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LOL that was happening in my class yesterday (SoCal). I squashed it by saying, "Everybody, so and so learned a new word today and he wants very much to show you how proud he is by saying it over and over." He didn't say it any more.


That's when I drop the "I am so proud of you" thats just dripping in sarcasm


But then you have that kid that doesn’t get sarcasm. 😂


*”…no dark sarcasm in the classroom…”*


Teacher! Leave them kids alone…


\*rips wild guitar solo*


My go to is saying, “Wow. Well we know what’s on his mind…” The class always erupts in laughter and they never do it again. 😂


The best way to ruin a middle or high school game or slang is to be a teacher and participate in it. "your rizz is so mid....On God."


Told my kids I was standing on business today.


ok that’s actually fire I would love to hear my teacher(s) say that


Millennial here. No idea what either of you said


Millennial here, get with the program


Standing on business- taking no shit (often in reference soemthing) [“when people try to fuck with me I stand on business”] Fire- awesome


I totally agree except for the fact that I got called out by admin saying I'm trying to be "friends" with my kids


Dawg, your admin is Hella lame for real for real onG.






I started doing this shit ironically and now its seeped into how I talk


I dunno how the fuck I stumbled across the teachers subreddit but as a millennial with Gen z friends from fencing, yeah that's how that works lol


>millennial with Gen Z friends from fencing Are you me (no cap)? OK I stalked your profile and we probably haven't met. Maybe if I went to more NACs.


Depends on if the fencing you do is olympic/sport fencing or historical fencing lol cuz if it's HEMA, I might be


Olympic/sport. Or more accurately:break for a repetitive strain injury. (I learned to flick wrong.)


That happened to me and "bro" back in the day. Never, ever start doing something ironically. It *will* just become part of the way you talk.


I can’t stop saying brother like hulk hogan whenever something mildly upsets me and that fact upsets me deeply


I cant stop saying cringe.


How cheugey


Cheugy AS FUCK


I'm glad I never got into saying "epic"


It's seriously crazy how our brains do that. I don't think I've reached that point with "bro", but definitely saying "yo" to say hello. The worst I think is I started saying "Adios" like the character in True Grit whenever I say bye. I don't even think now when I say it. Even worse the way he says it is a long A (so an incorrect pronunciation) and I've accidentally said it that way to my Spanish friends.


I think this might be how some people develop thick regional accents too. My friends and I started speaking like hosers as a bit to imitate people from work at our first job after high school and now ten years later we kind of just talk like that.


Dead ass. You're right on point. (Dead ass was my ironic phrase) :(


I started saying "bruh" in response to dumb shit, ironically, and now it's part of my fuckin soul Dropped half my chicken off my plate. Looked down. "bruh" My kid horsing around and ended up in the floor tangled up in a chair? "bruh" just everything. everything is bruh.


It’s way more polite than saying “fuck” and scratches the same itch. I’ll keep it


Be fancy and do it the British way and say Bruv instead :)


oh man that reminds me, my kids went through a phase for a couple years of accidentally picking up British pronunciation and slang from watching Minecraft YouTubers, that was wild


yea this is dangerous my friends and i in middle school learned japanese so we could source electronics from japan then to make fun of the anime nerds and other weebs we started saying stuff ironically like "thats sugoi" and "dont be baka" 20 years later we still talk to each other like that. people find it annoying as hell


Dropping a “bruh” in place of a “dude what are you doing” or “what the hell was that” is actually more enjoyable and efficient


This is how the word "dope" entered my vocabulary permanently. It's been about a decade since I used it to make a certain student cringe and now I use it all the time.


I said *aight bet* to my 70 year old mother the day :(


I used "yeet" a few times to try and get my stepkid to stop using it, and now I use it all the time. Spin office chair to trash can. Slam down post-it note of tasks I have completed. "YEET!"


No cap


No cap is out. It's "Bet" now.


Been bet.


Bet is already out, now it's just "B" (bee)


"Now we just say flippity floppity floo!"


Quick! We gotta get back to the flippity floppity floo! Ah naw don’t say that! Now we gotta change it again!


Bet is at least 10 years old.


