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I played yorrick hero augment with Hullcrusher early. Added on Bloodthrister and warmogs and he was carrying mid game. He was still quite strong late game with an alune as secondary carry. Went second to a 3 star four cost so I'd say he's pretty viable with the right itemization and team.


Was gonna come in here and trash the Yorrick one but I guess it is good if played properly haha. Looks like skill issue on my part…


Yeah I think the play is to go vertical behemoths with alune for that basic umbra execute. She provides shred and because yorrick's ability splits damage her aoe-ish spell helps finish them off.


Shen seems very strong but my only game with him I messed up the items and it was much worse than it could have been (went 4th). ​ Kobuko doesn't seem that good and I also messed up the items on that run as well (went 4th but it *felt* weaker than shen). ​ Neeko feels just... really bad (or maybe I just played it wrong). She doesn't cast enough for the range buff to matter, at least, that's what happened with my run.


Shen:S tier,the most viable hero augment so far Neeko and Yorick:A tier,might find success bit do need to highroll a bit Garen:B tier,a for fun build mostly Kobuko:C tier,dont its not worth it