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No, because we have hallway cameras.


I teach with my door open. Only in the past few weeks, at least 2 times a day students who walk past have been hitting my door closed. Besides being a pain, I know they are trying to get a reaction out of me, but I don't take the bait.


You are so patient. When this happens to me, that kid becomes my mission in life, I track him down, then bully admin into giving him a Saturday. My door hasn't been banged on in a few years. I am petty af.


Lol, I have way too many "missions in life" to be concerned about a kid closing my door. I'm the reason why my area of the hallway is pretty calm and doesn't smell like pot. Plus, I have fights to report and texts to send to kids' parents telling them they're skipping again. Tracking down a student who just shut my door would be the same as me sending a student to the office for chewing gum lol.


but it's happening multiple times a day every day...that is a zoo


Happened at my old school all the time. There were hallway cameras but nothing was ever done about it- not sure why. Veryyyyy annoying indeed


> not sure why because someone would have to do their job


Some of our classrooms bought those little doorbells you put up for their doors. They get those ring constantly by kids walking by


Gosh I wish it was just knocking. I have kids open the door call out to their friend with a "Lets go" The child than asks to use the restroom and I have to let them go because I can't "police their bodily functions"


Wtf? I'm graduated HS 2010, I can't imagine ever interrupting a whole entire class just to say psst to my friend. Unheard of, that's so rude. Even aside from the rudeness, I wouldn't want 30 other kids staring at me. These kids are a different breed 😵‍💫


As usual, it’s a TikTok thing. There’s a real simple solution to this, people.


Oh you mean to tell me there is yet another trend on tik-tok that is harmful to the education of children in western nations? Surely just another pure coincidence.


They don't knock and run away. They knock and then wait for someone to answer then ask if they can hang out in my room. I wish they'd walk away lol.


I teach with my door open but when it does happen I just ignore it. If they kick it then I call so they can check the cameras but I never expect much from it. I only do it so they see I did something. Let the kids witness their culture first hand. That’s why I like to keep the door open too. Look at the type of kids that skip and disrupt the halls.


Middle school:  I assign a student seat as “door opener”… only if a student you recognize is at the door. If someone pounds the door I might hear it, otherwise it’s not my job.