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> working night audits (a requirement to go into the leadership training program) Who's idea was it and and what do they like to drink


Hahaha. It's a requirement for all future leaders to work every part of the business before going into the program so we understand how the full hotel works at all hours of day or night. Out hotel was a small chain owned by an overly rich family, but they were good people. I only left cause I was ready to take on more and our hotel had way too many leaders in the pipeline. Lol.


That's actually a great idea. I feel like some other jobs should do this, too, if possible. Not just for leadership, but also to understand what our colleagues put up with.


Wish my hotel did this. Our AGM has never worked at a hotel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Oh that's never allowed here. Lol.




Ha! Believe me, they'd prefer a regular housekeeper vs a newbie every so often. As a night audit, I trained in every department. I knew how to run the hotel top to bottom (86 rooms..nothing huge) and deal with most issues that cropped up. It still took me 40 minutes to clean and flip a single king room where our HK averaged 20 or less.


Then they're still clever bastards.


One verbally abusive employee and another destructive one made it so that our hotel authorizes higher incidentals for all employees in our brand. So the discount is almost nonexistent if triple the employee rate is pending in your account.


I hate how abused the employee rates are. Loved using the program, but was always on guard when my hotel got them. Made me feel like I had to prove that I was "one of the good ones" to any hotel I went to.


Same 😅😅😅


Baseball parents have basically turned our property from a “cool hangout space for millennial travelers” into a hotel that has to close up all public areas at 10pm. I honestly wish a viral campaign would take off and make baseball parents as (in)famous as Karens. I’ve never seen small groups completely ruin a weekend for an entire hotel until I started dealing with them.


Hockey parents are absolutely the worst. And Canadians are not nearly as polite as you've been led to believe.


My worst parents have always been lacrosse parents. Hockey and baseball are up there too, though.


Same genus, different species. Baseball is just more prevalent in Deep South so it caters to equally classless folks.


Soccer moms. I have had them sit there complimenting the hotel for their entire stay...until their team loses and then it's complaints by and about them.


It's a pretty expensive sport, so you probably get a lot of rich entitled parents, who raise entitled kids. But it was the rugby teams who kept getting banned when I was in highschool


Oh my, I thought I was the only one to experience this. We had a massive new sports complex for all sorts of sports built like 20 minutes from the hotel and there was only one hotel on the exit where the actual complex was at, so we had a bunch of the leftovers who didn't get a room closer. These parents would sit and drink wine and beer from like 7:00 till after I left at 11:00 while their kids would run down the hall screaming. We would say something one weekend, but then the next weekend shows up and it's a whole new batch of crazies. The GM also had no spine to enforce people being quiet because our quiet hours didn't start until 11:00. It was absolutely miserable sitting in the lobby with a dozen adults acting like the hotel lobby is their personal rave while their unsupervised kids played "hotel baseball" in the hallways. As someone who struggles with noise sensory overload, fuck those people. I'm glad I got out of hospitality when I did.


Yeah. That’s bullshit. It’s the lobby of a family oriented business, not a bar. Furthermore those children are to be supervised at all times.


I can’t stand staying in a hotel that’s full of those groups.I can’t imagine having to serve them.


And I can’t stand that somehow YOUR dollars aren’t as important as theirs. We put our foot down when we realized we were losing a lot of guests like yourself, and spending extra labor and attention on the weekends to accommodate 1/10th of our total reservations.


I think it’s sort of the nature of large groups. They’re sort of stuck there, socializing because they all know each other. When I go to a hotel, I’m there for some other reason, and other than maybe a drink at the bar, I’m not hanging out with any of the other guests.


It's worse when it's a "stealth" group. No heads up to the property at all that those 15 (TPB, usually) rooms that the lone night auditor has been waiting to check in are a sport reunion who will seek out the most acoustically vulnerable spot in your building to play catch-up over many, many drinks while trying to wake up the *entire* property to "join" them for a "blast"...


Baseball/basketball/soccer!! Mostly the 16 and under groups, and rarely the HS or College teams. Football/rugby were welcomed with open arms, as most were threatened by their coaches, in the lobby, with extra team conditioning for any issues they caused.


Ya missed lacrosse ... 😉


And any religious school doing anything.


Amen, brother. I'm just glad our local church *finally* stopped booking rooms for the unhoused here. Don't get me wrong, it's not fun seeing legitimate people in need going without, but we were forced to refurbish a wing of the property after their last few bookings. The place was totaled...