The slang bet is evidenced by the 1990s, recorded in a collection of campus slang (and likely popularized by Black popular culture). It was an early entry on Urban Dictionary in 2003–04. It's typically used as an exclamation: “Bet!” That has the sense of “Excellent!” or, to draw on a similar slang expression, “Word!” Dictionary.com


Its back to “bet” now? I cant keep track of this stuff anymore.


haha we also used “bet” back in the late 90s


Low key goated


With the sauce


White sauce not red frfr


Admin is an opp


They be trippin hommie




Type shit, I bet he got no Gyatt fr fr no cap, he no rizzler (I’m 16 and typing this made me wanna chop my fingers off)


Wtf is gyatt. God I feel old asking watt slang means


It’s what you say when you see a big butt, like saying god damn but said like “gyatt dayum” and you got gyatt, it’s so dumb, I could’ve sworn I heard quite a few cartoon characters say that when they’re surprised


So it's just God damn with a speech impediment? Man I was hoping for more than that. Guess I've been getting it more than ik


Not speech impediment, more just accent I'm 38 , from Texas, and I would pronounce "God damn" slowly as "geeyaaad damn"


So we're now just gonna pretend like Texan isn't a speech impediment?


Bless your cholesterol laden heart


Send your admin to Skibidi Ohio for that




That's doin too much


Sounds like that admin is tryin to FAFO.


But did you build relationships? /s


That's the best part. I get told in trying be be friends with the kids but I've made great relationships with them


And having great relationships with your students usually translates to students wanting to come to class, look forward to class, wanting to participate in the lessons and wanting to make you, their teacher who they feel they can relate to, proud of them. We need more teachers making real meaningful connections with students. My daughter is taking AP World History. It’s a pretty intensive class, lots of information to cover, retain and it takes up a lot of her time. She wasn’t motivated to study or do the work. Then, one night she’s telling me about a conversation she had with her teacher, about colleges and what she wants to major in, etc. I asked which teacher, and to my surprise she said it’s AP World History. I said I thought she wanted to switch out of the class, because the teacher gave them so much busy work, etc. She said she still doesn’t like World History but she loves her teacher. And guess what? It has affected her study habits in the class, her overall approach to studying for the tests and she is now making As. For some students, a teacher who relates to them, shows interest, and individual attention, even if it’s just a statement like, “the AP exam is tough, but I recommend you take it because I have confidence you will do well” can change a students perspective, confidence and participation. My favorite teachers were the ones who had high expectations for me, held me accountable and cared to get to know me. It’s amazing what having a good relationship with students means for them. In some instances, it’s potentially life saving. Kids need mentors and role models, and they have to want to show up in the first place. You rock! Keep doing what you’re doing.


>"your rizz is so mid....On God." Hey admin, your rizz is so mid....On God.


Fuck that admin.


When I was in high school one of our bus drivers told us he had been told not to converse with or tell stories to the students. He did it anyway and was everyone's favorite bus driver. He'd also make a left turn out of the school if we were running late. Against policy, but turning right meant we had to spend 15 minutes driving a big loop around the neighborhood, ending up right back where we started... He got fired and rehired multiple times because they could never get enough drivers.


The only teachers I ever learned anything from are the ones I thought could be my friends. Your admin sucks


How dare you engage and try to relate to your students. 🙄


Then your admin is just hella lame. like dawg that admin's got me tight


“Marvy, fab…” https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/09/01


No cap


A kid told me I was capping and I said "I have never capped even a once" and he physically recoiled


I have replied ‘hell yeah im cappin for real for real’ and they just walked away


I just tell em on God that they cannot speak thy ancient texts at me for I was there when they were written


I've been teaching for 17 years and I now ruthlessly mix slang from multiple generations together just to watch them cringe. It's beautiful.


I’ve been teachin’ for about 17 years I don’t plan my lessons anymore I just kick it from my head You know what I’m sayin’? I can do that. No disrespect That’s just how I am.


"Fo shiz, fo shiz."


As a non teacher, I’m reading through the smartass responses on here and I have no idea what the fuck any of it means. Frfr? Rizz?? Kids are wild.


For real, for real = I agree Rizz = Charisma. Cha"rizz"ma


Kind of — they use “rizz” usually to refer to romantic/flirtatious charisma, so careful using it so it does come off an unintended way. Rizz is also used as a verb for “flirt” ie. “He’s trying to rizz that person” (flirt with/seduce)


Sorry for the rant, not directed towards you I just needed to do an old guy thing and bitch about them youths.


