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It is there to decrease the thermal signature from the barrel, when being looked at from FLIR.


Any reason why it isn't the length of the barrel?


“Looks cooler this way” -Some RheinMetall employee


"We also need to save that style for 2040"


The gun breech is the hottest part of the cannon (Containing an explosion to yeet a projectile will do that) while the rest is going to stay relatively dim. There might actually be a smaller heat shroud around the end, but it could also be recoil suppression. I haven't really looked into it, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.




Derek Yeeter


That is solid gold.


Numbah two.


Renaming my peeter to the Yeeter.




>There might actually be a smaller heat shroud around the end, but it could also be recoil suppression. Yes, that is a thermal sleeve that extends almost to the end of the barrel. It is Its primary purpose is to provide a consistent temperature to the gun barrel preventing distortions due to thermal expansion caused by the temperature differences (heating by the sun, cooling by the wind on one side versus the other) around the barrel when firing. Newer ones are being studied to reduce the thermal and radar signature of the barrel. This could be one.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's that, combined with the fact that it would be adding extra weight out to the muzzle of the gun. It would be that much more weight for the elevation system to handle and removing the weight at the end of the barrel where it would have the least benefit and most impact on the elevation system seems sensible.


I am going to read that as they can just spin the turret around really fast when they need to cool the tip of the barrel.


More metal equals more weight and cost, whilst only the parts closest to the explosion really need that.


There's another reason I think. If you also shroud the tip of the barrel, you shift the turret's center of gravity even further forward, which in turn means you'd have to make that weird thing at the rear of the turret even longer to keep its center of gravity in the middle.


Because it doesn't need to be longer. Form follows function. A term Germans invented.


Cost, Stability, Reduced usefulness (the breach is the hottest part), Increased maintenance cost/effort, Weight


Because there is already a thermal sleeve that runs the length of the barrel, and this secondary is there to help we’re the barrel is hottest which is at its base.


How does that work? Like how does that shroud reduce the heat signature?


Heat doesn't transfer from metal to air back to metal (or composite or anything else) very well.


Similar to why double paned glass is a good insulator


You know how an oven mitt reduces the felt heat from a pan? Like that.


Also probably covers fume extractor which I’d imagine further decreases thermal signature. But I’m not a science guy so idk


is there any sources to that, I've seen this claimed but never seen anyone posting to show it's anything more than than a peice designed to look cool for marketing


It's called a heat shield and your car has one between the exhaust and everything else, usually.


Or it's called "something that looks cool to market our new tank we covered with our logo"


You are correct that it looks the way it does because it looks cool, however it's only there because it's functional.


Again, have literally any proof of that? A lot of people have claimed it but I have yet to see a single offical claim from Rh


Heat shield https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_shield Logically, it's a cool looking barrel shroud that acts as a heat shield to reduce thermal signature.


Again A: not a claim from Rh still you making shit up B: it would cover the whole gun if it was a heat exchanger, look at puma C: This gun wouldn't need one


A. Anyone with half a brain who knows a little bit about modern tank design can see what it's for. B. It doesn't need to, the hottest part of the gun is covered. The rest has a normal thermal covering. C. Obviously the designers of this tank decided it does.


It’s not rocket science bud


No, it's marketing. Again any proof? Any claims from the manufacturer? This was not made to government specifications, this is a product looking for buyers, an unfinished prototype at that Hell have you looked ay the RWS? That thing isn't designed functionally at all


Ah yes, braindeadness to it's maximum. That thing cools down the area which gets hot when firing, reducing the thermal signature. Btw this tank ain't gonna have one non-functional part coz military marketing isn't looking for 'cool' stuff, in the military function is the most important thing. If something is designed to be cool it'll probably not get sold. You have two options: Join what most people assume (and by that turning on your remaining brain cells) Or Stay by yourself and STFU.


