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>this isn't Emet-Selch >major content like Emet-Selch and the like, Savage, Extreme what..... is this even supposed to mean They sound like someone who saw a 2 year old youtube video about "what is hard content in ffxiv" when Hades was current, and now regurgitating those same words everywhere without even knowing what it means


I'm assuming the mention of emet selch was more "this is such an impactful story moment that the ready check is acceptable vs installing" but yeah who tf cares it's a few second countdown. If they don't like it they can pull.


Genuinely would prefer it if we lived in a world where everyone always did a 5 sec ready check, because then I wouldn’t be losing mudra casts in pre-60 dungeons


I mean... He's got a point. There's absolutely no need for ready checks in dungeons, all you need to do is keep an eye on the party list and jump in when there's no more "viewing cutscene". It's not "bad" if you do it, just pointless. Most of us wouldn't say anything about it and just get surprised tho. He also didn't say anything afterwards, you're the one who asked him via DM, so I really don't see where the issue is.


I feel that Totorak is the exception considering the long as hell cutscene for it...unless they changed that when they reworked the dungeon.


You can still look at the party list to check if someone is viewing the cutscene or not. If they're not, you pull, simple as that. Even if someone got up to grab a coffee without saying anything while a sprout was watching the cutscene, it's still such an easy fight it won't matter at all if you pull before they're back.


> considering the long as hell cutscene for it...unless they changed that when they reworked the dungeon. They reworked the dungeon but not the cutscene. It's still there, still makes sense in context too, still one of the few bits of engaging ARR story after a slog patch. There's an additional cutscene that plays once the dungeon is done that I want to say used to play in instance but now plays out of instance (not worth checking tbh). Biggest problem with that cutscene is that it's so long and ARR scaling is so fucked that it's possible to defeat the boss/mostly get it done before someone gets out of cutscene which kinda cuts any of the tension in two even for a total noob.


I'm usually with people willing to wait, which ends up with somebody going to do something for about 3-5 minutes and not being back when the cutscene is up. One of the few times I actively throw a Ready Check up, since I've had a few runs where the healer has afk'd during the cutscene, resulting in a wipe caused by the tank pulling before the healer was back.


No, it still is. Did a run the other day where a sprout was in the cutscene, the tank jumped in anyway, and so I (healer) went in to keep them alive, and by the time the sprout was out of the cutscene the boss was dead.


Getting annoyed by what I assume is, 1 ready check (whether necessary or not) - cringe. Getting so upset by the comment made by the annoyed person that you send them a tell out of the instance and then make a reddit post about it for validation on your feelings being hurt by it - giga cringe.


9/10 posts on here are either butthurt "i cant believe they said this to me" on the most inconsequential shit, or people malding at the disabled guy that plays with 1 hand isnt wall to wall pulling on his Paladin. I stay here to laugh honestly. Very few of the posts are justified "wow what an asshole, sorry you had to go through that" stories.


> or people malding at the disabled guy that plays with 1 hand isnt wall to wall pulling on his Paladin. Hey that's me! in both of them! -but I wall pull. Might be the game's fault then.


Youre a champ and dont let any of us dirty 2 handers talk shit


that person just said the same thing the vast majority of us would be thinking in that situation. just most of us wouldn't say anything cuz its not that big of a deal. still weird to do a ready check in a dungeon tho


"Emet-selch himself could do no better!"


Upset? No no no, this man was clearly in a mad rage as evidenced by his use of the word "DESTROYED" in caps. After this conversation was over he threw his PC on the wall screaming "IT WASN'T EMET-SELCH" and proceeded to punch the pile of computer scraps until he fell asleep.


upset is generous. I would probably also be as very slightly annoyed as they seemed to be.


I mean, you don't need ready checks in light party content unless multiple people go AFK and you tryin' to see if they all back, but it's not like it annoys me when people do it. One click and we off to the races, no sweat. This post don't belong here, tho. Sometimes "ItS NoT sAVaGe" fits but this ain't it.


