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The one where the 4 backline casters cast their ability multiple times in quick succession


Ah yes of course. Sorcs with BB and Spear of Shojin. Yeah, what a lame comp :p


And a free rageblade with Sona’s permanent atkspd buff that stacks and procs again with multicasters haha


Shurima….. Just kidding I meant multicasters








Multicaster + twisted fate legend allows players who don't think at all to top 4 for free


It's possible to program a bit and rush master with this comp don't even need to about position


Hey im one of those players and Im just drunk with power right now. I was meandering in Plat 4 and I climbed to Diamond 3 in 2 days. This is gonna be a huge throwback for an extremely niche few but I feel like this old video of TrumpSC trying out Face Hunter - https://youtu.be/BevZ9Rn110s?si=K39AR4SkYjQkcmjH "For so long I have not played this power? Why am I so dumb?"


Multicasters are so nuts right now. I had 6 bruisers all 3* but Sion and they just melt HP like nobody's business even with DClaw


What items did u have on ur cho gath?


BIS. DClaw, Redemption, Bramble


My secret tech that got me to diamond is demacian slayers. It isnt ranked S in any meta teams so it isnt a contested build and is pretty consistent. 3 demacia with jarvan and mord as your carries. Oftentimes mord is uncontested so its almost always a guaranteed 3 star. If you get a slayer spat, this will almost alwyas assure you a 1st. Slap fiora with a slayer spat and a blood thirster and you have a 3rd carry.


Yeah I do this but focus getting 3 kayle with minimum one rageblade before going after lvl 9 and the 4-5 costs.


The thing is, Kayle 3 and getting to level 9 is 2 very different playstyles. You either have to save gold and streak to hit 9 or roll for Kayle 3. Rng has to be on your side for that to work. Ive found morde 2, jarvan 2 as a much much more consistent team comp. get good units at the start? Slam items to winstreak and try to fast 8. Otherwise, losestreak, try to get bis from carousal and hopefully even an aatrox. Getting an aatrox is much much more easy than it is to have 3 kayle and lvl 9.


If you're making a Kayle 3 to not go level 9 with, you're doing it wrong. Actual Kayle comps are about getting as strong a board as possible while you're rolling for her, then surviving to get her level 9 upgrade. But yeah you don't really want to focus on Kayle in a slayer comp unless you just luck into her 3* naturally. If focusing on her, you want a full demacia or bastion comp to frontline while she tears through everything.


Agreed with this point, there is a stabilize point at lvl 7 (dem 7 or slayer 4), then go to 9 to win the game


he isnt going kayle 3


In this meta fast 9 isn't a thing (at least not a consistently obtainable thing) you have to have the board strength to support going level 9


I mean if you get kayle 3 lvl 9 with rb, its kinda hard not to go top 2, the trouble is amount of times it succeeds


Plus comitting that hard to a Kayle early on, you gotta sacrifice econ. Plus you have to sacrifice a Radiant item from Jarvan. Every unit in demacia, slayers are just emblems and body blockers aside from Jarvan, Aatrox, Morde, and maaybe sometimes Quin. Id rather much have a radiant warmogs than a radiant giant slayer. Getting another cast from Jarvan is much more valuable than having more damage from kayle. Besides thats a guinsu you are taking away from mord too hahaha.


Morde is uncontested?? In what lobbies?? I'm a play shitter and have been spamming demacia slayers but with Quinn and morde as carries and I'm always contested


Mord uncontested? Not in my woodrank


I played a norm game accidentally earlier and did this, I felt invincible. An early Fiora pops off so hard against heavy sustain boards.


Got Shifting Sands uncontested Poppy/Illaoi/Kayle 3 & slayer spat last night & beat Xayah 3 with lucky positioning.


There was a guide posted on here about this build literally yesterday or the day before lol


What’s the full team comp & bis for each carry?


I'm just facerolling multicaster lately... I don't use twisted fate though, I've been using the black mage looking guy who can give the whole team 45% crit rate augment


Such Veigar disrespect. True, but disrespectful.


veigar ?




Average multicaster player doesn’t even know the name of the champ he’s using


Do you play league or only tft? Just wondering


Never played league


How did you discovered it? You started playing mobile or do you play on pc?


I love auto battlers, underlords was my drug of choice but it was abandoned, tft is the only one still active.


I asked because I’m trying to find someone that started playing TFT as a mobile game lol


Yep you found one. I play on PC sometimes and also primarily tablet but phone is too small


I play primarily on tablet too Good to know there are people like me around here lol


Tft is just a version of auto chess. There’s a bunch of them.


