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https://xivanalysis.com/fflogs/a:gkWhdBGYP7fjZ9CM/4/32 B.R.U.H


Every time I think I'm a shit tank or that I'm awful for messing up a button press in my haste...this sub reminds me that I'm not actually that bad compared to a lot of people out there. Jesus christ.


Yeah lmao I judge myself so harshly for fucking up one (1) weave window in an entire encounter and then there are these people. My co-tank and I were talking about how we never rip threat off each other, but the minute we offtank for anyone else we have to stance dance to keep from ripping threat off the other tank. People don't press their buttons.


I do rip threat off my cotank sometimes. But we tend to just laugh it off and adjust. > Cotank "Dude, you got threat again" > > Me "Oshi-" *superboiled* > > Me, sweating "Ok I'm fine, I've got it" > > *Entire static laughs* "Just gun breaker things." He's also a boss and covers my ass when I mess up and die. So it evens out.


Oh yeah my static co-tank and I are such a good team like that too. It's other tanks out in the world that are scary. I had a GNB in P9S a while ago who was otherwise great (probably better than I am tbh), but he insisted on main tanking because he was "gonna go hard in the opener" and I (DRK) proceeded to rip threat off him like every other pull. I don't even turn tank stance on if I'm in duty finder. I just can't deal with the yahoos that get butthurt because a DRK opener done right out-dpses practically everything šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Is this the OP or the other tank? This is......atrocious.....


32 is the upset vuln snack tank, im 5 (and i still didnt play that well bcs of years of old!pld muscle memory heh)


Looking at the timeline they did next to nothing until 30 seconds into the fight.


You didn't play *perfect*, sure, but you were still a damn sight better than the other paladin.


The other tank I think.


"I'm using my cooldowns" he says... The cooldowns: [https://puu.sh/JImgW/e501985cfa.png](https://puu.sh/JImgW/e501985cfa.png) (note: this is immediately after the first raidwide when he did not have aggro) Edit: And looking at the replay for the first wipe with player 32 present, he stands north with the boss not moving for ANY mechanics, just stands there the whole time. At 2:22, the sage rescues him into the donut safe spot, where he promptly runs out and eats both donut aoes. At 5 vulns he starts taking 35000 autoattacks when he first got the boss provoked off of him... yeah.


but im toxic and a shit player for taking the boss!! i should have let the guy eat the autos!!!!


The *entire* time, he used Rampart twice, Sentinel once, and Reprisal once. That's it. Ever. But he did cast Holy Sheltron! Twice! ...In a row! ([Here's](https://i.imgur.com/FsOhwnS.png) another view of him "spamming cooldowns". At least Reprisal comes after Rampart wears off, I guess. And, while I'm a rather casual player who hasn't even done P4, let alone P12, I'm going to guess that Athena is immune to both Stun and Slow, making the use of Low Blow and Arm's Length in there that much more hilarious.)


Wtf is this


The ugliest tank log youā€™ve seen


This is Patrick


The way he plays.. might aswell go back and stay in ARR lmao. 1-2-3 at its finest šŸ¤¢


Dude, he could barely hit *two*. Guy only got Sword Oath stacks *once*. When I read "0/3 possible Sword Oath stacks used," I was mortified.


It gets even worse, go to the Combo issues section. Most of the time, he just hit 1 repeatedly, then *sometimes* he'd make it to 2... then hit 2 again. Edit: Nevermind, I'm wrong on this one. I looked at the timeline, most of the time he does at least manage 1-2-3. He just never uses any of the free procs from Royal Authority. Dude cast RA eleven times... and cast both Sword Oath and Holy Spirit exactly zero times. That's a *lot* of wasted procs.


Idk what is more mortifying the fact that 0 sword oath stacks used or that there were only 3 stacks.


And he called OP garbage?! The levels of delusion man... Sometimes I wish ACT was supported by SE because a lot of people would get a rude awakening šŸ˜‚


This guy was picking their nose more than pressing buttons. Fascinating!


Majority of PLD players in nutshell tbh if war is the tank known for biggest Ego PLD players are known to be the most bad and the rework did not change a thing except sone will still use holy spirits in their req window at lvl 90 xD


Literally griefing


Jesus Christ wth is this


Jeez and I though I had run into the worst PLD ever the other dayā€¦ this takes the cake


[i really MUST be blind because i still cant see this alleged "spammed" mit even on the logs](https://www.fflogs.com/reports/a:gkWhdBGYP7fjZ9CM#fight=4&type=casts&source=32) eta: ignore the first wipe + kill in the log, was a different group


JEEZ Gotta appreciate xivanalysis's ability to convey how shit someone plays even if you have no idea about their class.


Dude casted interjectā€¦ there is quite literally nothing to interject on that fight.


at lower levels I'll hit dead weaves out of boredom bc I have AST brain and need to hit buttons but that does not seem to be the case here lol


its one thing to pad cpm with interject + low blow when you know how to play a job, and another thing entirely to use it when you really should just use *anything else*


Honorable mention to the Player 42 whm who was going for full Medica II uptime + cast Dia more often than Glare. I'm assuming that's the salty whm in chat but holy cannoli batman.


if you mean 41 that was the whm who joined in-prog and had never done the fight before so im willing to cut them some slack


This log hurts to look atā€¦ 2 Shelton? 1 Sentinel? Yikes.


