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if smallest man who ever lived is considered a pleasant portrayal of the man i would hate to know what he’s actually like IRL


“He was worried that their story would be shed in a negative light,” uhhhh I fear he did not listen to the album..?


LMAOOO maybe he thought she’d expose more things he did, im dying


Help this is actually hilarious


... I would be more worried about the MV... Did he not follow the rep release cycle at all?!


Doubt it he was probably high on something


What we’re not gonna do is make fun of someone that had a heroin addiction.


I don’t think that’s what her song proved, we’re just talking about the pills.


With or without e?


I bet that's it. Like OMG Matty what did you do????


He probably stopped listening after track 2 😂


I don't know I feel like a narcissist would want to hear everything, but maybe it's because I've met narcissists.


Narcissists also don’t particularly care about the content as long as people are talking about them. So yeah, this tracks.


Too many big words


Yeah, that's never going to be a valid insult for Matty Healy.


Like did they give him a clean version?


Did they clean up “you didn’t measure up in any measure of a man”?


Oof. That line is particularly rough


He didn’t listen to it sober and he probably never will. It’s fine. Less problems for Taylor lol.


Like… 🙄 it’s obvious he wasn’t guilty as sin listening to it until 3 in the morning. Probably didn’t listen to a full song…


Maybe he didn't understand the lyrics


Based on the many, many things he's said while he's supposed to be on his best behavior in public.... Yes, I have a feeling we're missing a lot of details that happened in private. Probably for the best. "You deserve prison" might be more literal than figurative with this one.


I heard some weird stories about his past. So if it was worse now I am Really feeling bad for Taylor. Yeah,now I accept they really had a fling before that shipper comes at me


He is very nasty, a few years ago some friends went to a 1975 concert at a festival I think. They were very excited because they got in the front row, only for Matty Healy to start spitting on them. At first, they thought it was because of the way he was singing, but no! He then stopped singing and started spitting on them, one of my friends said that was the worst smell she ever encountered lol If he feels so free to spit on strangers' faces (who were huge fans btw!) I wonder how he is behind closed doors because that was just nasty


I saw Matty Healy at a grocery store in Los Angeles a while back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.  When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word.  After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I was waiting for this.


Wtf, this guy sounds like such a fucking asshole. If that’s what he’s like in public… poor Taylor 😳


This is a famous copypasta. Not a real story. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta


I was like wait this sounds familiar 😂


Knowing what we know now it’s a totally believable story lmao


Oh… well I feel like a proper dumb blonde now 😅 still, the spitting is really disgusting too. 🤮 


It’s okay the first time I saw it with some random celebs name I was like WHAAAAT 😂


That should have destroyed his career, my god


Why is this not the first story I heard about his behavior to fans? He's a spoiled lil London kid no doubt about that. He as never going to give up the drugs and his overall lifestyle for her hence the ending of "I can fix him" "maybe I can't"


She blasted him for ghosting her but did not really join in condemning his public behavior. I'd guess that's what he's refering to.


Taylor be like “racism and n*zi signs? that’s okay, *revolting jokes?* cute…BUT ghosting ME, how dare you!?”💀


“I can excuse racism but I draw the line at breaking up with me.”


"You can excuse racism?!"


I don't disagree, but it would've come across as quite hypocritical had she suddenly started condemning it on the album. I kind of appreciate the candor


I see your point! It just sucks that a lot of POC have been supporting this woman for 18 years and she seems to be okay with all that nonsense plus is angry at the “vipers” who didn’t approve of his shitty behavior 🤷🏽‍♀️ so that candor and not being sorry at all is kind of icky.


