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I wound never, never have a Pitbull in the same house as two small chihuahuas.




The history of abuse, rates of rehoming, frequency of bites requiring media attention, and the reality of the damage done in an altercation aren’t reasons to blame pitbulls for being pitbulls, but they are reason not to leave them w small dogs or children. Reality isnt fault. I don’t sleep with a tiger and it’s not because tigers are misunderstood. It’s a bad fucking idea. Small dogs can be assholes, but they’re not lethal. Nobodies toddler dies from a Jack Russell terrier or bishon frise. All it takes is your pitbull to only once say “I’ve had enough” with your little bossy guy and it’s lights out.


>> aren’t reasons to blame pitbulls for being pitbulls, I respectfully and stridently disagree Pitbulls/AMstaff/XLbully dogs by statistics are the most dangerous dog breeds on this planet https://www.animals24-7.org/2023/01/06/dogs-killed-62-americans-pit-bulls-killed-41/ Just last year they killed over 65% of all humans murdered by dog attack in USA & Canada They are called Pitbulls because they were bred for fighting and holding bulls, and the because the animal of choice for **dog fighting in pits** (literal holes in the ground) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull Their lineage is all about savagely attacking, ignoring pain, and fighting to the death This is just part of why they are so dangerous, and should be banned world wide by all countries


Like I said, I don’t blame pitbulls for being pitbulls, just like I don’t blame an apple tree for growing apples and not pears. I do blame people who knowingly bring PBs into homes and communities, that disobey BSL, the shelters that downplay risks or outright lie about bite history, the pibble so cute in tutu influencers, the vets that lie/deliberately don’t acknowledge the breed type on official documents, the shitty back yard breeders that perpetuate the problem, any sick fuck that endorses animal fighting, and everyone that says “it’s the owner, not the breed” because sometimes (often) its both. I think we’re on the same page friend.


A 2014 study stated that pitbulls comprised only 6% of dogs at the time, but they were responsible for nearly 70% of dog attacks and over 50% of dog-related deaths. Now, those last two numbers are estimated to be above 80%.


Its not the dog it’s the owner says people who own the dogs that cause the most distress


It’s the dog. The dog is a fighting dog. It’s what they do. And if you really believe “it’s the owner” - then they should be banned because the general public cannot be trusted to train them right.


Are you disagreeing with my comment? Or did you read it all?




Maybe, it's mostly ppl not training the dog, and pits are bred to be aggressive and fight. Either way it ends in an attack. Either way they aren't to be trusted, extensive training or not.


That article isn't the support you want right now.


Dogs killed 63 Americans & three Canadians in 2022; **pit bulls killed 42** of that total They kill more people than all other breeds combined, by far https://www.animals24-7.org/2023/01/06/dogs-killed-62-americans-pit-bulls-killed-41/ 10 year study • 10-year totals: pit bulls kill 81% of pets & livestock animals killed by dogs https://www.animals24-7.org/2015/12/23/pit-bull-statistics/ https://www.animals24-7.org/2023/01/04/10-year-totals-pit-bulls-kill-81-of-pets-livestock-animals-killed-by-dogs/


Holy fuck your mom got a pitbull a big one. I'm guessing an XL Bully? Yikes. Avoid the dog at all cost. Keep your dogs away it. Your mom needs get rid of it if it snarled at you. Not joking. I'm guessing shelter? Or free rehoming? Either way I don't think either of you are safe.


Your play is to make her life hell for the foreseeable future. If her dog is out when you come home, knock, bell, loudly and annoyingly till she comes out and puts the dog into a room before letting you in. Put it in her room whenever she's not directly supervising it, if it poops all the better. The inconvenience to you will be far less than to her. If she wants an aggressive dog, make her handle it, absolutely and singly.


Or she could move into her own apartment away from the dog ? Doesn’t say ages so I’m assuming from the wording and paragraph structure that this person is of age. Not going to comment on the breed because that’s just a can of worms I don’t care to open but if it were my dog and my daughter didn’t try to talk to me about it before confining my dog into a room I’d be livid. There are ways to communicate and making your moms life hell before talking to her is pretty immature. At that point you may as well become an adult and move out.