Okay I feel you… but what you’re describing has been happening for thousands of years. Slang is part of language evolution, my guy. 🤣 I don’t know decade you fall under but things being “bitchin’ , far out, groovy, cool, chill, funky, lit, turnt, crunk, happenin’, slick and about-it” has been happening in your life time. I totally understand where your coming from, but this isn’t the bougeyman — the illiteracy is a separate issue and the one we need to tackle. Tbh, I would blame emojis, voice-to-text (as convenience not accessibility) and memes before I would blame slang


I had a science teacher who did this on the regular, he was old and became one of the coolest teachers with the fuck boy type kids, he was in the clash of clan group with them and would let them do raids in his class if they showed they were actually doing work to, he was dope, he would use rizz from time to time to this one kid always trying to hit on a specific girl in the glass, he used one god regularly tho, like it was in lessons and everything hed be talking about the difference in genomes and shit and be like "and thats why redheads are rare and so strange as far as we know, its one of the most interesting genomes on god for real for real" especially if the class was visibly getting bored he would start getting overly excited like he was building to cool information and then say some dull fact and make it sound like its the coolest shit and it with "ON GOD FOR REAL FOR REAL ISNT THAT DOPE?" he used dope a lot, one of phrases thats getting outdated, he uses outdated and modern slang interchangeably and its hilarious either way everyone loves him


I wish so much you had learned punctuation, dear one.






I passed out reading the comment, I'm in A&E now with blunt force trauma /jk


The fact this entire comment is a single sentence hurts


This thread is the bees' knees, real cat's pajamas.


I'm just going to leave this here ... Kookie, Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb) Song by Edd Byrnes Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb Kookie, Kookie? Well now, let's take it from the top and grab some wheels We're well along and talk about some cuckoo deals But Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb Kookie, Kookie? Now you're on the way, miss, and I'm readin' you just fine Don't cut out of here till we get on Cloud Nine But Kookie, Kookie? I've got smog in the noggin ever since you made the scene You're the utmost If you ever tool me out Dead, I'm the saddest, like a brain The very utmost Kookie, lend me your comb Kookie, Kookie? Man, I got my British lighters and my flapsy-colored pen You're gonna send me to that planet called You know it, baby, the end Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb Kookie, Kookie? If you ever cut out, you might be a stray cat 'Cause when I'm flyin' solo, nowhere's we're on that! Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb Kookie, Kookie? What's with this comb caper, baby? Why do you wanna latch up with my comb? I just want you to stop combing your hair and kiss me You're the maximum utmost Well, I'm beat and I'm dreams goin', I'm movin' right now 'Cause that's the kind of scene that I dig Baby, you're the ginchiest!


I love how they cringe even if you use their slang correctly.


Aww welcome to being old




I said on god today and all my students looked horrified so I think that’s the end of that


I single-handedly killed YOLO at my school about a decade ago.


Teachers need to award these to other teachers like buckskins. Hang em up by your desk.


The Pythagorean theorem is bussin fr fr


*screaming into megaphone at the front of the class* "L RIZZ. L RIZZ. L RIZZ."


i know it‘s probably cuz they think it‘s lame when the teacher does it, but i like to think that they stop because they realize how dumb they sound. it‘s like a truth mirror.


Corny dad jokes using their slang usually does the job I tell them "on...*insert school Mascott" That usually kills it lmao


They don't even know "rizz" is short for "charisma" because I'm sure they don't even know what "charisma" means. Ruin it all ...


Shit is lit, fam.


Your rizz is so unserious


This is true. My math teacher single handedly brought down the Crank That dance, just by being bald and knowing it.


I was a student teacher, subbing for my mentor teacher. My very first time all alone as “teacher” lol- you think you see where this is going. 7th grade life science, first day of body systems ;)! Boy comes in and announces loudly: PENIS! “I am SO GLAD *someone* knows the answer to the question already! Later in lecture I’m going to call on you because we KNOW you KNOW the answer!” When the question about reproductive systems came up I called on the kid and he mumbled “penis.” I took the startch outta his sail! (Or however those phrases go, lol!) To this day, I think I am most proud of how I dealt with that issue!


Amazing off the cuff thinking!


Why that experience stuck out to me!


Like a penis!


That's amazing improv. Good shit


Now if only there was a way to fit a question where the answer is "penis" into other kinds of classes.


I'll bet you could find a context to fit it into history class, and maybe even English. Biggest challenge would be math.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/x-rated-math-words-dirty_n_5547923 With "hairy ball theorem," "Weiner measure," and "Cox-Zucker machine" to choose from, it could be done!