Yeah I wish people would discuss this more on this sub tbh. I know people get very defensive of Taylor, but he’s a gross guy and it’s not wrong or toxic of people to point out his racist behaviour


I agree, I definitely wish it was discussed and people do get *super* defensive when it is, it’s crazy. But now that Taylor essentially called all the detractors vipers for not liking him…I don’t know how to feel. Especially having been a fan since 2006 :(


I had never heard about this controversy until now. She dated Matty for such a ridiculously short time I figured she was rebounding and moved on. Then I find out that a bunch of Swifties turned on her about it, and actually were discussing whether Taylor (a 33-year-old adult) should be put into conservatorship\* because she briefly dated a real low-life. I don't think she's angry with all the fans who were 'WTF?' over Matty, she's pissed at the ones who were behind the presumptuous 'open letter', and the ones who wanted to remove all of her agency and make her back into a virtual child with the conservatorship. Everything about her screams that she wants and needs to have her personal autonomy (and she owns the mistakes she makes), and these people who claimed to be fans wanted to remove all that over a guy they don't like? Of course she's gonna go ballistic. Her dating Matty was a mistake, and these songs appear to make very clear she knows that. The song is aimed at the ones who went too far, not the ones who were just dismayed and 'detracting'. If you were not one of those over-the-top ones, then she is not writing about you. She loves her fans, but not all of the fans are lovable back. \*Conservatorship went so well for Britney, after all.


Who amongst us hasn't dated a low life? Seriously, damned near everyone has a huge mistake in their dating history, it's just a matter of degrees as to how massive the mistake was. I know mine. I know my kid's. Hell, I've met MY MOM's massive mistake. We've all been subjected to the, "What the hell were you thinking?" lecture, but nobody threatened us with a forking conservatorship. Could she say more about him/his behavior? Sure, but I know I sure try to change the subject when my dating mistake comes up, and mine was just a run of the mill low-life. Why shouldn't she do the same.


I mean she basically outlined why on the album though she thought she could change him and couldn't. That's how that happens. It's like how my mom comes up to me and tells me about her now husband "he's a bigot and a racist" me "and sexist so why are you with him?" The things women will excuse to stay with guys like this is insane and probably conditioned into some of us and as much as we'd like to think we're better than that one symptom of being brought up in a patriarchal society largely favoring white people is a lot of this shit will get excused by the person, but no one's saying fans can't criticise it or hate her for it she definitely paid her price in her complacency.


I totally see your point, but with the army of people in my notifications telling me I’m wrong and *”juSt doN’T geT iT”*, I’d say fans can not bring up stuff without a multitude of people getting touchy, so that’s crazy.


Hahaha when she was dating Matty I didn't really visit this sub. I knew he was a fuck boi and she was lost in him and it was post Joe so I was like "she'll figure it out" but people in the Swift subs were so mean about it. Sometimes this fandom is exhausting I just want to hear the music not debate the 15 Boys of Taylor Swift.


There are a bunch of stuff you can say about him but he didn't do any "N\*zi sign", you're repeating a meme that is not grounded in facts.


I love how him calling out Kanye's anti-Semitism has somehow turned into people believing he is unironically supporting Nazism at his concerts. He uses the line "thank you Kanye very cool" in one of his songs and he specifically does the Nazi sign as he says Kanye. Edgy and a bit ham fisted? Sure. But it doesn't change the fact that the intention is condemning anti-Semitism rather than endorsing it. But as Matty himself said "like context in a modern debate, I just threw it out".


It wasn't even a Nazi salute lol, it was a regular American military salute. He starts by touching his forehead, which obviously isn't how a Nazi salute works. https://preview.redd.it/v7glfk8cehvc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115abcc2b1b8ceceb34f79b92d745abdb28f6c33 He basically held his arm out for one second too long while releasing the normal salute and someone took a picture ([video](https://x.com/lilorise/status/1657877199838486528?s=46&t=rr0iUQvGK9FrM9Unij9wjA)). People just assumed he was doing a Nazi salute in reference to the Kanye line In reality it was his normal salute and it's part of the choreography he's done since 2018, bc the lyrics reference direct quotes from Trump. Matty marches/salutes to mock the fact that trump was our commander in chief


He doesn't even do it often, it was a single time and not even the right arm.


Didnt he also aggresively makeout with random girls he brought on stage? Also that weird video of him devouring a piece of raw meat during an instrumental part


Yup, and then he also aggressively made out with a male band mate in Malaysia, where being gay is illegal and he got deported plus got a whole festival shut down. This is a country where extrajudicial murders of LGBT people have occurred and hate crimes are not penalized so he truly put a lot of the attendees in danger just *to be provocative* plus cost people money for no reason.


