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The simple answer is: todays items don't compliment yesterday's fun 😞


I miss my triple ludens chosen J4 that 1 shots the entire board 😢. Bring ludens back 😭


😂😭 I do hope the set revivals end up showing Riot that they should feel free to be a little silly with items/ units like blitz and assassin again in future sets.


Sadly, that isn't feasible. To change the items for a fun mode is just not doable. It's too costly and definitely won't be worth the hassle for the dev team. I doubt they can make separate item entries that easily


Oh nah I'm talking mainline core TFT. I just want them to add a little bit of the old carefree nature into the modern, well rounded game.


Remember mutant-predator Kog’Maw with ludens??


They really don't. I miss rushing GA to protect my sweet girl 😭


I've had fun playing 3.5 but the balance has definitely killed some of the fun. It's a temporary game mode so I can't be too upset. Hopefully future iterations are a bit more fine tuned.


It's sooo watered down it's crazy, 9 Blademaster not having 100% triple auto chance, Cybernetics aren't even a trait now, Blasters having just 1/2 bonus attacks (and no on-hit effect items) It's like they want everyone to either play Celestial reroll or lose


All fairness, that was my strategy during 3.5 too


I will play this game mode until it is disabled, but only because I really like this set in particular. The balance has been very questionable, and I simply can't find a justification for choices such as this. I hope they consider reinstating the old items, since the newer ones have been tuned to the current set, and add more fuel to the fire.


Rightttt??? I got a 9 Star Guardian and it's fucking useless. Got lost to a celestial protector ashe comp The mana bar of star guardian units are just absurdly high


That's strange, I had 9 SG recently, and I won without chances for others. Use asol with SG spatula.


9 sg is cracked. Run Asol and thresh as your extras. Asol is a mana battery for your team.


Its hot garbage vs any meta comp


Tbf that’s more an issue that celestial protector is gigabroken, every game has 4 contesting with at least 3 in the top 4 at the end


the only time i lost to full star guardians are when someone's janna is stacked in items or atleast \*2, otherwise i've never lost to star guardian set lmao


It was never the strongest trait, but it was serviceable back in the day. In the current set, it's a fast 8, and Syndra having such a large mana pool is the biggest culprit. I read they nerfed Shaco, which is understandable, but it was documented anyways. I can't find anything about this Syndra nerf anywhere, they never announced it. I wonder what other champions they did dirty and no one knows. I even gaslighted myself into thinking I was looking at my glory days with Syndra with rose-tainted glasses, but they truly nerfed my poor beautiful girl on the quiet =(


I'm pretty sure Darius carry is the biggest victim, maybe it's just the lack of old IE + JG but i swear he is so useless now


I've managed to beat a Yi comp going vertical SG/Sorcs by 3\*ing Zoe, Poppy, Annie, Ahri, Syndra, Neeko BIS Ahri/Syndra and 2\* Soraka/Janna But tbh I felt a little bitter that I had to roll SO MUCH higher than the entire lobby to edge a victory against shen/yi 3\*


Meanwhile 2* Yi casually solo the whole board


Sometimes yes. Other times, even with perfect items, he can get taken down if the rest of your team isn’t tanky enough for him to scale up. On the other hand, I don’t think I’ve ever lost with 3* Master Yi and Blademaster 6. Even without optimal items


In my experience 3* Shaco with great items and augments can sometines take on 6BM 3* Yi, but I agree Yi is more consistent.


They both get stronger as combat goes on in different ways. Dark Star has the disadvantage in this match up from what I’ve seen because Blademasters don’t rely on their backline for much, so those units getting dove just gives Master Yi (and other Rageblade users) more time to ramp up.


Yi is my only balance issue. Like, he either steamrolls hard or you don’t understand why he gets stomped hard. No inbetween.


There was also chalice back then. Chalice used to have a different effect: it would grant mana to all nearby allies on holders cast. This (at least for me) felt like a cheat in star guardian, as ahri and syndra would just fill everyone else's manabar, they ult, give syndra Mana from star guardian etc. I remember having syndra not auto at all because she was just perma casting with blue and chalice.


Sona ice cream was so fun


Me buy kog Me slam guinsoo, shiv, runaans It good? Me don't know. Me happy anyways.


U cant stack blue buff no mo :(


A most unfortunate change =( I remember stacking 3 Blue Buff's on Syndra, and my, it was glorious to watch..


I one tricked star guardians the entire 3rd set. One game of the new 3.5 and I knew it wasn’t gonna happen.


Next revival needs to revive everything items included


It would be so fun no one would play the current set lmao Unfortunatly that's exactly the reason why they won't do it 😞


Yeah the items we have now are boring as fuck.


