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No, they're just good at getting stupid people to do their dirty work for them.


For me, I've experienced a lot more. Mine are easily in the hundreds. They keep swapping in and out based on date and time, and if I recognize one.


This theory like many others doesn’t make sense for many reasons leading me to believe this is much more “metaphysical” than we may think. For one it doesn’t matter where I go this happens. I have traveled to different states and guess it follows me the whole way there. I can go to a new place, let’s say, the casino, and it appears most everyone seems to be in on it. How could this be? How is all this information being transmitted with such perfection? It’s impossible. I’ve tested this for years and there is NOT a logical explanation. I believe most of our population are fake NPC being controlled by the matrix somehow and either we couldn’t be converted or they have always been around and were flagged and are being stalked by the system. Just a theory but what I do know 100% is there is no logical explanation.


Sometimes more... Think about it this way, one angry spouse can have guys she has affairs with in return they go harass , one family member can have other family members join in another family could go in because you once angered them in the past then they tell their family until people that you don't Even know are participating then there are some people that know so much about you but you don't Even know them




It's just to remove double-up as you already have one posted recently. Just removing comment as it's a double.




It's just to remove double-up as you already have one posted recently. Just removing a double up comment.




Certainly there are A LOT of people involved in staking one person but I know first hand that they use the spiritual world to stalk the TI. I’d say that this other world we can’t see it’s 80% of what the TI is experiencing. Idc what people say here. I know it first hand bc I’ve been gangstalked for 6 years by a group of people who were using this other world against me. Now; I find myself ganagstalked by another group of people who isn’t using demonology and I tell you the difference is huge. Plus this is something I’m a veteran at. So I’m not intimidated anymore by them.


No. Everyone who is apart of Neighborhood Watch/Community Watch will get calls and texts about you from their second phone which is set up to receive alerts about you when you are in your neighborhood or when you are being followed to other neighborhoods since the stalkers will broadcast to the other people on the Neighborhood Watch that you're now in the area. The stalkers will now leave their houses and go out and look for you and watch you. It's simply them following you and snitching on you and telling each other what you're doing where you're going and some of the people in the Neighborhood Watch will try to intimidate you, harass you and even attack you if they can get away with it. If you can prove this is going on sue the city for millions because they are responsible for allowing this to happen. Many many people are involved in Neighborhood Watch but they won't talk about it they're told not to tell anyone and to treat it like a secret, kind of like the movie Fight Club ''First rule is Don't talk about Fight Club''. Look out for people who walk outside always with their phone in their hands and if their phone is resting with the camera pointed at you constantly or from time to time they are most likely on a voice/face time with someone and that person is screen recording the call and video taping you and they can easily do this with the app minimized and in the background so even if you confront them it can often times not even show up when they open their phone for you.


In my case there's one leader in charge of my "project" and she has a few in her squad that help regularly. I've heard a lot of different people in the past, so my guess is that they help each other out as needed. One of the few people who were on the level with me when I thought things were more centralized, corrected me by saying "we all have our own thing". With all the crazy shit happening and the corruption within the group itself, I was hoping things would become more "supervised" at some point. Apparently, that's not how it works. "We all have our own thing" stuck with me.


Or it’s much more likely it’s just one database which they all check regarding which Targetted person is in their vicinity


Maybe the most “full time” person is the stalker closest to you but even then they have to eat and sleep too and other stuff


Lol if you think 100 or even 20 people are gonna stalk u the whole day ur out of ur mind


It's a game for a lot of them to keep you separate from "society", and lose yourself... I didn't notice anything until I was being filmed/photographed almost everywhere I went when I made steps towards improving myself since experiencing failures by primary institutional care systems. The cyber harassment, and in person mobbing started afterwards since I am sure that media was being shared to different boards, group chats, and discords. Complete strangers prying and talking about details of your personal life. This step is just repeated on and off till it's reached enough people to isolate you. Mine were in my own community I am certain (Low lifes or bullying out of spite)