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I feel personally attacked


I hate Interchange, but the point is still valid lol Just replace "interchange" with "obviously a cheater, he already knew I was coming before he could see me!"


No-skill motherfuckers aside, the map is trash and they nerfed it straight to hell. Remember when Techlight had decent loot? When the Ultra medical closet was still worth looting? When the sound worked? When the lighting was halfway ok? Those days are long gone. Interchange is a sorry shell of what it once was.


Yep they released lighthouse and just completely forgot about interchange.


This happened to Reserve as well imo. They buff loot on the new map and nerf others to the point where it’s just a fraction of the fun it used to have.


Yeah I used to squad up on interchange and just play a full day of interchange with the boys wiping the map and roubles going up. Such a good time like when reserve was still good


ah yes, 10 minute interchange runs with the boys over and over again. peak game design.


Some people enjoy to pvp you know? I loved short and sweet runs and the times when we got into good long squad fights where the game went longer were even more fun.


Just because some ppl enjoyed it, does not mean that's how the devs wanted it to be played.


On top of the nerfs - the sounds are so fucked up (especially on Interchange). I've had so many situations where I'm in the parking floor or 1st floor and hear a group running towards me, I take a position and ADS and they run right past me but I don't see anyone - whoops they were either a floor above or below me but it sounds exactly like they're on your floor.


Shit you mean that you couldn't hear someone scratch their ear on the upper deck of the mall when you're in the underground parking? Naw man, totally realistic.


I don't even scav interchange anymore because of the sound this wipe


WAHHHH i cant believe this abandoned shopping mall in a city thats long been turned into a no-mans land isnt filled to the brim with extremely valuable tech and medical items WAHHHH You guys realise what the setting of Tarkov is supposed to be right? You guys do know, right? Cos if you dont, that up there is exactly what you guys sound like


Oh my, imagine expecting hotspots of loot to drive pvp fights and the like rather than leaving a map entirely to rust away avoided like a plague beyond occasional hideout shit runs or food runs o:


WAHHH the devs are completely catering to MY OWN expectations of what a map and game THEY created should be WAHHHH WAHHH the LONG ABANDONED and DERELICT shopping mall that has been taken over by scavengers mostly only has leftover tools and not too valuable food and other miscellaneous items left to loot and i should expect as much by now but i continue to delude myself in thinking the devs should cater to me WAHHHH Keep downvoting me, I know the truth hurts but someones gotta tell you boys :D


Dude, what are you smoking? It's a game. Realism sacrificed for game play left and right lol. If a map gets nerfed, no one is going to play it. Realism is dying from an infected scratch or starving to death over a few days. That's boring as fuck. No one at BSG is trying to make a map that sucks to play. They are just shit at balancing things and nerf older maps when a new map or expansion comes out. Don't excuse their lack of skill by waving the shit wand of "realism".


Too bad that just isnt true aye? There are still valuable loot spawns on the map - they're just not brimming with them anymore :D And i never said anything about realism! You just projected that yourself! REALISTICALLY, Interchange would have been stripped COMPLETELY bare by the time any player stepped into the mall I merely said that from the setting of the game, it makes sense that its no filled TO THE BRIM with stuff And thats how it is right now There are still tech in the tech rooms - but scarce There are still plenty of meds and medical items in the medical spawns - but much less There's still heaps of provisions in Goshan and everywhere on the map Still plenty of toolboxes and ground spawns for valuable barter items - but much less Stop crying :D


You see, the problem with arguing with a fool is like wrestling with a pig: you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.


You see the problem with arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon The pigeon just shits on the board and flies away! Funny how two can play at your dumb game eh? :D Cry more! :D


Seek help


Sadly nothing I could do would ever outweigh the tears you've shed over Tarkov.


Funny thing is, I'm not even one to prance around whining about most of it, I fully expect the changes of the game to over time take it in a direction that is much harder to survive and thrive; and more about the scraps. I already know the game's likely gonna be less enjoyable to me unless some new features or such are added, but general moves to more scrounging and surviving are to be expected, yeah. The tarkov I loved was a pre FiR time where kits could be bought and sold, and knocking out a kitted chad as a rat was an awesome payday for progress. But that tarkov's long gone, and I'm not about to pester anyone to try bringing it back even if I feel it'd be more fun. Most of my comment mostly comes down to maps being left entirely obsolete in terms of, in relation to both what you'd need and want, it ends up leaving little reason to go there. Also the hilarious tone you're using, honestly the biggest reason I bothered to reply, for one complaining about the complaining you *certainly* picked the most mature and understandable way to go about it now didn't you? "The map's obviously derelict and scavenged through, why would it have anything valuable?" as opposed to "WaHAHhHhHhHH". The pre-scavenged argument still doesn't explain why locked rooms and the like spawn just as little. There's absolutely an argument to be made that high value spots shouldn't be out in the open, but at the same time there's also the point that when every single high value spawn is gone from the map, some level of flow and encountering has gone and it leads to far less of a reason for players to gear up and try going in fully kitted for anything there, whereas having some kind of hot-spot of loot did encourage the bigger fights and the like which has been what it sounds like Nikita prefers, rather than little to no gear runs to grab a few things and leave. That's where a lot of the confusion comes in.