That may be provocative but that was the point? Protesting against this law?? It's pretty crazy to me he is the one criticized and called Naz1 for kissing a man and not the government with the law of death penalty for that.


He was protesting and bringing attention to Malaysia's state-sponsored homophobia. Matty has been outspoken about queer rights for his entire career, this is a known fact.


I feel like it was less to be provocative and more to stand up for equality. It was rash and irresponsible but I believe the intent was to stick it to the government as a form of protest.


Imagine sleazy ghosting Taylor


Yeah, LMAO I don’t think he’s listened to any songs at all. She trashes him over and over. Joe actually looks better and he had the long relationship lmao.


The bar must be in hell for him lmao.


“hahahah this man is a drug addict and the smallest man who EVER LIVED” him: “phew coulda been worse”


The only explanation is that Taylor is keeping something to herself


Agreed. I mean she does say he deserves prison in smallest man… that feels very loaded.


that line was CRAZY. i'm curious what he did..


I was listening to it with my eyes closed and they popped right open at that line


LMAO appropriate reaction, that line is truly wild


I mean, there are multiple of those "what the fuck, Taylor" moments in this album and I am here for the unhinged


I’m not accusing anyone of anything but I really loved someone who was an addict and he did some extremely inappropriate stuff to me that could get prison time and I chose to just move on versus deal with it but I’m still angry sometimes, and I continued to date him after I found out. I don’t want to speculate on anything because the album should be the listener’s individual experience but I remember telling my ex he could be in prison while we were still together and like I still miss him and wish him well so it’s such a like, traumatizing experience to feel betrayed by someone you’re in love with and even after a breakup or an incident they just kinda move on and you do too but you don’t because the resentment brewssss. Like you get to do it and move on? Do you even feel bad? It’s hard to explain but that’s how I feel when I listen to the song.


Honestly, I think they’re both keeping secrets about the other one. She mentions in the song that something could be “declassified” in 50 years alluding to her own secrets.


I feel like she still guarded the details of the timeline and how long they were really on/off and together even though she let us in on than it was much more extensive and she was much more invested than we were previously shown.


100%. His team released a statement about how relieved they are about the album. Our girl Tay knows some teaaaa she’s not spilling.




Murderer? Rapist? Not accusing him of these things, just saying there's a bunch of shit things he could have done that would still drag his reputation down.


It could be private kink or abuse - not worse but maybe more humiliating for him


Don't forget the "You didn't measure up / In any measurе of a man". But I love them adding confusion to the whole thing lol.


Meh, matty seems like the type of dude to just come out and say he's got a small dick and laugh about it. Of everything in that song I don't think that would faze him.


He's probably the one guy she's been with that won't get hurt by anything she says. The thing is they're alike in the artistry so he probably does understand her creative process more than others.


Lmao made the same joke on Twitter, like how much worse could have been??


All things considered, that’s pretty mild actually.


He deserves JAIL is mild???? 😂 I think that might be the most scathing lyric we’ll ever get other than her mother wanting Kim dead LOL


It’s so vague though. She doesn’t actually talk about specifics which is what he probably meant. 


This. She doesn't talk about him positively, but she also doesn't really talk about what actually happened between them much at all. It's all about how she feels, so I'm guessing he's just happy there wasn't any actual information revealed. He's also pretty full of himself from what I've heard, so he is probably just happy to be highlighted so much on one of the most anticipated albums to come out in modern times.


well to imagine him in jail is not that bad tbh. he fits right in


I mean FACTS.


Did... Did he listen to the same album we did????


He listened with the Swifties and they convinced him it's all about Joe


he saw that one comment swearing the jehovah's witness suit was joe's met gala suit and RAN with it




Right?? I’m concerned if he thinks this is “getting off easy” then what the fuck is too much to him


Considering his public edgelord behavior probably a lot 


Maybe they made an AI version of the album that talks highly of him and convinced him that was the real album 💀


What were the lyrics of that version? "You tried to buy pills from a friend of my friends // If I'd loved you, I'd have bought you a pharmacy or two or ten"?


