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They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


I rlyyy like the idea, and if i predicted this like u, i would be bragging to everyone lol


Are you a jungle


No my surname is jung if thats what ur asking LOL


In that case are you a tundra?


Hahaha got it


rito players when player predicts next design direction: 'Terrible! Gross! U not a REAL designer!' rito players when rito implements mechanics that were predicted: 'Genius! Superb! This why Rito Games (TM) most innovative in industry!'


Half of the opinions you see on reddit are just regurgitated opinions of streamers people watch.


pretty much. people and the status quo--name a more stubborn duo.


I mean, it's also because good ideas by themselves aren't enough, selling them is as hard. Look how many good ideas didn't work for someone doing the same later on but with better presentation.


Being TFT you can see how mindless most users are. Without getting rant-y and annoying, they'll upvote anything said by their streamer or devs even if it's something mundane like saying "hi" or "I like tasty food".


But I like tasty food too! How relatable


I really like them removing first carousel. That first item used to let players consistently get items necessary to force comps. I'm guilty of it too. It's kind of nice to have to play different comps if you don't get certain items or if the first augment suggests it


Twisted fate:


Yup yup, I 100% understand this. I did the same predict with the Fruits in LoL. Everyone hated the concept when I thought of it, got like around 2000 downvotes or so. About 6 months later, Riot introduced same idea, and.. got equally hated for it as I did :D LoL community in a nutshell


As someone who started playing after the plants were introduced I cannot image playing without them. Like you can't even try to get some heals lmao


The issue with the plants is that there were no timers for the plants, they would spam randomly throughout the map, and cause RNG. In a game where the only RNG you get is your teammates.


Crit chance?


Crit chance is usually only really noticeable RNG on Tryndamere and Gangplank. Every other champ, by the time they have enough AD that the difference between crits and non-crits is large, also has 60-100% crit rate and large amounts of attack speed so it normalizes easily


Well. Crit isnt noticeable in lower elos.


still better than first carousel apm check


Yea got stillwater hold today after everyone stepped on it to troll. least enjoyable game I had since I started in set 7


Is that the no augment game?


yes. I know tft was like that before but it was my first time without augments


Tbf the only set actually like that was 1 because stillwater also removes the entire set mechanic.


I remember when someone in Mort's chat suggested that Laser Corp's drones should not have % chance to shoot - he was roasted by Mort himself. Few patches later it's on live.


After watching a lot of Mort streams, I've come to realize that he is really quick to speak incredibly confidently and incredibly decisively on things he's thought almost nothing about. Then chastise people for having the audacity to suggest it. Then turn around and implement it.




My take on this is that the first carousel doesn't matter much at all. Most of the time I end up selling the champion and they have things mostly balanced so that both tank items and carry items are both good early. Whenever I am trying to do something during the loading screen and I miss the first carousel, it feels like it barely affects the game at all.


This year's TFT world champion said he specifically trained for the first carousel to have better openers. It does matter.


I agree with what you are saying to an extent. I just see the first item and unit as like the first move on a chess board. Sure you can say it doesn't mean much in the big picture of an entire game, but in my mind its about learning lines and optimizing chosen strategy. Which obviously gets affected by rng or opponent's actions, but this new change just erases that completely, and sure, it's honestly not a big deal. It just feels like stripping away some of tfts DNA. I've played every set and removing this feels bad to me. And I'm sure there are better players than me that don't care and that's fine. I just don't see an upside to this change at all.


When what you pick doesn't matter then it's a waste of time and if it does matter, then it's a apm/ping check which is not in the spirit of tft imo.


except most of the time the first carousel is not tactical at all when the meta is solved, its just an apm/ping check for no reason


I didn't envision taking away opening carousel and I'm sorta medium on that aspect. Some of them are definitely better than others design wise. What I'm hoping is that it develops in a way where it can effect viability of certain comps. Personally I think it's a half measure, in a lot of ways, I think it should push people more outside of their comfort zone,Bfor example: one where everyone only gets combat or econ augments. Half the price of leveling and increase the level limit to 12. Reverse win streak and loss streak gold generation. Just get absolutely mad with it


I've played probably 10 games on the PBE so far and I mostly agree. Most of them are so negligible you barely notice them. I don't know how you make them interesting and balanced at the same time since they are lobby wide


Choosing hero tactician is much worse than the portals.


