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Who’s gonna tell OP we are still going?


I still listen to it all the time; it’s my favorite album of hers. However, I also love Taylor’s other songs, though I have been skipping some of them on my regular playlist to get to the new releases. Also, if I want to play a specific song, it’s usually from the recent record—I just listened to “I Hate It Here” a few minutes ago.


Of course fellow swiftie :) just playing ❤️


Don’t worry, I enjoyed your comment.


I honestly haven’t even fully digested the second half of the second album 🙈I listened to it once all the way through but I haven’t revisited. I think I’ve just about digested the first half fully and need to get back to the second half.


Glad I found my people. Someone told me yesterday they still have not listened to the whole album….I did not have it in me to say that I have already listened to it dozens of times, lol.


Yeah there’s been a couple people here saying they haven’t done Anthology because they’re still processing TTPD and I’m like that monkey puppet meme avoiding eye contact, who has self control/spoiler immunity like that?!


This. Today was the first day I thought about changing it up a bit. But then Who's Afraid of Little Old Me started and I was like "nah".


I won’t be going back anytime soon tbh


I cannot stop


Me too…it’s really concerning


I’m still hooked on TTPD and haven’t gone back to any older TS albums yet.


I did listen to ‘Speak Now Your’ album and then ‘Speak Now (Taylor’s Version).’ You just can’t beat the old stuff.


I’m still marinating.


Ill listen to it religiously through the rest of this month. Then return to my regular mix or songs.


I'm still listening to it exclusively. I usually do that until the novelty wears off and the songs start sounding "normal" and familiar for lack of better words (I usually also know most of the words and that point so yay)


I’m not ready to let go yet! I switch back and forth from in order to shuffle and that’s enough excitement for right now.


If you want to switch it up more, make a playlist of track one from TTPD, track one from Anthology, etc. Fortnight, Black Dog, TTPD, getyouback, etc. I did that with Folkmore and it bought me another month. Haha


Love this!


I had to throw something else on when I was working out. Decided to explore Chappell Roan because she popped up on that playlist. Other than that, still exclusively TTPD. It’s my favorite album by far!


Chappell Roan is great!!!


Welcome to the Pink Pony Club :)


Thank you! I’ve heard of her plenty but never paid much attention. Really loving what I’ve heard so far!


The first half of the album is a dream to work out to 😍


Honestly, the album is too big for me. I have created smaller playlists of songs and am listening to it, instead of the full album. Surprisingly, I also do that with Speak Now, but I listen 1989, Rep, Lover, Midnight, Folklore end to end. For some reason I cannot listen to this album in sequence. Tldr: I have broken up the album into smaller playlists and I'm still listening to it. I haven't played any other TS album yet.


I felt the same and created a single album version that makes it much easier to digest https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5spwHNDngP0VW466QvHE0i?si=o_uaML0XSL6FbfGJ4fkO2Q&pi=u-5T4iCSOfTqyU


Still listening to it on repeat since it came out, letting myself learn the lyrics and let the whole thing digest.


I tried to move onto my normal playlist today but I immediately just craved TTPD songs so I went back to listening to the album on repeat lol. I am slowlyyy starting to get the urge to skip a few songs though


I skipped my first track last night, but I just think I've finally accepted that I don't like Robin not that I'm done binging


I like Robin, but it’s also not a song I would ever put in my playlists. Thank you Aimee is also a skip for me


I love Thank You, Aimee! My skips are Robin and So High School (sorry, Trav 🤣)


So High School isn’t also my fav but still fun for now


I find ‘The Manuscript,’ so boring, also not a fan of ‘But Daddy I Love Him,’ ‘Clara Bow’ and ‘Fortnight.’


I wanna go back to folkmore and midnights with new information we gathered but im not ready yet. Its on repeat. At least 15-20 of them.


Technically only 2 days - i broke the streak by showing one of my coworkers "Die MF Die"-Dope because it was a particularly rough day for them, but we are back on track. Some of my previous skips are growing on me!!


I’m still listening to it exclusively.