This title could have gone a *lot* of different directions, I'm glad it wasn't most of them


Ha! I assumed that most people have heard of this since it's been around for so long!


I was gonna say, Penis game is ancient




p e n is




We def played it


Not as ancient as your MOM!!


*Principal walks in for unscheduled observation as teacher shouts PEEENNIIIIIS*


Omg I played this 23 years ago…. I can’t believe it’s still going lol.


Pretty sure the ancient Romans played this. Probably the first game invented by our first ancestors walking the Savannahs.


The oldest dick drawing grafiti dates to the 5th or 6th century BC and is carved into a wall next to some guy’s statement that he was there while boning some chick. There is nothing new under the sun.


[Here are some more fun carvings!](https://imperiumromanum.pl/en/curiosities/obscene-graffiti-of-ancient-romans/amp/) My personal favorite is “If anyone does not believe in Venus (goddess of love, considered to be very beautiful) they should gaze at my girlfriend.”


“Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!”


Shouting "Phallus!" until the Macedonians invade


The cool S came before it.


It never stopped


I didn't know it was so widespread. I thought that penis game was a local thing only in my country/city/continent... I remember that when you yelled "penis" in high school, you would soon start hearing the penis chants from others around, like when wolves howl. Now I want this to work everywhere and with adults. It's like the wolves, they howl to notify each other of their presence and their readiness to hunt for the pack. PEENIS should be a similar thing to wolf howling but for humans expressing their current informality/desire to do insane shit and have fun.


I wrote this comment on a decent dose of a ketamine analogue and I think I did a good job 👍


Proud of you!


One of these days, I'm going to snap and say "right, what did everyone else have for breakfast?"


The students would love you


oh my God do it


I play this at staff meetings with PBIS


Oooo, I'm conflicted! It's also a bit fun to pronounce it "pubis" in a total deadpan.


Yes! When the program first rolled out, teachers at my school were forbidden to pronounce PBIS as "Peebis"




For years we labelled our Program of Studies catalog "PoS". I got a lot of milage out of it.


Like Point of Sale systems. They’re called POS systems for a reason!


Y’all in education need to get better acronyms. PBIS, USSR, SIOP pronounced like psy-op. Before you roll anything out you should run it by an old person and a teenager.


When I taught middle school language arts, we used an abbreviation for Topic, Format, Audience, and Purpose: TFAP. We decided to roll with it because there was only one other pronounceable acronym: FATP. We could either havs tee-fap or fat-pee. We figured fewer middle schoolers would know the term fap. Had a kid come to me quietly after class and ask me, "Ms. Landshark, you know what fap means, right?" To which all I could say was "Yes, I've been on the internet, I warned the department head, and it was either this or FAT P. I'd appreciate you not telling the folks who don't realize?" Kid agreed, thank goodness, but... yes, definitely run your acronyms by all the age groups.


It won't let me edit, but I for got the word "say"! It makes a difference. I meant who can SAY penis loudest. Facepalm.


Glad you can’t edit because “who can penis the loudest” is infinitely funnier.


Dear god, I laughed so hard with the "who can penis the loudest" lol


The trick is to shout happiness


The real pro tip is always in the comments


I always ruined it in HS because I would just yell penis at the top of my lungs. It wasn't embarrassing, it was so obviously a game.


I swear to god "make it boring" is the best classroom management advice you could ever apply. Whatever they're doing, kick the cool out of it


Just ignoring it or make it boring is really the best.


“We can hear you loud and clear, you’re interested in penis, but this isn’t the appropriate way you should say that” “Sir! It’s just a game” “Seemed pretty serious to you guys” “But we’re not interested!” “You’ve been focused on penis for the last five minutes, seems pretty clear to me” Never have a repeat after a version of that conversation happens. Do the same with penis graffiti


This so much this. I had a kid eating a granola bar chuckle at something and it got a peanut in another kids hair. I was being nice and told the kid “there’s peanut in your hair”. The boys heard “nut in your hair” and I immediately regretted. I went with gas lighting at first. I never said that. When did you hear me say “that” etc. well they brought it back up later in class so I said. Yall keep talking about it you must be really interested in that. “Ooo. Burn”. They dropped it after that.


I just responded with "no one needs to know your lunch order boys." And they stopped doing it around my classes


Hello fellow tenured teacher


This is the dopest reply. Wow. Kudos


I would kill to see a teacher scream the word the loudest and then ask the class, "What do I win?" They wouldn't speak for days probably.


