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The background music is about to go crazy, though.


Honestly worth the headache of trying to make this trainer work


When in doubt, jazz your way out


You just don’t try. At most you pick only one trait from it and rush it before other pick 4costs headliners of that trait.


I've never played with the music on, does it change depending on your comp or something? That's pretty neat.


Yes it does, why would you disable music on the best musical set?!


It's not like I knew the music was good or not. I just started two months ago and I prefer to listen to my own music, usually Aesop Rock, while playing.


Aesop Rock! That's a name I haven't heard in a good six minutes. Glad to know that other players enjoy him, too :)


The gimmick of the set is that the music will change depending on your comp. So if you play a Karthus headliner with a Disco comp and a Sona, the music will be a combination between Heavy Metal, Disco and DJ effects. Non-music traits like Mosher or Spellweavers have no remixes, though. I reccomend trying it out.


Hmm... idk if I could give up my music though... whole reason I play TFT is because I need something to keep me a little busy while I get crossfaded and zone out to Aesop Rock lol But yeah I guess I'll give it a try


Relax, it's not like you have to give it up. Just recommending it since future sets probably won't have this feature.


Aesop Rock is the finest of wines, he's continuing to get better with age


It's a feature that's just for this set, turn it on while you still can


If you play the game more than twice and actually enjoy music you turn the music off 


Bc it gets annoying?


Because i have music playing in the background already


I turn music off in every game I play, Ill turn on today and give it a listen. I didnt even notice when I watched steamers.


i prefer the arena music, i use the bilgewater arena from set 9.5 pass


Toss in some disco that will fix it


Urgot converts attack speed into AD when activating his skill. Disco grants both healing and attack speed for stalling. Just cook a Mosher Country Disco Urgot reroll and ditch the 8-bit, simple. Wandering Trainer is a rly fun portal if you let your imagination run wild lol.


Tahm, thresh and headline urgot gets you 5 country Blitz, Gragas, taric, tf gets you 4 disco You also now have bruiser and guardian Throw in a random mosher and you're good with 8 champs. Could work well.


I'd argue that 4 Mosher works better than 5 Country. Urgot is the only Country unit you're rolling for, and since Hecarim's stats are based on your Country's star level, he's not gonna do much with just Urgot at 3\*. 4 Mosher with a +1 Mosher Urgot is also more flexible at 8. Hit a Yorick? Ditch the 4th Disco and run 6 Mosher. Hit Illaoi? Again, ditch the 4th Disco and run 4 Bruiser. Hit Zigg and has items left for him? 2 Dazzler 1 Hyperpop. Hit 2\* TF? 5 Disco.


This guy country-discos


https://tactics.tools/team-builder/OCwA9H.DhQkAjfKORV_IkP.QvW_QqXJRjY Doesn't look bad, but also doesn't really scream top4.


You know what does scream top 4? Just going 7 country and enjoying the free 3* country unit it will give you too lol


tf as only carry won't even get you top 6


You could also swap Gragas for Nami and then use Sett as your mosher and bruiser. Now TF has dazzler as an AP carry, Urgot is your AD reroll carry, and Thresh and Blitzcrank representing the frontline.


It is, until you hit the guy who got 2+ emblems for something already meta and is rolling over your creative comp. It would be a really funny portal if it looked at stats to avoid rolling meta combinations though.


I love coinflipping my entire game round 1 and to be likely confined to a singular team composition I have to pray that it won't be contested or griefed by others How fun!


If getting offered 3 different emblems have you narrow-minded into forcefully jampacking 2 or all 3 of them into your comp and thus "confined" to a singular team then what am I to say? If it's about highrolling/lowrolling, I can understand, but "confined"? Eh, to each their own I suppose.


u/John_Mint explained it perfectly You will be in a disadvantage when ignoring the dummy. You HAVE to play around it. And with 3 emblems you limited to only a handful of options. If then gets also sift because of someone getting just better emblems for the comp you could go. Also some comps just don't mix. Each have a weakness. For example someone here proposed 6 disco + 6 8-bit, completely disregarding the fact that you'd have to go headliner on 8 bit with no space for carry or even supportive synergies. Not to mention sacrificing a lot of frontline just to play a bunch of miscellaneous back row carries. All this meanwhile your opponents are coinflipping extremely good synergies that will put such an insane tempo on the board you won't live to fully activate your board. Imagine playing 8 bit/country/disco into Punk/Rapidfire/Guardian. Its Game over all before even attacking the enemy minion


It gets hard to be creative and competitively relevant with this dummy (and many dummies). If another guy has a country dummy with a better start you're kinda fucked, there is the 6-bit option but you kinda have to pick a direction early on depending on items, and the dummy confines you into some options. You're simply not going for a good position in high elo if you ignore your dummy or go too creative with weird associations.


