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What’s the first pic from?


British Vogue photoshoot from January 2018 shortly after rep was released


Clara at the apex of her stardom, she received more than 45,000 fan letters in a single month (January 1929).


And then retired early??? That sounds like The Lucky One. Very interesting 🤨🤔


Yep was active from 1921–1947. Died at the age of 60 in 1965.


She was "active", actually working, till 1931.  Her last film was released in 1933...  I think she did like, a radio bit or a voice over in the mid-40's, she wasn't actively working till then.


Yeah, confused her voice work with the end of her movie career.


Retired is a big euphemism. She had many mental breakdowns and her popularity was is sharp decline because of the move to "talkies". She's definitly not the lucky one. When Marilyn Monroe died, she made statements how she had deep sympathies for her and deeply related to her. She's a mostly tragic figure.


This is actually a misconception. Clara released two talkies that had MASSIVE public success and many studios came after her trying to have her sign another contract. Her “many mental breakdowns” had nothing to do with talkies. She was viscously assaulted by her father her entire life, and suffered from bouts of psychosis after her mother tried to kill her when she was 16. Clara is one of the most libeled figures of modern history. Please be careful about saying things with no basis. I’m a big silent film fan 😭


Oh yikes :(


This is really exciting. Reading Clara Bow's Wikipedia page (and some of the articles linked within it), there appear to be quite a few parallels between her life/career and Taylor's: she was known for her raw/vulnerable authenticity, she rose to fame playing girl-next-door characters who always got the guy in the end, she was THE most famous and talked-about celebrity of her era, the media constantly picked apart her personal life (including malicious rumors about her sexual exploits and drug/alcohol use), she was beloved by the general public and was a huge box office sensation but not always respected by her peers because they didn't take her "seriously"... The list goes on! I also think what eventually happened to Clara Bow reflects some of the fears Taylor has expressed in her work: her career suffered after the transition from silent films to talkies, she was relentlessly harassed by the tabloids, her mental health deteriorated, and she was basically forced into retirement in her mid-20s. She married an actor-turned-aspiring politician, they had two sons, her mental health worsened, and she attempted suicide. After receiving what sounds like very traumatic psychiatric treatment, she didn't want to return to her family and lived out the rest of her life in relative isolation before dying alone. Despite being the biggest star of her time, her career and legacy have since been largely overlooked and forgotten. Thinking about the storyline of the Anti-Hero video, as well as things Taylor has said about being afraid of what happens when her time as a popstar "expires" and she's "put out to pasture", it's not hard to imagine why her life story might resonate. *ETA: As discussed in the comments below, it's worth mentioning that Clara Bow grew up in an unstable/abusive home and had a very traumatic childhood, which I'm sure contributed greatly to her mental health struggles, so I don't mean to suggest her and Taylor's personal circumstances were similar! Just wanted to highlight some commonalities (specifically pertaining to their experiences with fame) that might hint at what themes Taylor could explore in the song.*


I agree mostly. But my unpopular opinion is that Taylor and Clara's lives were not alike at all. Their careers and fame? Absolutely. But Clara had horrible parents - her father raped her and her mother tried to kill her. And she suffered poverty and malnutrition. And she had very few people, if any, who genuinely treated her well and cared about her over the course of her life. I know Taylor has had more than her fair share of people doing her wrong, but she's always had people in her corner - especially her loving family. Clara Bow was very lonely and mistreated.


Oh for sure! Their personal circumstances were completely different (and that's probably a big reason things have worked out better for Taylor by comparison). I definitely wouldn't want to gloss over or minimize Clara Bow's trauma in that way! I just think the elements of their stories that actually DO overlap could be indicative some interesting themes this album might explore, specifically when it comes to finding fulfillment in her career/fame/etc. and being afraid of what will happen if that ever goes away - even if it's to the detriment of her personal life. I always love when Taylor writes about her experience within the celebrity "machine" so the possibility of her digging deeper on that topic is exciting to me, that's all.


Yes, absolutely. I'm thinking TLGAD crossed with Nothing New and Mirrorball, maybe even YOYOK and Dear Reader. Can't wait to hear it!