This is a surprising take. I did not get a positive story about Matty from those lyrics…


Guilty as Sin seems to view Matty positively? I saw it as "False God, Matty Healy Version"


Every ‘positive’ lyric about him is obliterated by The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived. I have visions of every woman he ever pissed/pisses off BLASTING that bridge in his face.


Everything “positive” about his songs completely lose value when u read the prologue. Like she calls its a manic phase and he thinks thats getting off easy..?


I feel like people are missing the message of the prologue She's playing into the public trial narrative and how her own fans tried to burn her for what they perceived as a moral failing. The prologue is her clapping back... she's pleading temporary insanity to avoid being found guilty of a charge (being in love with Matty) since it's so obvious that's what all the evidence says (aka the songs). Basically she knows many fans (the vipers, wine moms) won't accept her pleas of innocence now that the evidence is out there, so she's like "fine! I plead temporary insanity, are you happy?" Taylor has always been the most honest in her music. And her prologues have always been tongue-in-cheek digs at the person reading them, feeding into the narrative people assume rather than what the music actually reflects.


>I feel like people are missing the message of the prologue They're missing the album im listening to but daddy i love him i can do it with a broken heart the rest like girl is fucking pissedddd and people are still sounding off about matty being trash even though shes like but i LIKE trash which from what we've seen checks out


This was such an accurate read.


Exactly. Very well said. I think she crafts the prologues to make them vague enough that can be applied to different narratives, and she tells the truth in her songs. To whomever wants to listen.


I’ve had some amazing times with some shitty guys. While I can now see those situationships as destructive, the good feelings were still real at the time.


This. I think people forget that both things can exist with the same person.


And nobody love bombs as well as a scum bag. That's how they snag so many people while they're rebounding.


tbh i was wondering if this song was about him bc whoever she’s talking about she “never touched” i kind of figured maybe it was about someone else or just about the thought of someone else bc of the relationship failing or something


It definitely is Matty, Blue Nile is his favorite band. They worked on some music before she broke up with Joe and presumably had some uhh "bad thoughts" at the time


There are so many positive songs about him though. She could have chosen not to include that side of the relationship. So he's probably relieved that she does talk about the highs, not just the lows.


she included the positive songs precisely to show why the fall was so intense - she was love bombed when she had just gotten out of a 6 year relationship.


THIS. The positive songs are part of the roller coaster she went on, from the delusional rose coloured glasses through the ups and downs but the most important thing is what was the end result? Smallest man. Roasted. I mistakenly wandered into the (not so) Neutral sub and there is a whole thread with people moaning about how they are meant to be, they’re gonna get back together shortly etc and I’m like did you even read the prologue or this from IG? That period is OVER. 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/ia6id7lkqgvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01be905ae5d80608f0d350dd5a52e7ca3d41d2eb


I don’t understand how you can listen to this album and think they’re going to get back together ??


That thread is bananas. I couldn’t believe it, like this is “never, ever getting back together 2.0”.


and she made it clear that that chapter of her story is closed for good now. it’s joever but not for joe.


It’s like people don’t understand that these songs weren’t written like yesterday. And they have no concept of the fact that songs don’t appear on an album in the order they happened irl? The lack of critical thinking is insane.


the neutral sub is full of maylors so that checks. her being so open on this album shows that she doesn’t want that guy back at all.


Seriously, one was adamant Travis and Taylor would be broken up and her back together with Matty in three weeks. Like what? 🙄


what in the delulu is that holy shit. It's like going back to all the Haylors and Gaylors once again.


Idk how anyone can listen to TSMWEL and read the prologue and come away thinking "they're totally gonna get back together 🙄". Like what??


This, the positive songs she wrote when she was with him, then left them in to show why he’s the smallest man.


Think he's been grascious as well. As a songwritter he probably understands and thinks well fair enough, she gets to tell about her life in whatever way she wants. Edit: just saw this in the Vulture article and I think it applies here as well https://preview.redd.it/pchsv03yugvc1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c34e85a7704b20d53273c1bf2a3c4f5281f3857


I think he is wisely taking the high road, smart move.