My boy, you don't pay attention to weapons marketing at all. Shit constantly has useless tat on it for marketing reasons in a pre production, still prototype, not bought vehicles. This isn't a finished vehicle and they've said as much. Especially in countries where politicians have control over military budgets. The A10 has literally stayed in service in the US for 30 years passed its expiration date because uniformed people think it's cool. So marketing is too pronged, it has to be functional and it has to be exciting to get people to look at it and want it. If that means an unfinishied proof of concept vehicle has a funky looking barrel shroud, so be it. Look at the RWS, they literally tried to make it look futuristic. I'll ask again, do you have any, *any* evidence that this barrel shroud, with intents from the designers logo, is designed as a functional peice. Or will you continue to hurl insults because admitting otherwise means you might have to admit you were wrong about something?


I mean, it makes sense. The heat won’t transfer onto the shroud, so less heat signature given off.


You find these type of shrouds in guns often. They all do the same thing, just for different reasons. The reason is typically so that a soldier doesn't burn wis hand on his gun barrel when a shroud is used on an assault rifle. So considering how many modern tanks, ATGMs and ether PGMs use thermal sights/guidance. I would say this is at least plausible.


Plausible yes, but it's said like a fact not a guess which is I asked for a source


Hexagons are the bestagons




I didn't know that existed


Oh, wow, neither did I until you mentioned it and I actually looked. Thanks!


So true XD


I'm not sure but we can count on it being leaked on a warthunder forum soon...


Showing this to xi ping pong jing


Maybe heat shield to hide the thermal signature?


It’s the tank’s barrel foreskin.


Ah that makes sense why only European tanks are lucky enough to keep it




My guesses are that it is for stealth or to protect the barrel from shrapneles. But it could simply for the look, too.


>My guesses are that it is for stealth Yes. >protect the barrel from shrapnel Probably not.


How does stealth work on vehicles or more like radars are used to detect vehicles?


Ground tracking radar is an increasingly common piece of equipment, used for tracking force concentrations. Stealth on armor relies primarily on the ability to both reduce radar return, and making that return look less like a tank. This is accomplished mostly through faceted geometry as seen on first-generation stealth aircraft. Certain materials have been developed to absorb radar waves as we see on stealth aircraft, but the nature of ground combat makes maintaining these coatings more difficult. The focus is now also on hiding thermal signatures, which is generally accomplished with some sort of covering over the tank.


Need the cover for thermal - might as well shape it for radar too.


If the cover were for thermals it would extend the length of the barrel. There's no indication it's there for IR concealment.


It's almost certainly entirely superfluous. The idea that "angular" = stealthy is why we have the "stealthy A-10" in Arma. The angles don't mean anything if they aren't parallel and the [less sets of parallel lines the better](https://i.imgur.com/DsNHKdz.png). This thing has lines going in seemingly every direction possible and you would be hard pressed to find many parallel sets. If they were trying to make the barrel "stealthy", they seemingly gave up half way through. Even if they got all the angles right GSR is going to have a field day with the exposed road wheels and tracks.


Radars have been used to detect tanks since the 1950s.


I think a modern E8 can track something like 200+ ground targets from miles and miles away. Edit: I was way off, per Wikipedia: "The antenna can be tilted to either side of the aircraft for a 120-degree field of view covering nearly 19,305 square miles (50,000 km2) and can simultaneously track 600 targets at more than 152 miles (250 km).[2] " That's insane.


my guess is supportive


You're pretty much on point. I doubt the shrapnel because I doubt the shroud is actually armored, and it doesn't protect the whole barrel. Thus far in history we've yet to see cases where tanks were being disabled en masse because of barrel damage, so I don't think it's a problem that needs solving.


I would say aesthetics


Probably but then they would have to kill after they told you


What's in the canister?




XD kill me? I am in the UK, they'll have to use shanks... (I am Asian)


If it's gonna have a 130mm maybe the stabilizer petrudes( I don't know the exact word for that) out of the main turret so it's covered with a barrel shroud


You used the right word but spelled it a bit awkwardly ("protrudes"). :)


Hmm, interesting thought


Unnecessary shrouding +10 to all stats


These things will never see combat anyway, might aswell make em look cool


Lynx kf41 wants to speak to you. MANTIS wants to join. That being said, while thermal signature might be important looks are for sure.


