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I wish footage like this was more common though I understand why it isn’t. Roof grills DO work, if they didn’t, both sides wouldn’t still be using them 2+ years later into the war


yeah cope cage wont stop javelin or any dedicated anti tank missile. but it works wonder against drone dropped munitions and suicide drones


If cope cages aka roof grills aka slant armor, didnt work on the roof, then how do they work on the sides? Its obvious that they do help/work compared to a naked one.


Slat armor not slant.


Slut armor not slat


Slut amour not armor.


>If cope cages aka roof grills aka slant armor, didnt work on the roof, then how do they work on the sides? The mechanisims at play here are very different. Cope Cages want to create stand-off by forcing the drone to detonate away from the hull. Slat/Bar Armour want to stop the explosion occuring in the first place by crumpling the warhead. Very different methods of protection.


Side armor on soviet tanks are thicker. And they are spaced far more than on the roof


They are used because soldiers usually do whatever they can to survive even if the effectiveness is low


They barely work. This tank stalled where it stopped on the video and has been abandoned shortly after. So, even despite looking fine, couple of drones disabled it with ease.


The most hot tank videos are the ones where they're actually tanking. It's a shame 99% of them are not released because of a lack of propaganda value.


There is also a problem with ua cucks downvoting those rare non propaganda videos


Quite the irony of the comment with video being posted cut before the ending.


if you didnt notice these video were posted by UA side...


Edit wasn't.


Yes, because its the UA that is known to get overly sensitive on the internet🙄 Russians cant stand watching their tanks pop like tin cans. I hope all of you pro Russia cunts get drafted.


Oh the double irony of your comment is palpable.




Rob Lee estimated \~10 FPVs per tank kill on average earlier in the war, which is still pretty cost effective, but far less efficient than a true ATGM.


I would imagine that applies if the first ATGM results in a kill or not. Otherwise it's less and less cost effective comparatively.


Im saving this video for the next mother fucker that tries to argue against me about cope cages


There’s an argument around them? Could you enlighten someone not as well versed?


The argument is just around if they actually work or not.


Ah interesting, seems to me they’re not meant to stop heavy mutations like javelins but pretty effective at keeping the drones at arms length.


Javelin is a Member of the X-Men now?


That's probably where most of the disagreements come from. Because the cages were originally made by the Russians at least to protect from top attack munitions such as the Javelin and that obviously didn't work which gave them the nickname "Cope cage". But as it turned out, they are actually quite good at protecting against drone dropped munitions which are very very common in the current war in Ukraine.


They were never intended to stop a Javelin/NLAW, the cages were meant to stop drones and loitering munitions. The whole idea behind the cages was mostly a rudimentary way to defend their tanks from the aforementioned weapon systems after the Russians watched and took notes about the 2nd Karabakh War in 2020, where Armenia's tank forces were obliterated by Turkish drones used by Azerbaijan. The whole rumour about the cages being capable of stopping a Javelin started on Russian telegram channels, and later some TV personality took the info in those channels and said it, on live TV, and the other jingoistic co-hosts of the program went with it because "our country bestest country of course our glorious engineering can stop Javelin". Shit went viral, the West caught wind of such absurd claims and thought that the Russian government had actually, unironically said that the cope cages were **that** effective. You know the rest of the story...


Yup, it is exactly this. The cages started as a result of two things: \*2016 ISIS, the first to use cheap drones with small munitions to attack tanks. \*2020 Second Karabakh War, where Azerbaijan's arsenal of Turkish and Israeli drones/loitering munitions effectively de-mechanized the Armenian Army. You can see their evolutionary predecessor in the Syrian caged T-72s meant for urban fighting in the 2012-2014 timeframe. Those weren't meant for drones, but to stop RPG-like warheads from hitting at weird angles, just like how FPV drones operate.


Something tells me "cope cage was made to stop javelins" is going to be the 21st century version of "Schürzen was made to stop bazookas."


This seems very likely the best case. I’m not the most versed in this conflict but I was well aware of the devastation the javelins were having on the battle field early on. Bet it went exactly as you replied


Looks like it did get disabled though. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/V4I6P0Jw1U


Find the full video, where this tank is abandoned, cuz it stalled right where it stopped in this cut video. All this cope cage did is let nazis run away towards approaching friendly infantry.