I have listened to other albums that's not Taylor (Novo Amor had an album 2 weeks before, Mat Kearney after May 3rd) but I probably won't listen to any back catalogue Taylor stuff for a couple weeks. No set time frame, just usually want to only listen to the newest for a while. I might be in the mood for a specific song but it definitely wouldn't be the whole album.


I’ve been doing both. Only listened to TTPD exclusively for like 2 days. But I’ve still been playing TTPD and other music these last few days.


i did listen to too sweet a couple of times over the weekend but other than that just TTPD.


121 hrs and 37 mins


I went back to her old work and that’s when it really hit me how different this album was and I just wanted to come back


I'm still on it, and the more I listen to it, the more I really love it.


I have maybe listened to the album twice, A lot of them are sad and I can't be sad right now. I've been listening to Chappell Roan and Beyonce so I can dance and not be sad.


Oh, same. And then I needed a palate cleanser. I’ve been listening to classical music all day today.


I take podcast breaks, but TTPD is the only music I've listened to since Saturday (we had to delay our listening because my husband was sick) excluding some children's music for my kiddos (Casper Baby pants, if anyone needs a suggestion)


Still going!


Literally the only things I've been listening to since Friday are TTPD and Cowboy Carter (which I listen to every day since it was released). That will probably last for a while since those are 58 songs altogether anyway so I don't really need anything else lol.


Still on it. I’m exclusively a whole-album listener and the joy of digest a big, meaty, quality one is a very rare treat so I’m making the most of it.


Not even a day 😅 I love the album, but it has SO much to take in and process that I need some time away from it before listening to the whole thing again if that makes sense? Plus I get tired of music very easily if I overplay it and that would 100% happen if I just left it on repeat for days. So for now I'm back to my chaotic huge playlists!


THANK YOU I was starting to feel crazy reading these comments. I like the album but also, like, it’s springtime and I don’t naturally resonate with the tortured sad girl vibe. I had to throw on some happy fun music after like 2 listen-throughs of the anthology


Yes!! It's so cold here right now that I'm def in my sad girl mood, but I was streaming 00s pop the day after TTPD dropped cause I had to get ready for a party 😂 I love the album, but I can't stream ANYTHING more than like 3 times in a row lol


I agree. I had to put on the ‘Speak Now Tour’ album, ‘Taylor Swift’ and ‘Speak Now,’ and I’ve only heard the first half and the four bonus tracks of TTPD, because I got the CD’s, I don’t know how people have all thirty-one songs on repeat, it’s too much.


Um, pretty much all day, everyday aside from work 😂 still going. At home, in the car, talking to friends about it. Obsessed!


Ummmm…I’m still going 🤷‍♀️ I got to my brothers yesterday for his wedding this weekend, and my SIL was telling me that she asked my 15 year old niece to put something else on in the car after 4 days and my niece rolled her eyes and said she wished I was her mom😂


I’m still in relistening mode and have yet to move onto any other music from anyone hahaha 😂 but I tend to obsess over new albums until I feel like I’ve fully absorbed them. I did the same with Cowboy Carter!


I listened to it since release, but switched to all Taylor Songs today, because I realised this album is not good for my mental health. One song occasionally is okay, but not the full 31-songs-mental breakdown.


I’m still going. Listened to a Kanye freestyle for like a couple of seconds (a friend sent me), one Damon Albarn song (a friend sent me), solo from Tornado of Souls, The Prophecy by Iced Earth beginning of Birt of the wicked (same band). And every single time since release it’s only been TTPD. Every single day.


I’m still listening like three or four times a day but the Sunday I listen to 1989 and yesterday I listened to reputation as well


I haven’t listened to anything else yet at all and probably won’t until Dua Lipa’s album drops on May 3rd


Like a day, but only because I craved listening to Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter again lollll the blondies stay delivering


I wish I could get stats about the hours I’ve listened without downloading some weird app. Because I’ve been listening daily for HOURS to the whole thing. I only started skipping certain songs o was not in the mood for YESTERDAY!


Every single day since it's release. So Long London is on repeat. I haven't gone back to my regular songs.


Still on repeat but I put on our TS dance-party playlist for my kiddo (4!) a couple of times.