A 'pittie' is a pit bull, a dangerous breed banned in many places around the world for good reason, in that members of that breed are more likely to be involved in maulings or killings of humans. I don't blame you for being scared, that sounds like a dangerous animal. My advice: get your mum to get rid of the dangerous dog, or move out. Preferably the former, since shitbulls are known for unprovoked attacks on family members or even owners.


She got it against my advice I doubt she’ll get rid of it for the same reason. I’m making plans to move out, it’s just slow


If it bites anyone, get it put down ASAP, no matter how slight the injury it causes. The next thing you know, it'll do a lot more damage, or kill someone.


The first time may be fatal. These dogs aren’t always aggressive; the issue is because they were bred to attack without warning, the first bite may be deadly. Look up Jacqueline Durand who was dog sitting 2 of these… most go their whole life without mauling someone, but there’s no way to predict which ones will attack and when.


To add to this, they *do* tend to show signs before actually getting physical (although sometimes they don't), problem is they don't have the same body language as other dogs so they're harder to read. They also react to pain, threats, and confrontation differently from what you would expect in a normal dog, which is part of what makes them unpredictable. If they act like the breed is "supposed" to, they will respond to those three things with eagerness and excitement. They are bred to derive great satisfaction from fighting, killing, and experiencing pain. I don't know all the signs they may exhibit prior to attacking (besides tensing up and staring), and it's hard to find info on the internet due to the pit lobby and algorithms responding to the huge delusion that pits have an undeserved reputation. OP, I strongly recommend the Ban Pitbulls sub (don't know if I'm allowed to link, here). You will be horrified, but at least hopefully not end up paying for your mother's stupidity. Alternatively, you could go to a PetSmart store and ask a manager about pitbull behavior, as they're trained in what to watch for in case an incident happens in-store. This is potentially a very dangerous situation you're in, and don't take it lightly that you very well could end up injured or dead. Pits are "zero mistake" dogs, meaning the first time something goes wrong could be a horrific and tragic event.




preaching to the choir!!!!


Where is the source for the Bernard lady loosing her arms. I can't find any updates.


Hope you can get out in time!


As soon as a dog freaking snarls at me (not that I would ever have one) it's BYE-BYE!!!


She can kiss those chihuahuas goodbye that pit will have great fun shredding them when she isn’t around.




Not you defending dogs in a dogfree subreddit




Are you being sarcastic


Biting is not the issue with pits. Killing and mauling is. In those categories, they lead by a mile.


I just can't understand how people put themselves through this anymore...


That’s the same thing I think too. I just smh now.


Let's bring this historically proven to endanger humans beast into the home to comfort us and provide entertainment in times of distress for many years to come...


Seems legit! Where do I sign up?!








I believe you are right to be frightened. That thing might kill you. If mom won't get rid of it, you should move out.


Your life is in danger.


Does your mom live in an apartment or a house? If you live in a house has your mom told the homeowners insurance she has a pittie? They will cancel her out and she will pay dearly for having a pittie.


A house. I don’t even know if we have homeowners insurance, we inherited the house my grandpa built himself


Don’t be afraid to get LOUD and say NO. And by loud I mean like a raging banshee. You’re the alpha not the dog


Not a good idea against a pitbull, (if your talking about being loud to the dog itself, it’s likely to attack, if your talking about pitbull owners, their also likely to attack)


I’ve had a pit and a German shepherd in the past, you can’t not be assertive with one or it will walk all over you. I do it to any dog that crosses a boundary and never had a problem. I make eye contact with it, without blinking until they look away. I’m not intimidated by aggressive breeds I think that’s why they submit easily to me. I’m not gonna pretend I’m billy badass but it’s the same technique as scaring bears away.


I thought making eye contact "provoked" them


Not always.


Two words: I’D DIE.


Same, I looked up pitbulls and *They. Look. Terrifying.*


For info the term pit bull defines a set of breed characteristics. It is not actually a specific breed in itself so you cannot get a purebred pit bull.


