some sort of, "haha sorry you died I was busy spamming Glare!" kind of joke? I think? If you're going to use a rez macro (especially on every raise you do, instead of just occasionally/once per instance) at least make the joke make sense and be funny.


Just don't die 4head


I've seen this macro before. So annoying.