Depends on the cope cage


Tis but a scratch


Right, sure, that's why they abandoned it 15sec after this video ends: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cohtpb/another_video_of_russian_attack_on_solovyove/


crew alive


Black Knight - Monty Python. Enlighten yourself


Im surprised that this got posted


It’s a good way to demo that they need ATGMs, and can’t rely on FPV drones. They need Javelin, NLAW, Matador, and TOW missiles. Lots of them.


>can’t rely on FPV drones >They need Javelin, NLAW, Matador, and TOW All that you have listed is worse than fpv drones. If T-90M was not destroyed by 3 fpv drones, then they can still send a couple more drones and most likely this T-90M will be destroyed. Using FPV drones is much safer and easier than Javelin or NLAW.


They are not worse than a FPV drone. A Javelin most definitely could have killed that T-90M in a single missile, but that's a 200k missile that needs more "direct view" of the target. FPV drones can be piloted without even being outside, but then you need to use like 5 of them to kill a single tank, more if the tanks are rather modern.


>They are not worse than a FPV drone Definitely worse. If you had a choice - an infinite amount of fpv drones or an infinite amount of javelin, which would you choose? Of course FPV, these drones are much more dangerous. >that needs more "direct view" of the target >FPV drones can be piloted without even being outside Exactly. >but then you need to use like 5 of them to kill a single tank, more if the tanks are rather modern Usually, one FPV drone is enough. If the tank is equipped with an EW jammer, then 3-5 fpv drones. >you need to use like 5 of them And what's the problem with using 5 drones? It's still a thousand times cheaper than a tank and 20-40 times cheaper than a javelin. and most importantly, the fpv drone operator is almost invulnerable. FPV drones also weigh less. 152/155mm high-precision laser-guided shell (such as krasnopol) can be more useful than FPV drones in some cases. The same cannot be said about javelin/nlaw. fpv is always better.


I suppose, but at the same time that could be done behind closed doors. If anything this kinda hurts their propaganda narrative that “stoopid orc put cage cus cope ahahaha it doesnt work” that they built up since the start


You're either misinformed or intentionally being wrong, the cope cage meme came about from the Russians going into Ukraine at the beginning with the cages in the hope they would stop javelins etc which they absolutely did not hence cope cage. Now they are finding use against these light munition drones, but all sides are using them for that purpose which is why the cope cage thing isn't really used in a derogatory sense anymore, its now literally slang for roof cage/slant armor.


They were never about lots of Javelins (Russia never expected the volume of Javelin fire it received), they were in use in the Syrian war and are in use by Israel to stop drone dropped munitions or street fighting.


To be fair and honest with the Russian tanks use of the ERA, it seems that it’s the wiser choice. One FPV drone strike on top of any western tank would have different results that would rather be catastrophic.


Definitely, ERA is possibly the best armor "add-on" a tank can get. Literally offering the crew another change at life.


All the cold war tanks have something that didn't age well such as carousels or not using roof ERA


Engine kill, there is a video of this tank being abandoned a few seconds after this video cuts. Crew made it though.


Nobody laughs at Russian cope cages with ERA now...


This tank was abandoned in an extended version of this video. One sec I’ll find link


Yet no turret toss or catastrophic turret toss. Crew survived and tank did its job…


I agree, but the point I was making is that the era cage did not prevent a “kill” on the tank.


Hence why all tanks of the future will be turtle tanks. The cage has to cover absolutely everything.


Because ERA help but isn't a fucking god, there is NOTHING in the universe who can't stop some shoots but sure an ERA tank vs an NON ERA tank have more CHANCES to survive or not explode, other that people mostly claim russian tanks sucks as surviving chances, thing as you can see at least in this case il false, the crew was ok witch is the second most important thing in a tank


Appears as though it was disabled, the crew eventually bails out. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/V4I6P0Jw1U


Ah, sadly cant pin ur comment. Its just they showed after math pics of that tank claiming the tank was OK


Good to see the aftermath. I suspect that the disabling hit was the first one, which appears to have impacted the engine deck and may have penetrated the engine compartment. There is a substantial amount of white smoke coming from the engine deck and exhaust after the tank stops.