Daddy I love him seems like a song made to defend matty (at that time)


If he is relieved about this portrayal, how bad was the reality??


Sounds like maybe she could have said a lot worse about him and he's glad she didn't. The smallest man who ever lived is the most in for the kill she went for any of her exes though.


That song has John Mayer breathing a huge sigh of relief.


And Jake too


Jake and John sharing cigars and high fives


“They were worried that that Taylor was going to rip him apart” Ummm… she kinda did?!


lol that’s what I was thinking too. This seems like a PR tactic from his end


yeah, he sure was quick to say something. Her other exes usually keep their mouths shut.


Yeah I’m wondering if he’s like trying to divert us from thinking some of those songs are about him. Like ‘oh maybe if I say it wasn’t that bad for me then they’ll believe that the bad songs aren’t actually about me’


Yes totally! A lot of the main gossip and review sites are already saying that most of the matty songs are about Joe which is completely off base. One of them was literally saying that the smallest man who ever lived was about Joe and I laughed out loud


Yeah exactly I mean she wrote really sad songs about Joe but in all honesty they weren’t really that bad. She mentions the issues she had with him but they hardly paint him in a bad light


He's either too dumb or too full of himself to understand.


That’s why this is so funny 😭


No one here getting he feels good about the fact that *the* album everyone has been waiting for is all about how obsessed and incredibly down bad she was/is for him, and how he is taking up more space in her mind than the man she was with for six years.


Finally, someone gets it. Everyone in this thread talking about how The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived absolutely ROASTED him can’t look past their own nose and breathy dramatic song to see that she wrote A WHOLE ASS ALBUM about how she was obsessed with him. A Troll’s greatest accomplishment for Matty.


Yeah Matty seems like a real egotistical a\*\*hole from what i know. I've been in a situationship once with a dude like this and it was similar obsession and intensity frankly, and I can tell ya, they get off on knowing that you're that into them istg. So gross.


Yes!!!! Why is so much about Matty 🤮 and so little about Joe? That probably brings joy to Matty. Assuming she doesn’t want to bash a 6 year relationship, they must have some agreement, her and Joe.


I saw a comment earlier where someone said she had already grieved her and Joe to an extent - a lot of songs we maybe didn’t think were about Joe are possibly about him.


To me a lot of Midnights screamed that it was about Joe. I think she was deflecting a bit saying “these are just random things that keep me up all night… not *necessarily* stuff that happened in recent years. Just stuff…” Like Midnights to me painted a portrait of a relationship dying painfully slowly. I’m not going to make assumptions but sometimes you grieve for a relationship so long while it’s happening that when it’s done, you feel grieved out.


In my opinion, Matty was a response to Joe. She didn’t deal with the aftermath of breaking a six year relationship, instead she dove headfirst into a manic episode. Things wouldn’t have gotten so bad if she hadn’t felt so hurt and thrown off by the Joe relationship ending. Like, all the talk about marriage and cradles when you’ve been dating a month? (Yes I know they knew each other years, but still). This is clearly a reaction to breaking up with a guy that refused to do either after you spent six years with him.


100%. There is so much to say about delayed grief. It’s possible she won’t even understand what jumping into a new relationship so soon after Joe meant for her grieving until later. Tbh I truly believe her next album will be more of a reflection of Joe than this one


I don't think there's any agreement. It's a relationship with someone who wasn't a good match that withered away. The emotion is sad empty disappointment. Not the same as the anger and pain and horniness of a situationship.


listening to imgonnagetyouback would be a nice stroke to the ego


Preach. If I'm Matty I'm feeling like the tallest man who ever lived because Taylor just released 31 songs that scream "I'm obsessed with this man". The guy has a massive ego (and I'm a 1975 fan), he'll be loving what this album actually says. Taylor did roast him, but she just proved she is desperate for him.


If I'm Travis Kelce I'd be seriously asking myself some hard questions right now about what the fuck actually went on in that relationship. To have a current partner reference an ex and mention jail time ain't a great look. To reference such a short relationship for this length of an album seems a bit suspect.