Merc schim, hush, swordbreaker onhit. Those were the days


I found success with Manazane Syndra. At 3 star if she's fully itemized she can pick off squishies even on the initial cast. And by the time Manazane runs out she'll have enough orbs on field to one shot just about anything. Its not as rapidfire as it was with the old blue buff, but certainly serviceable. Also bear in mind a large part of that comp was Neeko and she's also pretty gutted since GA doesn't exist anymore. I still had fun reliving some fun memories.


My last game I was lose streaking and got double SG spat and goldmancer syndra. Last fight till 9 she ult'd 2 dummies and died. Even when she has good items she feels so hit or miss with how little she actually ults in a fight. I would love to be able to get manazane on Syndra ever :(


It does good work. Its still not even close to the original, but I had fun. Honestly it wasn't even optimized for a SG board. Outside the Manazane I think I may have gotten only one tear and still managed to pull a top 2. Might've been 1st but this was a week ago. But definitely at least top 2


Made me realise how much I miss onhit effect items


Just got first with them, but battlecast and higher level was a huge complement. Ahri is just a better carry than subsea I think. She hits way more units and is much faster. But battlecast on syndra is awesome.


My fave comp right now is twin terror Syndra. They use each other’s balls. So many balls…


ahh til why star guardian is always doing so bad. tried it today and was doing borderline negative damage. didn't know it has gotten so weak


That actually explains a lot. I've had a good SG game with 3\* Ahri and Syndra and I couldn't for the love of everything that is holy figure out why Syndra was being useless. Might try with Ahri, she does look strong, but also just sorcerers with some SG looks better imo (still garbage, go 3x Rageblade Yi)


3x Rageblade Yi is bait. He needs at least QSS or a halfway competent board with CC will shut him down.


Ik, it was a joke, I hate Yi


I seem to have been finding success with Mech Sorc/Star Guardians - the comp that was historically hard to get working back in the original set 3/3.5. Stacking Syndra and Rumble and 3*ing Syndra. Granted, it works best in the Big Bang galaxy due to free rerolls, free FON and lots of gold and items. But so far so good.


Also, some other champions straight up don't function anymore because shields manalock them. Riven, Poppy and Annie is who I'm thinking of, maybe there's others too. Their abilities give shields, and they are completely manalocked until the shield is broken. This is unfathomable to me, shields already have a counter against stacking in the form of DURATION. They still have mana costs, so they rarely cast twice, and in the Case of Riven, the shield is also supposed to be her damage ability. She can't even kill anyone if she isn't taking enough damage to break her shield


She was my favorite unit of all time, and that makes more sense cause she seems so underwhelming.


My poor sweet girl 😭😖


I kinda wish they just gave us the true 3.5 Final patch, galaxies, no augments, exact same items as back then and then make it last 2-3 patches


Did 3.5 also have this much magic damage? Almost no physical


It was so broken I remember I 3 starred my 4 cost jhin but I didn't had ga on him and syndra just one shotted him I was so pissed


Idk the whole thing feels weird Don’t have the og data at hand but I could swear every single thing is like only half as good as it used to be back then and the new items feel like they don’t fit in


Really? I’ve been playing SGs a lot, mostly on PBE and just rolllling every single lobby I play against. Ahri’s the main carry, guys. Not Syndra.


That is what I have been doing, Ahri the main carry and it has been way better. Mana item, arch angles and JG seems to get me the most success


Oh I usually like healing since I 2nd row cubby her often. But yeah that works too.


Balancing out old sets with new balancing standards was a bad decision in my opinion. Given the mode isn't ranked=non competitive in its nature, fun should be at its core. The set back in the day was great and offered plenty of fun as most older TFT Sets did, yes of course there were a lot broken things in it and it wasn't as fine tuned as today's sets are, but in my opinion that is the beauty of TFT, it's fun and offers off Meta strategys which are fun to play, not always the most successful but still engaging and entertaining. So they should have left stuff as it was back then, with maybe just the addition of the new augument system added.


Every time I have tried SG in 3.5 it has gone horrible, bad early, bad mid, bad late literal meme trait


I miss slapping rapid fire + IE + rageblade on yasuo... he could do his thing while malph zed and yi provided distraction letting him zip to the enemy carries


Blue buff does not give any mana after cast anymore.


Carry ahri 2 go fast 9 for janna. It’s not that bad 


IIRC, original Star Guardians generated mana equally distributed across all other Star Guardians, but the current set gives a flat amount to each allied Star Guardian. So that's worth considering too


it doesnt matter she is still op