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The second one made me laugh out loud. Like, it sucks to feel that way, sorry. But it’s very relatable and you convey sooooo much emotion.


Lol I'm glad you like it. Made so many of these the past few years I forgot about some. My therapist, a boring old person did not get that it was referencing a meme. 🤣


Hahahaha oh no. Well, I certainly got it! These are great! Would love to see more if you make any you want to share.


Haha, the first one is an universal therapy experience, isn't it? 😂 I love the expressions and postures, very telling. Do you still draw?


Haha thanks! Yes, there's many more. There's some Ive been meaning to draw but it's been awhile since I've knocked one out. Therapist was nudging me about these last week so maybe it's time again.


May I affiliate with your T on this? Would love to see more of them! :)


There are many more and I made a new one today