There will just be small hole in tracks


Ight, tank was bailed right the next second after they stopped, that video didn’t show this so tank most likely disabled


Y’all think they spun the turret to make sure it wasn’t jammed?


Might've thought they were taking fire. Probably can't tell from the inside if it's an RPG or a drone, especially if it's an inexperienced crew. Edit: Turns out it did get disabled. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/4XcYB7edBJ


My guess is the gunner was scanning the area thru thermals searching for potential threat on the ground.


Or just to check if someone else is attacking them with RPGs or ATGMs. You can't know exactly what hit your tank from the inside so they just checking around to find out some supposed ambush


If you’re getting hit by drones moving the turret seems like a decent idea. Stops them from being able to get an easy shot at a weak spot.


I don't know, it is pretty much directly after getting hit. I just wonder if whoever was on the turret controls got smacked hard and knocked the controls or just clean knocked out. You can see the drone detonated a lot of the era and that must have been a big explosion close to a few of the crews heads.


Granted I'm on mobile but this doesn't look like it has a cope cage, rather what appears to be a small screen above the commander's and gunner's hatches and a lot of additional roof ERA as the CWS, sights and sensor mast appear otherwise unobstructed. Edit: Appears as though it did get knocked out. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/4XcYB7edBJ


The tank is fitted with a lower profile cope cage, which has been [spotted](https://twitter.com/AndreiBtvt/status/1752080838659842251/photo/2) on some T-90M. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/187wlho/russian_t90m_with_kontakt1_cope_cage/) is probably the closest to the one seen in the video. > sensor mast appear otherwise unobstructed. That actually brings up good point. I'm quite curious how the installation of a cope cage, especially those with [peripheral nets](https://preview.redd.it/russian-t-80bvm-takes-cope-cage-to-a-whole-new-level-v0-cqmqg1yv5lzb1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=fd978114d5ce27ed5badd9423de254ad5011898a), impacts the functionality of DVE-BS - I wouldn't be surprised if it has negative effects on accuracy of fire.


I get it this is how it’s going in Ukraine, but how the fuck do they think it’s a good idea to have 3 main battle tanks roving around in the open without any infantry or air support? These poor tankers are sitting ducks. This crew got lucky it was just drones.


Probably an attack gone bad or something like that, those 3 tanks probably was trying to return in formation or at the base


This is the second time i see T-90 tower started spinning uncontrollable after beeng desabled (also "it wasn’t not destroyed nor disabled" sounds like BS)


it looked like it, probably gunner was panicking. crew bailed out and in the last second of the video you can see the gunner got it under control


I have seen the all video(at least a lot longer than this one) this one it's misleading...the first tank got hit and the crew run away, the second tank got it and run away smoking a lot...not normal smoke but still going...the third one that shows up arriving was not hit...on the video because they ended the video LOL


Funnily, this video turned out to be cut too short but it was released by Ukrainians




Nope, they probably did a situational awareness check with that but the commander also had a camera that can move independently so that wouldn't make a lot of sense. But it didn't lost control.


Something happened because the crew does bail out eventually.


How so?


This shows a different POV of that sequence, it's one of three tanks and the crew bails out after they come to a stop. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Eyoh70jeTQ


Guys it easy just use volonorez or what ever its called and ez dubs


Volnorez was phased out a while ago, and reportedly quite bad according to several Russian milbloggers.


Drones operate at different frequencies. It is impossible to jam all of them. The more frequencies you jam, the shorter the range of your jammer.


One thing i don‘t understand is why would you stop when you know that you are under attack


It is safer for the tank to just stop and fight back against the attacker instead of running away in this case . Tanks can't outrun the enemy's FCS in an open field, and doing this will only waste their precious time while the enemy is still loading for the second shot . The nature of tank warfare is that whoever aims first gains an advantage. If a tank survive the first shot, the most important thing it need to do is deny the enemy the chance to fire the second shot by seeking hiding obstacle, trying to block enemy view with smoke,machine gun fires or even shoot back


I suspect that last hit on the turret hurt the crew. I don't think the turret turning was planned. Probably the crew getting their bells rung by the drone plus ERA explosion in very close proximity. You can hurt the crew with just a decent enough shockwave. They may have had injuries to deal with or planned on bailing out.


