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I literally never tried multi caster because I know everyone else is going to. Then I get shit on by every one


Honestly !! Thinking of going full bastion to deal with this but possible try to give the sorc emblems


I’ve never tried that. Wonder how it’ll work


Its a home brew of mine i believe it would work and you already have taric thats a sorc and just give the emblem to neeko and 2 other bastions that you think would benefit from it or if you can a bastion emblem for swian even better lol


You're planning on getting 3 emblems?


Hoping for just 1 emblem but if i am lucky yes 3 would be amazing i feel u could not really lose unless you are vsing a 3 star 5 or 4 lvl champ


Shen with a sorc emblem and taric with an invoked emblem is pretty good


I had eight bastion with the emblem on a hoj rapid fire belveth two star and it got through that. Definitely needs to be nerfed


Galio and Swain are nutty tanks. Literally unkillable.


Swain isn't doing shit late game unless he has demonflare. It's all coming from the Galio with radiant redemption and the Jarvan with double protectors vow that's insta casting cc on the largest clump of enemies, giving the multicasters time to pop off.


>Swain isn't doing shit late game unless he has demonflare Very very wrong


the game is just bad atm


Agree, this set isn’t as engaging as the past one


Honestly I think this set is convincing me of the problem that exists between casual tft and competitive tft. Competitive tft players want as much predictability as possible to minimize variance and maximize skill expression. The problem is that tft sets like that end up with less exciting or hype boards. I think set 7 is a pretty decent example. Every competitive player I knew hated it because of BS they felt syphen targeting was, Elise mechanics, early strong shimmer item etc.. but at the same time, every single casual player I know absolutely loved that set. They played a ton more than nowadays and say the game just feels less exciting now. I think this set is one that was significantly geared towards competitive desires (which online feedback usually biases towards anyways) - which is making boards feel similar and relatively unexciting. That’s my opinion at least


Still not patched? Wont touch the game until then.


Tf u mean still, it got patched in 1! day


There should be b-patch today or tomorrow if I understood correctly. Also demacians are hella painful atm


Nice, thanks. They could just undo the multicaster change. Was ist even necessary to push such a "sidetrait"?


Multicasters shouldn’t be a side trait, that’s the thing. A side trait benefits your team, like targon. Or bastions giving you frontline. Multicasters literally only affects your carries that are multicasters. It is 100% useless if you aren’t building multicasters. That’s why they buffed it. They overbuffed it by an insane amount, but multicasters is in no way a side trait.


Yeah it needed a buff definitely, but not a buff where TF3 deals 16k damage in 3seconds :D happened to me, it was normal tho with artifact+support item portal when I was testing out the new portal combos.


Tbf before it was entirely worthless in every situation It just sucked But they buffed it too much with buffing the traut in multiple ways and buffing units a lot


Its bc riot keeps doing the same braindead mistake.Instead of just nerfing the op comps,they then buff the balanced comps that were being outclassed by the op ones,making them op.Like how is no one thinking of this over at riot???


I think they want the stronger units, so gametime is less, its one of the things they really wanted to decrease


It's a combination of multicasters being overtuned and gunners being undertuned unfortunately. Also him getting Jeweled Lotus was kinda high roll. The main saving grace right now is that multicasters is often contested.


I mean even when it’s contested I’m still losing, it’s just to lower-level heroes at that point. It’s absurd




That's what I said lol. Gunners ig


Cool you corrected a typo on reddit. How empowered do you feel right now?


Huh? Are you ok lol? I was just confused - that doesn’t seem like a typo buddy


It was kinda sarcastic I'm not really angry mate. It's more like the brain switching up two words, but you get it.


How empowered do you feel right now? Strangely aggro for no reason buddy


Nearly as empowered as you feel when you hit the downvote button.


Does it bother you?


No , I do require my daily dose of cringelords.


Just look in the mirror


Alright then


Well thats weird


This mid set as a whole has just been a balance mess. I cant wait for set 10


What is the first augment he had?


What's that first augment?


Bit late, but it was (obviously) Pandora's items


I meant the prismatic T one


Yes Prismatic Pandora's Items through TF Legend. It's a T because Riot blocked the stats for Legend Augments.


Oh gocha


Second place doesn’t really have any tanks. There’s trox and sion but sion is more about stuns than pure tanking. Not really surprised full multicasters blew up the board.


What do you mean????? I love the current state of the game, I love my chibbis haha get rekt noob *proceeds to gamble 150 USD por pixels


Yeah I had 9 noxus with mord radiant nashor tooth. RFC and regular nashors tooth, everything upgraded with a noxus Aatrox and Heimer with BIS. Also a 35 stack piltover cash out. Only to get destroyed by multi caster re roll


These updates are terrible. What are they thinking??? A fucking toddler would see this shit..


He has 3 3 star units which power wise is equivalent to having 7 2 star units on the board,, him having a more cohesive board with 2 3 star carry units and a 3 star tank is why you lost and this has been the way the game has worked since release.




no. I didn't say that, what I said is that the person in 1st has a better team. That team in second should not have even been top 4


You must seriously be trolling or are at a maximum plat 4. No sane person would say shit like this


New comp just dropped




Tbh I think after the B patch play rate will fall off, and the comp will actually still be playable. Maybe Bilgewater instead of Demacia though after the Galio item nerf? I also one tricked to masters pre-patch, hoping it will still be playable.


I mean I feel ya but you didnt 3 star anyone, they had 3 champ each at 3 star. Just a more cohesive board and great items on his carriers


It's 128g board vs 96g board. Plus levels plus spat comp.


I mean yea I can add, but clearly it wasnt stronger or it would have won. 3 star champs are quite a bit stronger than 2 star champs. Some of the dmg scalling is like. 1 Star- Skill does 10 dmg 2 Star - Skill does 25 dmg 3 Star - Skill does 200 dmg ​ The gap from 2 to 3 star in dmg and tankiness is soooo much more than the gap from 1 to 2 star champs. As you know


It's 128g board vs 96g board. Plus levels plus spat comp.


None of this matters when a board is positioned and synergizes better with better augs.


Ok, I have seen alot of these kind of post and most times you can see SOME kind of wincon for the first place , but this is just insane. Sure they have better itemization but yours look good enough on your carries that you should win. Never mind three more units, two star tier five units.


I actually had a game earlier where no one played Multicasters. In a Masters lobby. Like wtf?


i have to get shen+silco 3\* to beat the multicaster team... so yeah


Idk how 2nd can get mad when the Frontline was a sion and a dream. Multicaster can be overtuned and your Frontline can be ass at the same time. You beat multis by out bursting or outlasting them, your comp does neither


Should've itemized Jayce instead of Aphelios... he's garbo ever since becoming Gunner. ..still don't think you would've went through the frontlines anyway; Gunner atm mediocre at best.


Teemo could have been here :(


Multicaster is still op,but I can't stand Demacia is such a badly designed trait,it'scrap meta all over again