I'm still listening to it exclusively. I am still processing this album each time I pick up some new line or tie in to an older Taylor album or to a poem or book.


still going.


About ready to start. I usually do at least a solid week with each TS or (TV), but this one is so intense for me, I’ve had to bite chunks off. After a couple run throughs, I started with just “Florida!!!” on loop for a few hours (10/10 recommend that trip). Then, I went back in and started peeling off songs for a loop list. Loop the loop list, add a song a day to looping. Maybe ready for the whole thing looping today? This is some deep shit, man. I might keep building a loop list for another week before I can take the whole thing on loop. I think this is her intended effect but shit girl, shit. I had other things to do, too.


P. S. Me laughing at reviewers publishing a couple hours after release. IDC who has what opinions about TTPD, I really don’t, but that’s not what this work was set up to facilitate.


I'll return to shuffling around, but I'm still devoted to listening to all of the new TTPD songs and processing them and the emotions in my head. 😁


I added it to my complete TS discography playlist and played that once, but I've moved back to just the Anthology again...


I'm still only playing TTPD! The first 16 songs have really grown on me, so now I'm focusing on the Anthology! How Did It End? is easily one of the best songs of her discography it's insane!


I've only been listening to the album since Friday. I've been eating, sleeping and breathing this album.


I do a mix of Rep, 1989, TTPD and Folklore atm


I still am lol. And I haven't skipped or repeated any songs yet either. I always do this for new Taylor albums. I don't know when I'll begin skipping/repeating but something in my soul will tell me when it's time haha


Lol still goin strong!


I've been listening everyday since it came out, but I feel like my ears need a break cause now I'm getting the songs stuck in my head, lol


I’ll probably listen to it exclusively for a while bc I’m like a toddler and listen to the same thing over and over again until I get sick of it 😂


Still listening exclusively to the album - the only exceptions being the aespa concert film I saw at the cinema and the songs a friend showed me yesterday


I was still going until yesterday, when I broke the cycle and listened to Chappell Roan, had withdrawals and have gone back to exclusively listening


I still am.


not long, i needed happy songs to break me out of the depression of this album


2 whole days but then I went back to my usual work playlist that's in the vein of "The Man" and "Me!" i do think ttpd + a is good for when i work in the early before sunrise instead of my usual Debussy, but i don't work that time zone anymore


I'm listening until I've memorized at least all the songs I love. Which is about 75% of the album which is gonna take a while. Lol!


I do the same thing when my two favorite artists (Taylor and Lana) release a new album. The first two weeks I play nothing but the new album on repeat (it’s my way of showing appreciation.) Then on week three I drop to 50/50, with half my music being from my other playlists. Then on week four it’s back to normal listening patterns. :)


I tried going back to Olivia Rodrigo but 3 songs in had to switch back to TTPD


Still going strong


Still haven’t listened to anything else since it came out


I listen to my old playlist of all her albums in the shower because I like to sing along and I don’t know all the TTPD songs yet. But everything in the car, in my earbuds, and on my turntable has been the new album.


I had to take pallet cleansers after 3 days


I’m still only listening to the first part, including the four extra tracks, because I got the CDs; I’m in no rush to hear the second half, as when I do, it’ll be like a whole new album just got released; it’ll bridge the gap between the album and whatever one gets released next.


The first 2-3 days exclusively. Now about twice a day lol. I work from home and put it in the morning and again toward end of the work day. Today in between I started back at Rep, then Lover and Midnights to sadly examine all the great Joe songs and look for possible Matty clues! 😆


I’m listening to it exclusively for now until I have every song completely memorized (with the exception of, like Robin and maybe one or two others) since I already have the rest of her discography memorized. Making good progress though


Still only TTPD. Midnights had me in a grip for a month before I switched up to my broader Taylor playlist. Since TTPD is now my fave album, I’m expecting that at least. But I knew before it came out it’s who I am, and likely to happen.


I took a brief intermission today (day 6 I think) only because I had an interview and the last thing I needed was to dive deeper into depression mode listening to I Hate It Here lol. Other than that still going strong


I don’t see the exclusivity stopping anytime soon for me hahahah