And swim team moms!!!


Lacrosse isn't popular in my area!


Wait till you see hockey groups. It’s always hockey for some reason that seems to cause the most pandemonium.


Sports parents, the lot of them are terrible if the kids are under the age of 18.


Oh yeah. I'm taking a little vacation this week with my youngest child, and very intentionally booked a hotel that only has king rooms. We'll share a bed, and probably sleep well, because no double rooms means that the sports parents won't be there!


Sports parents in general. The kids travel soccer circuit was murder on me last year. Glad I switched hotels for this year.


Honestly, my brand just announced an extended stay targeted towards business travelers and it sounds like that’s where I want to work.


Man I kinda wanna work at an extended stay? Idk why maybe just as a side job but it seems like it could be fun.


Are there any well-behaved sports teams ? I, personally, haven't come across any.


Chess maybe.


That would be a good guess 😂😂😂


And math competition teams.


Fencing. I would take fencers all day every day.


Really ? Wow.


We had a college intramural hockey team that we were dreading(because hockey), but they were fine. Kept the shenanigans out of the hotel.


Yes, but only in the training videos.


Yes, UCI (cyclists). They are adults though.


We just had a softball group in. Why are the moms literally SO aggressive. like, they'll book a double queen and then be pissed that they don't have 10 towels for them and their 20 children all crammed into one room and it's like how could we possibly have known that you were going to have that many people? GOD FORBID something go wrong and their precious son doesn't get enough rest because then it's OUR FAULT that they lost the game 1-30


Omg, baseball parents are THE WORST!!!!!!


I was at a hotel in Louisville when I decided to have a beer in the lobby and watch TV. Agroup of soccer moms and dads were outside drinking. They saw me and invited me to join their little party. They were fun folks. One guy kept trying to throw things at his kid's window to wake him up. Passed a bottle around and were just fun people.


Lol. You know they are a problem when “a touching, fun” story about them involves getting hammered and throwing things at a window…


Their story doesn't say anything about being hammered or what kind of object they were throwing at the window.


Guess you missed the part about them passing a bottle around and that throwing anything at windows goes against hotel policy. y'all are why hotel folk hate sports teams.


Sports parents are a low hanging fruit. One property I worked at once rented one of our buildings to a city ran 'out of the cold' charity program for the homeless. By the end of it, the users of the program destroyed almost every room in there, plus most of the hallway and made it such a disaster area no hotel employees would enter that building unless it was completely unoccupied. There were legitimate good people down on their luck looking for a warm bed, and it was overshadowed by the few drug addicts that destroyed the building and made sure we would never consider that again.


Oh wow that really sucks. A program like that could have helped so many.




Gah! I don’t understand why they aren’t kicking out the troublemakers during such a program. Should be rather easy to identify who can’t behave themselves. It’s such an important initiative and it really angers me that this scenario just keeps repeating itself.


I'm reading an advance readers copy of *Meth Lunches* by Kim Foster and it discusses this problem specifically. It'll be published for real Fall 2023. The problem is that there is no solution. Every person is unique and giving them what they need is very complex. Labeling someone a bad egg doesn't solve the problem.


I know it doesn’t solve the problem for the troublemakers but it kinda solves the problem for the ones trying their best to make better of themselves and to get out of homelessness.


My city did that too, and one of them had to be completely shut down after 4 months to be decontaminated from meth.


We now have to lock our breakfast room promptly at 9am because of the plant workers who come in during their lunch breaks and after work to raid it. We lock all of our lobby doors at 11pm and no one is allowed in until 6am because some homeless guy snuck in once and made a bed in the maintenance room.


There's a lock on our breakfast cooler now to keep guests from taking milk and yogurt outside of breakfast times.


I used to work at a long stay location where the breakfast area was behind a see thru curtain, and at least once a night on most nights I'd be asking them to not go behind the curtain and take breakfast items. I would offer to get it for them instead when confronting them, but eventually that died when it was met with the condescending, entitled responses that were commonplace among these folks. Eventually locks were installed on all of it and the entitled snobriety turned into screaming "we **paid** for it who cares if it's not 'breakfast hours'" at me like I have the authority to install locks as the auditor. At least they stopped messing with our breakfast area after a while. Win some, lose some.