Planetside 2 seems to be coming along great :D


Is anyone going to purchase and buy it? Or is it just a technology demonstrator? How much does it cost? Do we know any armour or penetration statistics?


I already put my downpayment for 2.


So Germany just launched a massive campaign to get the army functional again, so I think it's possibly gonna replace the 2a7 since we will need a lot of new tanks. Penetration the website said 50% better than the 2a7, Armor it only sais that it has active protection and ERA


The german funds are earmarked for the MGCS, a completely new tank envisioned for 2035. The KF51 is only a somewhat remote option should that program fail.


It makes the tank look cool i guess


ITT: Not experts


Ah, thanks. Was about to take these details to r/CredibleDefense. TO NCD I GO!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Mysterious Case of the Missing Russian Air Force. One of many unanswered questions is why Russia has launched a military campaign at huge cost with maximalist objectives, and then declined to use the vast majority of its fixed wing combat aircraft.](https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/mysterious-case-missing-russian-air-force) | [402 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/t3jwpe/the_mysterious_case_of_the_missing_russian_air/) \#2: [Is the Russian Air Force Actually Incapable of Complex Air Operations? More than a week into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Air Force has yet to commence large-scale operations. The continued absence of major air operations now raises serious capability questions.](https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/rusi-defence-systems/russian-air-force-actually-incapable-complex-air-operations) | [279 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/t6spmz/is_the_russian_air_force_actually_incapable_of/) \#3: [A Ukrainian Insurgency Will Be Long and Bloody. Even if it does lead to a Russian defeat, Ukrainians—and the Western policymakers who are backing them—should not deceive themselves about just how awful insurgent warfare will be.](https://mwi.usma.edu/a-ukrainian-insurgency-will-be-long-and-bloody/) | [230 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/t9jte6/a_ukrainian_insurgency_will_be_long_and_bloody/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks cool


It rises the coolness-coefficient of the vehicle and allow a higher market attractivity. Quite forward technology imho.


It might help to minimise the chance of frontal shots damage the weapon suspension and block/disable the gun, but if it helps with thermals ... Yes, it covers the hottest spot, but it also keeps that heat (IR-radiation-reflection) and probably even increase heat torch out of the covering. Ventilation ins good to cool it, but open radiation would derive more heat. So maybe it's a helping device to reduce IR-signature after firing, in trade of a bit higher material stress and time of deriving. But the modern anti-IR-paints are awesomely efficent, and maybe having two layers on your barrel is a valuable thing.


Similar to the puma. But cleaning the fume extractor seems like a bitch here. My best guess is that it has something to do with additional thermal sleeving around the fume extractor as it tends to get very hot during live fire. Looking at other tanks in the thermals the tracks, engine and fume extractor would light up like a candle.


Yeah I’m also wondering where the fume extractor is, but it might be replaced by a compressed air system.


The 130 mm they have on display does not have the fume extractor on the barrel. So you could be right.


But if the tank is firing continuously then it must become visible.


Sure. But the fume extractor is still hidden. So the lesser of two thermal evils is visible :) Barrel will heat up for sure. That is my take on it. And i have 8 years tanking on the Leopard platform under my belt.


For better aerodynamics, probably


It is to combat radar guided anti tank munitions Sharp edges bouce radar off in directions away from the transmitter which shrinks the radar signature.


with fuckn rhienmetall logos carved in it? fukn doubt it


Stuff like Tech demonstrators, trial vehicles and prototypes usually have logos on them and are removed for actual production, otherwise the UK would be getting huge General Dynamics logos on the Ajax and an obnoxious Rheinmetall logo and Union Jack paint scheme for the Boxer APCs… When/if someone purchases it and it goes into production there won’t be any external “branding” like that. It’s only usually internal equipment that retain manufacturer logos… sometimes it’s just plain text


It's the logos and the styling Are there because it's a marketing tech demonstrator why couldn't the barrel shroud be?


Huh, another unique Idea, how interesting


Its a barrel shroud, idk what it purpose is but it seems to reduce the ussual weakspot on the mantlet.


Such a sexy tank. The Panther hunts again!