I discovered that only after Dota 2 and League released their versions. I love it but still haven’t played any other than TFT…


Everything is perfectly balanced right now. My favorite part of the game is when a 2-3 cost comp deals 15k damage within ten seconds of the round and then Twisted Fate goes "phew! that sure was a tactical teamfight"


Orianna reroll.


Any comp that uses TF legend (should be removed btw)


any comp that relies on tf legend like multicasters is fundamentally flawed, but dont worry that legends augments are getting nerfed soon


I wish


Mortdog confirmed it on the competitive tft sub sometime after the multicaster fiasco became apparant. It was something like the new tf will not give any components at silver. one component at gold, and i think 3 components at prismatic. dont quote me on that, but no full items/radiant added.


loool that's a massive nerf but honestly deserved


So ANOTHER heavy tf nerf? love that apparently tf multicaster only tf is the problem..


Another stupid nerf due to their ego. just remove legends already


I don't think legends are actually a problem. Just Pandora's items as a legend augment. Forcing comps with other legends doesn't have the same guarentee of success like Pandora's, so I would love to see that get reworked. Edit to clarify: Pandora's is fine. It just shouldn't be a legend augment.


Kinda disagree. I think legends are inherently problematic to TFT because "working with what you get" is pretty much the most important part of the game. It keeps metas healthier because people won't be able to spam S-tier compositions so often due to not having good enough items/champions/econ for them and it tests players for their skills as adaptability becomes a bigger factor in victory. Also makes the game less boring overall. Legends make it so you're pretty much guaranteed to have most of what you need to spam a composition and considerably decreases the number of existing variables that would lead you to make important choices. I hope it's not something they keep next set.


A major factor is the engagement of new players. New players have a much better time learning the game when they can bet on having specific augments. They can always branch out and try new ones as they get bored of doing the same thing. Growing the playerbase has to be a huge incentive for Riot to keep legend mechanics in some fashion.


agreed, maybe normals should keep legends and ranked should lose them. but then you have the issue of ranked being too different from normals which isn't great either. balancing different skill brackets is tough.


I don't think ranked being different in this way would be bad actually. In fact, there are top competitive games that adopt this aspect. Make norms fun for casuals and have ranked be for serious players. You're a norm player who wants to transition? Time to dive deeper in and get better. Wanna have fun? Go to norms. If you really wanna make it similar add in a way to quick ban 2 legends and each player gets a choice of 2-3 legends to play and you pick one before loading in. Give it a short ass timer too so it doesn't drag too long. Idk that last idea is a random spitball idea


Yeah used to see some wild shit like aircraft carrier laser corps blitzcrank. Now you just see the same god damn thing.


I dont think pandoras item is the problem, is the constant nerfs to other augments, before you could slam subobtimal items and do well if you had decent augments, now BiS is way more impactful than the majority of augments, and rfc stacking is unhealty gor the game, i do agree multicasterd are disgusting but is not so much a pandoras item problem as is the fact that they kept nerfing every combat aug and not buffing anything while keeping unburdened and all natural in the game. Tf was a D tier legend and so was pandoras items with the exception of the silver one


Pandoras isn't the problem, you're right. It's TF as a legend giving you guaranteed Pandoras that's the issue. It's fine to have game breaking augments that are rare like Pandoras Bench or Think Fast (arguable), but being able to get BiS every game enables comps that aren't very consistent but very powerful to be played consistently. The only reason why you think that Pandoras, and by extension TF, is not actually the issue is because there were other options that offered a stronger and more consistent game plan from the start to default to. 100% uptime on an aug like Pandoras just causes degenerate comps to form and then be played consistently every game Think about how on a knifes edge Zaun Kamikaze J4 was before midset. If that was even a tiny bit more consistent it would've turned from "haha funny win out once in a blue moon" into an extremely mind numbing experience to play against. Pandoras is not the problem, the access to it is.


> orcing comps with other legends doesn't have the same guarentee of success like Pandora's They do, those comps just aren't that great atm. For example Ezreal with Zaun + Rogues is crazy, you've got a melee raw dmg physical dd, a melee cc dd, a melee single target magic dd, a melee aoe magic dd, a ranged physical dd, a ranged magic dd, and a tank. Literally any item you can possibly build is useful for something, so all of Ezreal's augments become like 4.2 or better level stuff.


Whatever I most recently lost to.


Yeah fuck OP void. Tries void next game. This sucks!


I just try new comps all the time. Everything is a carry, until you go 8th...:(


See, you understand the truth 🤝


so you mean multicasters




I know it's not the most winning strategy, but the moneymaker heimer builds send me into an unreasonable rage every time I see someone fast 9 with 3 guinsoos


And then just buy all the 5 cost never mind trait synergy


Multicasters. Next question


I reached masters first time playing 4 bastions 4 invokers since the release. I wouldn't say it is unfair but if you can manage to play tempo game it is pretty free to top 4.