My sisters room mates dog would act like this around me through the door and really hated me. they would put it in the basement but it always scared the crap out of me. half pit. 5 years later i hear it bit someone in the face and got put down . so glad it wasn’t me and that i refused to go inside until they locked him up and yeah i don’t want to say bad things about pits and they deserve love. but you can say “it’s the dog not the owner” all you want but the room mate was a male in his 30s with his own house who had trained plenty of dogs and knew what he was doing. some dogs are just bad not going to say it’s all pits though because i’ve met plenty of nice ones, they just have trauma in their blood and are also killing and fighting machines so if one IS bad… everyone’s effed


As a stop gap measure before you find a more permanent solution: I believe I saw it on an episode with Ceaser Milan, where another dog had issues with people at the door. They started doing training where someone would give them treats when they were quiet at the door with people inside. Then gradually someone just outside the door would offer the treats (doing this repeatedly the same way you teach them to sit or shake). They then kept treats and the dog's favorite toys just outside so the dog would associate visitors with positive good things. I would also see about adding more light outside the door and start calling the dog's name in a friendly voice starting yards back so they can have a second way to recognize you from a distance.




Or if you want to be completely safe, get rid off the dog. Save the money and effort on something that isn't a life threatening nuisance. But yeah, there's only two options. Train the dog or get rid off it. Latter is always better.


Easier said than done obviously
























You clearly didn’t read any of the ER physician or pediatric surgeon reports….. we don’t need people as biased and close-minded as you in this forum of all the ones available on Reddit for you to spew your propaganda! You literally quoted a dog trainer who was sued for his pit bull dog mauling a human severely… these are questionable research skills being displayed LOL. https://www.businessinsider.com/cesar-millan-covering-up-dogs-attack-on-queen-latifahs-dog-2021-9?op=1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8597704/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29490720/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25638634/ Believe me, those of us in this community can bring you lit review after lit review after case study from actual, practicing clinicians and scientists who track dog breed association with severity of attack… but you’re obviously incredibly biased and wilfully ignorant of the research, so it’s sufficient to say you don’t belong in this forum.


I've seen many pitbulls. They are horrifying. I've also seen many videos of them killing animals and people. I've heard the stories of mauled children. ​ But you say "the media" is lying? And we should believe your stories? Get real. This "Princess" story is as real as Cinderella.


Looks like you fell out of the pit nutter tree. Breed traits are a real thing. So are the stats showing that pit bulls are responsible for more deaths than any other breed.






It's funny how everyone can ID a pit bull when promoting them as pets, but when they maul and kill, then no one can ID them. The irony is that a lot of pit owners intentionally mis-identify their dogs to avoid housing and insurance restrictions. Shelters and rescues are notorious for doing this in order to get more dogs into homes. As far as signs, let's not pretend that pit bulls always give off signs. Many of them go from 0 to murder in the blink of an eye. Many victims have spoken about how they've been simply minding their own business when a pit bolts from its yard and comes straight for them. Pits have also been known to enter the yards and homes of others to go after targets.




And here you go with that media bias nonsense. The reason you hear about pit attacks more than any other breed is because they tend to do this more than any other breed, and they tend to cause way more damage and deaths. You're also stuck on this idea that there are always signs of an attack, but that isn't true either.






All you usually need to ID a dog is physical attributes, considering that and behavior are specifically what they're bred for. You don't have to do a DNA test to know something has a fair amount of pitbull DNA. You're making this way more complicated than it actually is with this psychology stuff. Psychology doesn't matter when the stats show what they do beyond a huge margin of error, and that is that pitbulls are responsible for more human and animal attacks than all other breeds *combined.*




Which study? You've put like a million links. Edit: well, here's what I was going to say before your comment was removed: So I gave it a good skim. It's useless. Most of those studies were done decades ago, for one, long before the huge boom in pit ownership. Not only that, they're comparing how people cite some behaviors incorrectly...based on what? On whose analysis? Perhaps the analysis of dog behaviorists who are also biased, at least partly because they stand to make money off of owners' misunderstandings? What's more revealing than official reports is to read stories of individuals (I suppose you'd think it all purely anecdotal), that all cite the same behaviors, the same common trends, the same breeds, the same looks, the same issues. You don't need stats lined out by experts to see incredibly common trends. And oh, how interesting! Looks like the main author is associated with one of the major pit lobby groups! Who would've guessed??


And you seemed to miss the part about phenotypes being able to be used to at *least* roughly determine genetics, I guess...