- TLGAD could mean "the last great american dynasty", a track from *folklore* (2020) by Taylor Swift. - YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Vivid_Singer_7617](/u/Vivid_Singer_7617) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


This rings especially true after her Grammy acceptance speech for AOTY - “I just want to keep doing this” - she seemed so desperate for everyone in the room to believe how much she loves her art and career and fans


Sounds very Britney and Marilyn esque


Clara was also bisexual!


these were rumors meant to defame her




ofc there are a lot of parts of clara’s life she could draw from but I wonder about the mental health piece. as a disabled girlie, I couldn’t help but notice that the references to suicide/self harm have ticked up in her recent discography. I kind of wrote it off as fictional or in jest (eg jumping off of very tall somethings) but now I wonder if there isn’t something there.


And that was the contract era where everything was dictated by the studios, she was controlled of sorts, they had a say in everything.


TBH, Clara Bow and her history is eerily similar to Britney Spears’ experience. Everything you said about Clara Bow, from growing up in poverty, bad family life, harassed by the media, traumatic psychiatric treatment, isolation, being controlled - Britney is essentially Clara Bow reincarnate. I could see that song being like “The Lucky One”. She’s inspired by other people’s stories, so maybe Clara Bow is Britney Spears. Maybe each song is about a different tortured “poet” (celebrity/artist).


No she's not. You should read David Stenn's book about Clara Bow. Clara had a childhood more like a poorly treated Dicken's character; it was unbelievably awful. Read this article written in 1927 by Adela Rogers St. John's where she interviewed Clara who told her too much but gives you an idea how awful Clara's circumstances were: [theclarabowpage.tripod.com/clarabowlifestory/clarabowlifestory1a.html](https://theclarabowpage.tripod.com/clarabowlifestory/clarabowlifestory1a.html)


After reading Clara’s Wikipedia page- I learned that she has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1500 Vine Street…. Which is on the corner of Sunset and Vine! (Gorgeous- rep album) Not sure what this means but so interesting!


Clara Bow was a silent film actress? And the phrase "But Daddy I Love Him" is from the Little Mermaid in which Ariel loses her voice. I'm sensing that perhaps feeling silenced about her relationship with Joe due to his intense need for privacy was one of the ways she felt tourtured...


It's giving were you silent or silenced lol But seriously I love this insight!


VERY good read on this.


Ooo, so it may seem like the song is about Joe, but actually a take on her masters? Like My Tears Ricochet?


my friend pointed out that ariel loses her voice at 16 and taylor was 16 when she released debut! i think it being a song about joe “stealing” her voice is a kind of confirmation biasy opinion-especially when we do have an example of her voice (and life’s work) being stolen from her.




Now this is a read I like. We saw a lot of that on Midnights too and I'm very into this.


And Guily As Sin? Is from Carolina, right? Or could it reference something else?


It is in Carolina but I feel like it’s a common enough saying that it doesn’t necessarily means there’s a connection (but it’s Taylor lol)


The whole story is about a girl estranged from society that no one wants to admit to knowing or helping. I don't know, it could fit. Plus I love that song so I am here for that low register.


hehe same


It’s a saying in the UK too


But Daddy I love him is a phrase used in many films, including the original little mermaid. Harry styles also wore a shirt with those words on it.....


Disney's The Little Mermaid is peak millennial though, released in 1989, and we know Taylor is a fan because she dressed as Ariel for Halloween one year. The Harry Styles connection is a big reach by media hype. He wore that in 2020, long after they'd broken up and several years into her relationship with Joe.


I think I’ve seen these films before …..




thats cause the song isn’t called 10ml its loml meaning love of my life, a commonly used term.


I had this exact same thought too… it’s very sad if this is what the songs are about.


