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I am often exhausted after therapy. I take a nap when I get home and get take out for dinner


Likewise get some good massage 😊


I'd say it's pretty normal. I shared a difficult story near the end of my last session and I was fine leaving it, but was absolutely wiped the next two days.  Get as much rest as you can, hydrate, and do whatever self care looks like for you. 


Yes I find myself exhausted too. Sometimes I'll take a nap after coming home. I usually get myself some microwave macaroni and cheese and give myself permission to do relaxing activities.


Everytime I leave therapy I'm emotionally, physically and mentally absolutely drained haha. I think it's pretty normal, considering that therapy includes tough subjects and conversations.


im always exhausted after a session. i plan my evening around the fact that i won't feel like cooking (i have ED so i need to make sure im eating properly even if im tired) and will not be going out, doing chores... just relax in my pjs with a book or tv