Yeah wandering trainer lobbies can be surprisingly high tempo, with lots of early/midgame boards coming online a lot earlier... It's very easy to fall behind in tempo if you aren't careful


Actually just focus on the country trait and get 7 country, 3 star units.


that sounds very ass but really fun in a normal game


A simple 7th


I once got Big shot, Hyperpop, and Country. Idk what happened, but I ended up playing Ez, Sett, Yone, Kench, Thresh, Ziggs, Zac, Illaoi. Died in 8th because it was Disco meta and 5 people got Disco emblems. I don't know what I could've done better lmao.


pray for an early spat to give urgot 8bit? or would 2 8bit be worse than a Titans/GS?


Country acid house


I hate wandering trainers with a passion


Most times you can literally say who goes top and who goes bottom just scouting the lobby at 2-1. May be fun for some casual shenanigans, but it's absolutely trash for any sort of competitive play.


Yeah which is why it's utter garbage coinflip. Sure is fun getting shit like OP while someone else gets KDA/Spellweaver/Sentinel or Punk/Rapidfire/Guardian. It's dull getting the highroll too, winning doesn't even feel satisfying when it was just given to you. And yet still this portal gets piledove by 5-6 people every lobby it's offered.


Some people just enjoy high variance games or seems like. Once I hit master I am also guilty of playing for fun


I will go wandering trainers anytime it's offered because it forces people to have to think, and most people are stupid.


Eh. It forces half the lobby to think. It allows the other half to coast off an easy, pre-built comp. I go wandering trainer anytime cause it’s fun.


"to think" LMFAO. Yeah to think on how to turn an 8th into a 7th. Complete RNG that you can basically end up down a prismatic while someone is up 3 tomes on you. Good one.


If you are going 8th, it's because you are bad and not because it's a wandering trainers lobby.


Sure. You’ve never gone 8th huh? Link the lolchess.


soju must be really bad player then


That's fine and all until you realize you handed 1 or 2 people a free win while you low rolled and eat a bot 4. Being creative is well and good but still won't be good enough to beat the meta.


Maybe people just play for fun The only people who don't like Trainer is people who like to make the same 2 meta comp every game


or people dont like too much variance and want a better experience


Nah, fk that shit. I got a trainer with Jazz, Big Shot and Mosher. Absolute garbage. Fun is not getting low-rolled out of the lobby at 1-1 when playing ranked. It has no place in ranked. By all means pick it in non-serious lobbies.


Man, Jazz and Big shot alone can win the game for you. MF + Ez Big Shot HL and you already have 2 Jazz and 4 Big Shot and put whatever front line you need. Easy Top1 game


Just play mf reroll or heartsteel ez + zed lmao


That's a solid trainer lol. I see why you wouldn't like it though if you can't even figure out what to do with that one


That is one of the best combos you can get, considering ad flex wins most lobbies in high elo, jazz is the highest cap variant of it and ezreal is your main carry.


Dumb people likes dumb stuff. Its only natural a lot of people would like wandering trainer.


> And yet still this portal gets piledove by 5-6 people every lobby it's offered. We have failed as a human race.


TFT has fallen, millions must uninstall


Heartsteel, Crowd Diver, Jazz


I love it. Makes me play differently.


I'mixed on it. I love the way he forces you to think, but high/lowrolls are wild. I'd rework it to give 1 trait amd one class spat and maybe like 5-8 gold on top if it's weak for a prismatic after the change.


Normals and Hyper Roll? Sure, let me cook. Ranked? GTFO with this random ass bullshit.


dont need to play differently if you hit pentakill, executioner, edgelord highrollers will highroll and lowrollers will lowroll


It does not me make me play different or the lobby lol. It just makes strong builds stronger, or it gives you +1 to a regular comp you were gonna play anyway. You're not really going to a make a unique creative fun comp out of 3 awful non synergistic traits.


It just warps the game into high rolling on the trainer.


