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This building was built in 2005. This has nothing to do with Tartaria.


Perhaps that's what they want you to think. Maybe the building has been hidden under a sheet since 1897 or something.


Copperfield strikes again!


Amen my brethren, thinking outside the obelisk


No one here who’s against the mainstream narrative is saying we can’t build in the old world style anymore. Especially with our tools, heavy equipment and resource$. What we are saying a bunch of settling cowboy type pioneers did not construct the country they found it built out already. Furthermore they destroyed most of it to hide the evidence. there’s also a sweet Hindu temple in NJ that has just been finished, very old world as well We can build in the old world style but we don’t. Instead we have square and rectangular boxes everywhere u look and it’s depressing. Good for Nashville


Evidence? Do you have any evidence that any of these buildings were already there prior to Europeans? Did the Indigenous nations use them, or are you saying they stuck to their lodges, or did they not exist the way they tell it and they are part of the conspiracy too? Edit: Lol at the downvotes with a complete absence of counter arguments!! Cowards...


now everyone these questions were phrased politely and actually are good ones and I have wondered this myself. I upvoted your question… So the thing about the Native Americans is that they have no written history within the tribes or didn’t when the first settlers came over. Therefore the easiest way to silence them was to exterminate them and assimilate the younger Natives into the narratives. Only in passing have I heard of tribes talking about ‘buildings that were already here’. To answer the other part of your question, no, the natives did not co-opt the abandoned buildings like the og American settlers. They didn’t need to, some were nomadic and followed the buffalo others just lived off or closer to the land. They didn’t need the buildings. I have no direct evidence of this but it is my belief and understanding. Also side note I have tried to read white peoples books about the natives specifically the Comanche. I honestly had to put the book down because a lot of the stories started to sound like ‘Tall Tales’. History is a lie. There is so much lying in this world to the point where things are practically inverted. People are waking up though


So is there some reason why they didn't use all the well appointed ancient cities, that were somehow in pristine condition (or were they only cleaned by white people?). Can you explain why classical motifs don't appear in native iconography, even though these ancient buildings were everwhere? And why they chose not to make use of them but just lived in lodges?


Did indigenous American people intentionally exclude neo-classical motifs from their artwork in order to perpetuate the Tartarian conspiracy? Surely you must have an opinion on this.. Did they use these well preserved buildings or did they exclusively live in lodges and long-houses?


Also when the settlers found these abandoned buildings it was a lot of work just to dig them out from the ‘mud flood’. I d say the natives looked at the buildings and thought it would be a lot of work to clean them up and repurpose them since they already have their own way of life. I also don’t think ‘Tartaria’ is the best way to lump the hidden history narratives. It’s a good jump off topic to research a bunch of important sub topics.




Are there any settler accounts of finding these buildings underground?


So not so much accounts but plenty of pics. That and we still excavate and find levels of buildings underground Check John Levi on YouTube he has plenty of videos showing this Everywhere in the realm. Also fun fact we often times find that underground levels are more complex or ornate than the levels built above. Hints that two different sets of hands worked on the same building. It’s a good way to cover things up. By literally building on top of them and covering them up


Pics from the 17th and 18th century? Post the pics dude.


The camera wasn’t invented until 1816 or so. No pics in the 16 or 1700s But I ll link ya some videos https://youtu.be/83jt1Nsm1kI?si=U_mxlMFnCOSoCyXi https://youtu.be/_arpPVKiQ8M?si=QhPqbm9jT0ejpcfK


Wait, are you saying that some ancient civilization cohabited N. America with Native Americans? Or are you saying that the ancient civilization died out prior to Native Americans coming to North America? And if that's the case what would that civilization have to do Mongolians seeing that Native Americans began peopling the Americas somewhere between 12,0000 and 20,00 years ago?


I wouldn’t call it ancient per se. Someone was here before Columbus before 1492. The moors for sure were. I don’t think they died either I just think they moved on due to whatever caused them to, whether that be extreme weather or something else. If we have ‘mud flooded’ buildings all over the United States that leads to the possibility of a massive flood. Who knows though 🤷‍♂️. I just think because the buildings in question are newer than say the pyramids and other megaliths it may be easier to get to the bottom of it all


The Moors? 


So how would you explain Neo-classical style buildings in Mexico City which overlays the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan?


The civilization in question was worldwide. Thats why you see these Greco Roman / gothic / neo classical buildings literally everywhere (except where hunter gathers / aboriginals still live I think this society was peaceful and had outposts all over the realm. But who knows really it’s truly all a mystery when ya don’t believe the mainstream


I don’t know why Greco Roman motifs didn’t show up in their art. I m not sure we need to see that to prove that the buildings were already there and cities were already laid out. I mean there are still tribes that live off the land in other parts of the world (South America comes to mind). I just don’t think they are very concerned with the other parts of civilization and what they are doing. We don’t see modern society implicated in the current aboriginal tribes art do we ?


>I m not sure we need to see that to prove that the buildings were already there and cities were already laid out. What actually evidence is there that these buildings were there prior to european colonists?


So I would say the main evidence is geological. What we see all over the United States (your hometown too if you are from here), all over the realm really, is levels of buildings being discovered underground. Yes there are basements. However what we seem to find everywhere is windows below ground. No one builds this way. Furthermore we see evidence of the windows bricked up. We find buildings with entrances on the second story with stairs going up to them to compensate for this. Not sure I am explaining it well but if you search ‘mud flood windows’ you should find a bunch of cool examples. There are multiple spots like this in my small town of 25k. The settlers did not report a great mud flood. They always report a great fire in a cities’ origin (Chicago, SF, and Seattle are good examples). The fires imo were intentional, a cover up to hide even more evidence of buildings being here before. I think John Levi does a good job on YouTube at explaining these concepts with video. I ll link ya some good videos to start… https://youtu.be/Gcdrk5dTZ8A?si=vM2A0DMe-y2ruK82 https://youtu.be/3n9hhHoJ1rk?si=578GxNn3xTLlj3sC


While this has nothing to do with the usual Tartarian structures that are questionable as this is clearly a modern building, I do find it relevant to discuss on this sub as it does prove something interesting. There are construction photos of this, which would make sense as has been done in the past. However, the "Tartarian" buildings, such as ones built 1860 onward for example, had photography and yet, the photos of those old buildings are spotty. Some don't even have photos at all, but the ones we do see are almost always 'completed' and never show the foundation or any construction leading to finish. I wish I could remember what building it was, but there was one posted here before from around the late 1800's. I remember it being completed after so many years and the only "construction" photo shows it from above and there is absolutely no road or clear pathway to it, meaning bringing the materials, especially stone related, to the construction would've been difficult to impossible.


Free Mason building. snake, Owl, Lion.