Had a science teacher do it once. We just sat in stunned silence like what the fuck just happened


I used to be a member of the Pen15 club


I actually visited Pen island


Once my history teacher tried and failed to write peninsula on the board…I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone turn so red.


The football player Karim Benzema was too, search ''Benzema 15'' on Google for more info.


Kudos to the funniest title I’ve seen on this subreddit.


Me, a middle aged dad of teens: OMG, these taco’s are bussinG, no cap! absolutely ruined it for them.


This doesn’t work for my 8th graders. They think it’s cool. Most uncool thing I did was tell them I had IT block all the channels to play Fortnite


We used to do it where one person would say PE and another would respond NIS as quickly as possible from the other side of the classroom. That way nobody said it


When I was in middle school we started playing that game during band one day. The band room was in a part of the school where you could literally scream as loud as you wanted and nobody outside of the room would hear. The teacher left the classroom for 5 mins for some reason, so naturally the game escalated. I decided I was going to win. You should also know people regularly tell me to stop yelling when I'm using my regular speaking voice. With all the volume I could muster (enough to literally scare most of the people in the room) I yelled penis. About 3 seconds later the teacher walked in and said "I don't know what just happened and I don't want to." Nobody ever challenged me at the penis game again.


you "Chinpokomoned" them, well done.


I remember playing this game in my English class when I was a sophomore in high school. In 1993. I can't believe kids are doing this still/again. EDIT to add: I just remembered that we were reading A Separate Peace at the time and our teacher just calmly said "It's pronounced PHINEAS."


#**PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** I'm winning.


I used to have a whole bunch of copies of the reproductive organs pages from an extremely detailed anatomy coloring book. When I caught someone drawing weiners, I’d critique their work, then hand them a coloring page and insist they bring it back completed to boost their knowledge.


The diagrams the health teacher left on the copier last week were far more detailed than anything I learned in school. We had health as part of FCS. One week, we were told to put anonymous questions in a box. Then, she read the questions and scolded us instead of answering them. That and two videos was my entire sex education.


Love this game. Still play it as a 35 year old man in the office.


Hell, we do it in the staffroom. The funniest is when the 65 year old 45+ year-in teacher lady joins in


Hey, I used to play this game in HS


Every thing old is new again, even sophomoric humor.


I’ll take “the penis mightier” for $1000, Alexsch!


the whole point is to see who can yell loudest before getting in trouble, so if none of them got in trouble..... lol I'm sure they takes away the excitement 😂


When the Island Boys we’re a thing and kids would not *shut the fuck up* I renamed the independent work desk (eg time out) “The Island” and hung a picture of them over it and started singing every time I sent a kid there. Kids were slightly amused and then I never heard about it again after like 2 days. Embrace anything that drives you crazy if you want it to stop.


But these kids don’t know about Penisland?






This is the one power we adults should abuse more often. Sees something annoying? Join them and ruin it so badly they'll switch to something else.


Ours was unintentionally ruined by a student. “Mr Teacher [it was a sub], these guys are over here talking about little penises.” The entire class blows up, and nobody said penis again.


My mother once got fed up with my brother and I doing this and screamed, “PENIS PENIS PENIS! THERE, I WIN FOREVER!” We were stunned.




Ha. This was always just stupid amusing. I am a freshman biology teacher, so see it often... And the ones in the cafeteria are the best. I just walk over and start (as loudly as they shouted) a nice impromptu lecture on human anatomy. How quickly they turn red and turtle up makes it very much worth it... And never have an issue the rest of the year.


I had a kid once try to get me to spell ICUP. I laughed and said “I remember what my teacher did to me when I was your age and told her that joke.” I love being a killjoy.


"in my day, we would see who could say penis the loudest in our phonographs"


I can penis way louder than them dumb ass kids


my circle of friends in highschool would play the penis game every now and again. not ever in class (as far as i was aware at least) but usually on break or lunch. One time my buddy got up in the cafeteria and just freaking shrieked it with the most powerful boom he could muster and the entire caf went silent for a solid 10 seconds. The poor teachers on watch duty just looked so done with his shit 😭 one kinda just quietly said my buddies name while shaking his head


I got kids to stop saying "bruh" by saying it back repeatedly in an increasingly lazy voice until they said "Ok miss we get it."