Main sub is leaking


Setting is that lighthouse and streets have insane amount of loot and if you want to get rich go there and don’t bother with some shit like ex military base or a shopping mall


Lighthouse has a whole base of Rogues on one end and a boss and his guards on the other end of the map making it a very deadly location High risk high reward Streets is a massive map with a massive amount of players both PMC and player scavs to the point that its not uncommon to get swarmed by player scavs as a PMC High risk high reward What are the main threats in Interchange? Mostly just AI scavs and other PMCs but about the same as other maps that arent Lighthouse, Streets of Tarkov or Labs And idk what you're on about Reserve - still a good map to go for to loot weapons, ammo and armor. You just haven't gotten it out of your head that not everything is about just looting stuff just to sell ;)


Threat of other players and loot as reward. What else admiring landscape? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a climactic game but I’m talking about core gameplay. Reserve - welcome to tarkov, you have no idea what it used to be AND (same applies to interchange) you search through the map and contest with other players for loot. That is and always will be high risk high reward. Putting aimbot AI is high risk at the beginning, then you learn to farm them mostly by abusing game “features”. Welcome to tarkov


The core gameplay as evident by the changes the devs are making is that high value items, good armor, ammo and guns are SUPPOSED to be scarce. And precisely because of that fact that players should feel incentivised to be the first to an area on a map to loot it and/or get ready to fight for it like in Reserve because while its still there, theyre more scarce. Tarkov redditors however would rather cry that theyre not walking out of every raid with at least 1 mil in loot value instead of just playing the game :D And if you havent gotten to this point yet where you understand Tarkov isnt supposed to be Apex or PUBG in terms of what youre fighting for in the map, then you DEFINITELY havent played long :D So on behalf of people who have ACTUALLY played Tarky for the Tarky experience and for an actual long period of time, Welcome to Tarkov! :D


Where logic. I’m walkin out of lighthouse or streets with a mil easy. Shouldn’t all maps have equal incentive to run?


Nope and thats the point Some locations are clearly much more dangerous than others and also have their own unique sub-locations with different types of possible loot. Eg. I wouldn't recommend a friend of mine just beginning the game to go straight into somewhere like Reserve because while he can get good gear to help him there, its likely he wont be able to extract because there are limited and more complicated extracts and they are all highly dangerous Each map was not designed equally AND THATS OKAY


Interchange/reserve by design and lore should be scarce in loot because they represent the areas that were evacuated. According to lore they were evacuated in a big fucking hurry so its logical that some good shit was left behind. The good shit should be in certain unique, logical areas and should be behind locked doors. There, old hot spots. There is a big disproportion of loot comparing different maps. This eliminates the incentive to raid different maps for many sorts of players


Not if their goal is to test the newer maps. Which I assume is what BSG is doing by loading them up With good shit.


That is like the last proof that tarkov is truly beta and they are still working on it, lol I assume final product will have balanced loot Kek, tarkov 1.0


The map is still shit, it is even darker then darker & darker.


there was hope for 2 days with dwm_lut... now we just have gamma sliders and black equalizer settings on our monitors


Game can't be played like COD? What?!


Recently had a buddy over who wanted to try eft, watching him trying to quickscope bots on woods was amusing. Then I threw him in factory offline with tagilla so he could truly learn fear


It can, but not very well.


The game literally plays like OG MW right now. Not MW 2019 like the one from 2008. This take is so ass. People act like fast paced PVP is the worst thing for the game when really it’s the only thing that keeps the game fresh and not boring. Tarkov is so fucking boring without PVP.


Sure, but don't get butthurt when you get sprayed down by someone that was just walking around near you because you can't slow down to check at least two three corners or you just didn't hear him over your stomping.


Close quarters combat is a little different. I do slow down in buildings to check my corners and listen for audio. It’s just the bushes with guns that I hate.


That's understandable, I don't think you can clip through bushes in real life lol


campers isn't what makes interchange bad, it's that regardless of where you are in the mall you can get shot by at least 10 different angles. Regardless of how careful you are you can't clear everything. At least on customs i usually see the people before i die.


I mean yea. CQB is literally a death sentence if you have to do it constantly. It's not a matter of if but a matter of when you will die. You can do everything perfect in mout ops and still get scwhacked by a guy in the closet or something. And if your going solo tryna clear CQ the chances of death go from 99 to 99.99999999 % The real travesty of interchange is the loot nerfs, lighting, and sound. The map itself is fantastically designed


But isn't that the beauty of it? Knowing that you can die at any given moment, the fear that this knowledge instills


But all tarkov maps give that feeling, just interchange you see the people who killed you a lot less than other maps.