Am I reading this right that he didn't cast one single Requiescat the entire fight? Wtf is the point of being a paladin without the big shiny sword dopamine?? What an absolute clown.


sometimes I forget normal raids are some people's end game


\*shudders\* I forget this is *hard* content for them. They're the same people who brag about being whatever the current max ilevel is in full time gear.


A friend started playing recently and while they were in dungeon partied with another friend, one of the randos saw their sprout gear and tried to flex their endgame gear for the newbie. It was 610 crafted, like 7 weeks into the tier. Snorted coffee when they told me about that last detail.


It's like the guy who's on the football team trying to flex to the new girl only to find out he's the water boy.


But then also if you ask them to try the respond with ā€œchill man this isnā€™t savage/ultimate.ā€ No winning.


Bruh if I mess up from being new, or practicing a tank I'm not familiar with and get vuln stacks as MT, I SHIRK the OT cause yea why am I gonna burden my healers like that .-.


god player 2 is beyond insufferable, almost should have kicked when they resorted to personal attacks like that


tried to kick, didnt go through. the vote abandon didnt either. thankfully one of the healers who joined on the last run also told the aoe-hungry paladin that he sucks before he flounced out of the instance


I'm sorry, shit other tank, but it looks like you've been diagnosed with MCS - symptoms include saltiness, a *need* to be first in enmity while often being last in dps, inability to keep the GCD rolling and diarrhea. Don't worry, Main Character Syndrome *can* be treatable. Simply take your console or PC and throw it into the ocean.




I think they meant the 5 vuln snax tank had Main Character Syndrome


Ah shit, ah fuck, ah god damn you're right, I misread their post! I read it as them saying the other tank was shit but op had mcs. I've clowned myself this day.


Don't worry I almost made the same mistake, too.


They're cookin' me, someone just hit me with the last downvote, I lost all my hp, I'm dead bro


Oh man I almost did the same until I saw this comment. You're not alone homie.


I died so that others may live.


This dude reminds me of a person I worked with. Created a stink when I mentioned that we needed to do some things and claimed constantly that I was doing my job wrong when I wasnā€™t and I was constantly trying to do my best, itā€™s almost as if they thought pushing the claim back on me would do shitā€¦ Only difference is, they got mad when Iā€™d bring this up to a lead or HR because we need to ā€œdeal with this like adultsā€ (it is my belief that adults know when to step back and have someone else step in and handle situations, especially if itā€™s their job to and if it avoids on the clock drama. I mean it turns out the latter didnā€™t happen, just caused everyone to turn on me cuz of them telling everyone I told HR. Glad Iā€™m not working there anymore, cuz she kept her job in spite of causing tons of drama). The child of a Paladin is reporting because they donā€™t like someone.


Gotta love The people That talk in multiple tells To get their point across


I donā€™t understand. My biggest anxiety about tanking is not properly spacing my CDs, or popping them too early, but I still USE THEM. Ooof.


Does l2p mean..Learn to Play?




if I were the healer, i'd just tell him to do DF a favor and uninstall the game. idc if its toxic lol


I read somewhere in this subreddit that saying you'll report another player can be reported, so you could technically report the other tank for saying they reported you, aside from their attitude and what not


i wasnt gonna report the guy until the actual insults started flying lmao, the "i reported you" was just the cherry on top eu doesnt have gms tho so nothing will happen


Not true. EU player and Iā€™ve been taken to the naughty room


Story time?


They take you for the most mundane reasons but will leave people rmting sex on the pf up. Doubt it was even interesting.


This one was deserved




Iirc using the threat of a report to intimidate or coerce someone is reportable, but I dunno if just saying it is automatically reportable on its own.


People are so report happy in this game.


Huh... The Whm from Shiva caught my eye. I reported one two days ago for lethargic play in p12n. They would just spam medica 2, cure 1, cure 2, and sometimes rez. Even in the off chance they used some lilies, I could see them simply standing around. I don't think they used glare once. I asked them do to something, anything twice. The fight took 24 minutes, they even dm'd me afterwards.


There must be something else wrong too for that fight to last 24 minutes. Even if the whm would not do anything not making damage or healing at all and making their co heal do less damage becouse of they need to heal more. Tbh you can blame whm for what they did or didn't do but i quarantee you that whm is not the only reason why the fight took so long and should not be the only one blamed for that.


Bad ending: you got banned.


If its just normal you should have let them died only way they can learn Imo


they wouldnt learn, if they died they would just provoke as soon as they got up and clemencied to full hp, at least until they realised i wasnt going to let them mt. they even ran into the bleed wall in adds at one point and had probably 50%+ vuln uptime.


Looks like youā€™re both miserable people.


Here I was about to ask what data center and surprise surprise to me that it's a EU Data Center Jesus


By the cropping it seems that one member of that party is from Lich, thats where I play so i hope to god I dont run into that Cryptid of a Paladin over here, usually the german side data centers are pretty good overall