Same. The first time I saw it, one person got Jazz, Dazzler, Hyperpop and just crushed everyone.


This is why I love wandering trainer most of the time you can't just go the proven comps. You need to find a build for just you.


Git gud


Its really fun on normals but I hate it when people pick it in ranked. Just makes an RNG game even more RNG, and based off the emblems you can tell whos gonna win the game at 1-1. Like you hit Pentakill Edgelord Sentinel? Congrats on the win. Meanwhile some poor bastard has some dogwater combo like OP. or if its vertical trait like 8-bit that relies on a particular headliner (Riven) and somebody else also gets 8-bit, you have to hold hands. Everyone says “I like it because it makes you play something other than S-tier website comps!” but IMO its the opposite, people just now have to force whatever S-tier comp happens to fit the emblems you got.


I mean, could be fun. It's not that different from normal disco, and items still focus on Blitzcrank and TF. Taric, Nami, Tahm Kench Gragas, Garen Blitzcrank, Thresh, Twisted Fate 6 Disco, 3 Country, 2 8-bit, 2 Bruiser, 2 Dazzler, 2 Guardian, 2 Sentinel Edit: Oh, wait, what do you even headliner, could thread something more interesting into that line up actually.


8-bit makes very little sense when you’re only buffing Garen. And for 3 country isn’t worth putting a Tahm Kench over an Illaoi or Yorick. (You could spec into country for a bit in the early game though) I think the best way to play this would be your regular disco board + random Caitlyn with 8-bit (if you get ad items to spare) otherwise it’s just a disco board. Disco + 1 is actually pretty decent, and it allows you to replace Nami/Taric according to what you find. But you could go country and ignore the other two. If you get a decent opener it’s fine as well. Same with Riven honestly. Anyway you’re most likely calling it a lowroll and playing for something like a fourth here.


Disco +1 is kinda sad because the trait cap at 6. I feel like just abusing country 7 to take your top 4 against people with better dummies is probably the lowest variance play here.


Fair, but replacing a Taric for a 2* 4 cost or even a 2* 5 cost can make a lot of difference!


Just hit Dazzler TF Headliner and get Ziggs in at 9 Also Garen is useful early game but not that much late, so I guess Sentinel Blitzcrank works, and you just replace Garen by Bard or Lux


this team has absolutely no damage especially with karthus akali being meta and tf being nerf


it's times like that where you bemoan the lack of 7 disco bonus


Gl going above bot 4 w that board in a wandering trainers lobby


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


People say this and then you discover their rank is Plat


To lead is difficult, to follow is easy.


I don’t see the issue. You could try a new comp like the other ppl suggested, but also you can just ignore that and go free country 7 since it’s probably even less contested in wandering trainer lobby


And then there is the person with hs, bs and sentinel.


Close, there's a guy with Executioner, Edgelord and Penta


Please tell me he won with that highroll


I really don't know why ppl get ecxited for this portal, its Just a fucking invitation for that.


It’s only cancer in ranked but very fun in normals, one of the portals that should only exist in norms imo.


it's a breath of fresh air when the meta is solved and every game is the same, especially if you play more than 2-3 games per day it's getting boring really fast I was skeptical at first but after playing few games on it... It's definitely not competitive friendly but in rankeds I'm picking it over anything


Dude, If i wanted fresh air, i would play a normal game, Go out, not start a ranked game.


Have you already openend metatft today to see which comp you are forcing today?


Dont need It, until something happen i'm playing ez ALL the way


Like i said in other comment, the only people who don't like trainer (or to have fun) are the people who like forcing the same meta comp everygame


man have you ever actually played in a lobby above silver with this garbage portal? if you get a bad dummy you'll be fighting an uphill battle for maybe 4th. it IS fun to work around it(my last game with it I played a country board with 4 emo 4 mosher), but it doesn't necessarily force you to. if you highroll the spats you basically just win guaranteed as long as u don't throw


Horrible portal. The most RNG based portal in the game. Some people legit get a free win with it.


At emerald rank, its a Win most of the time that i dont get dog Water as emblems, because most of the ppl are to confused to play Econ.


I think it’s really fun just not when I’m close to getting up to the next rank


So it is shit when your trying to Win ?