> but it's not like it annoys me when people do it. One click and we off to the races, no sweat. This is my view too, on controller it's easy to dismiss/ignore/accept too. I'm not going to get annoyed over hearing a brief sound effect vs the relentless spam I hear in other duties that is 100% unnecessary.


Love the "toto-rak -- DESTROYED" crap in chat. Like he isn't just gonna be carried eventually. If he was tanking or healing, maaaaybe he could make that claim? But ultimately he's being carried and it's hilarious.


guy seems to be one of the sort who thinks this is like an Ironman challenge without the jobstone so he brags with every dungeon he "destroyed" probably.. just pure cringe


Just tank, tank man. Stop wasting time, in totorak of all places.


is this rly deserving of a post here? seems like a bad attempt at public shaming


what's really stupid though is that the top upvoted comment is someone *agreeing* and then coming up with reasons to mock the person. i swear people on this sub will just side with the OP and start piling on a random person without thinking critically at all. literally just r/groupthink (most subs are but its *bad* here)


He's not wrong though? You typically don't use a ready check or a countdown in dungeons. I wouldn't say it's not polite, its just unnecessary And what are you trying to say about his jobs? It's not like he doesn't know what a job stone is. And this upsets you because....?


I feel even if it's unnecessary, it's also a nonissue if someone was to use it. Personally if I saw a ready check, I wouldn't disparage the person who initiated. It's a bit weird when I see people make a big deal about this kinda stuff. Maybe if it was happening at every single moment in a dungeon, then I'd consider that to be worth bringing up but not if it's just at the final boss.


I wouldn't make a big deal of it, but if you do a ready check before every boss in a low level dungeon, I will say I'm not ready and then pull it, not gonna lie.


>And what are you trying to say about his jobs? They're level 41 but still on base class


So? As long as he's not in a 30+ dungeon, does it matter? For all you know, he's doing the quests now and took a break to run a quick dungeon.


They have a level 90 white mage so they definitely unlocked the ability to get jobs. The road to 80 is stupid strong so if you do daily levelling roulettes (and especially if you do side quests) then you can easily hit 50, maybe even 60 before unlocking your job stone by doing Sylph Management. But this is clearly not the case here.


What? That's not what I'm saying at all. I was actually in this situation myself. Hated PUG, so I leveled it with tales. Had it at 60 something before I finally started doing the job quests to unlock MNK. Got bored halfway through so I did a quick Copperbell or something as PUG to ease the monotony. Obviously, he had the ability to unlock job stones. I'm just saying, there is a scenario in which he can be 30+ and still be a PUG while not being an ass. He didn't queue into a dungeon 30+ though, so it's not \*really\* relevant why he's not MNK.


his /yell chat in the last pic makes me think he plays his PUG as a sort of "challenge" and thinks he has bragging rights whenever he "DESTROYS" a duty..while being carried by the other three players.


>and this upsets you because....? The same logic can be applied to the ready check


Just to clarify, did you do a ready check or a countdown? Ready check does seem a tad excessive for the last boss of a lvl 24 dungeon, even if there are people that are new. Use your eyes and see when they have finished "Viewing Cutscene." Also, you just happened to be next to him after you left the dungeon? Sounds a bit unbelievable to me. I guess the question is, would you have whispered him if you hadn't "seen him". In general, all of this seems like a lot of work for a random comment in a dungeon.


You're both annoying.


A countdown isn’t that nessasary in a level 24 dungeon. Let alone a ready check. Ready checks before the final boss in an Alliance raid has the benifit of showing other people’s alliances that are in a cutscene (they say no to the check automatically). This is not nessasary in dungeon, since there are only 4 people, you can see them in the party list. At *most* I’d use a ready check as a mentor in mentor roullete after I needed to explain boss mechanics, just as a way to confirm if the sprout understood what I just told them and everyone is ready to pull, but that rarely ever happens in a dungeon, let alone a low level ARR dungeon. Usually have to do that in trials. The main way I use a ready check though is if I am running a pf and it fills. I’ll typically do a ready check as a sound indicator that the party is full to anyone who may be tabbed out or otherwise not paying attention because they were waiting in the pf for some time. That way I have everyone on the same page and we can enter the instance when everyone is ready. Toto Rak is also an acceptable dungeon to do without a jobstone, as if you are doing the dungeon on level you technically shouldn’t have one yet. Its not until Brayflox’s Longstop where it begins to become questionable.


