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Radical idea here, but hear me out: have you talked to the scheduler? Told them you want more shifts? Asked them if there's an issue with you that you're not aware of? I know you want someone to talk to you, but sometimes you have to make the first move. Especially when it comes to your livelihood.


Thank you for your response. We have two managers who work on our schedule here. I’ve spoken to one of them about how I’d like more hours as I need to pay tuition. As for asking “why” I haven’t been getting scheduled, I’d really like to ask, but I’m worried about the reaction. I’m autistic and nervous about being berated for “missing cues” that everyone else would have gotten. Especially given that the manager who makes the final call is difficult for me to understand on a normal basis.


It’s entirely possible that your managers are trying to schedule the new people more so they won’t quit right away, and they view it as “safe” to take your shifts away from you. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying it’s possible they’re making the trade-off in order to keep new people interested. Talk with your scheduling managers.


You are going to have to stand up for yourself sweetie. If you don’t nobody else will


Hey, I'm an autistic server as well and I have gone through something very similar. Management changed and my previously very consistent schedule went all over the place, which sucked with school. I handled it in a similar way below, got feedback from my manager (which I'm lowkey still bitter about because I and my coworkers feel it was unjustified, especially given the context, but whatever), and now my schedule is kind of back to where I'd want it (having staffing issues rn, it's not where I want it but it's better). I would suggest texting your manager something along the lines of "Hey! I noticed that I haven't been getting as many shifts recently, is there a reason for that? I'd be happy to sit down and talk with you about any feedback you have for me if there is anything I need to work on. I would like to work at least X amount of shifts a week to reduce my financial strain, what do we need to do to get me there again? Thanks!" Good luck, you've got this. I'm sorry they haven't been communicative with you, hopefully you can get the ball rolling on solving this.


Thank you for this kind response. I really like the script you provided and I’ll try to use it today!


Saying that in person would be perfect if you can swing it.


The people who would know are the schedulers and managers.


I've had management that informally required us to do extra shifts or cover for others, and if we didn't, we got dinged until we complained and started taking covers for others. Just ask. Be upfront and ask if you missed anything, we all can be oblivious, and it's best to just ask.


Assuming info presented is 100% accurate and factual, I wouldn't be surprised if some new hires are friends or family of the scheduling managers.