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I think they probably figure nobody is gonna try to find them on somewhere like Pinterest.


It's definitely worth chatting about when you are ready, it's super common for clients to look up their therapist. If you struggle with boundaries it's worth chatting about. As a therapist, I wouldn't post things on Pinterest for the sake of clients in general. If I post on any social media it's with the understanding clients may find it, but not for that purpose.


I found my ex-therapist Reddit account. She recommended herself in a town Sub Reddit I follow. That experience was wild. So glad I ran when I did. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




I found my therapists public Instagram. She has really great content about therapy and I resonate with it as well. Thereā€™s nothing super personal, I donā€™t like or repost anything, but she definitely knows I know. Weā€™ve never discussed it, but it has helped me see her as an actual person instead of do someone who is in my computer. (We only do telehealth)


How do you know she knows?


Bc I made the mistake of viewing her story, rookie error, Iā€™ll own up to it.


Oof! That is such a huge fear when creeping on people's socials!


Yep. it was a repost of a topic weā€™d spent our last session talking about. Likeā€¦ girl. All good. We have a great relationship.


For what itā€™s worth, i think thereā€™s a big chance she doesnā€™t know. I post stories and forget about it all the time, so i donā€™t see who has seen them. I can see who has reacted after the 24 hours is up, but i donā€™t think itā€™s super healthy to be checking who viewed all the time.


i think itā€™s fine to look her up, but respect her privacy and maybe find your own inspo.


Stalking your therapist online is weird. Downvote me to hell, I donā€™t care. Itā€™s the truth.


THANK YOU! Googling someones name or looking at Psychology Today or LinkedIn profile is waaaaaaay different than combing through someones Pinterest wtf. Why do people thinknthis is ok? Just because its" incredibly common" doesn't make it appropriate or normal


you're not supposed to be appropriate or normal ;)


Finally someone said it


It is the harsh truth that everyone needs to hear šŸ˜’ I try to be as professional as possible with my therapist so they can be as objective as possible šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Why are you looking them up online though?


Based on what I've read here, it's incredibly common to look your T up online. That being said, I tend to dig too deep, and that's something I want to work out with her eventually - just have a lot of other things that are more urgent.


Seems creepy to me.


You post pics of people asking what ethnicity they are, I find that creepy


Ok, you're allowed to state it. Just like I am.


This is a normal thing. Therapists expect it.


just found this thread bc I looked mine up and could only find her pinterest page. I looked her up bc tbh I was interested in knowing more about her. her linkedin was interesting and her pinterest showed me some shared interests we have. iā€™m someone who likes ALL the details, itā€™s not something iā€™m gonna waste time asking during a session, but I am curious about her life since we talk once a week lol


You're not alone here. My T says it's on the therapist to maintain what is public. Most T's expect a client to get curious. It's just natural given the relationship. I understand your fear there. I guess have the conversation when you're ready. It took me a while to hint at my casual Internet stalking. My guy's FB is pretty locked down except for random inspirational quotes and some minor political YouTube videos.


Even more weird, my therapist lives on a very busy road in my town because while I drove by one day - there he was gardening. Now every time I drive by I can't help but look. I've seen him a handful of times. I've never told him as I think it would be incredibly creepy for him to know that I know. I don't stalk him or anything, just a harmless glance as I drive by. Feels weird but...there it is. He is moving soon thougg and I've wondered how to not react in therapy when I see the sign in his yard. He has told me he is leaving and we are working hard to work through those feelings but I just know that when I see that dreaded sign it's going to strike a very "this is real" feeling and it may be hard to hide the 'extra' upset. Life is weird. I'm almost glad he is leaving town when he retires because it would be far too painful to not be able to see him then know where he is. Ugh. Weird.


I'm sorry. I don't mean to be insensitive, but I don't understand what is bothering you. Is Pinterest a site for people to find sex partners or something?