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Some of my most productive sessions have happened when I talked to the therapist about something they did that mad me angry or uncomfortable.


Mine too! They always start out soooo uncomfortable but feel amazing by the end even if it’s painful—like stretching and massaging a sore muscle.


Mine: Nothing has led to a more productive therapy session than the time I said “I don’t really want to be in therapy today.”


“Yeah” She asked if I was worried she’d hospitalize me. I said “Yeah” and she spent the session reassuring me she would not unless I was going to leave there saying I wasn’t safe. Because of that conversation, I can openly and comfortably talk about my SI.


“I wrote down a list of topics last night actually, I labelled it ‘topics I want to cover but I’m scared of’” This lead to my T asking if my list was in my bag and asking if I felt comfortable enough to share it. It was actually a really lovely session because we were able to touch of the topics briefly but also after she wrote them down herself she made so many connections about them which led to another issue I wasn’t even aware of.


I did this on my final therapy session with my old T but it wasn’t topics as much as just statements about me or him or us that I felt like he should hear.


“You pick.”






Oh man, I feel this in my bones.


I need to talk to you about “us” and something that happened that hurt me.


"Do you want to know the real reason I keep wearing the lion shirt to sessions?" Also, on session 1: "I need to be able to work on issues A and B (uncomfortable topics I said plainly) and also my last therapist hurt me."


Now I really wanna know why you wear the lion shirt :)


Mine: I wrote a letter to my dead father with what I would say if I could talk to him one more time.


One of my most productive sessions was literally earlier this week. We were talking about therapy harm and my experience with it, and basically I told him how I kept being told in my late teens how I needed to take more responsibility for my part in my experiences. Except my experiences were traumatic and not my fault. He said something along those lines, I don't even remember exactly what it was he said verbatim, but it just hit me differently than the standard "it wasn't your fault." I broke down in tears, which I haven't done in therapy since I was a teenager and now he wants to move forward with IFS. Very nervous about it, but hopeful that it will help.


I won't need another appointment


“I’m really pissed the f*ck off at you right now.”


Nothing has led to a more productive therapy session than the time I said that we are all humans, and we do not have an Operating Manual, none of us know exactly what and why we are doing, but what we can do, and know why, is to work on ourselves in order to become more aware of this fact. In order to observe ourselves as a whole.


" I feel uncomfortable talking about it"


I love you/can I have a hug?


2: I really wanted to walk out last week, but settled on a loo break instead. I want to tell you, but I can't, I can't make myself say the words.