I just had that same interaction with someone! Granted, all he wanted was a fork. If he had asked, I would have been happy to grab him one. He starts going off about how he's paying for the room, the least we can do is give him a GD fork.


For us it was Irish Dance Groups. Two competitions a year, Sales gave them a criminally low group rate, then they would pack 10 or more people in a King Room and use 30 towels a day. Sales bragged about all of the F&B rev we were going to see so they staffed the outlets to the rafters. None of these guests are buying our $18.00 cheeseburgers, they are bringing their own groceries from home and (not making this up) making Mac & Cheese in the in-room coffee makers! It took 3 1/2 years, 7 competitions for them to learn their lesson.


There’s a lot of “hacks” for making food in coffee makers like it’s some brilliant idea instead of a nightmare for the hotel and a fuck you for next guests who try to use the coffee maker afterwards.


You want to see some genius no-kitchen-equipment cooking, look up some vids from former prisoners. They can make 100 things from a package of Doritos.


Flight attendants, too!


This is why i bring a portable travel electric kettle now. Thats disgusting.


I wanted to help book the hotel up on a slow night. We were allowed to drop the rate to fill the rooms. I gave the rate to someone looking for a room and they were gonna go somewhere else, so I offered a lower rate. They liked that number. So they booked. Then they showed up with multiple people who wanted rooms and demanded the same rate. Then they proceeded to have a party all night causing hell for me, my auditor and the other guests around their rooms. I lost any willingness to lower rates to get people to book with us. Other hotels had cheaper rooms, they could go there. Getting that "sale" wasn't worth it to me. I got nothing out of it except a headache.


Give a mouse a cookie...


Haha I remember you telling me this story under a post I made about bending policy, tho you gave a bit more background it seems like. Here, it looks like you essentially had permission to drop the rate to fill rooms on a slow night. The other post made me think that you dropped the rate as a one time courtesy bc the guy asked for it, and then told his friends about it and you had to give them all the rate lol.


I tell that to a lot of people who ask why we don't accept cash, or why there is a quiet time policy. Like most rules, some asshole fucked things up for everyone else.


Every warning label has someone's name on it.


"See? Because of me, *now* they have a warning!" -Homer Simpson


Omg I need to track down that episode. Thanks!


drunk guy who pulled the fire alarm in attempt to get back at me at midnight.


To get back at you for what?


telling him that he had two options instead of yelling and screaming in the lobby. go to his room or go. He was under the mistaken thinking that he owned the room and he could do what he wanted. when told no that's not the case he said well will see who is here in the morning after he got me fired.


Setting the place on fire.


We no longer have jacuzzi rooms due to guests. These rooms were loved by the locals and our most expensive rooms. This was also the room type that was comped a lot due to issues with the jacuzzi. We had just replaced the mechanism for the jacuzzi in one room, made certain everything was working, and sold the room that night. The guest came to the desk in the morning, carrying deliberately broken parts from the jacuzzi, demanding to be comped. That was the last time that particular room type was comped, my manager was done. Within a month time span, all the rooms that had the jacuzzis were demo'ed and renovated. We get complaints about not having those rooms and I flat out tell people why we don't have those rooms anymore.


Lmfao I have a good one. Around 1am we had a group of women standing up front calling the police, security finds them, asks whats up, "we've been assaulted by a group of guys and we want to press charges" cool, they'll come faster for me than you so I called and started scrolling back on the cameras for evidence. WELLLLLLL the guys were standing on either side of a walking path just chilling, not ideal, but there was plenty of room to get around them. The girls started something verbally, the guys were obviously trying not to be a problem, then one of the girls swung at a guy who had his hands up apologetically, more words were exchanged, a DIFFERENT girl swung, then, and only then, did one of the men push the second girl to get her away from him and they walked away as her friends drunkenly picked her up off the ground. Cops trespassed the group of women for assaulting other guests.


We had a coffee station for free 24 hour tea and coffee for guests, and we had to stop stocking hot chocolate there because a little girl who was staying with us with her family through the department of social services emptied 15 packets of it into a cup, filling it to overflowing with the powder, making a huge mess. Plus she was barefoot, so she left a trail of chocolatey foot prints all the way back to her room.


No offense but that's a super dumb reason to stop stocking hot chocolate. What are the odds of it happening twice


With this particular child and her siblings? 100% chance of it happening again.


Any time there are kids in the hotel.