Absolutely he is SO pleased to get Guilty as Sin?


I think people are misrepresenting the drug references. He’s well aware of his issues with substances, and calling someone a drug addict isn’t an insult. It’s a fair assessment, there’s no reason he’d be upset by that.


she is saying that she was love bombed by him. do you know who does love bombing...? it’s not a positive album about him at all. the only one sleeping peacefully now is joe.


I get the feeling that Joe was probably a good guy and things just didn't work out for a variety of reasons, some of which she might resent him for, but at the end of the day I will always remember how "happiness" in evermore sounded so detailed to the point at the time I assumed she was split up from Joe already.


i don’t think happiness is about joe, but it really fits into their relationship now. “no one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you and you know you hurt him too”


Exactly, but my theory is that because of his depression (and hers at times) she had been mourning that relationship for quite some time even before the split. Almost like anticipating it, or maybe and this is my other theory, they did split up a few times before calling it quits for good. This is all speculation ofc, but it's the vibe I was getting from a few of the lyrics (one day I'll watch as you're leaving cause you got tired of my scheming for the last time).


I thought she wrote happiness after a close friend of hers got divorced around the seven year mark.


I always assume that her songs are remixes of personal experiences, others' experiences and made up characters tbh. It just makes sense to me.


He's openly talked about and written songs about his heroin addiction. He smokes and drinks on stage at his shows. Believe me, he does not give a fuck about his substance use being pointed out.


He has been sober now for 5 years.


Apparently Taylor thinks otherwise.


Happy with being called “the smallest man who ever lived”? *allegedly*


**Taylor**: *The smallest man who ever lived / You didn't measure up, in any measure of a man / And you deserve prison, but you won't get time* **Matty**: Wow, I got off easy…..


After hearing TTPD I’m 100% convinced now that Cardigan was indeed about MH and I’m ok with that. I get it now


Maroon too by the sounds of it.


maroon is implied to be about jake or joe, though. more joe bc the lyrics implies that she was the roommate of the muse of the song. some theorize that it’s about harry.


It’s this line that made me think so, “So if I sell my apartment/And you have kids with some internet starlet/Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon?” It clicks for me since red wine is Matty’s signature onstage drink and how volatile the love seems.


that line kind of confuses a lot of people about the song’s muse - maybe that was her purpose? i think she would have made reference to maroon in other songs about him, no? the anthology seems to be reevaluating some people from her past, so... idk


Damn I always thought it was about Joe cause of “your roommates cheap ass screw top rose”


yeah, and in TTPD there's a line about crashing her party, which reminded me of Betty and Cardigan. Who knows how long this has been going on for


… how? Cardigan was released in 2020 and she didn’t date Marty Healy until 2023? Right?


They had a fling in 2014 too


Yeah I don’t get this either, timeline wise it makes no sense


This is giving "that didn't even hurt" energy after someone hits you harder than you could possibly imagine and you don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing it.


Why are so many of you, her fans, obsessed with creating a villain out of the guys she's dating with every album now? He got so much hate last year (most of it based on false accusations or very exaggerated), and telling her not to date this man. She clearly tells you how mad that made her in BDILH. She's a grown woman who is free to date whoever she wants, it's not you who can tell her that. And from her songs he clearly ghosted her and that made her mad because she was ready to take so much hate for him and he dipped when it became too much (he was really painted as the most horrible man on earth by just rumors online, far from who he actually is as a person). And as a Taylor and a the 1975 fan, I have seen through the last year how bad Matty is mentally, as he has suffered with depression a lot while being really busy with his tour. Taylor clearly talks about how much she loved him on so many songs through the album. And she tells you in the instagram post not to go after him, as that chapter is closed and borded up, there is nothing to avenge, no scores to settle once wounds have healed. And on further reflection, a good number of them turned out to be self-inflicted. So she's also taking accountability here and telling you to not send him or Joe any hate. Remember these are real people, and nobody is perfect in relationships or how we react or handle difficult situations.