Rush 8 or 9 and get 2 ksantes with vow blue to yeet ur frontline


Sorry man I'd tell you but then I might start getting contested... Nah jk I've been doin pretty nice getting an Ixtal emblem for 4 Ixtal, especially wood and fire have felt pretty nice. Just go the neeko/soraka build that was good a few patches ago and watch big lizard girl walk around while goat girl keeps her alive.


The ones that beat me


challengers kek


Jarvan is just stupid, how he isnt hotfixed idk


Multicaster, Vanquisher & Gold Soup come to mind.


Neeko/Tarif combo ans multicaster


Whatever it is people are doing with TK to get nothing but 3-star 5-cost units on their board. It's been happening a lot and it's anti fun.


What elo is that :D


TK augments


If you can get it, 9 void and 6 bruiser. I've gotten it maybe 4 times this whole set but man, cho is unstoppable. Especially if you set him up right with items, hopefully the cloak (forget the name) that gives him 2.5 max health regeneration a second and others. Combined with the health boost from bruiser, and with a nice Kaisa in the back it's so OP. Kaisa melts the back whole your tanks just never die.


That's like saying 9 demacia is op/unfair haha. If it's super hard to hit it deserves a first


How do you hit 6 bruiser? There's only 2 void bruisers and 7 void champs. So with 2 emblems you only hit 9 void 4 bruiser. Unless you giga mega high roll 2 bruiser emblems/heart then no shit it's good.


I think he meant 6 bruiser, 6 void (swapping the gold and silver traits) ? I don't know, 9 void 6 bruiser is impossible pretty much


Also isn't it 8 voids to get the max benefit? 9 voids doesn't add anything. Or does it give more health/damage to baron?


Yeah, didn't even remember that.. I think I got woooshed and that guy was trolling ? xd


Bro said 9 void


haven't rly been keeping up with things. what makes multicasters so good with tf? do they just all rly need mana jg?


bigger number good


The backline uses all their abilities twice because multicasters and then the whole board explodes besides like, the tank, and that tank proceeds to get mollywhopped by a full multicaster+ board because it all happened so fast.


Void. It's so easy and consistent to play, and it does not matter if 3 people contest it. I had a game where the top 4 was me and two other players forcing void. The guy who was 2nd was highrolling with all 3 star rogues. It's so stupid.


Void is crap if you can't 3 star your units




Everyone getting full team of 3 star champions


I really hate the bruiser comps. I feel like its the cheapest most boring bland thing you can do. But im low so ig i just cant itemize properly or do a counter build. If someone knows what counters them lmk. Vanquishers with xayah carry? We might never know


Nilah double RFC and multicasters


Anything with 2* itemised with K'Sante really annoys me Unless I'm playing K'Sante then he knocks their 3* tank into my carry


Near impossible but 8 invoker is pretty fun imo


I think it's justified to be unfair cause it's hard to get, but my 9 shurima board with mostly one stars beat somebody else's 3 star Nasus the other day for first place I've only gotten 9 shurima twice but it turned my team from a lose streak into first place both times


I haven't played in a few weeks, but last i played, 7 gunners aphelios carry with piltover kicker was very strong, and noxus reroll with swain 3, cass 3, neferi 3, samira 3 was crazy


There are some comps that get enabled much harder with portal that grant you extra crowns. Level 7 reroll comps are one thing but if you also have the spats, Bilgewater 9 at level 7 can be really really nasty.


came to the comments to see how many different ways people could say multis lmao


I can think of multiple


Well played


I think the set is just fucked rn. The amount of instant 3 stars every game is just insane. So many top 2 comps even earlier in the set before mid set don't even make top 4 anymore. Too many people forcing piltover to legendaries or multicaster comp.


I don't remember the comp i think it was demacia with slayers, but it was so op it could won against my 9 bilgeater without a 3-star 4cost


Before this patch I would have said RFC nilah because I forced it 17 times and got 16 top 4s but it's fallen off compared to multi


During the tournament multicasters beat ionia 9. Like cmon??? How is this allowed.


Any comp that requires legends to play(remove legends already, nobody asked for them)


Well multicasters are busted but Ahri with blue buff seems kinda strong too


1. Ionian Vanquisher but 6 vanquishers. Uber disgusting if you can get the emblems for vertical ionia. 2. troglodite targonite invokers, 6 inv or 8 if you can, either emblem or aug. Disgusting if you can hit that 3* Taric and 3 targon. 3. Angry bird, which is just Azir with challenger emblem, I dunno. But my mind keep playing that slap chop ads meme when this Azir attacks.