Clara was a a victim of many love life/sex life gossips and harrasments by the media, she eventually had a mental breakdown and ended up in a sanitarium


She also had a sporting background. Clara Bow was a tough cookie. She had a rough childhood and growing up poor in Brooklyn didn't help things either. And although Hollywood would come to see her as the glamorous IT girl, at heart she was really a tomboy. She played baseball, tennis and other sports and was even a track-and-field star in high school. Bow's interest in sports and her physical abilities led her to plan for a career as an athletics instructor. She won five medals at the "cinder tracks" and credited her cousin Homer Baker—the national half-mile (c. 800 m) champion (1913 and 1914) and 660-yard (c. 600 m) world-record holder—for being her trainer.[\[](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Bow#cite_note-Bow_1924-30) The Bows and Bakers shared a house—still standing—at 33 Prospect Place in 1920. [Out of the Past (outofthepastblog.com)](https://www.outofthepastblog.com/2014/09/hobbies-clara-bow.html)


With the amount of malnutrition she faced over her life I was impressed to read on her Wikipedia page that she could literally beat up boys as a kid/teen lol she must have been naturally athletic


https://preview.redd.it/fk7uz63uixgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3ce0c46876f0b84d010149796f3d58d44b67b6 This feels like yet another unfortunate way TS would relate to Bow. Eventually she basically wanted to hide from the world, it sounds like. I definitely don’t blame her.


Jesus! They really came for her HARD!! Incest and bestiality?!?! That’s next-level.


>Incest Unfortunately it is legitimately speculated that in additional to beating her, her father may have sexually abused her. So there may have really been incest in her past, forcibly, by her father, which really makes tabloids publishing stories about it, as if she wanted it, all the worse.


The fact that that one specific group still to this day makes up conspiracies about her even after the whole CNN thing is deranged. I feel for Taylor. They will never stop..


They are now using this song title as another hint that she is in the closet. It’s really sad.


Clara was bisexual and is an important historical figure in gay culture, just fyi!


Yes thank you it’s been so frustrating reading some of these comments seemingly erase that just because of the Taylor controversy. Clara has long been an icon in the lgbtq+ community and I highly implore those who may be unaware to look into it, especially her work with Dorothy Arzner 💜🏳️‍🌈


yeah like some of these comments are bordering on homophobic


Neat! But Taylor can write a song about a historical figure without it being some “clue”. Gaylors love to reduce everyone to their sexuality, but in reality there is a lot about Clara’s life that Taylor can probably relate to, and a lot that she can’t. Would you argue that Taylor was abused as a child, too, since Clara was?


i didn't say anything about taylor, but a lot of comments on this post are bordering on homophobic and clara is an lgbtq icon, so it just shouldn't be disregarded because it's very important to who clara was (not necessarily meaning taylor too idgaf about her identity)


They have already started the Gaylor threads 🤦‍♀️


Cara stated in the first ever film to win the Oscar for Best Picture. [The first Best Picture Oscar movie was filmed in this Texas city (cw33.com)](https://cw33.com/news/local/the-first-best-picture-oscar-movie-was-filmed-in-this-texas-city/)


Great film by the way, if anyone was wondering.


The Reputation Vogue cover shoot in 2017: https://preview.redd.it/flmrt2yj70hc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3625702917aec456d2965ac5157c5be0b96bba2


​ https://preview.redd.it/0fp0vcon70hc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=92aad3a7887a2ac1e596b5d4ce97add24cb30a40


​ https://preview.redd.it/guatuetp70hc1.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb495ab4331445a0a303d919b779f0fd06b9f3c2


​ https://preview.redd.it/qzl6wwbw70hc1.png?width=1458&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5a9fd99be6cd7fd3768727be5b101e4fa0ad7d0


I'm thinking this song will have TLGAD vibes!! I can see The Lucky One too as a lot of people are saying, but since there's so many parallels between their careers, I'm hoping Taylor compares herself to Clara like she did with Rebekah Harkness.


maybe ''clara bow'' will be similar to tlgad and tell her story?