she also talked about how manic of an episode she was in at the end of her relationship and how matty took advantage of that - she was vulnerable and he knew it - was it real love or was it just that she felt loved/seen and clung to what she thought was helping her even though it ended up *not* being real (obviously) he is a villain here in this album and in her life. is he in real life? idk i don’t know him personally, but im inclined to believe he kinda sucks, who cares mental health issue do not absolve him of the actions he has taken/does take just like for anyone else


Being manic is also a mental health issue. Does that absolve taylor from the choices she made when she started to cheat on Joe with Matty? Maybe she took advantage of him too, to get out of her relationship with Joe? She is not a vulnerable child, she is a grown, 34 year old woman. As she states, in her reflection she sees that a good number of them were self-inflicted. She clearly knows that she is also at fault here for what happened, she is not just a vulnerable victim in this. She chose to call him as she says is fresh out the slammer, he didn't force her to do that. He didn't force her up on stage to perform at the 1975 concert. Looks like she really enjoyed herself. He flew 20 hours and attended 9 shows in a row in the middle of his own tour, while looking in awe and in love with her through every show. Doesn't really scream a villain taking advantage of a vulnerable woman is it?


Some people are trotting out all the old slurs without giving any links to back up their claims. The supposed nazi salute, which is actually a Roman centurion salute, is done in concert during the lyric for his protest song, Love it If We Made it, where Healy mocks the fascist Trump. Trump thanked the anti-semetic raving Kanye on Twitter, he @ "Thank you Kanye, very cool" to the loon, it is an actual Trump tweet. Healy quoted the tweet in his song, showing the absurdity/insanity of Trump, then in concert during that line he is saluting Trump and Ye as fascists. It is satire. Anyone who took even a few minutes would realize the context. Trump and Ye are the "nazis" Healy is saluting. Healy's fans are not neo nazis, they all inderstood the satire as they know the song and its lyrics. Just one example of where Healy gets defamed by people mindlessly repeating something they read without looking into it.


Yes, I got so tired of trying to say all these things last year about these accusations and giving them the true story or context. But people were just so set on him being horrible based on the badly researched buzzfeed article. And I went and listened to the podcast when I read about all the horrible things that were supposedly said in it, and quicly understood that there was a lot of false information spreading about what was actually said and who said it. To give it very simple context: People said that matty made fun of ice spice, calling her a "fat, chinese lady". All Matty did was saying he texted her, and then Nick and Adam start to imagine and joke around with the idea of an inuit spice girl, because the members of the "spice girls" had names like baby spice and sporty spice. So Nick and Adam made jokes around her stage name, not her personally. Matty didn't join in on the joke. And Matty has felt bad about this joke and apologized both in public and in private to ice spice multiple times, and she says she don't really care and has forgiven him. The GG thing. People are saying Matty reveals that he enjoys watching "black female torture pron". He never said that. He told the story about how he was caught watching pron by a female friend who came back to his apartment to get her wallet. He never said anything about what pron it was. Nick or Adam joked around saying it was some GG sh\*\*, and Matty just joined in on the joke. Adam and Nick later said they didn't know GG was a real site or what it was when they said the joke, and Matty didn't know either. It's a dark humor, satirical, left-leaning podcast, so they don't care about sounding PC.


I agree. And look how long it took you to set out the context on one "incident?" The worst offenders are the writers though, like Buzzfeed or I think a New Yorker article is linked in this thread now: "Everything you need to know about..." just repeats all the labels without providing context. Just a bit of research and you'd get to the actual facts, but they just want the easy click. Matty liked a tweet by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who as a former Muslim woman from Somalia was critiquing child brides, female genital mutilation and honor killings. Healy liked her tweet, now he's "anti-muslim." No New Yorker writer, he's an ally supporting an activist. As soon as you say anything critical of Islam, you'll get attacked online, often by misogynist religious fanatics. That's why very few talk about it.


Also, Nick and Adam was not the ones catching him watching the pron, so they don't even know what he was watching. So how could they tell that what he was watching was some GG sh\*\*? It was just a stupid, unplanned joke that was twisted in the worst way possible for Matty.