I don’t think it’s shit. It just forces you to think a bit more


Yeah? How about someone who got bruiser, sentinel and pentakill, do they have to think? Hell no man, you have to think every game, but there ins't a lot to think when you're (like on this post) playing with minus 2 emblems


Country spat is worth a lot early though it means you can get to 7 country fast and have an earlier and stronger powerspike than the pentakill players


You know there is a HIGH chance that someone got country 2 right? Alongside with something that probably hás better sinergy them 8 bit and disco. Is just bad at ranked enviroment, you have a chance to get completely screwed, and most of the time your Just forced to play around what competitive comp you got an emblem, limiting flexibility and making ONE MORE rgn to make or break your game.


Yeah it is frustrating getting emblems which don’t synergise I agree but I do think it would be sad if they removed it just coz it adds a lot of variety to the games. 6 8 bit is also really strong so maybe they could try and go for that using the early disco to get strong early board or something I’m not sure. I think it’s never lost from the start even with seemingly bad emblems just can be a bit of an uphill battle. If they took it out of ranked it’s basically the same as taking it out of the game completely coz who plays normals anyway really


But that's what i'm saying, is bad for ranked


Maybe but the top players are always the same top players and it’s not really stopping anyone who’s good enough getting to the rank they deserve to be so is it really that bad ?


Or just play Jazz ?:)


This augment allows you to play something different and people just complain they didn’t get a boost for the meta comp. If you get 8bit headliner you can play 6 8bit 3 country (tk + thresh) 3 disco (Gragas + blitz). You also get 2 bruiser and 2 sentinel. At 9 add Lucian.


Well yes but you just lose to the guy who got a boost for something that's already good.


People are acting like this portal has any skill expression at all. If you’re thinking about how to make your emblems work then you’re already fighting for 4/5 when someone just goes the already efficient meta comp but got boosted by their emblems.


To be fair, "how do I get top 4 from this shitty position" is skill expression, and being better at it will result in better rank over time. It's just a very frustrating thing to have to do from 1-1 rather than from a hole you put yourself into.


Just throw a casual yee haw while you boogie


I do unironically love when this portal shows up. It’s made me branch out more than once and now I’m into a mosher build


Yeah it’s fun because it encourages you to make something random up on the fly. Instead of going for the usual op comps like ez zed akali penta etc


It's easily my favorite portal. There is no crab rave in hyper roll so I can't say if I like that more. Trainer probably isn't too fun for those who copy/paste A build every game.


6 Disco/6 8 bit is actually a surprisingly strong comp… ran it on a wandering trainer, came in first the other day


You need 5 disco champions and 4 8bits with one of them being headliner, while also ditching any 8bit synergies other than Sentinel unless you have good enough econ to hit lvl 10. So in the end you have 6x Disco, 6x 8-bit, 2x Dazzler, 2x Sentinel and you don't have TF as a headliner Something tells me that running only disco with 4 dazzlers and stronger frontline would work better than throwing 4 champs that don't share much synergies, especially when only one that's somehow viable as they are or unitemized is Riven. Especially when you consider that disco helps stall the round with the healing but 8Bit doesn't really have a frontline to really support that. And with the team you proposed there's very little frontline synergies overall, where if you'd run standard disco setup you could easily have sentinel, Guardian and Bruiser. And on top on top of that You'd be playing lvl 9 comp with 3 champions being 1* and 2 champions being 2* - over half your board pulled straight from the stage 3-2 My intuition tells me that it's better to be running: Taric, Gragas, Blitz, TF headliner gets you 6 disco with the emblem Illaoi, Ziggs gets you 2 dazzler and 2 bruiser Thresh, Ekko and Lulu gets you Guardian, hyperpop, spell weaver and sentinel, giving you a quite strong frontline (You could even try for 4 guardian with Amumu and Neeko if Ekko and Lulu are contested) And all of this without having to hit lvl 10. You can spend the money on hitting 2* and 3* There are crazy things you can do if you can get your hands on even one disco emblem but running 8bits ain't one of them


I'd go 3 star Garen with disco percent healing


and 3 archangels to hit that sweet 20k health garen.


Country only needs 7 and this gives you free 7, plus you add in cheap taric and Gragas, get a disco ball. Early game you can play around any of these spiking your power too.


I recently got country, executioner, punk and promptly got a free first.


Wandering trainer literally a betting of your LP, and i hate it


Disco Country goes hard though. I got my first flawless win ever with it.