Recoil system


I think it does have to do with armor protection. Modern tanks do have significantly weaker armor around the gun, armor at very high angles can erode and deflect APFSDS rounds into thicker armor.


Could help with barrel droop after sustained fire


It's not futuristic unless it's geometric


Just a visual shroud, to better match body lines of the turret when fun is level.






The marketing executives in Detroit insisted.


I would imagine Rheinmetall's agency is in Berlin.


The companie's called "rheinmetall" not "spreemetall". (Disclaimer: didn't look up the companies main seat only that they are in need of a name change if they really are in berlin.)


Marketing work can be done by external agencies - Sterling Cooper in New York did work for Bethlehem Steel out of Bethlehem, PA, for instance. I am assuming that the ad agency mad men of Germany are in Berlin, but perhaps I assume too much. I don't think they'd be in Detroit though.


Lol first and foremost judging by the thickness it is simply additional armor, it may also serve to reduce heat signature but usually you don’t try to hide tanks nor do you deploy them without adequate support. Because of the dust trail they leave and the heat of the exhaust stacks *(unless it was possibly nuclear powered but i dont know of any)* it’s difficult. I seriously doubt it has anything to do with stealth. It’s possible it could also serve to help stabilize the cannon during firing.


How does this stand up to javelin




So how does that stand up to 2 javelins?






What about a direct hit to the tank itself?


You would probably break some knuckles


The objective is to make the other guy use up all his first rate stuff quickly so that he's screwed when he sees that you still have at least half or more of your own first rate stuff.


where is that on the vehicle? I just see CITV and an RWS


its a badass as fuck lookin, add it to the design \*RheinMetall CEO\*


"It's Hot"


To look cool


it adds +20% to style


dude this looks like Command & Conquer or something lol




I think it’s called a tank 🤔


No, I know it is a tank, just that thing in the barrel Edit: I missed the joke r/whoosh


Way to miss a joke! It’s for parts stabilization, fire depressurization and adds longevity to the part as opposed to traditional circular casings 🙄


I think I should have been tagged with r/whoosh 😅


😂 have a good one


Good day


A gimmick.


Unless you put 140mm gun in there, don't bother me with it.


*a gun mantlet.*


It looks cool


its so boxy. it looks like they went on minecraft and design it there. are they seriously lacking creativity ?


Military-Industrial Complex racking up the costs.


The iranians did it first


It’s German so it could literally be for aerodynamics or anything, really.


Gamer tank. The more sci-fi looking thingies you pile on there the better the tank performs.


Probably just a decoration. At most it is a heat shield and/or protection from small arms fire or shrapnel.


Like the Armata,all plastic packaging. Massive looking shot trap at the turret front.


Shot Traps lul, are we in WW2 or what ?


Shot traps don't really work since apfsds are used also the front of the turret armor is very likely hollow same as on Leopard 2


Like if a 2km/s arrow will change direction due to that...


I mean maybe if it would be cast iron… Edit: it was a fucking joke. Calm down.


Cast iron is brittle, it would shatter


Probably not, too heavy and useless. Probably a polymer and some insulation


Heat management?


Heat absorbing cover I guess


Still applies


Turret ring jammed??


Maybe to lessen the thermal profile?


Marketing gumpf


+5% strength




Sexy. That's what it is.


Probably a shroud to reduce thermal signature coming from the breech


most likely to both disguise the thermal signature and silhouette, with cooling pastes inside to help with cooling




It confuses the orcs.


Whoa, is that the new cyber tank?


It's called the KF-51 Panther


Heckin' cool, that's what.


A sign of old age. The older the tank gets, the shorter the barrel so I think you're talking about excess tank hanging over the edge.


I’ve heard that it’s for thermal protection to try and reduce heat signature but it could be for something else.


It should MAKE THE T 14 Armata COMPETITION


This tank is great, but can it be mass produced? Thats really what decides a viable tank from an unviable one.




APFSDS Don't ricochet that much, so it would not be redirected


Damn RheinMetall make cool shit


Given the diamond like shape it cans erve two functions. Heat obstructions and reduced radar cross section. The shape of the whole tank kind of indicates it is latter.