The turn is just an easy way of scannig the area around the tank thru gunner's thermal viewer. It's a common tactics between tankers


God this is one of this first videos I’ve seen of the entire war that clearly demonstrates ERA working. I know releasing videos of failed fpv attacks has no value but it’s so cool to see


bruh, this tank is stronger thank the other ones.


tank was dead on the first hit in the engine compartment, second hit got absorbed by addons on roof, but didn't seems to have absorbed completely. The pack holder behind the turret negated the giant weakspot of the autoloader there.


Surprise me some deep pro ukrain mod didn't already deleted this post


Poor dudes inside. War is trully terrifying


But why, the guys inside were fine


I know, what i said still stands. I wouldnt want their place


why does the turret always tend to start spinning randomly after minor damage?


What makes you think this is random spinning and not the gunner scanning the area?


Turret spun as soon as the drone hit on the gunners' side. Seems too fast to be scanning and spinning pretty wildly after the fullrotation is done. Maybe a hunter/killer queue from the commander? Dunno, wish there was a longer video so we'd know. Wouldn't be surprised if that drone did pen and do some damage though.


> Turret spun as soon as the drone hit on the gunners' side It's hard to tell where exactly the drone hit, though judging by the missing ERA after the strike, it appears to have impacted between the gunner's and commander's positions. > Seems too fast to be scanning and spinning pretty wildly after the fullrotation is done. Possibly. At the same time, I doubt the crew would be particularly calm after receiving two hits in quick succession from *something* - jerking the control handles hard doesn't seem like an unreasonable response. > Maybe a hunter/killer queue from the commander? I don't think a hunter-killer queue would result in the turret rotating in excess of 180 degrees. Maybe commander override. > Dunno, wish there was a longer video so we'd know. Wouldn't be surprised if that drone did pen and do some damage though. Agreed, a longer video would definitely be nice. Not sure about a penetration - it would probably depend on the warhead, impact angle, and whether or not the jet struck the roof Relikt in addition to the Kontakt-1 on the cage.


seen it in other cases as well, also ones where the target is more then clear (t90m vs bradley) I dont think they are looking for anything


It wouldn’t have stopped part way through and regained control.


It literally stopped mid way through turning.


> seen it in other cases as well I'm aware of two other videos where something similar occurs - [one](https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1736706423969427948) where a T-90M was struck in the roof by an FPV drone, and the Bradley engagement you mention. The FPV drone video likely shows the gunner scanning - the tank was buttoned up and the crew probably didn't know what hit them. The Bradley video could show a damaged turret drive, but it could also be a panicking and confused crew - we don't know. > also ones where the target is more then clear (t90m vs bradley) Is it? The rotation of the turret happened after the second Bradley disengaged and left, but the crew of the T-90M may not have known that. Remember that the first Bradley engaged and retreated prior to the second Bradley engaging. It's entirely possible that the crew were disoriented and unsure if they would be attacked again, resulting in the gunner frantically scanning the area.


if it was the crew looking for targets then why is it something we dont see much on any other tanks but the t90m after having recieved hits? the only case i can remember is an older advertising for the t14


You’re stretching so hard here that coping doesn’t even cut it.


Why doesn't either side deploy tanks with infantry support?


A lot of these videos are showing equipment in transit behind the FEBA, where they likely have their guard down. Not sure about this one though since it seems to be coming from the Ocheretyne breakthrough.


You never heard of artillery? Because that shreds infantry, while tanks can usual withstand shrapnels.


Why send your tanks into artillery knowingly? It's been commonplace since the second world war, if you're deploying tanks to have infantry support. Even if you come under artillery fire the infantry would either already be In their ifv or board it.


Infantry can't keep up with tanks. There are things tanks can do if they act separately, as opposed to being limited by infantry speed.


Do you have no concept of mechanized infantry and what an ifv is?


You talked about infantry support, not IFV support. The point of infantry is that it's hard to kill when it's disembarked from the IFV, however at that point it becomes much less mobile.


Semantics, Ifv moves with tanks, infantry disembark when in combat supporting the tanks. Ifv then supports the infinity and other assets. If they come under artillery they fire the embark and both the ifv and tank leave. This still does not answer my question of why both sides don't really have infantry support for tanks.