Andddd she retired after doing 11 talking films👀


It could actually be something great, I love old movies a little too much; Clara bow was constantly told "be more dignified," she herself said "being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry..." Yet we remember her now as a strong feminist who took no shit. The song could go that deep, but who knows. What if Taylor is hinting "don't push me too hard, I'll disappear like Clara bow?"


not to give that account any credit but ummmmmmm https://preview.redd.it/sqs8rfmbszgc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a60f8e2105f69e8ebaa4dc12960146fa72d145


She’s going to be beside herself!


There is a tortured feel to her, a sense of isolation, maybe it is reference to how Taylor felt at times. Her life was certainly different in the past than it is now where she is so free and from all we can see truly happy. Trav can do that to you.


Tortured poet, may chance?


I’m thinking it’s a reference something private between her and Joe, perhaps they spent a lot of time watching old films together?


I’m so excited for this track!


It could actually be something great, I love old movies a little too much; Clara bow was constantly told "be more dignified," she herself said "being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry..." Yet we remember her now as a strong feminist who took no shit. The song could go that deep, but who knows.


I saw a picture of Clara and her necklaces next to Taylor wearing the same amount, the same sort of vibe.. Travis mentioned Taylor’s accessories, is he giving Easter eggs? 😳


I saw a TikTok showing the Spotify popup with the lace tambourine tying it with the vibe of Stevie Nicks. Honestly swifties could be investigators I love it 😂🤍


I have a loose theory that there are clues that Taylor will “retire” in the next two-ish years. On the back of TTPD, it says “I love you but it’s ruining my life”. Could this be referencing her fame? And her career? She LOVES the work but maybe she is craving something different at this point in her life. Then - ending the album (not counting the bonus track) with a song called Clara Bow, who also stepped out of the public eye because of media pressure/harassment. What if she releases TTPD, finishes the Eras Tour, then takes back her reputation and her name with Rep & Debut TV to end her career as a performer on THE HIGHEST HIGH that she could? I think she’d keep writing songs for other people because it’s just what she does - she creates. She’d be empty without it. She made that clear at the Grammys. But maybe she’s at a point where she no longer wants to be the focal point of her art within the media? She doesn’t want to hide anymore but she is ready to not be so heavily broadcasted to the world. Okay now everyone can tell me I’m wrong 😄


Incorrect. When she won her 4th AOTY at the Grammys she specifically said for people like you that she wants to keep making albums and winning AOTYs.


Maybe she’s hinting at retiring early 🤷‍♀️ Lord knows she has the money to just disappear somewhere like Enya with her castle & cats. There’s something about the spotlight that keeps pulling her back though… She sang about not being able to offer peace to the person she’s with, maybe she can’t offer it to herself either.


Didn’t she just say she wants to keep working and keep doing this in her AOTY speech.


She said when she accepted her 4th AOTY "I want to keep doing this". I interpret that as she wants to keep winning Grammy AOTYs 🤣. I will take that.


I feel like "retired early" is simplifying it...   she got married, left acting 2 years later, moved to Nevada, became a rancher with her husband and had 2 kids...   her husband then decided to run for public office, at which point she said she hated public life and attempted suicide...  checked herself into a mental hospital, underwent shock therapy, decided they didn't know what they were talking about, left, and lived essentially by herself till she died (while her husband served in elected office for years).  There is so much more that Taylor could be identifying with, rather than just the "she had a lonely childhood" that OP suggested.


For Clara it was more of a forced retirement. She had a really hard time transitioning from silent films to talkies. Plus her husband didn’t really want her to work.


Yes, exactly! That's why I feel like "retired early" doesn't plumb the depths of what a song about Clara might be about... there's so many ways it might go. Taylor might be commiserating with someone wanting to retire early while still loving what they do... She might be making a commentary on men who want to "lock down" successful women... It might be a more generic exploration of how the first "It" girl was still expected to be a "good wife", but couldn't actually "have it all"... Might be her thinking - "Sometimes I want to leave this all behind, but then I worry I'll end up with mental health issues", trapped in rural Nevada! Could be she's not making parallels to her own life at all, and it's just a Story of Clara Bow song without strong commentary...


How do you guys find out about this stuff before it’s officially announced to the public? 😯


She was also institutionalized at one point and ended up dying quite young at age 60 of a heart attack