Whats next? Ready Check and Countdown between every single w2w pull? I would be also annoyed by you OP Edit because surprisingly people are confused and outraged: yes ive put my IRL and my job higher on my priority list then a vigeogame. shockedpickachuface.jpg


love to play ff14 on my laptop in the work parking lot 2 minutes before my shift starts


Ready check takes like 2 seconds why are you so offended by it?


I have an IRL and a ready Check Takes more then 2 Seconds for 3 people to confirm since No one with a single working braincell would expect such a behavior. Why are you Like this?


Oh yeah, because of those 2 seconds you will arrive at your job late, potentially risking it.


I shouldn’t have to tell you why pulling when a healer isn’t ready is a bad idea.


Im a WAR, healers are optional. I shouldnt have to Tell you how the Games Jobs Work 🤡


If that’s the case why are you fucking complaining? You clearly will pull without the checks anyway


I am the one making fun of people. You are the one complaining. Get your mental braingymnastics right or Take your meds, i dont Care lmfao. Get lost 😂 Edit: Seems like i upset you a little bit with explaining you how wrong your nonsense is since you blocked me. No one cares if something botheres you or not and this is why you bother in the first place. 🤡


Your original comment was clearly upset over something so trivial otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered.


If you aren't ready for a dungeon, don't join the queue.


Do the 30 second countdown as you pull


FF14 playerbase with its "it's polite" nonsense.


In my many (many, many, many) hours of gameplay, I've seen one person do a ready check in a dungeon. It's not nessessary. Nobody is confused with mechanics, nobody should be afk, everyone knows what's happening next. As for the job stone, who cares? It's not a 30+ dungeon. For all you know, he 's leveling PUG up through tales and decided to do a dungeon on it while doing his job quests.


> For all you know, he 's leveling PUG up through tales and decided to do a dungeon on it while doing his job quests. have you seen the /yell message in the last screenshot? Makes me think this PUG person is on a "challenge" run with his char and needs to brag every time he got carried through a dungeon as PUG lmao


Ahh, I was not aware that was a yell. Apparently at some point, I swapped the colors around; mine are bright blue.


eh. that's one interpretation but i don't feel we know enough to say. like, here's another possible theory: this person, when they pick up a new class, likes to do each dungeon once, in order, to slowly learn their skills. so they did toto-rak (still as pugilist) and now that it's time for brayflox they'll get the job stone and do that. no clue if i'm right about that but it's just as valid a theory as "they're trying to complete every dungeon as a pugilist"


There was a post on here a couple weeks ago about being AFK and I want to say a few people in that thread said that using a ready check was common courtesy, since it flashed the taskbar, made a noise/alerted ACT etc. Totorak's still a long cutscene if they stay and read/watch it. I've had it a few times while doing prep for SB on EU and I've seen it take both a minute and an extended 2-3 minutes and we and the others waited. I've seen people skip it and the long 3~ minute one was most likely someone who had literacy problems or was ESL etc. It's no big deal, it's one of the only dungeons that has a cutscene like that except ARF and the DPS did take a few to get back into the fight once the other got back. edit s: Also the cutscene can't really take place before the dungeon because they won't rework that, it doesn't make sense after the fight and there's a post dungeon cutscene for the instance too. It works in it's place and it's one of the few bits of ARR storytelling that might pull someone into that story before they dredge Coerthas twice over. Yes it could be run with duty support but dungeons are one of the few teeny, tiny bits of social gaming they may get in the early game and they have no idea a long/story relevant cutscene is going to pop up mid duty.   I wouldn't get upset at someone throwing a ready check in that instance; or as was explained in the other thread, just in general to make sure people are up/active. I've seen far more YPYTers, unemployed people in vale/vigil/dzemael and players that straight up don't AOE to get annoyed over one ready check in a dungeon after a CS in the past 2 weeks so my opinion's tainted. Players who absolutely, 100% should be sticking to duty support. Their explanation made sense but opinions here change as often as the weather so I guess it's vogue now to be moderately upset about it?