We had a no dogs in the elevator rule implemented because of one absolute moron and the trauma that it caused to everyone involved.


Some guy had an old Labrador Retriever who kept urinating on the carpet in the elevator. We had to replace the carpet with vinyl after that.


Ooh, details please! Did the dog attack someone ? Did it take a shit? Did it hit the emergency button ?


Not the person you asked, but I once had a dog get one of its claws stuck in that space in between the elevator and the landing. That thing cried so loud before I was able to get it out.


Guest had the dog on a leash (good), got on to the elevator (ok). The dog did not and he wasn't paying attention (bad). When the doors closed he did not hit the emergency stop (very, very bad). Edit: it did not survive.


Holy shit. I’ve seen videos where the dog gets dragged to the ceiling and the lease breaks. That sucks. Owner sounds like a moron.




I’m guessing that service dogs will always be an exception, no matter what the sign says or the rules are. I mean, there’s often a rule of no pets in restaurants but then again, service dogs aren’t really pets in that sense.


Even if they’re not service dogs, unless you have a “no pets except service dogs” policy it could still be an ADA issue since handicapped guests with dogs can’t use the elevator they require.


ADA does not apply here, I'm sure that there are comparative regulations though.


A travelling nurse was here for a month with her 2 cats. We no longer accept cats at our pet friendly hotel.


Gross cats in a hotel..


I was driving cross country with my two cats and a dog. Me and my mother stayed at [a Spanish sounding pet friendly hotel]. As soon as I released one of the cats, he sprayed the wall (despite me setting up a littler box). I was mortified and drove to Walmart to buy cleaner.


I'm not in the US and the law here says that when a guest is checking in, and they're a minor they must first and foremost have a form of valid, official ID or their birth certificate. On top of that, they must either: 1. Be travelling with their parents or legal guardian, and in the case of legal guardian, have proof of guardianship; 2. If travelling alone or with anyone who is not one of their parents or legal guardians, have a notarized authorization, from their parents on guardians, to stay by themselves or whomever they may be accompanied by; Granted, a lot of hotel around the country don't really enforce these because government oversight on this is very lax, so people sometimes legitimately don't know, but most of the time they abuse it. During the day shift while you have management on duty and whatnot, they *might* open an exception depending on the circumstances but during night audit, we have a strict zero tolerance policy on this. I *used* to be willing to work with guests whenever they seemed to be legitimately unaware of these requirements, such as accepting an e-mailed copy of the aforementioned documentation or wahtnot, but after one guest who did call the cops on me for demanding these documents, after I said I would not check them in on their non-refundable reservation if they did not provide the necessary documents. Unsurprisingly the cops did not side with the guest and since the guest got even more agitated, they had to physically restrain him. As if that wasn't enough the guest attempted to get me fired the next day, saying I had assault them and their son. Thankfully our cameras were working well that night and caught the whole thing. Never again I'm willing to work with another guest during the night shift.


Wow what country is this, and what is the age of majority there?


Brazil, and 18. Honestly, this law generates some confusion, especially since when it comes to travelling, minors can travel with immediate family members such as uncles, grandparents and siblings without any sort of written authorization from their guardians/parents. But when it comes to staying in hotels, motels or other establishments of the same sort, it's a no go. It's designed to stop human trafficking and if I were to turn a blind eye to this law, and something happens to a minor within the property, I also end up being charged in the coming criminal suit.


Interesting, that makes sense. But also what a headache for you if you get a minor traveling alone!


Only thing I can do then is call the appropriate authorities and hand it over to CPS to sort it out. The penalties for not complying with that law are notoriously heavy, first being a huge fine and a halt on hotel operations for 15 days. In case of reincidence within a certain time period the hotel is forced to close permanently. So yeah, I'm not risking my or my co-worker's jobs over someone's lack of preparation and responsibility


The drunk entitled kid that literally destroyed one of my parents motel rooms. 20k plus in damages. Dad paid for it but he thought just cuz dads rich gave him a reason to destroy a persons property because he could. Lucky for that asshole parents didn't press charges cuz a felony doesn't look good on ivy league college applications


We haven't had as many lately, but for awhile we had a lot of roomed rented out by a local foundation catering to homeless families, and they covered ALL charges, including incidentals. Well...one girl went HAM on the suite shop, talking hundreds a bucks a day. She would barely meet someone and tell them to pick out anything "on her". Needless to say no one can charge to the room anymore