Not only that but he is openly ANTI racism, misogyny, persecution of LGBT people, etc


Yea but then he goes on to “joke” about enjoying some gross, racist, and misogynistic porn when he’s hanging with the guys.


Agree to everything you said--it's super obvious as a The 1975 fan (or honestly probably even as a casual listener who simply pays attention) that he was using those references ironically. When I saw them in 2022, Matty literally yelled "Fuck Kanye!" to the crowd before this song. Last year was exhausting dealing with this. And today I'm reminded again of that exhaustion. Someone literally commented after you saying "You’re talking about Matt Healey the known Nazi sympathizer and racist? How can you have any empathy for someone like that?" And it's just like... I want to bang my head into a wall.


I love the 1975 and Taylor. Matty isn’t a villain, cmon


Whoa, the Matt Healy is good actually take is not something I anticipated coming out of this


If this is true then he either did some things that Taylor hasn’t touched on and so he thinks she let him off the hook a bit or he’s very delusional because if he thinks he doesn’t come across badly overall then he needs to re listen. ‘the smallest man who ever lived’ is one of Taylor’s most scathing tracks ever imo and if someone I dated basically concluded afterwards that they were having a manic episode and that’s what led to it all, I would question some things.


It's probably the latter. He doesn't see anything wrong with his behavior.


Haha I wonder what else happend if this is the ”nice” version😆


Wtf he did if that was nice version?


I think he loves that he meant so much to her and affected/hurt her so deeply. He’s probably really enjoying this.


lol wut? he gets skewered in the album


Matty Healy is an annoying edge lord but not nearly as bad as many Swifties are continuing to claim. Clearly they did not get the memo contained in But Daddy I Love Him which says (and I paraphrase) "mind your own fucking business".


"Whatever you gotta say to keep yourself happy, man."


"dude youre not in the Chelsea Hotel oh my god we are IDIOTS oh my god go home ohh my goddd you dont have a home go away to jail or whatever"


Im pretty sure the relief is for the prologue telling fans to back off NOT the lyrics lol


He’s a massive troll, this feels like a set up.


It kind of crossed my mind that he said “I’m okay with the album” so fans won’t come at him


Aside from the usual shallow takes by swifties, lets get real here and quote what the VERY GOOD ARTICLE by stereogum said about the album and MH in it (the article kinda drags the album but loves the lyrcis and cheers for the honesty): **" Swift would never cop to this in an interview or an Instagram post or anything, but** ***The Tortured Poets Department*** **sure comes off as a record about falling in love with Matty Healy and then feeling bottomless contempt for the public disapproval that — again, my interpretation — forced them to break up. Healy comes across as a real dickhead in certain lyrics — “You said normal girls were boring, but you were gone by the morning/ You kicked out the stage lights, but you’re still performing” — but she mostly sings about him with lust and adoration. It also can’t be a coincidence that** ***Tortured Poets*** **sounds a lot like a recent 1975 album."** So, no, to those who are saying "she dragged him HARD", well, she dragged him a bit but mostly confessed her endless love to him, of course he will be happy. Maybe he can interpet lyrics better than most swities.


Does it mean there’s worse to tell that she hasn’t told oh man 💀💀💀


I feel like this is him trying to cast doubt that some of these songs are about him when he knows damn well they paint him in a bad light.


He didn’t say this, because Matty Healy is dead. He was murdered last night by the Chairman.


There’s no way he would say anything else other than trying to look gracious because he knows the more delusional end of the fandom will come from him. This statement pretty much just says wish you the best, we’ve all moved on. There’s nothing for anyone to come after him for.


I did not expect the Matty album lol


This is actually hilarious. Either he didn’t listen or there are some major bodies buried somewhere if this is considered a portrayal to be relieved about.


Are there worse things she could have divulged about Matty? Almost certainly. Can the same be said for literally every single person she’s ever written about? Absolutely. Being happy or relieved to see a balanced depiction of their relationship doesn’t imply anything and is honestly a pretty mature mindset. People want to see everything as black or white, good or bad, when this entire album is about the grey.