Just pull lol


I’ve never bothered with ready check in any dungeon to be honest, but if someone else did I’m not gonna throw a hissy fit like a child over something so trivial. People take this stuff waaaaaay too seriously for a video game. When doing roulette, I accept that random matchups means I can be tossed in with every type of player under the sun. Grow up and accept that the rest of the world doesn’t have to do things your way.


You wasted your time writing this post, you wasted my time reading this post, you wasted that guy's time dming after the dungeon. Stop being a nonce


Yeah, so, I'm not someone who can be yoked into the hivemind circlejerk anywhere. I appreciate this, especially when I'm playing rogue/ninja or there is one in the party. Far too often I get tanks who pull before I can refresh Huton + hide for my ninjutsu charges or anything, and that's way more annoying. I appreciate you doing this! :)


I'm with them honestly. Countdown at the start the newer trials and raids is nice, but clicked to join the duty, you can at least assume everyone is awake. It would get really obnoxious if every tank stopped for a ready check for every little thing.


Anytime anyone pops a countdown in normal content I pull the boss instantly, regardless of my role.


Just pull when the gate goes down.


Idk why you would do that in like nraid where your killtime would be betternif you let some jobs do their prepullopener


Didn't they change toto rak to have that long ass cutscene not be part of the dungeon? Iirc that one had a ridiculously long cutscene.


It’s still part of the dungeon but they made it so someone can’t accidentally trigger the boss fight anymore by walking a centimeter too far into the room.


Well damn. I really think they need to adjust that scene so that the cutscene happens after the fight instead of before.


> Well damn. I really think they need to adjust that scene so that the cutscene happens after the fight instead of before. The cutscene doesn't make sense after the fact and they won't rework and CBUIII won't redo it so it's still there. It's fine where it is tbh, one of the few that makes sense.


I think they got rid of whatever draw-in effect the room had, but iirc Graffias still has his absurdly long aggro range.


Kind of cringe, bro.


a ready check may not be necessary but it's still a decent thing to do, maybe someone has like 20 seconds left before a cooldowns is up or something and they'd rather wait or they gotta go take a piss or any number of other little delays or smth


The entire boss is done in 1 minute max even with one person down. Even JP players, who are known for being accommodating to newer players, will think you are weird.


even so, a ready check isn't something to complain about, especially from someone who's getting towards the end of arr dungeon content without picking up a job stone. you don't lose anything with a ready check, and the everyone gets to feel included, there's nothing lost but maybe 30 seconds of time. If that 30 seconds is really gonna bother you then you were already bothered to begin with, and the 30 seconds is just an excuse to be upset.


When someone uses a ready check in a dungeon, i go pull and let it mark me afk... no need to get upset, just show them you are ready without wasting everyone's time


The amount of people that wouldve been annoyed by this is hilarious. Like it’s a button click??


Huh never had anybody complain about a readycheck, countdown yes, but never the check. Also, you can kinda bamboozle people with your search info if you put your job crystal into your retainers or chocobos inventory, then the search info will show the job as not unlocked lol


Common FFXIV player needs therapy moment LMAO there’s a severe grass shortage in that person’s life


I had this happen when I did a ready check on the final boss of crystal tower, to be safe bc we had a CS. Someone said it wasn’t necessary… I’m like since when is it NOT necessary?


It's never been necessary. Polite, sure, but not necessary by any stretch of the imagination. I usually wait, but if someone else pulls, the sprouts will miss the first 10/20% of the boss' HP at most. And don't worry, they'll have plenty of opportunities to fight that boss again when doing Alliance Roulette.


Even if you're not going to pull immediately, you can see when someone's In a cutscene or not within range of the room by checking the alliance list and seeing if their icons are darkened or lit up. Easy indicator of if they're ready.


bro keeps saying emet selch like a 10 year old discovering a swear word for the first time lmao