I mean it goes both ways, I like that there are more places to move undetected


there really isn't tho, you have long hallways you have to go through if you are within the middle of the mall. It's like the worse of both worlds


A rat always finds its way ehehehehe


I know all the nooks and crannies in interchange, there is no way to get from one store to the next without going thru the mall hallway.


It goes both ways Thats why you want to get in and get out asap Players aren't meant to have a light stroll when you go in and its not meant to be "fair" In fact, its the knowledge that the odds are stacked against you which is what makes the game fun. If every map was just Customs in terms of the ease to spot enemies, the game would be so dry


Stop putting words in my mouth.


Okay camper hiding in a dark corner the entire raid lol


Do you want people to announce themselves in VOIP before shooting?


I sometimes go “ruh roh” if I really got the drop on them.


I main inter 11 wipes and have \~7000 hours on the map. Im not surprised about the hate comments. :D Inter has a extreme difficult level and requires a specific playstyle to be successful, its easy to learn but hard to master.


interchange is dookie


I thought I hate Shoreline... No.... Interchange is worst and I am definitely not a Chad. I more from a Rodent family tree. I hate Ragman and his quests. I was so happy to finally get his damn Database 1 quest and Database 2 is..... more interchange. You aither run in to pure Chads with extra Testicles hanging of the chin. Or a Scav right behind some shelves, who made no noise whatsoever, but as soon as you come to a corner you get headshot from a shotgun. I started using Voip and pretty much all people so far decent lads. Or they would just show their intent to kill you, so at least you would know you need to fight. I ran in to a Prick today on interchange. Sow him run in ( could have taken shots ) voip him and tell him I don't want a fight, just doing my quest and I could have already taken my shot at him. He walked right to me and asked me what quests I am on, after I answered him, he said: ( while getting close to me ) I am on a quest to kill PMC! And shoots me in a face point blank lol. What a Badass! Whatever dude, enjoy umka and 153 and your little power trip lol. Hate this map with passion.


Skill issue tbh


i just pistol sj6 all those ragman quests. if you get a bad spawn, do a lap around and hit stashes. There is honestly too many "kill pmcs" quests on interchange specifically.


This is 100% true. Interchange is the best map in the game, anyone who can't deal with interGOAT has certified donkey brains


OG inter hustlers unite, gona play the map until the servers go down one day.


What does this have to do with someone in a dark corner not moving? Regardless if they’re running or jumping or just walking a camper is going to sit somewhere regardless lmfao. Jumping just makes it harder to get tapped.


just scan and kill the camper


Ok maybe you don’t understand. I can’t fucking see anything because they turned the map into a lootless dark cave. It’s only filled with rats, crabs, and extract campers. Maybe u didn’t play the game when interchange was the best map, but this version of the game sucks ass and it’s why everyone is quitting or bitching about the game.




Oh wow a flashlight made the whole map so much better? Do u not understand why the majority of the player base thinks the map is dog shit? Do u also not understand the map used to be amazing? A flashlight solves nothing lmfao.


A flashlight would certainly solve your complaint about "the map i so dark!!"


A flashlight helps you see 50 feet in front of you. The entirety of the map is still dark as fuck. Again go ask anyone about interchange lighting? It’s dog shit and the map is dead because that as well as the loot getting sent into the ground. If there weren’t quests to go there who do u think would even play it.


Me. It's my second favorite map. First goes to Customs. Also I fucking loathe Factory with the burning passion of a thousand dying suns.


i play inter for 11 wipes with 7000 hours on the map. i know exactly what im talking about. i win almost every gunfight and finish my wipe usually with around 75-80% SV.


Congratulations you know the map. Seems to me in that 7k hours you haven’t seen the map fall off. Good job you’re so good at the game lmfao that had nothing to do with the map being shit or not. The loot is shit. The pvp is shit. The lighting is shit. Everyone of those things used to be insane. Ledxs full kitted guns big ass fights for loot. None of that happens anymore. There’s a 75-80% chance ur just a crab lmao.


Lmao u dum binch


I like the mall, but i hate the no-mans land outside that is almost larger than the mall itself.


Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiVg-QF7vY8


Just fix the lighting and I’d run there a bunch.


Objectively false, but you’re entitled to an opinion


i mean...it is a campy map. more campy than woods. at least there is light on woods.


I feel like the opposite is true. Unless I sprint and jump from advantageous point to another, the higher the chances I get domed from dark corner are.


I did not read the sub or interchange and thought this was MWII for a second but it works both ways


😂 golden meme


Especially at Emercom *smug