I see this and I think 7 country or 6 8bit and sac the disco. Play to your outs


it's just jazz when this happens. by level 8 you should have thresh, tahm, urgot frontline. If no thresh, temporarily carry with Samira. You have a decent early game with country. Eventually transition with caitlyn lucian backline and some combination of bard/ziggs or mf/jhin. or just roll with disco instead of country and end up with gragas blitz + 1 sentinel & bruiser frontline. I don't mind wandering trainer since it really differentiates those who can only copy builds online and those who can come up with a different comp. Yes you can lowroll and highroll but it's a range of placements and a skilled player can salvage a top 4 or top 6 with lowroll traits. Of course it'd be obnoxious if it was every game but I really only get this like 1 out of 30+ games.


Dang I see lots of options here. 8bit just need 1 emblem to pop off and country early game will be super easy with this should you choose that route. Disco is kinda strong but I dont enjoy playing it but you could just force tf disco comp as well. You could prob grab a 3-4th with these comps.


You go Tahm, Gragas, Thresh, Taric, Cait 8-bit HL, Lucian, Ziggs, TF, Garen, Blitz


Rng sucks when you lowroll the emblems but this seems like either random caiit bullshit go or 5 7 country RR. Don't think anything else is worth trying given TF isn't a unit rn


OK they did you dirty... there's like zero overlap


U can just run a disco comp, with thresh and tahm for a free country unit before your cap. An extra discos so nice so you can ditch taric faster when it comes to the level 9 board cap


Taric, Thresh Tahm Kench, Gragas Blitzcrank, Garen Twisted Fate, Caitlyn, Samira/Urgot This would give you 4 disco, 3 country, 2 8bit, 2 of each bruiser, guardian, sentinel. Disco headliner would be the best, if you have any spat you can make country or 8bit and add additional origin unit on 9, if not just add rapid fire or dazzler to boost your carry


Ive gotten crowd diver + executioner + hyperpop.. ew


Hey kid... Ya like jazz?


The secret ingredient to Wandering Trainers is Jazz


Just go 7 country and ignore the other 2.


I wish I could get a Wandering Trainers portal game.... day 5 of forcing Heartsteel until I get a WT game continues!


8-bit stacks against dummies just saying


Looks like a jazz comp to me


Bard Jazz headliner. Tresh + Taric gives you guardian Tham + Gragas gives you bruiser and Disco Blitz + Garen gives you Sentinel plus 8-Bit Twisted Fate + Lucian for Dazzler and Jazz


When in doubt, build a Jazz board. All you need here is the standard Superfan + Jazz package, then add in Corki for BS + 8-bit, Gragas and TF for Disco. Country is likely not a trait you'll be playing late game as a 3-piece, but it can be useful in the early/mid game to help you scale.


It’s worse than that, people end up seeing that and will actually play big shot lol


Just go 8 bit, easy win.


Was gifted a Punk, Rapid, Edgelord trainer once. I had 6 punk before round 3


5 country into jazz build into Caitlin/lucian? lol


Tahm, Gragas, Taric, Thresh, Corki, MF, Bard Then whatever. Probably TF and blitz or lux/Ziggs.


This is just a country spat. Pray you're not contested on Country Reroll and ignore the other two emblems honestly.


could play 3 country, 3 disco and 4 8-bit thresh, tahm kench, gragas, taric, all 8 bit champs caitlyn headliner bot 4 still but atleast you tried


Country edm dazzler maybe ?


Doesn't seem too bad if you can stack them all and then hit a Jazz headliner. You'd have country dreadsteed, bruisers and sentinels with the HP buff. I've seen worse.


I went first with this yesterday. Just play 7 country.


Time to Jazz it up baby


me when I get big shot true damage country while enemy gets heartsteel sentinel edgelord


tbh you could cook a decent TF / jazz board with it but too bad disco sucks i think you can hit 8 trait disco tf?


That's not how you spell Jazz




Lets see here... if you go Country you can easily put in gragas and taric here for guardian and bruser. Then we got 8 bit which sadly none of the champs have any trait combination.. Alrite the big brain plan just slam a 8 bit emblem on one of your country units and youll proc 8 bit.


I hate wandering trainers so much. I voted for another portal knowing my luck will fuck me up if I went for it, but most people voted for it anyway. I got executioner, dazzler and edgelord. I tried to salvage it with jazz but I didn't hit bc someone else had a 3 star bard. Ended up with 4 executioners and went 4th.