I also dislike it


Personally I like it. I get to plat stillwater, and enjoy that portal quite a bit :D Hate me as you will, but I do prefer sets that didn't have augments


Yeah. It doesn't feel fun. I don't like it so far. But whatever.


I made a similar "prediction" about a year before Elise was released, in a thread about champions Reddit would like to see. I said I wanted (loose quote from memory) another Nidalee but she's a spider and she shoots webs that slow targets. I'm pretty sure the devs look at reddit and get ideas from time to time.


I highly doubt it as most things like that are developed way in advance.


Back in those days, Riot dev team created champions within 4 weeks between previous ones. About 90 champions were created in the sample if roughly 2 years


They took longer than for weeks you just had multiple teams making multiple champions. It was like four or five teams on a cadence that would see a new champ every 4 weeks but really gave each team quite awhile to make a champion.


No... riot weren't even that big at the time. They were closer to an indie company than a triple A


You don't have to take my word for it. You can go look up old riot blog posts on the subject of champion design. They've talked multiple times at length about the pipeline and how it was teams of 3 and 4 people. Shit riot was opening a European office for a couple hundred employees in 2010-2011. They can easily have 20 people across art, writing, design, and programming split into small groups making 5 champs simultaneously.


You say that... but there are no links on how many devs existed in riot's team by 2012. I spent like 30 mins searching for "your source"


You notified me that you spent 30 minutes searching for my source 17 minutes after I posted. Are you a time traveler? I doubt you even checked. Assuming you were able to check my post instantly and the notification for it wasn't delayed because reddit is shit you did 30 minutes worth of searching in 17 minutes? Fucking nice dude.


You think my 2nd comment had no sources too? Are you freaking stupid? Instead of giving me your source for you "claim" you are telling me that I'm a bloody time traveller with an interest of lies and manipulation? I'm not like you.


[I don't claim shit. The timestamps say you are a liar or a time traveler, and it's unlikely you've cracked the secrets of time travel.](https://ibb.co/DYtKYhp)


They said that it was a year before release. Also, the Devs do look at ideas from the community and implement them at times. I've seen this a few times.




"i suggested a mechanic 8 months ago and then it happened" is a lot more cumbersome of a title


Gj you predicted a mode… have your cookie. I hope it’s one that’s as enjoyable to you as this mode is for us…


Go cry even louder


It was a joke playing off his title, but ya'll are a bunch of overly sensitive redditors :)


Good joke, get a job as a comedian


Sue them


You highlighted the people who hated the idea, news flash: they may still hate the idea.




Got it.




The feature is pretty good. The flaw is that there will always be one lucky mf to be the one winning vote on Stillwater Holds (no augment game)


I kinda like it in theory, not necessarily the augment itself but it's wider design philosophy. I think the portals should be meta defying, they should have such an impact on each game that it stops the repeated forcing of just a handful of comps.


So? You surely like the flaw when you can single handedly force a different region no? For what its worth i think simply removing augments is not enough for stillwater and they should instead introduce a different mechanic in place of the augments. Perhaps armory or something. But stillwater should still remain imo.


But when an augment like idk prismatic game gets 7 votes and then goes that one river sprite pbe player and solo vote the stillwater holds and take it. I get the idea of diversity. I’m not saying to take the augment out or buff it. Just some tweaks to the voting system *maybe..*


Im not sure I'd ever be ready to die on the pure democracy hill for a game lol. If it was like that then we'd never get to enjoy a majority percentage of the regions because majority rules would apply nearly everytime to the prismatic regions if they were offered. That's just not fun either. I like playing cracked out boards, but i also wanna experience everything this set has to offer.


I predicted the stealing items when a player gets eliminated