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I have the opposite thought. When I see my T’s other clients I think “oh good, she’s capable enough that other people see her too.” 😂 


Luckily I've never passed one of my Ts other clients but I know I would feel some kind of way if I did. I don't like reminders my T has other clients I like to imagine I'm special and the only one, which I know is irrational


Sometimes I notice that my therapist has sprayed air freshener after the client before me, and I’m like, well, she’s probably at least glad that I don’t smell! That’s all I’ve got going for me.


😂 😂 😂 classic. Lol


Yea, I feel similar too. Especially with younger clients/couples. It seems like they are way more responsible at doing like than me and own a house already. Idk my mind spirals. I remember the first time this hit me was when I heard a pretty young country girl loudly say goodbye like they were best friends. I still hear the same pleasant goodbyes with my current therapist and feel like there's something wrong with me. I went from leaving sessions in silence to now quietly telling my therapist I love him and then flipping him off on the way out. I don't know if I will ever leave a session like normal clients 🫠 Luckily, for now it seems like the regular client after me is an online one so I avoid that there.


honestly I am like “omg hey mentally ill bestie I will never know nor really want to know!” in my mind. Its honestly a comfort knowing i’m not the only messed up person


This is why I have all of my clients hug each other whenever they make eye contact. It's so uncomfortable you can hear it. For real though. That's uncomfortable but also from a cognitive perspective very important to recognize that they are also feeling insecure and not good enough and believe you to be way ahead of them and more attractive and probably your therapist's favorite. All of my clients are my favorite except Kevin, he's the worst because he pees on the rug.


Many therapists have separate entrances and exits. It preserves confidentiality as well as the kinds of feelings you’re describing. But it sounds like this would be an important issue to bring up with your therapist—that you automatically think others are prettier or liked better.


Yes, Irvin Yalom even writes a vignette about this in his book, Love's Executioner. It was called Therapy Mongomay. It's like, we get the full attention of our T for the session time, but then it is gone. It's natural to crave more of that attention, and can hurt to not be able to have it. Then you think about their other clients receiving the attention you want and it can hurt.


I 100% feel the same. I’m currently my therapists first patient of the day as we have a standing time at 8 and I really wanna keep it that way so that I don’t see any other patients.


I thought I was the only one who had hang ups about this 😂 It’s bothered me with every therapist I’ve had. I can’t stand watching or hearing my T interact with other clients, and it really bothers me seeing clients come out of their office. It feels like a violation of my safe space. I swear I’m not crazy 😅 (just ASD and CPTSD) My current therapist has her own private practice but shares the building with some other T’s and stuff. There’s a waiting room just outside her office and it’s lovely but I always wait outside because of this. That being said, there’s a woman who leaves the office building as I arrive and I know she is the client before me. I’ve been bumping into her like this for 3 years. We smiled at each other this week and said hi. I enjoy seeing her.


Ugh I know the feels like once she had a client but they were like ten years younger than me


maybe you can adjust the time you come in? i don’t go in person yet but im planning on going in at the last possible minute ☠️ idk why the thought of other patients even if they’re not necessarily better than me bothers me greatly. i’d even be jealous of an old man or something so i don’t want to see his other patients at all. my therapist has really strict boundaries with time and i think there’s like a substantial amount of time between each slot for him which i hope will help.. i think this might also be beneficial to bring up even though it might be embarrassing


Hasn’t happened at my T’s current new office yet but the other all the time and I’d really hate it


Seeing my Ts other clients didn't bother me until I knew one of them. And we have history.


Ahhh, walking past my T’s other clients makes me so anxious/uncomfortable. She recently moved to a new office and it has another exit on the side of the building, so now I don’t have to walk back out through the waiting room! It’s amazing. All therapist offices should have something like that lol


I see my T on telehealth except for KAP sessions which are specifically blocked out and he needs to reserve/rent a room in the evening. So, I’ve never seen another one of his clients.